We demonstrate secure fiber-optic transmission utilizing quantum-noise signal masking by 217-level random phase modulation. Masking of 157 signal phase levels at a BER of HD-FEC threshold is achieved without significant impacts on the transmission performance.
In this paper, we propose a frozen bit selection scheme for polar coding scheme combined with physical layer security that enhances the security of two legitimate users on a wiretap channel. By flipping certain frozen bits, the bit-error rate (BER) of an eavesdropper is maximized while the BER of the legitimate receiver is unaffected. An ARQ protocol is proposed that only feeds back a small proportion of the frozen bits to the transmitter, which increases the secrecy rate. The scheme is evaluated on a wiretap channel affected by impulsive noise and we consider cases where the eavesdropper's channel is actually more impulsive than the main channel. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme ensures the eavesdropper's BER is high even when only one frozen bit is flipped and this is achieved even when their channel is more impulsive than the main channel.
In this paper, a novel game-theoretic framework is introduced to analyze and enhance the security of adversarial Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) systems. In particular, a dynamic, psychological network interdiction game is formulated between a soldier and an attacker. In this game, the soldier seeks to find the optimal path to minimize the time needed to reach a destination, while maintaining a desired bit error rate (BER) performance by selectively communicating with certain IoBT devices. The attacker, on the other hand, seeks to find the optimal IoBT devices to attack, so as to maximize the BER of the soldier and hinder the soldier's progress. In this game, the soldier and attacker's first- order and second-order beliefs on each others' behavior are formulated to capture their psychological behavior. Using tools from psychological game theory, the soldier and attacker's intention to harm one another is captured in their utilities, based on their beliefs. A psychological forward induction-based solution is proposed to solve the dynamic game. This approach can find a psychological sequential equilibrium of the game, upon convergence. Simulation results show that, whenever the soldier explicitly intends to frustrate the attacker, the soldier's material payoff is increased by up to 15.6% compared to a traditional dynamic Bayesian game.
Visible light communications is an emerging architecture with unlicensed and huge bandwidth resources, security, and experimental implementations and standardization efforts. Display based transmitter and camera based receiver architectures are alternatives for device-to-device (D2D) and home area networking (HAN) systems by utilizing widely available TV, tablet and mobile phone screens as transmitters while commercially available cameras as receivers. Current architectures utilizing data hiding and unobtrusive steganography methods promise data transmission without user distraction on the screen. however, current architectures have challenges with the limited capability of data hiding in translucency or color shift based methods of hiding by uniformly distributing modulation throughout the screen and keeping eye discomfort at an acceptable level. In this article, foveation property of human visual system is utilized to define a novel modulation method denoted by FoVLC which adaptively improves data hiding capability throughout the screen based on the current eye focus point of viewer. Theoretical modeling of modulation and demodulation mechanisms hiding data in color shifts of pixel blocks is provided while experiments are performed for both FoVLC method and uniform data hiding denoted as conventional method. Experimental tests for the simple design as a proof of concept decreases average bit error rate (BER) to approximately half of the value obtained with the conventional method without user distraction while promising future efforts for optimizing block sizes and utilizing error correction codes.
PUFs are an emerging security primitive that offers a lightweight security alternative to highly constrained devices like RFIDs. PUFs used in authentication protocols however suffer from unreliable outputs. This hinders their scaling, which is necessary for increased security, and makes them also problematic to use with cryptographic functions. We introduce a new Dual Arbiter PUF design that reveals additional information concerning the stability of the outputs. We then employ a novel filtering scheme that discards unreliable outputs with a minimum number of evaluations, greatly reducing the BER of the PUF.
For the increasing use of internet, it is equally important to protect the intellectual property. And for the protection of copyright, a blind digital watermark algorithm with SVD and OSELM in the IWT domain has been proposed. During the embedding process, SVD has been applied to the coefficient blocks to get the singular values in the IWT domain. Singular values are modulated to embed the watermark in the host image. Online sequential extreme learning machine is trained to learn the relationship between the original coefficient and the corresponding watermarked version. During the extraction process, this trained OSELM is used to extract the embedded watermark logo blindly as no original host image is required during this process. The watermarked image is altered using various attacks like blurring, noise, sharpening, rotation and cropping. The experimental results show that the proposed watermarking scheme is robust against various attacks. The extracted watermark has very much similarity with the original watermark and works good to prove the ownership.
Multimedia security and copyright protection has been a popular topic for research and application, due to the explosion of data exchange over the internet and the widespread use of digital media. Watermarking is a process of hiding the digital information inside a digital media. Information hiding as digital watermarks in multimedia enables protection mechanism in decrypted contents. This paper presents a comparative study of existing technique used for digital watermarking an image using Genetic Algorithm and Bacterial Foraging Algorithm (BFO) based optimization technique with proposed one which consists of Genetic Algorithm and Honey Bee based optimization technique. The results obtained after experiment conclude that, new method has indeed outperformed then the conventional technique. The implementation is done over the MATLAB.
This paper presents the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the wireless communication system. The complexity of modern wireless communication system are increasing at fast pace. It becomes challenging to design the hardware of wireless system. The proposed system consists of MIMO transmitter and MIMO receiver along with the along with a realistic fading channel. To make the data transmission more secure when the data are passed into channel Crypto-System with Embedded Error Control (CSEEC) is used. The system supports data security and reliability using forward error correction codes (FEC). Security is provided through the use of a new symmetric encryption algorithm, and reliability is provided by the use of FEC codes. The system aims at speeding up the encryption and encoding operations and reduces the hardware dedicated to each of these operations. The proposed system allows users to achieve more security and reliable communication. The proposed BER measurement communication system consumes low power compared to existing systems. Advantage of VLSI based BER measurement it that they can be used in the Real time applications and it provides single chip solution.
Compression, encryption, encoding and modulation at the transmitter side and reverse process at the receiver side are the major processes in any wireless communication system. All these steps were carried out separately before. But, in 1978 R. J. McEliece had proposed the concept of combining security and channel encoding techniques together. Many schemes are proposed by different researchers for this combine approach. Sharing the information securely, but at the same time maintaining acceptable bit error rate in such combine system is difficult. In this paper, a new technique for robust and secure wireless transmission of image combining Turbo Product Code (TPC) with chaotic encryption is proposed. Logistic map is used for chaotic encryption and TPC for channel encoding. Simulation results for this combined system are analyzed and it shows that TPC and chaotic combination gives secure transmission with acceptable data rate.