Visible to the public A highly reliable dual-arbiter PUF for lightweight authentication protocols

TitleA highly reliable dual-arbiter PUF for lightweight authentication protocols
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsIdriss, H., Idriss, T., Bayoumi, M.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology Application (RFID-TA)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1833-2
Keywordsauthentication, BER, Constrained Devices, cryptographic protocols, delays, dual arbiter PUF design, hardware security, Human Behavior, human factor, increased security, integrated circuit reliability, lightweight authentication protocols, lightweight security alternative, Protocols, pubcrawl, PUF, radio frequency identification, reliability, resilience, Resiliency, RFID, RFIDs, security primitive, Switches

PUFs are an emerging security primitive that offers a lightweight security alternative to highly constrained devices like RFIDs. PUFs used in authentication protocols however suffer from unreliable outputs. This hinders their scaling, which is necessary for increased security, and makes them also problematic to use with cryptographic functions. We introduce a new Dual Arbiter PUF design that reveals additional information concerning the stability of the outputs. We then employ a novel filtering scheme that discards unreliable outputs with a minimum number of evaluations, greatly reducing the BER of the PUF.

Citation Keyidriss_highly_2017