Visible to the public When Analog Meets Digital: Source-Encoded Physical-Layer Network Coding

TitleWhen Analog Meets Digital: Source-Encoded Physical-Layer Network Coding
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsNaves, Raphael, Jakllari, Gentian, Khalife, Hicham, Conant, Vania, Beylot, Andre-Luc
Conference Name2018 IEEE 19th International Symposium on "A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks" (WoWMoM)
Date Publishedjun
KeywordsAd hoc networks, ad-hoc networks, channel coding, composability, cyber physical systems, multihop wireless networks, multipath relaying opportunities, network coding, Network topology, physical-level network coding, Predictive Metrics, pubcrawl, relay networks (telecommunication), Relays, Resiliency, SE-PLNC, source coding, Source-Encoded Physical-Layer Network Coding, Source-Encoded PLNC scheme, spread spectrum communication, telecommunication traffic, Throughput, Topology, two-hop node coordination, TWRC PLNC, wireless networks
AbstractWe revisit Physical-Layer Network Coding (PLNC) and the reasons preventing it from becoming a staple in wireless networks. We identify its strong coupling to the Two-Way Relay Channel (TWRC) as key among them due to its requiring crossing traffic flows and two-hop node coordination. We introduce SE-PLNC, a Source-Encoded PLNC scheme that is traffic pattern independent and involves coordination only among one-hop neighbors, making it significantly more practical to adopt PLNC in multi-hop wireless networks. To accomplish this, SE-PLNC introduces three innovations: it combines bit-level with physical-level network coding, it shifts most of the coding burden from the relay to the source of the PLNC scheme, and it leverages multi-path relaying opportunities available to a particular traffic flow. We evaluate SE-PLNC using theoretical analysis, proof-of-concept implementation on a Universal Software Radio Peripherals (USRP) testbed, and simulations. The theoretical analysis shows the scalability of SE-PLNC and its efficiency in large ad-hoc networks while the testbed experiments its real-life feasibility. Large-scale simulations show that TWRC PLNC barely boosts network throughput while SE-PLNC improves it by over 30%.
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