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Hasan, Darwito, Haryadi Amran, Sudarsono, Amang.  2022.  Environmental Condition Monitoring and Decision Making System Using Fuzzy Logic Method. 2022 International Electronics Symposium (IES). :267—271.

Currently, air pollution is still a problem that requires special attention, especially in big cities. Air pollution can come from motor vehicle fumes, factory smoke or other particles. To overcome these problems, a system is made that can monitor environmental conditions in order to know the good and bad of air quality in an environment and is expected to be a solution to reduce air pollution that occurs. The system created will utilize the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) combined with Waspmote Smart Environment PRO, so that later data will be obtained in the form of temperature, humidity, CO levels and CO2 levels. From the sensor data that has been processed on Waspmote, it will then be used as input for data processing using a fuzzy algorithm. The classification obtained from sensor data processing using fuzzy to monitor environmental conditions there are 5 classifications, namely Very Good, Good, Average, Bad and Dangerous. Later the data that has been collected will be distributed to Meshlium as a gateway and will be stored in the database. The process of sending information between one party to another needs to pay attention to the confidentiality of data and information. The final result of the implementation of this research is that the system is able to classify values using fuzzy algorithms and is able to secure text data that will be sent to the database via Meshlium, and is able to display data sent to the website in real time.

Chandrasekaran, Selvamani, Ramachandran, K.I., Adarsh, S., Puranik, Ashish Kumar.  2020.  Avoidance of Replay attack in CAN protocol using Authenticated Encryption. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1—6.
Controller Area Network is the prominent communication protocol in automotive systems. Its salient features of arbitration, message filtering, error detection, data consistency and fault confinement provide robust and reliable architecture. Despite of this, it lacks security features and is vulnerable to many attacks. One of the common attacks over the CAN communication is the replay attack. It can happen even after the implementation of encryption or authentication. This paper proposes a methodology of supressing the replay attacks by implementing authenticated encryption embedded with timestamp and pre-shared initialisation vector as a primary key. The major advantage of this system is its flexibility and configurability nature where in each layer can be chosen with the help of cryptographic algorithms to up to the entire size of the keys.
Ghouse, Mohammed, Nene, Manisha J..  2020.  Graph Neural Networks for Prevention of Leakage of Secret Data. 2020 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :994—999.
The study presents the design and development of security solution pertaining to prevention of leakage of secret data that is in transit (DIT) to be deployed in a Network Gateway, the Gateway is the link connecting the Trusted Network with the Un-trusted Network. The entire solution includes, tasks such as classification of data flowing in the network, followed by the confinement of the identified data, the confinement of the identified data is done either by tagging the data or by means of encryption, however the later form is employed to achieve confinement of classified data under secret category thereby achieving confidentiality of the same. GNN is used for achieving the categorization function and the results are found to be satisfying with less processing time. The dataset that is used is the publicly available dataset and is available in its labeled format. The final deployment will however be based on the datasets that is available to meet a particular requirement of an Organization/Institution. Any organization can prepare a customized dataset suiting its requirements and train the model. The model can then be used for meeting the DLP requirement.
Majumdar, R., Gayen, P. K., Mondal, S., Sadhukhan, A., Das, P. K., Kushary, I..  2019.  A Cyber Communication Package in the Application of Grid Tied Solar System. 2019 Devices for Integrated Circuit (DevIC). :146–150.

In this paper, development of cyber communication package in the application of grid connected solar system has been presented. Here, implemented communication methodology supports communication process with reduced latency, high security arrangement with various degrees of freedom. Faithful transferring of various electrical data for the purpose of measurement, monitoring and controlling actions depend on the bidirectional communication strategy. Thus, real-time communication of data through cyber network has been emphasized in this paper. The C\# language based coding is done to develop the communication program. The notable features of proposed communication process are reduction of latency during data exchange by usage of advanced encryption standard (AES) algorithm, tightening of cyber security arrangement by implementing secured socket layer (SSL) and Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) algorithms. Various real-time experiments using internet connected computers have been done to verify the usability of the proposed communication concept along with its notable features in the application.

Srinivas, N. S. S., Akramuddin, M..  2016.  FPGA based hardware implementation of AES Rijndael algorithm for Encryption and Decryption. 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT). :1769–1776.
AES algorithm or Rijndael algorithm is a network security algorithm which is most commonly used in all types of wired and wireless digital communication networks for secure transmission of data between two end users, especially over a public network. This paper presents the hardware implementation of AES Rijndael Encryption and Decryption Algorithm by using Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA. The hardware design approach is entirely based on pre-calculated look-up tables (LUTs) which results in less complex architecture, thereby providing high throughput and low latency. There are basically three different formats in AES. They are AES-128, AES-192 and AES-256. The encryption and decryption blocks of all the three formats are efficiently designed by using Verilog-HDL and are synthesized on Virtex-7 XC7VX690T chip (Target Device) with the help of Xilinx ISE Design Suite-14.7 Tool. The synthesis tool was set to optimize speed, area and power. The power analysis is made by using Xilinx XPower Analyzer. Pre-calculated LUTs are used for the implementation of algorithmic functions, namely S-Box and Inverse S-Box transformations and also for GF (28) i.e. Galois Field Multiplications involved in Mix-Columns and Inverse Mix-Columns transformations. The proposed architecture is found to be having good efficiency in terms of latency, throughput, speed/delay, area and power.
M. M. Olama, M. M. Matalgah, M. Bobrek.  2015.  "An integrated signaling-encryption mechanism to reduce error propagation in wireless communications: performance analyses". 2015 IEEE International Workshop Technical Committee on Communications Quality and Reliability (CQR). :1-6.

Traditional encryption techniques require packet overhead, produce processing time delay, and suffer from severe quality of service deterioration due to fades and interference in wireless channels. These issues reduce the effective transmission data rate (throughput) considerably in wireless communications, where data rate with limited bandwidth is the main constraint. In this paper, performance evaluation analyses are conducted for an integrated signaling-encryption mechanism that is secure and enables improved throughput and probability of bit-error in wireless channels. This mechanism eliminates the drawbacks stated herein by encrypting only a small portion of an entire transmitted frame, while the rest is not subject to traditional encryption but goes through a signaling process (designed transformation) with the plaintext of the portion selected for encryption. We also propose to incorporate error correction coding solely on the small encrypted portion of the data to drastically improve the overall bit-error rate performance while not noticeably increasing the required bit-rate. We focus on validating the signaling-encryption mechanism utilizing Hamming and convolutional error correction coding by conducting an end-to-end system-level simulation-based study. The average probability of bit-error and throughput of the encryption mechanism are evaluated over standard Gaussian and Rayleigh fading-type channels and compared to the ones of the conventional advanced encryption standard (AES).