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Salsabila, Hanifah, Mardhiyah, Syafira, Budiarto Hadiprakoso, Raden.  2022.  Flubot Malware Hybrid Analysis on Android Operating System. 2022 International Conference on Informatics, Multimedia, Cyber and Information System (ICIMCIS). :202—206.
The rising use of smartphones each year is matched by the development of the smartphone's operating system, Android. Due to the immense popularity of the Android operating system, many unauthorized users (in this case, the attackers) wish to exploit this vulnerability to get sensitive data from every Android user. The flubot malware assault, which happened in 2021 and targeted Android devices practically globally, is one of the attacks on Android smartphones. It was known at the time that the flubot virus stole information, particularly from banking applications installed on the victim's device. To prevent this from happening again, we research the signature and behavior of flubot malware. In this study, a hybrid analysis will be conducted on three samples of flubot malware that are available on the open-source Hatching Triage platform. Using the Android Virtual Device (AVD) as the primary environment for malware installation, the analysis was conducted with the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) and Burpsuite as supporting tools for dynamic analysis. During the static analysis, the Mobile Security Framework (MobSF) and the Bytecode Viewer were used to examine the source code of the three malware samples. Analysis of the flubot virus revealed that it extracts or drops dex files on the victim's device, where the file is the primary malware. The Flubot virus will clone the messaging application or Short Message Service (SMS) on the default device. Additionally, we discovered a form of flubot malware that operates as a Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA) and communicates with its Command and Control (C&C) server.
Ismael, Maher F., Thanoon, Karam H..  2022.  Investigation Malware Analysis Depend on Reverse Engineering Using IDAPro. 2022 8th International Conference on Contemporary Information Technology and Mathematics (ICCITM). :227—231.
Any software that runs malicious payloads on victims’ computers is referred to as malware. It is an increasing threat that costs people, businesses, and organizations a lot of money. Attacks on security have developed significantly in recent years. Malware may infiltrate both offline and online media, like: chat, SMS, and spam (email, or social media), because it has a built-in defensive mechanism and may conceal itself from antivirus software or even corrupt it. As a result, there is an urgent need to detect and prevent malware before it damages critical assets around the world. In fact, there are lots of different techniques and tools used to combat versus malware. In this paper, the malware samples were analyzing in the Virtual Box environment using in-depth analysis based on reverse engineering using advanced static malware analysis techniques. The results Obtained from malware analysis which represent a set of valuable information, all anti-malware and anti-virus program companies need for in order to update their products.
Oshio, Kei, Takada, Satoshi, Han, Chansu, Tanaka, Akira, Takeuchi, Jun'ichi.  2022.  Poster: Flexible Function Estimation of IoT Malware Using Graph Embedding Technique. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—3.
Most IoT malware is variants generated by editing and reusing parts of the functions based on publicly available source codes. In our previous study, we proposed a method to estimate the functions of a specimen using the Function Call Sequence Graph (FCSG), which is a directed graph of execution sequence of function calls. In the FCSG-based method, the subgraph corresponding to a malware functionality is manually created and called a signature-FSCG. The specimens with the signature-FSCG are expected to have the corresponding functionality. However, this method cannot detect the specimens with a slightly different subgraph from the signature-FSCG. This paper found that these specimens were supposed to have the same functionality for a signature-FSCG. These specimens need more flexible signature matching, and we propose a graph embedding technique to realize it.
He, Benwei, Guo, Yunfei, Liang, Hao, Wang, Qingfeng, Xie, Genlin.  2022.  Research on Defending Code Reuse Attack Based on Binary Rewriting. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1682—1686.
At present, code reuse attacks, such as Return Oriented Programming (ROP), execute attacks through the code of the application itself, bypassing the traditional defense mechanism and seriously threatening the security of computer software. The existing two mainstream defense mechanisms, Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), are vulnerable to information disclosure attacks, and Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) will bring high overhead to programs. At the same time, due to the widespread use of software of unknown origin, there is no source code provided or available, so it is not always possible to secure the source code. In this paper, we propose FRCFI, an effective method based on binary rewriting to prevent code reuse attacks. FRCFI first disrupts the program's memory space layout through function shuffling and NOP insertion, then verifies the execution of the control-flow branch instruction ret and indirect call/jmp instructions to ensure that the target address is not modified by attackers. Experiment show shows that FRCFI can effectively defend against code reuse attacks. After randomization, the survival rate of gadgets is only 1.7%, and FRCFI adds on average 6.1% runtime overhead on SPEC CPU2006 benchmark programs.
Li, Suozai, Huang, Ming, Wang, Qinghao, Zhang, Yongxin, Lu, Ning, Shi, Wenbo, Lei, Hong.  2022.  T-PPA: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Payment System with Efficient Auditability Based on TEE. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1255–1263.
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum achieve decentralized payment by maintaining a globally distributed and append-only ledger. Recently, several researchers have sought to achieve privacy-preserving auditing, which is a crucial function for scenarios that require regulatory compliance, for decentralized payment systems. However, those proposed schemes usually cost much time for the cooperation between the auditor and the user due to leveraging complex cryptographic tools such as zero-knowledge proof. To tackle the problem, we present T-PPA, a privacy-preserving decentralized payment system, which provides customizable and efficient auditability by leveraging trusted execution environments (TEEs). T-PPA demands the auditor construct audit programs based on request and execute them in the TEE to protect the privacy of transactions. Then, identity-based encryption (IBE) is employed to construct the separation of power between the agency nodes and the auditor and to protect the privacy of transactions out of TEE. The experimental results show that T-PPA can achieve privacy-preserving audits with acceptable overhead.
Qiang, Weizhong, Luo, Hao.  2022.  AutoSlicer: Automatic Program Partitioning for Securing Sensitive Data Based-on Data Dependency Analysis and Code Refactoring. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :239—247.
Legacy programs are normally monolithic (that is, all code runs in a single process and is not partitioned), and a bug in a program may result in the entire program being vulnerable and therefore untrusted. Program partitioning can be used to separate a program into multiple partitions, so as to isolate sensitive data or privileged operations. Manual program partitioning requires programmers to rewrite the entire source code, which is cumbersome, error-prone, and not generic. Automatic program partitioning tools can separate programs according to the dependency graph constructed based on data or programs. However, programmers still need to manually implement remote service interfaces for inter-partition communication. Therefore, in this paper, we propose AutoSlicer, whose purpose is to partition a program more automatically, so that the programmer is only required to annotate sensitive data. AutoSlicer constructs accurate data dependency graphs (DDGs) by enabling execution flow graphs, and the DDG-based partitioning algorithm can compute partition information based on sensitive annotations. In addition, the code refactoring toolchain can automatically transform the source code into sensitive and insensitive partitions that can be deployed on the remote procedure call framework. The experimental evaluation shows that AutoSlicer can effectively improve the accuracy (13%-27%) of program partitioning by enabling EFG, and separate real-world programs with a relatively smaller performance overhead (0.26%-9.42%).
Zhu, Tingting, Liang, Jifan, Ma, Xiao.  2022.  Ternary Convolutional LDGM Codes with Applications to Gaussian Source Compression. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :73–78.
We present a ternary source coding scheme in this paper, which is a special class of low density generator matrix (LDGM) codes. We prove that a ternary linear block LDGM code, whose generator matrix is randomly generated with each element independent and identically distributed, is universal for source coding in terms of the symbol-error rate (SER). To circumvent the high-complex maximum likelihood decoding, we introduce a special class of convolutional LDGM codes, called block Markov superposition transmission of repetition (BMST-R) codes, which are iteratively decodable by a sliding window algorithm. Then the presented BMST-R codes are applied to construct a tandem scheme for Gaussian source compression, where a dead-zone quantizer is introduced before the ternary source coding. The main advantages of this scheme are its universality and flexibility. The dead-zone quantizer can choose a proper quantization level according to the distortion requirement, while the LDGM codes can adapt the code rate to approach the entropy of the quantized sequence. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme performs well for ternary sources over a wide range of code rates and that the distortion introduced by quantization dominates provided that the code rate is slightly greater than the discrete entropy.
ISSN: 2157-8117
Abraham, Jacob, Ehret, Alan, Kinsy, Michel A..  2022.  A Compiler for Transparent Namespace-Based Access Control for the Zeno Architecture. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Secure and Private Execution Environment Design (SEED). :1–10.
With memory safety and security issues continuing to plague modern systems, security is rapidly becoming a first class priority in new architectures and competes directly with performance and power efficiency. The capability-based architecture model provides a promising solution to many memory vulnerabilities by replacing plain addresses with capabilities, i.e., addresses and related metadata. A key advantage of the capability model is compatibility with existing code bases. Capabilities can be implemented transparently to a programmer, i.e., without source code changes. Capabilities leverage semantics in source code to describe access permissions but require customized compilers to translate the semantics to their binary equivalent.In this work, we introduce a complete capabilityaware compiler toolchain for such secure architectures. We illustrate the compiler construction with a RISC-V capability-based architecture, called Zeno. As a securityfocused, large-scale, global shared memory architecture, Zeno implements a Namespace-based capability model for accesses. Namespace IDs (NSID) are encoded with an extended addressing model to associate them with access permission metadata elsewhere in the system. The NSID extended addressing model requires custom compiler support to fully leverage the protections offered by Namespaces. The Zeno compiler produces code transparently to the programmer that is aware of Namespaces and maintains their integrity. The Zeno assembler enables custom Zeno instructions which support secure memory operations. Our results show that our custom toolchain moderately increases the binary size compared to nonZeno compilation. We find the minimal overhead incurred by the additional NSID management instructions to be an acceptable trade-off for the memory safety and security offered by Zeno Namespaces.
Ma, Xiao, Wang, Yixin, Zhu, Tingting.  2022.  A New Framework for Proving Coding Theorems for Linear Codes. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :2768–2773.

A new framework is presented in this paper for proving coding theorems for linear codes, where the systematic bits and the corresponding parity-check bits play different roles. Precisely, the noisy systematic bits are used to limit the list size of typical codewords, while the noisy parity-check bits are used to select from the list the maximum likelihood codeword. This new framework for linear codes allows that the systematic bits and the parity-check bits are transmitted in different ways and over different channels. In particular, this new framework unifies the source coding theorems and the channel coding theorems. With this framework, we prove that the Bernoulli generator matrix codes (BGMCs) are capacity-achieving over binary-input output symmetric (BIOS) channels and also entropy-achieving for Bernoulli sources.

ISSN: 2157-8117

Rahkema, Kristiina, Pfahl, Dietmar.  2022.  Quality Analysis of iOS Applications with Focus on Maintainability and Security. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). :602–606.
We use mobile apps on a daily basis and there is an app for everything. We trust these applications with our most personal data. It is therefore important that these apps are as secure and well usable as possible. So far most studies on the maintenance and security of mobile applications have been done on Android applications. We do, however, not know how well these results translate to iOS.This research project aims to close this gap by analysing iOS applications with regards to maintainability and security. Regarding maintainability, we analyse code smells in iOS applications, the evolution of code smells in iOS applications and compare code smell distributions in iOS and Android applications. Regarding security, we analyse the evolution of the third-party library dependency network for the iOS ecosystem. Additionally, we analyse how publicly reported vulnerabilities spread in the library dependency network.Regarding maintainability, we found that the distributions of code smells in iOS and Android applications differ. Code smells in iOS applications tend to correspond to smaller classes, such as Lazy Class. Regarding security, we found that the library dependency network of the iOS ecosystem is not growing as fast as in some other ecosystems. There are less dependencies on average than for example in the npm ecosystem and, therefore, vulnerabilities do not spread as far.
ISSN: 2576-3148
Mansoor, Niloofar, Muske, Tukaram, Serebrenik, Alexander, Sharif, Bonita.  2022.  An Empirical Assessment on Merging and Repositioning of Static Analysis Alarms. 2022 IEEE 22nd International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). :219–229.
Static analysis tools generate a large number of alarms that require manual inspection. In prior work, repositioning of alarms is proposed to (1) merge multiple similar alarms together and replace them by a fewer alarms, and (2) report alarms as close as possible to the causes for their generation. The premise is that the proposed merging and repositioning of alarms will reduce the manual inspection effort. To evaluate the premise, this paper presents an empirical study with 249 developers on the proposed merging and repositioning of static alarms. The study is conducted using static analysis alarms generated on \$C\$ programs, where the alarms are representative of the merging vs. non-merging and repositioning vs. non-repositioning situations in real-life code. Developers were asked to manually inspect and determine whether assertions added corresponding to alarms in \$C\$ code hold. Additionally, two spatial cognitive tests are also done to determine relationship in performance. The empirical evaluation results indicate that, in contrast to expectations, there was no evidence that merging and repositioning of alarms reduces manual inspection effort or improves the inspection accuracy (at times a negative impact was found). Results on cognitive abilities correlated with comprehension and alarm inspection accuracy.
Muske, Tukaram, Serebrenik, Alexander.  2022.  Classification and Ranking of Delta Static Analysis Alarms. 2022 IEEE 22nd International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation (SCAM). :197–207.

Static analysis tools help to detect common pro-gramming errors but generate a large number of false positives. Moreover, when applied to evolving software systems, around 95 % of alarms generated on a version are repeated, i.e., they have also been generated on the previous version. Version-aware static analysis techniques (VSATs) have been proposed to suppress the repeated alarms that are not impacted by the code changes between the two versions. The alarms reported by VSATs after the suppression, called delta alarms, still constitute 63% of the tool-generated alarms. We observe that delta alarms can be further postprocessed using their corresponding code changes: the code changes due to which VSATs identify them as delta alarms. However, none of the existing VSATs or alarms postprocessing techniques postprocesses delta alarms using the corresponding code changes. Based on this observation, we use the code changes to classify delta alarms into six classes that have different priorities assigned to them. The assignment of priorities is based on the type of code changes and their likelihood of actually impacting the delta alarms. The ranking of alarms, obtained by prioritizing the classes, can help suppress alarms that are ranked lower, when resources to inspect all the tool-generated alarms are limited. We performed an empirical evaluation using 9789 alarms generated on 59 versions of seven open source C applications. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed classification and ranking of delta alarms help to identify, on average, 53 % of delta alarms as more likely to be false positives than the others.

Shi, Haoxiang, Liu, Wu, Liu, Jingyu, Ai, Jun, Yang, Chunhui.  2022.  A Software Defect Location Method based on Static Analysis Results. 2022 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :876–886.

Code-graph based software defect prediction methods have become a research focus in SDP field. Among them, Code Property Graph is used as a form of data representation for code defects due to its ability to characterize the structural features and dependencies of defect codes. However, since the coarse granularity of Code Property Graph, redundant information which is not related to defects often attached to the characterization of software defects. Thus, it is a problem to be solved in how to locate software defects at a finer granularity in Code Property Graph. Static analysis is a technique for identifying software defects using set defect rules, and there are many proven static analysis tools in the industry. In this paper, we propose a method for locating specific types of defects in the Code Property Graph based on the result of static analysis tool. Experiments show that the location method based on static analysis results can effectively predict the location of specific defect types in real software program.

Li, Xiuli, Wang, Guoshi, Wang, Chuping, Qin, Yanyan, Wang, Ning.  2022.  Software Source Code Security Audit Algorithm Supporting Incremental Checking. 2022 IEEE 7th International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). :53—58.
Source code security audit is an effective technique to deal with security vulnerabilities and software bugs. As one kind of white-box testing approaches, it can effectively help developers eliminate defects in the code. However, it suffers from performance issues. In this paper, we propose an incremental checking mechanism which enables fast source code security audits. And we conduct comprehensive experiments to verify the effectiveness of our approach.
Lin, Xinrong, Hua, Baojian, Fan, Qiliang.  2022.  On the Security of Python Virtual Machines: An Empirical Study. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME). :223—234.
Python continues to be one of the most popular programming languages and has been used in many safety-critical fields such as medical treatment, autonomous driving systems, and data science. These fields put forward higher security requirements to Python ecosystems. However, existing studies on machine learning systems in Python concentrate on data security, model security and model privacy, and just assume the underlying Python virtual machines (PVMs) are secure and trustworthy. Unfortunately, whether such an assumption really holds is still unknown.This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first and most comprehensive empirical study on the security of CPython, the official and most deployed Python virtual machine. To this end, we first designed and implemented a software prototype dubbed PVMSCAN, then use it to scan the source code of the latest CPython (version 3.10) and other 10 versions (3.0 to 3.9), which consists of 3,838,606 lines of source code. Empirical results give relevant findings and insights towards the security of Python virtual machines, such as: 1) CPython virtual machines are still vulnerable, for example, PVMSCAN detected 239 vulnerabilities in version 3.10, including 55 null dereferences, 86 uninitialized variables and 98 dead stores; Python/C API-related vulnerabilities are very common and have become one of the most severe threats to the security of PVMs: for example, 70 Python/C API-related vulnerabilities are identified in CPython 3.10; 3) the overall quality of the code remained stable during the evolution of Python VMs with vulnerabilities per thousand line (VPTL) to be 0.50; and 4) automatic vulnerability rectification is effective: 166 out of 239 (69.46%) vulnerabilities can be rectified by a simple yet effective syntax-directed heuristics.We have reported our empirical results to the developers of CPython, and they have acknowledged us and already confirmed and fixed 2 bugs (as of this writing) while others are still being analyzed. This study not only demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach, but also highlights the need to improve the reliability of infrastructures like Python virtual machines by leveraging state-of-the-art security techniques and tools.
Henkel, Werner, Namachanja, Maria.  2021.  A Simple Physical-Layer Key Generation for Frequency-Division Duplexing (FDD). 2021 15th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ICSPCS). :1—6.
Common randomness of channels offers the possibility to create cryptographic keys without the need for a key exchange procedure. Channel reciprocity for TDD (time-division duplexing) systems has been used for this purpose many times. FDD (frequency-division duplexing) systems, however, were long considered to not provide any usable symmetry. However, since the scattering transmission parameters S\textbackslashtextlessinf\textbackslashtextgreater12\textbackslashtextless/inf\textbackslashtextgreater and S\textbackslashtextlessinf\textbackslashtextgreater21\textbackslashtextless/inf\textbackslashtextgreater would ideally be the same due to reciprocity, when using neighboring frequency ranges for both directions, they would just follow a continuous curve when putting them next to each other. To not rely on absolute phase, we use phase differences between antennas and apply a polynomial curve fitting, thereafter, quantize the midpoint between the two frequency ranges with the two measurement directions. This is shown to work even with some spacing between the two bands. For key reconciliation, we force the measurement point from one direction to be in the midpoint of the quantization interval by a grid shift (or likewise measurement data shift). Since the histogram over the quantization intervals does not follow a uniform distribution, some source coding / hashing will be necessary. The key disagreement rate toward an eavesdropper was found to be close to 0.5. Additionally, when using an antenna array, a random permutation of antenna measurements can even further improve the protection against eavesdropping.
Guerrini, F., Dalai, M., Leonardi, R..  2020.  Minimal Information Exchange for Secure Image Hash-Based Geometric Transformations Estimation. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:3482—3496.
Signal processing applications dealing with secure transmission are enjoying increasing attention lately. This paper provides some theoretical insights as well as a practical solution for transmitting a hash of an image to a central server to be compared with a reference image. The proposed solution employs a rigid image registration technique viewed in a distributed source coding perspective. In essence, it embodies a phase encoding framework to let the decoder estimate the transformation parameters using a very modest amount of information about the original image. The problem is first cast in an ideal setting and then it is solved in a realistic scenario, giving more prominence to low computational complexity in both the transmitter and receiver, minimal hash size, and hash security. Satisfactory experimental results are reported on a standard images set.
Amada, N., Yagi, H..  2020.  The Minimum Cost of Information Erasure for Stationary Memoryless Sources under Restriction on the Output Distribution. 2020 54th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS). :1—6.
In order to erase data including confidential in-formation stored in storage devices, an unrelated and random sequence is usually overwritten, which prevents the data from being restored. The problem of minimizing the cost for information erasure when the amount of information leakage of the confidential information should be less than or equal to a constant asymptotically has been introduced by T. Matsuta and T. Uyematsu. Whereas the minimum cost for overwriting has been given for general sources, a single-letter characterization for stationary memoryless sources is not easily derived. In this paper, we give single-letter characterizations for stationary memoryless sources under two types of restrictions: one requires the output distribution of the encoder to be independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) and the other requires it to be memoryless but not necessarily i.i.d. asymptotically. The characterizations indicate the relation among the amount of information leakage, the minimum cost for information erasure and the rate of the size of uniformly distributed sequences. The obtained results show that the minimum costs are different between these restrictions.
Kaur, S., Jindal, A..  2020.  Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based Image Tamper Detection Scheme. 2020 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT). :695—699.
Image authentication techniques are basically used to check whether the received document is accurate or actual as it was transmitted by the source node or not. Image authentication ensures the integrity of the digital images and identify the ownership of the copyright of the digital images. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is method based on spatial domain which is used to extract important features from an image. SVD function decomposes an image into three matrices (U, S, V), the S matrix is a diagonal matrix constitutes singular values. These values are important features of that particular image. The quick response code features are utilized to create QR code from the extracted values. The evaluations produced represents that this designed method is better in producing authenticated image as compared to existing schemes.
Merhav, Neri, Cohen, Asaf.  2019.  Universal Randomized Guessing with Application to Asynchronous Decentralized Brute—Force Attacks. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :485—489.
Consider the problem of guessing a random vector X by submitting queries (guesses) of the form "Is X equal to x?" until an affirmative answer is obtained. A key figure of merit is the number of queries required until the right vector is guessed, termed the guesswork. The goal is to devise a guessing strategy which minimizes a certain guesswork moment. We study a universal, decentralized scenario where the guesser does not know the distribution of X, and is not allowed to prepare a list of words to be guessed in advance, or to remember its past guesses. Such a scenario is useful, for example, if bots within a Botnet carry out a brute-force attack to guess a password or decrypt a message, yet cannot coordinate the guesses or even know how many bots actually participate in the attack. We devise universal decentralized guessing strategies, first, for memoryless sources, and then generalize them to finite-state sources. For both, we derive the guessing exponent and prove its asymptotic optimality by deriving a matching converse. The strategies are based on randomized guessing using a universal distribution. We also extend the results to guessing with side information (SI). Finally, we design simple algorithms for sampling from the universal distributions.
Gong, Shixun, Li, Na, Wu, Huici, Tao, Xiaofeng.  2019.  Cooperative Two-Key Generation in Source-Type Model With Partial-Trusted Helpers. 2019 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :689—694.

This paper investigates the problem of generating two secret keys (SKs) simultaneously over a five-terminal system with terminals labelled as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Each of terminal 2 and terminal 3 wishes to generate an SK with terminal 1 over a public channel wiretapped by a passive eavesdropper. Terminal 4 and terminal 5 respectively act as a trusted helper and an untrusted helper to assist the SK generation. All the terminals observe correlated source sequences from discrete memoryless sources (DMS) and can exchange information over a public channel with no rate constraint that the eavesdropper has access to. Based on the considered model, key capacity region is fully characterized and a source coding scheme that can achieve the capacity region is provided. Furthermore, expression for key leakage rate is obtained to analyze the security performance of the two generated keys.

Naves, Raphael, Jakllari, Gentian, Khalife, Hicham, Conant, Vania, Beylot, Andre-Luc.  2018.  When Analog Meets Digital: Source-Encoded Physical-Layer Network Coding. 2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM). :1–9.
We revisit Physical-Layer Network Coding (PLNC) and the reasons preventing it from becoming a staple in wireless networks. We identify its strong coupling to the Two-Way Relay Channel (TWRC) as key among them due to its requiring crossing traffic flows and two-hop node coordination. We introduce SE-PLNC, a Source-Encoded PLNC scheme that is traffic pattern independent and involves coordination only among one-hop neighbors, making it significantly more practical to adopt PLNC in multi-hop wireless networks. To accomplish this, SE-PLNC introduces three innovations: it combines bit-level with physical-level network coding, it shifts most of the coding burden from the relay to the source of the PLNC scheme, and it leverages multi-path relaying opportunities available to a particular traffic flow. We evaluate SE-PLNC using theoretical analysis, proof-of-concept implementation on a Universal Software Radio Peripherals (USRP) testbed, and simulations. The theoretical analysis shows the scalability of SE-PLNC and its efficiency in large ad-hoc networks while the testbed experiments its real-life feasibility. Large-scale simulations show that TWRC PLNC barely boosts network throughput while SE-PLNC improves it by over 30%.
Guo, Tao, Yeung, Raymond w..  2018.  The Explicit Coding Rate Region of Symmetric Multilevel Diversity Coding. 2018 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA). :1–9.
It is well known that superposition coding, namely separately encoding the independent sources, is optimal for symmetric multilevel diversity coding (SMDC) (Yeung-Zhang 1999). However, the characterization of the coding rate region therein involves uncountably many linear inequalities and the constant term (i.e., the lower bound) in each inequality is given in terms of the solution of a linear optimization problem. Thus this implicit characterization of the coding rate region does not enable the determination of the achievability of a given rate tuple. In this paper, we first obtain closed-form expressions of these uncountably many inequalities. Then we identify a finite subset of inequalities that is sufficient for characterizing the coding rate region. This gives an explicit characterization of the coding rate region. We further show by the symmetry of the problem that only a much smaller subset of this finite set of inequalities needs to be verified in determining the achievability of a given rate tuple. Yet, the cardinality of this smaller set grows at least exponentially fast with L.
Abdessalem, Marwa Ben, Zribi, Amin, Matsumoto, Tadashi, Bouallègue, Ammar.  2018.  LDPC-based Joint Source-Channel-Network Coding for the Multiple Access Relay Channel. 2018 6th International Conference on Wireless Networks and Mobile Communications (WINCOM). :1–6.
In this work, we investigate the MARC (Multiple Access Relay Channel) setup, in which two Markov sources communicate to a single destination, aided by one relay, based on Joint Source Channel Network (JSCN) LDPC codes. In addition, the two source nodes compress the information sequences with an LDPC source code. The compressed symbols are directly transmitted to both a relay and a destination nodes in two transportation phases. Indeed, the relay performs the concatenation of the received compressed sequences to obtain a recovered sequence, which is encoded with an LDPC channel code, before being forwarded to the destination. At the receiver, we propose an iterative joint decoding algorithm that exploits the correlation between the two sources-relay data and takes into account the errors occurring in the sources-relay links to estimate the source data. We show based on simulation results that the JSCN coding and decoding scheme into a MARC setup achieves a good performance with a gain of about 5 dB compared to a conventional LDPC code.
Oohama, Y., Santoso, B..  2018.  Information Theoretical Analysis of Side-Channel Attacks to the Shannon Cipher System. 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT). :581-585.
We study side-channel attacks for the Shannon cipher system. To pose side channel-attacks to the Shannon cipher system, we regard them as a signal estimation via encoded data from two distributed sensors. This can be formulated as the one helper source coding problem posed and investigated by Ahlswede, Korner(1975), and Wyner(1975). We further investigate the posed problem to derive new secrecy bounds. Our results are derived by a coupling of the result Watanabe and Oohama(2012) obtained on bounded storage eavesdropper with the exponential strong converse theorem Oohama(2015) established for the one helper source coding problem.