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Ouyang, Chongjun, Xu, Hao, Zang, Xujie, Yang, Hongwen.  2022.  Some Discussions on PHY Security in DF Relay. MILCOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :393—397.
Physical layer (PHY) security in decode-and-forward (DF) relay systems is discussed. Based on the types of wiretap links, the secrecy performance of three typical secure DF relay models is analyzed. Different from conventional works in this field, rigorous derivations of the secrecy channel capacity are provided from an information-theoretic perspective. Meanwhile, closed-form expressions are derived to characterize the secrecy outage probability (SOP). For the sake of unveiling more system insights, asymptotic analyses are performed on the SOP for a sufficiently large signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The analytical results are validated by computer simulations and are in excellent agreement.
Nguyen, Lan K., Nguyen, Duy H. N., Tran, Nghi H., Bosler, Clayton, Brunnenmeyer, David.  2021.  SATCOM Jamming Resiliency under Non-Uniform Probability of Attacks. MILCOM 2021 - 2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :85—90.
This paper presents a new framework for SATCOM jamming resiliency in the presence of a smart adversary jammer that can prioritize specific channels to attack with a non-uniform probability of distribution. We first develop a model and a defense action strategy based on a Markov decision process (MDP). We propose a greedy algorithm for the MDP-based defense algorithm's policy to optimize the expected user's immediate and future discounted rewards. Next, we remove the assumption that the user has specific information about the attacker's pattern and model. We develop a Q-learning algorithm-a reinforcement learning (RL) approach-to optimize the user's policy. We show that the Q-learning method provides an attractive defense strategy solution without explicit knowledge of the jammer's strategy. Computer simulation results show that the MDP-based defense strategies are very efficient; they offer a significant data rate advantage over the simple random hopping approach. Also, the proposed Q-learning performance can achieve close to the MDP approach without explicit knowledge of the jammer's strategy or attacking model.
Yaegashi, Ryo, Hisano, Daisuke, Nakayama, Yu.  2021.  Queue Allocation-Based DDoS Mitigation at Edge Switch. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :1—6.

It has been a hot research topic to detect and mitigate Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks due to the significant increase of serious threat of such attacks. The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) has intensified this trend, e.g. the Mirai botnet and variants. To address this issue, a light-weight DDoS mitigation mechanism was presented. In the proposed scheme, flooding attacks are detected by stochastic queue allocation which can be executed with widespread and inexpensive commercial products at a network edge. However, the detection process is delayed when the number of incoming flows is large because of the randomness of queue allocation. Thus, in this paper we propose an efficient queue allocation algorithm for rapid DDoS mitigation using limited resources. The idea behind the proposed scheme is to avoid duplicate allocation by decreasing the randomness of the existing scheme. The performance of the proposed scheme was confirmed via theoretical analysis and computer simulation. As a result, it was confirmed that malicious flows are efficiently detected and discarded with the proposed algorithm.

Kumar, Sandeep A., Chand, Kunal, Paea, Lata I., Thakur, Imanuel, Vatikani, Maria.  2021.  Herding Predators Using Swarm Intelligence. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Science and Data Engineering (CSDE). :1—6.

Swarm intelligence, a nature-inspired concept that includes multiplicity, stochasticity, randomness, and messiness is emergent in most real-life problem-solving. The concept of swarming can be integrated with herding predators in an ecological system. This paper presents the development of stabilizing velocity-based controllers for a Lagrangian swarm of \$nın \textbackslashtextbackslashmathbbN\$ individuals, which are supposed to capture a moving target (intruder). The controllers are developed from a Lyapunov function, total potentials, designed via Lyapunov-based control scheme (LbCS) falling under the classical approach of artificial potential fields method. The interplay of the three central pillars of LbCS, which are safety, shortness, and smoothest course for motion planning, results in cost and time effectiveness and efficiency of velocity controllers. Computer simulations illustrate the effectiveness of control laws.

Mingyang, Qiu, Qingwei, Meng, Yan, Fu, Xikang, Wang.  2021.  Analysis of Zero-Day Virus Suppression Strategy based on Moving Target Defense. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC). :1—4.
In order to suppress the spread of zero-day virus in the network effectively, a zero-day virus suppression strategy was proposed. Based on the mechanism of zero-day virus transmission and the idea of platform dynamic defense, the corresponding methods of virus transmission suppression are put forward. By changing the platform switching frequency, the scale of zero-day virus transmission and its inhibition effect are simulated in a small-world network model. Theory and computer simulation results show that the idea of platform switching can effectively restrain the spread of virus.
Elumar, Eray Can, Sood, Mansi, Ya\u gan, Osman.  2021.  On the Connectivity and Giant Component Size of Random K-out Graphs Under Randomly Deleted Nodes. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :2572–2577.
Random K-out graphs, denoted \$$\backslash$mathbbH(n;K)\$, are generated by each of the \$n\$ nodes drawing \$K\$ out-edges towards \$K\$ distinct nodes selected uniformly at random, and then ignoring the orientation of the arcs. Recently, random K-out graphs have been used in applications as diverse as random (pairwise) key predistribution in ad-hoc networks, anonymous message routing in crypto-currency networks, and differentially-private federated averaging. In many applications, connectivity of the random K-out graph when some of its nodes are dishonest, have failed, or have been captured is of practical interest. We provide a comprehensive set of results on the connectivity and giant component size of \$$\backslash$mathbbH(n;K\_n,$\backslash$gamma\_n)\$, i.e., random K-out graph when \textsubscriptn of its nodes, selected uniformly at random, are deleted. First, we derive conditions for \textsubscriptn and \$n\$ that ensure, with high probability (whp), the connectivity of the remaining graph when the number of deleted nodes is \$$\backslash$gamma\_n=Ømega(n)\$ and \$$\backslash$gamma\_n=o(n)\$, respectively. Next, we derive conditions for \$$\backslash$mathbbH(n;K\_n, $\backslash$gamma\_n)\$ to have a giant component, i.e., a connected subgraph with \$Ømega(n)\$ nodes, whp. This is also done for different scalings of \textsubscriptn and upper bounds are provided for the number of nodes outside the giant component. Simulation results are presented to validate the usefulness of the results in the finite node regime.
Van Rompaey, Robbe, Moonen, Marc.  2021.  Distributed Adaptive Acoustic Contrast Control for Node-specific Sound Zoning in a Wireless Acoustic Sensor and Actuator Network. 2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO). :481–485.
This paper presents a distributed adaptive algorithm for node-specific sound zoning in a wireless acoustic sensor and actuator network (WASAN), based on a network-wide acoustic contrast control (ACC) method. The goal of the ACC method is to simultaneously create node-specific zones with high signal power (bright zones) while minimizing power leakage in other node-specific zones (dark zones). To obtain this, a network-wide objective involving the acoustic coupling between all the loudspeakers and microphones in the WASAN is proposed where the optimal solution is based on a centralized generalized eigenvalue decomposition (GEVD). To allow for distributed processing, a gradient based GEVD algorithm is first proposed that minimizes the same objective. This algorithm can then be modified to allow for a fully distributed implementation, involving in-network summations and simple local processing. The algorithm is referred to as the distributed adaptive gradient based ACC algorithm (DAGACC). The proposed algorithm outperforms the non-cooperative distributed solution after only a few iterations and converges to the centralized solution, as illustrated by computer simulations.
Marcinkevicius, Povilas, Bagci, Ibrahim Ethem, Abdelazim, Nema M., Woodhead, Christopher S., Young, Robert J., Roedig, Utz.  2019.  Optically Interrogated Unique Object with Simulation Attack Prevention. 2019 Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE). :198–203.
A Unique Object (UNO) is a physical object with unique characteristics that can be measured externally. The usually analogue measurement can be converted into a digital representation - a fingerprint - which uniquely identifies the object. For practical applications it is necessary that measurements can be performed without the need of specialist equipment or complex measurement setup. Furthermore, a UNO should be able to defeat simulation attacks; an attacker may replace the UNO with a device or system that produces the expected measurement. Recently a novel type of UNOs based on Quantum Dots (QDs) and exhibiting unique photo-luminescence properties has been proposed. The uniqueness of these UNOs is based on quantum effects that can be interrogated using a light source and a camera. The so called Quantum Confinement UNO (QCUNO) responds uniquely to different light excitation levels which is exploited for simulation attack protection, as opposed to focusing on features too small to reproduce and therefore difficult to measure. In this paper we describe methods for extraction of fingerprints from the QCUNO. We evaluate our proposed methods using 46 UNOs in a controlled setup. Focus of the evaluation are entropy, error resilience and the ability to detect simulation attacks.
Haque, Md Ariful, Shetty, Sachin, Krishnappa, Bheshaj.  2019.  ICS-CRAT: A Cyber Resilience Assessment Tool for Industrial Control Systems. 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :273—281.

In this work, we use a subjective approach to compute cyber resilience metrics for industrial control systems. We utilize the extended form of the R4 resilience framework and span the metrics over physical, technical, and organizational domains of resilience. We develop a qualitative cyber resilience assessment tool using the framework and a subjective questionnaire method. We make sure the questionnaires are realistic, balanced, and pertinent to ICS by involving subject matter experts into the process and following security guidelines and standards practices. We provide detail mathematical explanation of the resilience computation procedure. We discuss several usages of the qualitative tool by generating simulation results. We provide a system architecture of the simulation engine and the validation of the tool. We think the qualitative simulation tool would give useful insights for industrial control systems' overall resilience assessment and security analysis.

Voronkov, Oleg Yu..  2019.  Synergetic Synthesis of the Hierarchical Control System of the “Flying Platform”. 2019 III International Conference on Control in Technical Systems (CTS). :23—26.
The work is devoted to the synthesis of an aircraft control system using a synergetic control theory. The paper contains a general description of the apparatus and its control system, a synthesis of control laws, and a computer simulation. The relevance of the work consists in the need to create a vertically take-off aircraft of the “flying platform” type in order to increase the efficiency of rescue operations in disaster zones where helicopters and other modern means can't cope with the task. The scientific novelty of the work consists in the application of synergetic approaches to the development of a hierarchical system for balancing the vehicle spatial position and to the coordinating energy-saving control of electric motors that receive energy from a turbine generator.
Ma, Siyou, Feng, Gao, Yan, Yunqiang.  2019.  Study on Hybrid Collaborative Simulation Testing Method Towards CPS. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :51—56.

CPS is generally complex to study, analyze, and design, as an important means to ensure the correctness of design and implementation of CPS system, simulation test is difficult to fully test, verify and evaluate the components or subsystems in the CPS system due to the inconsistent development progress of the com-ponents or subsystems in the CPS system. To address this prob-lem, we designed a hybrid P2P based collaborative simulation test framework composed of full physical nodes, hardware in the loop(HIL) nodes and full digital nodes to simulate the compo-nents or subsystems in the CPS system of different development progress, based on the framework, we then proposed collabora-tive simulation control strategy comprising sliding window based clock synchronization, dynamic adaptive time advancement and multi-priority task scheduling with preemptive time threshold. Experiments showed that the hybrid collaborative simulation testing method proposed in this paper can fully test CPS more effectively.

Goli, Mehran, Drechsler, Rolf.  2019.  Scalable Simulation-Based Verification of SystemC-Based Virtual Prototypes. 2019 22nd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :522–529.
Virtual Prototypes (VPs) at the Electronic System Level (ESL) written in SystemC language using its Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) framework are increasingly adopted by the semiconductor industry. The main reason is that VPs are much earlier available, and their simulation is orders of magnitude faster in comparison to the hardware models implemented at lower levels of abstraction (e.g. RTL). This leads designers to use VPs as reference models for an early design verification. Hence, the correctness assurance of these reference models (VPs) is critical as undetected faults may propagate to less abstract levels in the design process, increasing the fixing cost and effort. In this paper, we propose a novel simulation-based verification approach to automatically validate the simulation behavior of a given SystemC VP against both the TLM-2.0 rules and its specifications (i.e. functional and timing behavior of communications in the VP). The scalability and the efficiency of the proposed approach are demonstrated using an extensive set of experiments including a real-word VP.
Noureddine, M. A., Marturano, A., Keefe, K., Bashir, M., Sanders, W. H..  2017.  Accounting for the Human User in Predictive Security Models. 2017 IEEE 22nd Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC). :329–338.

Given the growing sophistication of cyber attacks, designing a perfectly secure system is not generally possible. Quantitative security metrics are thus needed to measure and compare the relative security of proposed security designs and policies. Since the investigation of security breaches has shown a strong impact of human errors, ignoring the human user in computing these metrics can lead to misleading results. Despite this, and although security researchers have long observed the impact of human behavior on system security, few improvements have been made in designing systems that are resilient to the uncertainties in how humans interact with a cyber system. In this work, we develop an approach for including models of user behavior, emanating from the fields of social sciences and psychology, in the modeling of systems intended to be secure. We then illustrate how one of these models, namely general deterrence theory, can be used to study the effectiveness of the password security requirements policy and the frequency of security audits in a typical organization. Finally, we discuss the many challenges that arise when adopting such a modeling approach, and then present our recommendations for future work.

Gorbenko, Y., Svatovskiy, I., Shevtsov, O..  2016.  Post-quantum message authentication cryptography based on error-correcting codes. 2016 Third International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications Science and Technology (PIC S T). :51–54.

In this paper we analyse possibilities of application of post-quantum code based signature schemes for message authentication purposes. An error-correcting code based digital signature algorithm is presented. There also shown results of computer simulation for this algorithm in case of Reed-Solomon codes and the estimated efficiency of its software implementation. We consider perspectives of error-correcting codes for message authentication and outline further research directions.