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Zhang, Jingqiu, Raman, Gurupraanesh, Raman, Gururaghav, Peng, Jimmy Chih-Hsien, Xiao, Weidong.  2021.  A Resilient Scheme for Mitigating False Data Injection Attacks in Distributed DC Microgrids. 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). :1440–1446.
Although DC microgrids using a distributed cooperative control architecture can avoid the instability or shutdown issues caused by a single-point failure as compared to the centralized approach, limited global information in the former makes it difficult to detect cyber attacks. Here, we present a false data injection attack (FDIA)–-termed as a local control input attack–-targeting voltage observers in the secondary controllers and control loops in the primary controllers. Such an attack cannot be detected by only observing the performance of the estimated voltage of each agent, thereby posing a potential threat to the system operation. To address this, a detection method using the outputs of the voltage observers is developed to identify the exact location of an FDIA. The proposed approach is based on the characteristics of the distributed cooperative network and avoids heavy dependency on the system model parameters. Next, an event-driven mitigation approach is deployed to substitute the attacked element with a reconstructed signal upon the detection of an attack. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed resilient scheme is validated using simulation results.
Beg, Omar Ali, Yadav, Ajay P., Johnson, Taylor T., Davoudi, Ali.  2020.  Formal Online Resiliency Monitoring in Microgrids. 2020 Resilience Week (RWS). :99–105.
This work adopts an online resiliency monitoring framework employing metric temporal logic (MTL) under cyber-physical anomalies, namely false-data injection attacks, denial-of-service attacks, and physical faults. Such anomalies adversely affect the frequency synchronization, load sharing, and voltage regulation in microgrids. MTL formalism is adopted to monitor the outputs of inverters/converters against operational bounds, detect and quantify cyber-physical anomalies, monitor the microgrid's resiliency during runtime, and compare mitigation strategies. Since the proposed framework does not require system knowledge, it can be deployed on a complex microgrid. This is verified using an IEEE 34-bus feeder system and a DC microgrid cluster in a controller/hardware-in-the-loop environment.
Yang, S., Liu, S., Huang, J., Su, H., Wang, H..  2020.  Control Conflict Suppressing and Stability Improving for an MMC Distributed Control System. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics. 35:13735–13747.
Compared with traditional centralized control strategies, the distributed control systems significantly improve the flexibility and expandability of an modular multilevel converter (MMC). However, the stability issue in the MMC distributed control system with the presence of control loop coupling interactions is rarely discussed in existing research works. This article is to improve the stability of an MMC distributed control system by inhibiting the control conflict due to the coupling interactions among control loops with incomplete control information. By modeling the MMC distributed control system, the control loop coupling interactions are analyzed and the essential cause of control conflict is revealed. Accordingly, a control parameter design principle is proposed to effectively suppress the disturbances from the targeted control conflict and improve the MMC system stability. The rationality of the theoretical analysis and the effectiveness of the control parameter design principle are confirmed by simulation and experimental results.
Dubey, R., Louis, S. J., Sengupta, S..  2020.  Evolving Dynamically Reconfiguring UAV-hosted Mesh Networks. 2020 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). :1–8.
We use potential fields tuned by genetic algorithms to dynamically reconFigure unmanned aerial vehicles networks to serve user bandwidth needs. Such flying network base stations have applications in the many domains needing quick temporary networked communications capabilities such as search and rescue in remote areas and security and defense in overwatch and scouting. Starting with an initial deployment that covers an area and discovers how users are distributed across this area of interest, tuned potential fields specify subsequent movement. A genetic algorithm tunes potential field parameters to reposition UAVs to create and maintain a mesh network that maximizes user bandwidth coverage and network lifetime. Results show that our evolutionary adaptive network deployment algorithm outperforms the current state of the art by better repositioning the unmanned aerial vehicles to provide longer coverage lifetimes while serving bandwidth requirements. The parameters found by the genetic algorithm on four training scenarios with different user distributions lead to better performance than achieved by the state of the art. Furthermore, these parameters also lead to superior performance in three never before seen scenarios indicating that our algorithm finds parameter values that generalize to new scenarios with different user distributions.
Zhang, T.-Y., Ye, D..  2020.  Distributed Secure Control Against Denial-of-Service Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems Based on K-Connected Communication Topology. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 50:3094–3103.
In this article, the security problem in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) against denial-of-service (DoS) attacks is studied from the perspectives of the designs of communication topology and distributed controller. To resist the DoS attacks, a new construction algorithm of the k-connected communication topology is developed based on the proposed necessary and sufficient criteria of the k-connected graph. Furthermore, combined with the k-connected topology, a distributed event-triggered controller is designed to guarantee the consensus of CPSs under mode-switching DoS (MSDoS) attacks. Different from the existing distributed control schemes, a new technology, that is, the extended Laplacian matrix method, is combined to design the distributed controller independent on the knowledge and the dwell time of DoS attack modes. Finally, the simulation example illustrates the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed construction algorithm and a distributed control scheme.
Cheng, Z., Chow, M.-Y..  2020.  An Augmented Bayesian Reputation Metric for Trustworthiness Evaluation in Consensus-based Distributed Microgrid Energy Management Systems with Energy Storage. 2020 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES). 1:215–220.
Consensus-based distributed microgrid energy management system is one of the most used distributed control strategies in the microgrid area. To improve its cybersecurity, the system needs to evaluate the trustworthiness of the participating agents in addition to the conventional cryptography efforts. This paper proposes a novel augmented reputation metric to evaluate the agents' trustworthiness in a distributed fashion. The proposed metric adopts a novel augmentation method to substantially improve the trust evaluation and attack detection performance under three typical difficult-to-detect attack patterns. The proposed metric is implemented and validated on a real-time HIL microgrid testbed.
Januário, F., Cardoso, A., Gil, P..  2019.  A Multi-Agent Middleware for Resilience Enhancement in Heterogeneous Control Systems. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT). :988–993.
Modern computing networks that enable distributed computing are comprised of a wide range of heterogeneous devices with different levels of resources, which are interconnected by different networking technologies and communication protocols. This integration, together with the state of the art technologies, has brought into play new uncertainties, associated with physical world and the cyber space. In heterogeneous networked control systems environments, awareness and resilience are two important properties that these systems should bear and comply with. In this work the problem of resilience enhancement in heterogeneous networked control systems is addressed based on a distributed middleware, which is propped up on a hierarchical multi-agent framework, where each of the constituent agents is devoted to a specific task. The proposed architecture takes into account physical and cyber vulnerabilities and ensures state and context awareness, and a minimum level of acceptable operational performance, in response to physical and cyber disturbances. Experiments on a IPv6-based test-bed proved the relevance and benefits offered by the proposed architecture.
Sharma, Sachin, Ghanshala, Kamal Kumar, Mohan, Seshadri.  2019.  Blockchain-Based Internet of Vehicles (IoV): An Efficient Secure Ad Hoc Vehicular Networking Architecture. 2019 IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum (5GWF). :452–457.
With the transformation of connected vehicles into the Internet of Vehicles (IoV), the time is now ripe for paving the way for the next generation of connected vehicles with novel applications and innovative security measures. The connected vehicles are experiencing prenominal growth in the auto industry, but are still studded with many security and privacy vulnerabilities. Today's IoV applications are part of cyber physical communication systems that collect useful information from thousands of smart sensors associated with the connected vehicles. The technology advancement has paved the way for connected vehicles to share significant information among drivers, auto manufacturers, auto insurance companies and operational and maintenance service providers for various applications. The critical issues in engineering the IoV applications are effective to use of the available spectrum and effective allocation of good channels an opportunistic manner to establish connectivity among vehicles, and the effective utilization of the infrastructure under various traffic conditions. Security and privacy in information sharing are the main concerns in a connected vehicle communication network. Blockchain technology facilitates secured communication among users in a connected vehicles network. Originally, blockchain technology was developed and employed with the cryptocurrency. Bitcoin, to provide increased trust, reliability, and security among users based on peer-to-peer networks for transaction sharing. In this paper, we propose to integrate blockchain technology into ad hoc vehicular networking so that the vehicles can share network resources with increased trust, reliability, and security using distributed access control system and can benefit a wider scope of scalable IoV applications scenarios for decision making. The proposed architecture is the faithful environment for information sharing among connected vehicles. Blockchain technology allows multiple copies of data storage at the distribution cloud. Distributed access control system is significantly more secure than a traditional centralized system. This paper also describes how important of ad hoc vehicular networking in human life, possibilities in real-world implementation and its future trends. The ad hoc vehicular networking may become one of the most trendy networking concepts in the future that has the perspective to bring out much ease human beneficial and secured applications.
Bidram, Ali, Damodaran, Lakshmisree, Fierro, Rafael.  2019.  Cybersecure Distributed Voltage Control of AC Microgrids. 2019 IEEE/IAS 55th Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Technical Conference (I CPS). :1—6.

In this paper, the cybersecurity of distributed secondary voltage control of AC microgrids is addressed. A resilient approach is proposed to mitigate the negative impacts of cyberthreats on the voltage and reactive power control of Distributed Energy Resources (DERs). The proposed secondary voltage control is inspired by the resilient flocking of a mobile robot team. This approach utilizes a virtual time-varying communication graph in which the quality of the communication links is virtualized and determined based on the synchronization behavior of DERs. The utilized control protocols on DERs ensure that the connectivity of the virtual communication graph is above a specific resilience threshold. Once the resilience threshold is satisfied the Weighted Mean Subsequence Reduced (WMSR) algorithm is applied to satisfy voltage restoration in the presence of malicious adversaries. A typical microgrid test system including 6 DERs is simulated to verify the validity of proposed resilient control approach.

Zegzhda, Dmitry, Lavrova, Daria, Khushkeev, Aleksei.  2019.  Detection of information security breaches in distributed control systems based on values prediction of multidimensional time series. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS). :780–784.
Proposed an approach for information security breaches detection in distributed control systems based on prediction of multidimensional time series formed of sensor and actuator data.
Kulik, T., Tran-Jørgensen, P. W. V., Boudjadar, J., Schultz, C..  2018.  A Framework for Threat-Driven Cyber Security Verification of IoT Systems. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). :89-97.

Industrial control systems are changing from monolithic to distributed and interconnected architectures, entering the era of industrial IoT. One fundamental issue is that security properties of such distributed control systems are typically only verified empirically, during development and after system deployment. We propose a novel modelling framework for the security verification of distributed industrial control systems, with the goal of moving towards early design stage formal verification. In our framework we model industrial IoT infrastructures, attack patterns, and mitigation strategies for countering attacks. We conduct model checking-based formal analysis of system security through scenario execution, where the analysed system is exposed to attacks and implement mitigation strategies. We study the applicability of our framework for large systems using a scalability analysis.

Ding, P., Wang, Y., Yan, G., Li, W..  2017.  DoS Attacks in Electrical Cyber-Physical Systems: A Case Study Using TrueTime Simulation Tool. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :6392–6396.

Recent years, the issue of cyber security has become ever more prevalent in the analysis and design of electrical cyber-physical systems (ECPSs). In this paper, we present the TrueTime Network Library for modeling the framework of ECPSs and focuses on the vulnerability analysis of ECPSs under DoS attacks. Model predictive control algorithm is used to control the ECPS under disturbance or attacks. The performance of decentralized and distributed control strategies are compared on the simulation platform. It has been proved that DoS attacks happen at dada collecting sensors or control instructions actuators will influence the system differently.

Wang, Z., Hu, H., Zhang, C..  2017.  On achieving SDN controller diversity for improved network security using coloring algorithm. 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1270–1275.

The SDN (Software Defined Networking) paradigm rings flexibility to the network management and is an enabler to offer huge opportunities for network programmability. And, to solve the scalability issue raised by the centralized architecture of SDN, multi-controllers deployment (or distributed controllers system) is envisioned. In this paper, we focus on increasing the diversity of SDN control plane so as to enhance the network security. Our goal is to limit the ability of a malicious controller to compromise its neighboring controllers, and by extension, the rest of the controllers. We investigate a heterogeneous Susceptible-Infectious-Susceptible (SIS) epidemic model to evaluate the security performance and propose a coloring algorithm to increase the diversity based on community detection. And the simulation results demonstrate that our algorithm can reduce infection rate in control plane and our work shows that diversity must be introduced in network design for network security.

Shen, Y., Chen, W., Wang, J..  2017.  Distributed Self-Healing for Mobile Robot Networks with Multiple Robot Failures. 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :5939–5944.

In the multi-robot applications, the maintained and desired network may be destroyed by failed robots. The existing self-healing algorithms only handle with the case of single robot failure, however, multiple robot failures may cause several challenges, such as disconnected network and conflicts among repair paths. This paper presents a distributed self-healing algorithm based on 2-hop neighbor infomation to resolve the problems caused by multiple robot failures. Simulations and experiment show that the proposed algorithm manages to restore connectivity of the mobile robot network and improves the synchronization of the network globally, which validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in resolving multiple robot failures.

R. Leszczyna, M. Łosiński, R. Małkowski.  2015.  "Security information sharing for the polish power system". 2015 Modern Electric Power Systems (MEPS). :1-6.

The Polish Power System is becoming increasingly more dependent on Information and Communication Technologies which results in its exposure to cyberattacks, including the evolved and highly sophisticated threats such as Advanced Persistent Threats or Distributed Denial of Service attacks. The most exposed components are SCADA systems in substations and Distributed Control Systems in power plants. When addressing this situation the usual cyber security technologies are prerequisite, but not sufficient. With the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape the use of partnerships and information sharing has become critical. However due to several anonymity concerns the relevant stakeholders may become reluctant to exchange sensitive information about security incidents. In the paper a multi-agent architecture is presented for the Polish Power System which addresses the anonymity concerns.

M. Bere, H. Muyingi.  2015.  "Initial investigation of Industrial Control System (ICS) security using Artificial Immune System (AIS)". 2015 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications (ETNCC). :79-84.

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) which among others are comprised of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS) are used to control industrial processes. ICS have now been connected to other Information Technology (IT) systems and have as a result become vulnerable to Advanced Persistent Threats (APT). APTs are targeted attacks that use zero-day attacks to attack systems. Current ICS security mechanisms fail to deter APTs from infiltrating ICS. An analysis of possible solutions to deter APTs was done. This paper proposes the use of Artificial Immune Systems to secure ICS from APTs.

Bahman Gharesifard, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tamer Başar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2012.  Resilience in Consensus Dynamics via Competitive Interconnections. 3rd IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control Networked Systems.

We show that competitive engagements within the agents of a network can result in resilience in consensus dynamics with respect to the presence of an adversary. We first show that interconnections with an adversary, with linear dynamics, can make the consensus dynamics diverge, or drive its evolution to a state different from the average.We then introduce a second network, interconnected with the original network via an engagement topology. This network has no information about the adversary and each agent in it has only access to partial information about the state of the other network. We introduce a dynamics on the coupled network which corresponds to a saddle-point dynamics of a certain zero-sum game and is distributed over each network, as well as the engagement topology. We show that, by appropriately choosing a design parameter corresponding to the competition between these two networks, the coupled dynamics can be made resilient with respect to the presence of the adversary.Our technical approach combines notions of graph theory and stable perturbations of nonsymmetric matrices.We demonstrate our results on an example of kinematic-based flocking in presence of an adversary.

Bahman Gharesifard, Queen's University, Canada, Tamer Başar, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Alejandro D. Domínguez-García, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  2014.  Designing Pricing Strategies for Coordination of Networked Distributed Energy Resources. 19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC 2014).

We study the problem of aggregator’s mechanism design for controlling the amount of active, or reactive, power provided, or consumed, by a group of distributed energy resources (DERs). The aggregator interacts with the wholesale electricity market and through some market-clearing mechanism is incentivized to provide (or consume) a certain amount of active (or reactive) power over some period of time, for which it will be compensated. The objective is for the aggregator to design a pricing strategy for incentivizing DERs to modify their active (or reactive) power consumptions (or productions) so that they collectively provide the amount that the aggregator has agreed to provide. The aggregator and DERs’ strategic decision-making process can be cast as a Stackelberg game, in which aggregator acts as the leader and the DERs are the followers. In previous work [Gharesifard et al., 2013b,a], we have introduced a framework in which each DER uses the pricing information provided by the aggregator and some estimate of the average energy that neighboring DERs can provide to compute a Nash equilibrium solution in a distributed manner. Here, we focus on the interplay between the aggregator’s decision-making process and the DERs’ decision-making process. In particular, we propose a simple feedback-based privacy-preserving pricing control strategy that allows the aggregator to coordinate the DERs so that they collectively provide the amount of active (or reactive) power agreed upon, provided that there is enough capacity available among the DERs. We provide a formal analysis of the stability of the resulting closed-loop system. We also discuss the shortcomings of the proposed pricing strategy, and propose some avenues of future work. We illustrate the proposed strategy via numerical simulations.