Genetic Programming Hyper-heuristic (GPHH) has been successfully applied to automatically evolve effective routing policies to solve the complex Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem (UCARP). However, GPHH typically ignores the interpretability of the evolved routing policies. As a result, GP-evolved routing policies are often very complex and hard to be understood and trusted by human users. In this paper, we aim to improve the interpretability of the GP-evolved routing policies. To this end, we propose a new Multi-Objective GP (MOGP) to optimise the performance and size simultaneously. A major issue here is that the size is much easier to be optimised than the performance, and the search tends to be biased to the small but poor routing policies. To address this issue, we propose a simple yet effective Two-Stage GPHH (TS-GPHH). In the first stage, only the performance is to be optimised. Then, in the second stage, both objectives are considered (using our new MOGP). The experimental results showed that TS-GPHH could obtain much smaller and more interpretable routing policies than the state-of-the-art single-objective GPHH, without deteriorating the performance. Compared with traditional MOGP, TS-GPHH can obtain a much better and more widespread Pareto front.
This paper aims to discover the characteristics of acceptance of mobile government systems by elderly. Several initiatives and projects offer various governmental services for them, like information sharing, alerting and mHealth services. All of them carry important benefits for this user group, but these can only be utilized if the user acceptance is at a certain level. This is a requirement in order for the users to perceive the services as a benefit and not as hindrance. The key aspects for high acceptance are usability and user-friendliness, which will lead to successful-government systems designed for the target group. We have applied a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods including an m-Government prototype to explore the key acceptance factors. Research approach utilizes the IGUAN framework, which is a user-driven method. We collected and analysed data guided by IGUAN framework about the acceptance of e-government services by elderly. The target group was recruited from Germany and Hungary. Our findings draw the attention to perceived security and perceived usability of an application; these are decisive factors for this target group.
The problem of fast items retrieval from a fixed collection is often encountered in most computer science areas, from operating system components to databases and user interfaces. We present an approach based on hash tables that focuses on both minimizing the number of comparisons performed during the search and minimizing the total collection size. The standard open-addressing double-hashing approach is improved with a non-linear transformation that can be parametrized in order to ensure a uniform distribution of the data in the hash table. The optimal parameter is determined using a genetic algorithm. The paper results show that near-perfect hashing is faster than binary search, yet uses less memory than perfect hashing, being a good choice for memory-constrained applications where search time is also critical.
To gain strategic insight into defending against the network reconnaissance stage of advanced persistent threats, we recreate the escalating competition between scans and deceptive views on a Software Defined Network (SDN). Our threat model presumes the defense is a deceptive network view unique for each node on the network. It can be configured in terms of the number of honeypots and subnets, as well as how real nodes are distributed across the subnets. It assumes attacks are NMAP ping scans that can be configured in terms of how many IP addresses are scanned and how they are visited. Higher performing defenses detect the scanner quicker while leaking as little information as possible while higher performing attacks are better at evading detection and discovering real nodes. By using Artificial Intelligence in the form of a competitive coevolutionary genetic algorithm, we can analyze the configurations of high performing static defenses and attacks versus their evolving adversary as well as the optimized configuration of the adversary itself. When attacks and defenses both evolve, we can observe that the extent of evolution influences the best configurations.
The network coding optimization based on niche genetic algorithm can observably reduce the network overhead of encoding technology, however, security issues haven't been considered in the coding operation. In order to solve this problem, we propose a network coding optimization scheme for niche algorithm based on security performance (SNGA). It is on the basis of multi-target niche genetic algorithm(NGA)to construct a fitness function which with k-secure network coding mechanism, and to ensure the realization of information security and achieve the maximum transmission of the network. The simulation results show that SNGA can effectively improve the security of network coding, and ensure the running time and convergence speed of the optimal solution.
Dendritic cell algorithm (DCA) is an immune-inspired classification algorithm which is developed for the purpose of anomaly detection in computer networks. The DCA uses a weighted function in its context detection phase to process three categories of input signals including safe, danger and pathogenic associated molecular pattern to three output context values termed as co-stimulatory, mature and semi-mature, which are then used to perform classification. The weighted function used by the DCA requires either manually pre-defined weights usually provided by the immunologists, or empirically derived weights from the training dataset. Neither of these is sufficiently flexible to work with different datasets to produce optimum classification result. To address such limitation, this work proposes an approach for computing the three output context values of the DCA by employing the recently proposed TSK+ fuzzy inference system, such that the weights are always optimal for the provided data set regarding a specific application. The proposed approach was validated and evaluated by applying it to the two popular datasets KDD99 and UNSW NB15. The results from the experiments demonstrate that, the proposed approach outperforms the conventional DCA in terms of classification accuracy.
Recommender system is to suggest items that might be interest of the users in social networks. Collaborative filtering is an approach that works based on similarity and recommends items liked by other similar users. Trust model adopts users' trust network in place of similarity. Multi-faceted trust model considers multiple and heterogeneous trust relationship among the users and recommend items based on rating exist in the network of trustees of a specific facet. This paper applies genetic algorithm to estimate parameters of multi-faceted trust model, in which the trust weights are calculated based on the ratings and the trust network for each facet, separately. The model was built on Epinions data set that includes consumers' opinion, rating for items and the web of trust network. It was used to predict users' rating for items in different facets and root mean squared of prediction error (RMSE) was considered as a measure of performance. Empirical evaluations demonstrated that multi-facet models improve performance of the recommender system.
In a world where traditional notions of privacy are increasingly challenged by the myriad companies that collect and analyze our data, it is important that decision-making entities are held accountable for unfair treatments arising from irresponsible data usage. Unfortunately, a lack of appropriate methodologies and tools means that even identifying unfair or discriminatory effects can be a challenge in practice. We introduce the unwarranted associations (UA) framework, a principled methodology for the discovery of unfair, discriminatory, or offensive user treatment in data-driven applications. The UA framework unifies and rationalizes a number of prior attempts at formalizing algorithmic fairness. It uniquely combines multiple investigative primitives and fairness metrics with broad applicability, granular exploration of unfair treatment in user subgroups, and incorporation of natural notions of utility that may account for observed disparities. We instantiate the UA framework in FairTest, the first comprehensive tool that helps developers check data-driven applications for unfair user treatment. It enables scalable and statistically rigorous investigation of associations between application outcomes (such as prices or premiums) and sensitive user attributes (such as race or gender). Furthermore, FairTest provides debugging capabilities that let programmers rule out potential confounders for observed unfair effects. We report on use of FairTest to investigate and in some cases address disparate impact, offensive labeling, and uneven rates of algorithmic error in four data-driven applications. As examples, our results reveal subtle biases against older populations in the distribution of error in a predictive health application and offensive racial labeling in an image tagger.
Genetic Algorithms are group of mathematical models in computational science by exciting evolution in AI techniques nowadays. These algorithms preserve critical information by applying data structure with simple chromosome recombination operators by encoding solution to a specific problem. Genetic algorithms they are optimizer, in which range of problems applied to it are quite broad. Genetic Algorithms with its global search includes basic principles like selection, crossover and mutation. Data structures, algorithms and human brain inspiration are found for classification of data and for learning which works using Neural Networks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) it is a field, where so many tasks performed naturally by a human. When AI conventional methods are used in a computer it was proved as a complicated task. Applying Neural Networks techniques will create an internal structure of rules by which a program can learn by examples, to classify different inputs than mining techniques. This paper proposes a phishing websites classifier using improved polynomial neural networks in genetic algorithm.
Adaptivity is an important feature of data analysis - the choice of questions to ask about a dataset often depends on previous interactions with the same dataset. However, statistical validity is typically studied in a nonadaptive model, where all questions are specified before the dataset is drawn. Recent work by Dwork et al. (STOC, 2015) and Hardt and Ullman (FOCS, 2014) initiated a general formal study of this problem, and gave the first upper and lower bounds on the achievable generalization error for adaptive data analysis. Specifically, suppose there is an unknown distribution P and a set of n independent samples x is drawn from P. We seek an algorithm that, given x as input, accurately answers a sequence of adaptively chosen ``queries'' about the unknown distribution P. How many samples n must we draw from the distribution, as a function of the type of queries, the number of queries, and the desired level of accuracy? In this work we make two new contributions towards resolving this question: We give upper bounds on the number of samples n that are needed to answer statistical queries. The bounds improve and simplify the work of Dwork et al. (STOC, 2015), and have been applied in subsequent work by those authors (Science, 2015; NIPS, 2015). We prove the first upper bounds on the number of samples required to answer more general families of queries. These include arbitrary low-sensitivity queries and an important class of optimization queries (alternatively, risk minimization queries). As in Dwork et al., our algorithms are based on a connection with algorithmic stability in the form of differential privacy. We extend their work by giving a quantitatively optimal, more general, and simpler proof of their main theorem that the stability notion guaranteed by differential privacy implies low generalization error. We also show that weaker stability guarantees such as bounded KL divergence and total variation distance lead to correspondingly weaker generalization guarantees.
The rapid growth in the size and scope of datasets in science and technology has created a need for novel foundational perspectives on data analysis that blend the inferential and computational sciences. That classical perspectives from these fields are not adequate to address emerging problems in "Big Data" is apparent from their sharply divergent nature at an elementary level-in computer science, the growth of the number of data points is a source of "complexity" that must be tamed via algorithms or hardware, whereas in statistics, the growth of the number of data points is a source of "simplicity" in that inferences are generally stronger and asymptotic results can be invoked. On a formal level, the gap is made evident by the lack of a role for computational concepts such as "runtime" in core statistical theory and the lack of a role for statistical concepts such as "risk" in core computational theory. I present several research vignettes aimed at bridging computation and statistics, including the problem of inference under privacy and communication constraints, and ways to exploit parallelism so as to trade off the speed and accuracy of inference.