Visible to the public AirborneCPS: A Simulator for Functional Dependencies in Cyber Physical Systems: A Traffic Collision Avoidance System Implementation

TitleAirborneCPS: A Simulator for Functional Dependencies in Cyber Physical Systems: A Traffic Collision Avoidance System Implementation
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsCook, W., Driscoll, A., Tenbergen, B.
Conference Name2018 4th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Self-Adaptive, Collaborative, and Cyber Physical Systems (RESACS)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-8410-8
KeywordsAir traffic control, Aircraft, automobiles, Brakes, collision avoidance, Collision Avoidance System, compositionality, CPS, Cyber Dependencies, Cyber physical system, Cyber-physical systems, Embedded systems, functional dependencies, Functional Dependency, Human Behavior, human factors, Metrics, powerful communication networks, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, road traffic, Runtime, runtime behavior, Scalability, Simulator, traffic collision avoidance system implementation, Transponders, undesired functional interaction, unforeseen runtime behavior

The term "Cyber Physical System" (CPS) has been used in the recent years to describe a system type, which makes use of powerful communication networks to functionally combine systems that were previously thought of as independent. The common theme of CPSs is that through communication, CPSs can make decisions together and achieve common goals. Yet, in contrast to traditional system types such as embedded systems, the functional dependence between CPSs can change dynamically at runtime. Hence, their functional dependence may cause unforeseen runtime behavior, e.g., when a CPS becomes unavailable, but others depend on its correct operation. During development of any individual CPS, this runtime behavior must hence be predicted, and the system must be developed with the appropriate level of robustness. Since at present, research is mainly concerned with the impact of functional dependence in CPS on development, the impact on runtime behavior is mere conjecture. In this paper, we present AirborneCPS, a simulation tool for functionally dependent CPSs which simulates runtime behavior and aids in the identification of undesired functional interaction.

Citation Keycook_airbornecps:_2018