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Chaturvedi, Shilpa, Simmhan, Yogesh.  2019.  Toward Resilient Stream Processing on Clouds Using Moving Target Defense. 2019 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC). :134–142.
Big data platforms have grown popular for real-time stream processing on distributed clusters and clouds. However, execution of sensitive streaming applications on shared computing resources increases their vulnerabilities, and may lead to data leaks and injection of spurious logic that can compromise these applications. Here, we adopt Moving Target Defense (MTD) techniques into Fast Data platforms, and propose MTD strategies by which we can mitigate these attacks. Our strategies target the platform, application and data layers, which make these reusable, rather than the OS, virtual machine, or hardware layers, which are environment specific. We use Apache Storm as the canonical distributed stream processing platform for designing our MTD strategies, and offer a preliminary evaluation that indicates the feasibility and evaluates the performance overheads.
Inayoshi, Hiroki, Kakei, Shohei, Takimoto, Eiji, Mouri, Koichi, Saito, Shoichi.  2019.  Prevention of Data Leakage due to Implicit Information Flows in Android Applications. 2019 14th Asia Joint Conference on Information Security (AsiaJCIS). :103–110.
Dynamic Taint Analysis (DTA) technique has been developed for analysis and understanding behavior of Android applications and privacy policy enforcement. Meanwhile, implicit information flows (IIFs) are major concern of security researchers because IIFs can evade DTA technique easily and give attackers an advantage over the researchers. Some researchers suggested approaches to the issue and developed analysis systems supporting privacy policy enforcement against IIF-accompanied attacks; however, there is still no effective technique of comprehensive analysis and privacy policy enforcement against IIF-accompanied attacks. In this paper, we propose an IIF detection technique to enforce privacy policy against IIF-accompanied attacks in Android applications. We developed a new analysis tool, called Smalien, that can discover data leakage caused by IIF-contained information flows as well as explicit information flows. We demonstrated practicability of Smalien by applying it to 16 IIF tricks from ScrubDroid and two IIF tricks from DroidBench. Smalien enforced privacy policy successfully against all the tricks except one trick because the trick loads code dynamically from a remote server at runtime, and Smalien cannot analyze any code outside of a target application. The results show that our approach can be a solution to the current attacker-superior situation.
Tseng, Yuchia, Nait-Abdesselam, Farid, Khokhar, Ashfaq.  2018.  SENAD: Securing Network Application Deployment in Software Defined Networks. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
The Software Defined Networks (SDN) paradigm, often referred to as a radical new idea in networking, promises to dramatically simplify network management by enabling innovation through network programmability. However, notable security issues, such as app-to-control threats, remain a significant concern that impedes SDN from being widely adopted. To cope with those app-to-control threats, this paper proposes a solution to securely deploy valid network applications while protecting the SDN controller against the injection of the malicious application. This problem is mitigated by proposing a novel SDN architecture, dubbed SENAD, which splits the well-known SDN controller into: (1) a data plane controller (DPC), and (2) an application plane controller (APC), to secure this latter by design. The role of the DPC is dedicated for interpreting the network rules into OpenFlow entries and maintaining the communication with the data plane. The role of the APC, however, is to provide a secured runtime for deploying the network applications, including authentication, access control, resource isolation, control, and monitoring applications. We show that this approach can easily shield against any deny of service, caused for instance by the resource exhaustion attack or the malicious command injection, that is caused by the co-existence of a malicious application on the controller's runtime. The evaluation of our architecture shows that the packet\_in messages take less than 5 ms to be delivered from the data plane to the application plane on the long range.
Chen, Qiu-Liang, Bai, Jia-Ju, Jiang, Zu-Ming, Lawall, Julia, Hu, Shi-Min.  2019.  Detecting Data Races Caused by Inconsistent Lock Protection in Device Drivers. 2019 IEEE 26th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :366-376.

Data races are often hard to detect in device drivers, due to the non-determinism of concurrent execution. According to our study of Linux driver patches that fix data races, more than 38% of patches involve a pattern that we call inconsistent lock protection. Specifically, if a variable is accessed within two concurrently executed functions, the sets of locks held around each access are disjoint, at least one of the locksets is non-empty, and at least one of the involved accesses is a write, then a data race may occur.In this paper, we present a runtime analysis approach, named DILP, to detect data races caused by inconsistent lock protection in device drivers. By monitoring driver execution, DILP collects the information about runtime variable accesses and executed functions. Then after driver execution, DILP analyzes the collected information to detect and report data races caused by inconsistent lock protection. We evaluate DILP on 12 device drivers in Linux 4.16.9, and find 25 real data races.

Daoud, Luka, Rafla, Nader.  2018.  Routing Aware and Runtime Detection for Infected Network-on-Chip Routers. 2018 IEEE 61st International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :775-778.

Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture is the communication heart of the processing cores in Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MPSoC), where messages are routed from a source to a destination through intermediate nodes. Therefore, NoC has become a target to security attacks. By experiencing outsourcing design, NoC can be infected with a malicious Hardware Trojans (HTs) which potentially degrade the system performance or leave a backdoor for secret key leaking. In this paper, we propose a HT model that applies a denial of service attack by misrouting the packets, which causes deadlock and consequently degrading the NoC performance. We present a secure routing algorithm that provides a runtime HT detection and avoiding scheme. Results show that our proposed model has negligible overhead in area and power, 0.4% and 0.6%, respectively.

Harrison, William L., Allwein, Gerard.  2018.  Semantics-Directed Prototyping of Hardware Runtime Monitors. 2018 International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP). :42-48.

Building memory protection mechanisms into embedded hardware is attractive because it has the potential to neutralize a host of software-based attacks with relatively small performance overhead. A hardware monitor, being at the lowest level of the system stack, is more difficult to bypass than a software monitor and hardware-based protections are also potentially more fine-grained than is possible in software: an individual instruction executing on a processor may entail multiple memory accesses, all of which may be tracked in hardware. Finally, hardware-based protection can be performed without the necessity of altering application binaries. This article presents a proof-of-concept codesign of a small embedded processor with a hardware monitor protecting against ROP-style code reuse attacks. While the case study is small, it indicates, we argue, an approach to rapid-prototyping runtime monitors in hardware that is quick, flexible, and extensible as well as being amenable to formal verification.

Tymburibá, M., Sousa, H., Pereira, F..  2019.  Multilayer ROP Protection Via Microarchitectural Units Available in Commodity Hardware. 2019 49th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :315–327.

This paper presents a multilayer protection approach to guard programs against Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) attacks. Upper layers validate most of a program's control flow at a low computational cost; thus, not compromising runtime. Lower layers provide strong enforcement guarantees to handle more suspicious flows; thus, enhancing security. Our multilayer system combines techniques already described in the literature with verifications that we introduce in this paper. We argue that modern versions of x86 processors already provide the microarchitectural units necessary to implement our technique. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our multilayer protection on a extensive suite of benchmarks, which includes: SPEC CPU2006; the three most popular web browsers; 209 benchmarks distributed with LLVM and four well-known systems shown to be vulnerable to ROP exploits. Our experiments indicate that we can protect programs with almost no overhead in practice, allying the good performance of lightweight security techniques with the high dependability of heavyweight approaches.

Koo, H., Chen, Y., Lu, L., Kemerlis, V. P., Polychronakis, M..  2018.  Compiler-Assisted Code Randomization. 2018 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :461–477.

Despite decades of research on software diversification, only address space layout randomization has seen widespread adoption. Code randomization, an effective defense against return-oriented programming exploits, has remained an academic exercise mainly due to i) the lack of a transparent and streamlined deployment model that does not disrupt existing software distribution norms, and ii) the inherent incompatibility of program variants with error reporting, whitelisting, patching, and other operations that rely on code uniformity. In this work we present compiler-assisted code randomization (CCR), a hybrid approach that relies on compiler-rewriter cooperation to enable fast and robust fine-grained code randomization on end-user systems, while maintaining compatibility with existing software distribution models. The main concept behind CCR is to augment binaries with a minimal set of transformation-assisting metadata, which i) facilitate rapid fine-grained code transformation at installation or load time, and ii) form the basis for reversing any applied code transformation when needed, to maintain compatibility with existing mechanisms that rely on referencing the original code. We have implemented a prototype of this approach by extending the LLVM compiler toolchain, and developing a simple binary rewriter that leverages the embedded metadata to generate randomized variants using basic block reordering. The results of our experimental evaluation demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of CCR, as on average it incurs a modest file size increase of 11.46% and a negligible runtime overhead of 0.28%, while it is compatible with link-time optimization and control flow integrity.

Cook, W., Driscoll, A., Tenbergen, B..  2018.  AirborneCPS: A Simulator for Functional Dependencies in Cyber Physical Systems: A Traffic Collision Avoidance System Implementation. 2018 4th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive, Collaborative, and Cyber Physical Systems (RESACS). :32-35.

The term "Cyber Physical System" (CPS) has been used in the recent years to describe a system type, which makes use of powerful communication networks to functionally combine systems that were previously thought of as independent. The common theme of CPSs is that through communication, CPSs can make decisions together and achieve common goals. Yet, in contrast to traditional system types such as embedded systems, the functional dependence between CPSs can change dynamically at runtime. Hence, their functional dependence may cause unforeseen runtime behavior, e.g., when a CPS becomes unavailable, but others depend on its correct operation. During development of any individual CPS, this runtime behavior must hence be predicted, and the system must be developed with the appropriate level of robustness. Since at present, research is mainly concerned with the impact of functional dependence in CPS on development, the impact on runtime behavior is mere conjecture. In this paper, we present AirborneCPS, a simulation tool for functionally dependent CPSs which simulates runtime behavior and aids in the identification of undesired functional interaction.

Höfig, K., Klug, A..  2018.  SEnSE – An Architecture for a Safe and Secure Integration of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. 2018 26th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM). :1–5.

Embedded systems that communicate with each other over the internet and build up a larger, loosely coupled (hardware) system with an unknown configuration at runtime is often referred to as a cyberphysical system. Many of these systems can become, due to its associated risks during their operation, safety critical. With increased complexity of such systems, the number of configurations can either be infinite or even unknown at design time. Hence, a certification at design time for such systems that documents a safe interaction for all possible configurations of all participants at runtime can become unfeasible. If such systems come together in a new configuration, a mechanism is required that can decide whether or not it is safe for them to interact. Such a mechanism can generally not be part of such systems for the sake of trust. Therefore, we present in the following sections the SEnSE device, short for Secure and Safe Embedded, that tackles these challenges and provides a secure and safe integration of safety-critical embedded systems.

Katole, R. A., Sherekar, S. S., Thakare, V. M..  2018.  Detection of SQL injection attacks by removing the parameter values of SQL query. 2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC). :736–741.

Internet users are increasing day by day. The web services and mobile web applications or desktop web application's demands are also increasing. The chances of a system being hacked are also increasing. All web applications maintain data at the backend database from which results are retrieved. As web applications can be accessed from anywhere all around the world which must be available to all the users of the web application. SQL injection attack is nowadays one of the topmost threats for security of web applications. By using SQL injection attackers can steal confidential information. In this paper, the SQL injection attack detection method by removing the parameter values of the SQL query is discussed and results are presented.

Schuette, J., Brost, G. S..  2018.  LUCON: Data Flow Control for Message-Based IoT Systems. 2018 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications/ 12th IEEE International Conference On Big Data Science And Engineering (TrustCom/BigDataSE). :289-299.

Today's emerging Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) scenarios are characterized by the exchange of data between services across enterprises. Traditional access and usage control mechanisms are only able to determine if data may be used by a subject, but lack an understanding of how it may be used. The ability to control the way how data is processed is however crucial for enterprises to guarantee (and provide evidence of) compliant processing of critical data, as well as for users who need to control if their private data may be analyzed or linked with additional information - a major concern in IoT applications processing personal information. In this paper, we introduce LUCON, a data-centric security policy framework for distributed systems that considers data flows by controlling how messages may be routed across services and how they are combined and processed. LUCON policies prevent information leaks, bind data usage to obligations, and enforce data flows across services. Policy enforcement is based on a dynamic taint analysis at runtime and an upfront static verification of message routes against policies. We discuss the semantics of these two complementing enforcement models and illustrate how LUCON policies are compiled from a simple policy language into a first-order logic representation. We demonstrate the practical application of LUCON in a real-world IoT middleware and discuss its integration into Apache Camel. Finally, we evaluate the runtime impact of LUCON and discuss performance and scalability aspects.

Dessouky, G., Abera, T., Ibrahim, A., Sadeghi, A..  2018.  LiteHAX: Lightweight Hardware-Assisted Attestation of Program Execution. 2018 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD). :1–8.

Unlike traditional processors, embedded Internet of Things (IoT) devices lack resources to incorporate protection against modern sophisticated attacks resulting in critical consequences. Remote attestation (RA) is a security service to establish trust in the integrity of a remote device. While conventional RA is static and limited to detecting malicious modification to software binaries at load-time, recent research has made progress towards runtime attestation, such as attesting the control flow of an executing program. However, existing control-flow attestation schemes are inefficient and vulnerable to sophisticated data-oriented programming (DOP) attacks subvert these schemes and keep the control flow of the code intact. In this paper, we present LiteHAX, an efficient hardware-assisted remote attestation scheme for RISC-based embedded devices that enables detecting both control-flow attacks as well as DOP attacks. LiteHAX continuously tracks both the control-flow and data-flow events of a program executing on a remote device and reports them to a trusted verifying party. We implemented and evaluated LiteHAX on a RISC-V System-on-Chip (SoC) and show that it has minimal performance and area overhead.

Ahmed, N., Talib, M. A., Nasir, Q..  2018.  Program-flow attestation of IoT systems software. 2018 15th Learning and Technology Conference (L T). :67–73.
Remote attestation is the process of measuring the integrity of a device over the network, by detecting modification of software or hardware from the original configuration. Several remote software-based attestation mechanisms have been introduced, that rely on strict time constraints and other impractical constraints that make them inconvenient for IoT systems. Although some research is done to address these issues, they integrated trusted hardware devices to the attested devices to accomplish their aim, which is costly and not convenient for many use cases. In this paper, we propose “Dual Attestation” that includes two stages: static and dynamic. The static attestation phase checks the memory of the attested device. The dynamic attestation technique checks the execution correctness of the application code and can detect the runtime attacks. The objectives are to minimize the overhead and detect these attacks, by developing an optimized dynamic technique that checks the application program flow. The optimization will be done in the prover and the verifier sides.
Carlin, D., O'Kane, P., Sezer, S., Burgess, J..  2018.  Detecting Cryptomining Using Dynamic Analysis. 2018 16th Annual Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST). :1–6.

With the rise in worth and popularity of cryptocurrencies, a new opportunity for criminal gain is being exploited and with little currently offered in the way of defence. The cost of mining (i.e., earning cryptocurrency through CPU-intensive calculations that underpin the blockchain technology) can be prohibitively expensive, with hardware costs and electrical overheads previously offering a loss compared to the cryptocurrency gained. Off-loading these costs along a distributed network of machines via malware offers an instantly profitable scenario, though standard Anti-virus (AV) products offer some defences against file-based threats. However, newer fileless malicious attacks, occurring through the browser on seemingly legitimate websites, can easily evade detection and surreptitiously engage the victim machine in computationally-expensive cryptomining (cryptojacking). With no current academic literature on the dynamic opcode analysis of cryptomining, to the best of our knowledge, we present the first such experimental study. Indeed, this is the first such work presenting opcode analysis on non-executable files. Our results show that browser-based cryptomining within our dataset can be detected by dynamic opcode analysis, with accuracies of up to 100%. Further to this, our model can distinguish between cryptomining sites, weaponized benign sites, de-weaponized cryptomining sites and real world benign sites. As it is process-based, our technique offers an opportunity to rapidly detect, prevent and mitigate such attacks, a novel contribution which should encourage further future work.

Liu, T., Wen, W., Jin, Y..  2018.  SIN2: Stealth infection on neural network \#x2014; A low-cost agile neural Trojan attack methodology. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :227–230.

Deep Neural Network (DNN) has recently become the “de facto” technique to drive the artificial intelligence (AI) industry. However, there also emerges many security issues as the DNN based intelligent systems are being increasingly prevalent. Existing DNN security studies, such as adversarial attacks and poisoning attacks, are usually narrowly conducted at the software algorithm level, with the misclassification as their primary goal. The more realistic system-level attacks introduced by the emerging intelligent service supply chain, e.g. the third-party cloud based machine learning as a service (MLaaS) along with the portable DNN computing engine, have never been discussed. In this work, we propose a low-cost modular methodology-Stealth Infection on Neural Network, namely “SIN2”, to demonstrate the novel and practical intelligent supply chain triggered neural Trojan attacks. Our “SIN2” well leverages the attacking opportunities built upon the static neural network model and the underlying dynamic runtime system of neural computing framework through a bunch of neural Trojaning techniques. We implement a variety of neural Trojan attacks in Linux sandbox by following proposed “SIN2”. Experimental results show that our modular design can rapidly produce and trigger various Trojan attacks that can easily evade the existing defenses.

Guo, X., Dutta, R. G., He, J., Jin, Y..  2017.  PCH framework for IP runtime security verification. 2017 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and Trust Symposium (AsianHOST). :79–84.

Untrusted third-party vendors and manufacturers have raised security concerns in hardware supply chain. Among all existing solutions, formal verification methods provide powerful solutions in detection malicious behaviors at the pre-silicon stage. However, little work have been done towards built-in hardware runtime verification at the post-silicon stage. In this paper, a runtime formal verification framework is proposed to evaluate the trust of hardware during its execution. This framework combines the symbolic execution and SAT solving methods to validate the user defined properties. The proposed framework has been demonstrated on an FPGA platform using an SoC design with untrusted IPs. The experimentation results show that the proposed approach can provide high-level security assurance for hardware at runtime.

Sepulveda, J., Fernandes, R., Marcon, C., Florez, D., Sigl, G..  2017.  A security-aware routing implementation for dynamic data protection in zone-based MPSoC. 2017 30th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI). :59–64.
This work proposes a secure Network-on-Chip (NoC) approach, which enforces the encapsulation of sensitive traffic inside the asymmetrical security zones while using minimal and non-minimal paths. The NoC routing guarantees that the sensitive traffic communicates only through trusted nodes, which belong to a security zone. As the shape of the zones may change during operation, the sensitive traffic must be routed through low-risk paths. The experimental results show that this proposal can be an efficient and scalable alternative for enforcing the data protection inside a Multi-Processor System-on-Chip (MPSoC).
Ghafarian, A..  2017.  A hybrid method for detection and prevention of SQL injection attacks. 2017 Computing Conference. :833–838.

SQL injection attack (SQLIA) pose a serious security threat to the database driven web applications. This kind of attack gives attackers easily access to the application's underlying database and to the potentially sensitive information these databases contain. A hacker through specifically designed input, can access content of the database that cannot otherwise be able to do so. This is usually done by altering SQL statements that are used within web applications. Due to importance of security of web applications, researchers have studied SQLIA detection and prevention extensively and have developed various methods. In this research, after reviewing the existing research in this field, we present a new hybrid method to reduce the vulnerability of the web applications. Our method is specifically designed to detect and prevent SQLIA. Our proposed method is consists of three phases namely, the database design, implementation, and at the common gateway interface (CGI). Details of our approach along with its pros and cons are discussed in detail.

Khalid, F., Hasan, S. R., Hasan, O., Awwadl, F..  2017.  Behavior Profiling of Power Distribution Networks for Runtime Hardware Trojan Detection. 2017 IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS). :1316–1319.

Runtime hardware Trojan detection techniques are required in third party IP based SoCs as a last line of defense. Traditional techniques rely on golden data model or exotic signal processing techniques such as utilizing Choas theory or machine learning. Due to cumbersome implementation of such techniques, it is highly impractical to embed them on the hardware, which is a requirement in some mission critical applications. In this paper, we propose a methodology that generates a digital power profile during the manufacturing test phase of the circuit under test. A simple processing mechanism, which requires minimal computation of measured power signals, is proposed. For the proof of concept, we have applied the proposed methodology on a classical Advanced Encryption Standard circuit with 21 available Trojans. The experimental results show that the proposed methodology is able to detect 75% of the intrusions with the potential of implementing the detection mechanism on-chip with minimal overhead compared to the state-of-the-art techniques.

Tian, C., Wang, Y., Liu, P., Zhou, Q., Zhang, C., Xu, Z..  2017.  IM-Visor: A Pre-IME Guard to Prevent IME Apps from Stealing Sensitive Keystrokes Using TrustZone. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :145–156.

Third-party IME (Input Method Editor) apps are often the preference means of interaction for Android users' input. In this paper, we first discuss the insecurity of IME apps, including the Potentially Harmful Apps (PHA) and malicious IME apps, which may leak users' sensitive keystrokes. The current defense system, such as I-BOX, is vulnerable to the prefix-substitution attack and the colluding attack due to the post-IME nature. We provide a deeper understanding that all the designs with the post-IME nature are subject to the prefix-substitution and colluding attacks. To remedy the above post-IME system's flaws, we propose a new idea, pre-IME, which guarantees that "Is this touch event a sensitive keystroke?" analysis will always access user touch events prior to the execution of any IME app code. We designed an innovative TrustZone-based framework named IM-Visor which has the pre-IME nature. Specifically, IM-Visor creates the isolation environment named STIE as soon as a user intends to type on a soft keyboard, then the STIE intercepts, translates and analyzes the user's touch input. If the input is sensitive, the translation of keystrokes will be delivered to user apps through a trusted path. Otherwise, IM-Visor replays non-sensitive keystroke touch events for IME apps or replays non-keystroke touch events for other apps. A prototype of IM-Visor has been implemented and tested with several most popular IMEs. The experimental results show that IM-Visor has small runtime overheads.

Schiefer, G., Gabel, M., Mechler, J., Schoknecht, A., Citak, M..  2017.  Security in a Distributed Key Management Approach. 2017 IEEE 30th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS). :816–821.

Cloud computing offers many advantages as flexibility or resource efficiency and can significantly reduce costs. However, when sensitive data is outsourced to a cloud provider, classified records can leak. To protect data owners and application providers from a privacy breach data must be encrypted before it is uploaded. In this work, we present a distributed key management scheme that handles user-specific keys in a single-tenant scenario. The underlying database is encrypted and the secret key is split into parts and only reconstructed temporarily in memory. Our scheme distributes shares of the key to the different entities. We address bootstrapping, key recovery, the adversary model and the resulting security guarantees.

Cinque, M., Corte, R. D., Pecchia, A..  2017.  Entropy-Based Security Analytics: Measurements from a Critical Information System. 2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :379–390.

Critical information systems strongly rely on event logging techniques to collect data, such as housekeeping/error events, execution traces and dumps of variables, into unstructured text logs. Event logs are the primary source to gain actionable intelligence from production systems. In spite of the recognized importance, system/application logs remain quite underutilized in security analytics when compared to conventional and structured data sources, such as audit traces, network flows and intrusion detection logs. This paper proposes a method to measure the occurrence of interesting activity (i.e., entries that should be followed up by analysts) within textual and heterogeneous runtime log streams. We use an entropy-based approach, which makes no assumptions on the structure of underlying log entries. Measurements have been done in a real-world Air Traffic Control information system through a data analytics framework. Experiments suggest that our entropy-based method represents a valuable complement to security analytics solutions.

Cheng, X., Zhou, M., Song, X., Gu, M., Sun, J..  2017.  IntPTI: Automatic integer error repair with proper-type inference. 2017 32nd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE). :996–1001.

Integer errors in C/C++ are caused by arithmetic operations yielding results which are unrepresentable in certain type. They can lead to serious safety and security issues. Due to the complicated semantics of C/C++ integers, integer errors are widely harbored in real-world programs and it is error-prone to repair them even for experts. An automatic tool is desired to 1) automatically generate fixes which assist developers to correct the buggy code, and 2) provide sufficient hints to help developers review the generated fixes and better understand integer types in C/C++. In this paper, we present a tool IntPTI that implements the desired functionalities for C programs. IntPTI infers appropriate types for variables and expressions to eliminate representation issues, and then utilizes the derived types with fix patterns codified from the successful human-written patches. IntPTI provides a user-friendly web interface which allows users to review and manage the fixes. We evaluate IntPTI on 7 real-world projects and the results show its competitive repair accuracy and its scalability on large code bases. The demo video for IntPTI is available at:\_FgZM.

Sun, F., Zhang, P., White, J., Schmidt, D., Staples, J., Krause, L..  2017.  A Feasibility Study of Autonomically Detecting In-Process Cyber-Attacks. 2017 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics (CYBCONF). :1–8.

A cyber-attack detection system issues alerts when an attacker attempts to coerce a trusted software application to perform unsafe actions on the attacker's behalf. One way of issuing such alerts is to create an application-agnostic cyber- attack detection system that responds to prevalent software vulnerabilities. The creation of such an autonomic alert system, however, is impeded by the disparity between implementation language, function, quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, and architectural patterns present in applications, all of which contribute to the rapidly changing threat landscape presented by modern heterogeneous software systems. This paper evaluates the feasibility of creating an autonomic cyber-attack detection system and applying it to several exemplar web-based applications using program transformation and machine learning techniques. Specifically, we examine whether it is possible to detect cyber-attacks (1) online, i.e., as they occur using lightweight structures derived from a call graph and (2) offline, i.e., using machine learning techniques trained with features extracted from a trace of application execution. In both cases, we first characterize normal application behavior using supervised training with the test suites created for an application as part of the software development process. We then intentionally perturb our test applications so they are vulnerable to common attack vectors and then evaluate the effectiveness of various feature extraction and learning strategies on the perturbed applications. Our results show that both lightweight on-line models based on control flow of execution path and application specific off-line models can successfully and efficiently detect in-process cyber-attacks against web applications.