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Bovo, Cristian, Ilea, Valentin, Rolandi, Claudio.  2018.  A Security-Constrained Islanding Feasibility Optimization Model in the Presence of Renewable Energy Sources. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I CPS Europe). :1—6.

The massive integration of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) into power systems is a major challenge but it also provides new opportunities for network operation. For example, with a large amount of RES available at HV subtransmission level, it is possible to exploit them as controlling resources in islanding conditions. Thus, a procedure for off-line evaluation of islanded operation feasibility in the presence of RES is proposed. The method finds which generators and loads remain connected after islanding to balance the island's real power maximizing the amount of supplied load and assuring the network's long-term security. For each possible islanding event, the set of optimal control actions (load/generation shedding) to apply in case of actual islanding, is found. The procedure is formulated as a Mixed Integer Non-Linear Problem (MINLP) and is solved using Genetic Algorithms (GAs). Results, including dynamic simulations, are shown for a representative HV subtransmission grid.

Rudolph, Hendryk, Lan, Tian, Strehl, Konrad, He, Qinwei, Lan, Yuanliang.  2019.  Simulating the Efficiency of Thermoelectrical Generators for Sensor Nodes. 2019 4th IEEE Workshop on the Electronic Grid (eGRID). :1—6.

In order to be more environmentally friendly, a lot of parts and aspects of life become electrified to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. This can be seen in the increased number of electrical vehicles in everyday life. This of course only makes a positive impact on the environment, if the electricity is produced environmentally friendly and comes from renewable sources. But when the green electrical power is produced, it still needs to be transported to where it's needed, which is not necessarily near the production site. In China, one of the ways to do this transport is to use High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology. This of course means, that the current has to be converted to DC before being transported to the end user. That implies that the converter stations are of great importance for the grid security. Therefore, a precise monitoring of the stations is necessary. Ideally, this could be accomplished with wireless sensor nodes with an autarkic energy supply. A role in this energy supply could be played by a thermoelectrical generator (TEG). But to assess the power generated in the specific environment, a simulation would be highly desirable, to evaluate the power gained from the temperature difference in the converter station. This paper proposes a method to simulate the generated power by combining a model for the generator with a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model converter.

Yuan, Haoxuan, Li, Fang, Huang, Xin.  2019.  A Formal Modeling and Verification Framework for Service Oriented Intelligent Production Line Design. 2019 IEEE/ACIS 18th International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS). :173—178.

The intelligent production line is a complex application with a large number of independent equipment network integration. In view of the characteristics of CPS, the existing modeling methods cannot well meet the application requirements of large scale high-performance system. a formal simulation verification framework and verification method are designed for the performance constraints such as the real-time and security of the intelligent production line based on soft bus. A model-based service-oriented integration approach is employed, which adopts a model-centric way to automate the development course of the entire software life cycle. Developing experience indicate that the proposed approach based on the formal modeling and verification framework in this paper can improve the performance of the system, which is also helpful to achieve the balance of the production line and maintain the reasonable use rate of the processing equipment.

Kërçi, Taulant, Milano, Federico.  2019.  A Framework to embed the Unit Commitment Problem into Time Domain Simulations. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I CPS Europe). :1—5.

This paper proposes a software framework to embed the unit commitment problem into a power system dynamic simulator. A sub-hourly, mixed-integer linear programming Security Constrained Unit Commitment (SCUC) with a rolling horizon is utilized to account for the variations of the net load of the system. The SCUC is then included into time domain simulations to study the impact of the net-load variability and uncertainty on the dynamic behavior of the system using different scheduling time periods. A case study based on the 39-bus system illustrates the features of the proposed software framework.

Paliath, Vivin, Shakarian, Paulo.  2019.  Reasoning about Sequential Cyberattacks. 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM). :855–862.
Cyber adversaries employ a variety of malware and exploits to attack computer systems, usually via sequential or “chained” attacks, that take advantage of vulnerability dependencies. In this paper, we introduce a formalism to model such attacks. We show that the determination of the set of capabilities gained by an attacker, which also translates to extent to which the system is compromised, corresponds with the convergence of a simple fixed-point operator. We then address the problem of determining the optimal/most-dangerous strategy for a cyber-adversary with respect to this model and find it to be an NP-Complete problem. To address this complexity we utilize an A*-based approach with an admissible heuristic, that incorporates the result of the fixed-point operator and uses memoization for greater efficiency. We provide an implementation and show through a suite of experiments, using both simulated and actual vulnerability data, that this method performs well in practice for identifying adversarial courses of action in this domain. On average, we found that our techniques decrease runtime by 82%.
Lakhno, Valeriy, Kasatkin, Dmytro, Blozva, Andriy.  2019.  Modeling Cyber Security of Information Systems Smart City Based on the Theory of Games and Markov Processes. 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S T). :497–501.
The article considers some aspects of modeling information security circuits for information and communication systems used in Smart City. As a basic research paradigm, the postulates of game theory and mathematical dependencies based on Markov processes were used. Thus, it is possible to sufficiently substantively describe the procedure for selecting rational variants of cyber security systems used to protect information technologies in Smart City. At the same time, using the model proposed by us, we can calculate the probability of cyber threats for the Smart City systems, as well as the cybernetic risks of diverse threats. Further, on the basis of the described indicators, rational contour options are chosen to protect the information systems used in Smart City.
Usama, Muhammad, Asim, Muhammad, Qadir, Junaid, Al-Fuqaha, Ala, Imran, Muhammad Ali.  2019.  Adversarial Machine Learning Attack on Modulation Classification. 2019 UK/ China Emerging Technologies (UCET). :1—4.

Modulation classification is an important component of cognitive self-driving networks. Recently many ML-based modulation classification methods have been proposed. We have evaluated the robustness of 9 ML-based modulation classifiers against the powerful Carlini & Wagner (C-W) attack and showed that the current ML-based modulation classifiers do not provide any deterrence against adversarial ML examples. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to report the results of the application of the C-W attack for creating adversarial examples against various ML models for modulation classification.

Yan, Haonan, Li, Hui, Xiao, Mingchi, Dai, Rui, Zheng, Xianchun, Zhao, Xingwen, Li, Fenghua.  2019.  PGSM-DPI: Precisely Guided Signature Matching of Deep Packet Inspection for Traffic Analysis. 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM). :1—6.

In the field of network traffic analysis, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology is widely used at present. However, the increase in network traffic has brought tremendous processing pressure on the DPI. Consequently, detection speed has become the bottleneck of the entire application. In order to speed up the traffic detection of DPI, a lot of research works have been applied to improve signature matching algorithms, which is the most influential factor in DPI performance. In this paper, we present a novel method from a different angle called Precisely Guided Signature Matching (PGSM). Instead of matching packets with signature directly, we use supervised learning to automate the rules of specific protocol in PGSM. By testing the performance of a packet in the rules, the target packet could be decided when and which signatures should be matched with. Thus, the PGSM method reduces the number of aimless matches which are useless and numerous. After proposing PGSM, we build a framework called PGSM-DPI to verify the effectiveness of guidance rules. The PGSM-DPI framework consists of PGSM method and open source DPI library. The framework is running on a distributed platform with better throughput and computational performance. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that our PGSM-DPI can reduce 59.23% original DPI time and increase 21.31% throughput. Besides, all source codes and experimental results can be accessed on our GitHub.

Wang, Manxi, Liu, Bingjie, Xu, Haitao.  2019.  Resource Allocation for Threat Defense in Cyber-security IoT system. 2019 28th Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC). :1—3.
In this paper, we design a model for resource allocation in IoT system considering the cyber security, to achieve optimal resource allocation when defend the attack and threat. The resource allocation problem is constructed as a dynamic game, where the threat level is the state and the defend cost is the objective function. Open loop solution and feedback solutions are both given to the defender as the optimal control variables under different solutions situations. The optimal allocated resource and the optimal threat level for the defender is simulated through the numerical simulations.
Babenko, Mikhail, Redvanov, Aziz Salimovich, Deryabin, Maxim, Chervyakov, Nikolay, Nazarov, Anton, Al-Galda, Safwat Chiad, Vashchenko, Irina, Dvoryaninova, Inna, Nepretimova, Elena.  2019.  Efficient Implementation of Cryptography on Points of an Elliptic Curve in Residue Number System. 2019 International Conference on Engineering and Telecommunication (EnT). :1—5.

The article explores the question of the effective implementation of arithmetic operations with points of an elliptic curve given over a prime field. Given that the basic arithmetic operations with points of an elliptic curve are the operations of adding points and doubling points, we study the question of implementing the arithmetic operations of adding and doubling points in various coordinate systems using the weighted number system and using the Residue Number System (RNS). We have shown that using the fourmodule RNS allows you to get an average gain for the operation of adding points of the elliptic curve of 8.67% and for the operation of doubling the points of the elliptic curve of 8.32% compared to the implementation using the operation of modular multiplication with special moduli from NIST FIPS 186.

Abir, Md. Towsif, Rahman, Lamiya, Miftah, Samit Shahnawaz, Sarker, Sudipta, Al Imran, Md. Ibrahim, Shafiqul Islam, Md..  2019.  Image Encryption and Decryption using Enigma Algorithm. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT). :1—5.

The main objective of this paper is to present a more secured and computationally efficient procedure of encrypting and decrypting images using the enigma algorithm in comparison to the existing methods. Available literature on image encryptions and descriptions are not highly secured in every case.To achieve more secured image processing for highly advanced technologies, a proposed algorithm can be the process used in enigma machine for image encryption and decryption. Enigma machine is piece of spook hardware that was used frequently during the World War II by the Germans. This paper describes the detailed algorithm along with proper demonstration of several essential components present in an enigma machine that is required for image security. Each pixel in a colorful picture can be represented by RGB (Red, Green, Blue) value. The range of RGB values is 0 to 255 that states the red, green and blue intensity of a particular picture.These RGB values are accessed one by one and changed into another by various steps and hence it is not possible to track the original RGB value. In order to retrieve the original image, the receiver needs to know the setting of the enigma. To compare the decrypted image with the original one,these two images are subtracted and their results are also discussed in this paper.

Van, Luu Xuan, Hong Dung, Luu.  2019.  Constructing a Digital Signature Algorithm Based on the Difficulty of Some Expanded Root Problems. 2019 6th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS). :190–195.
This paper presents the proposed method of building a digital signature algorithm which is based on the difficulty of solving root problem and some expanded root problems on Zp. The expanded root problem is a new form of difficult problem without the solution, also originally proposed and applied to build digital signature algorithms. This proposed method enable to build a high-security digital signature platform for practical applications.
Gorbachov, Valeriy, Batiaa, Abdulrahman Kataeba, Ponomarenko, Olha, Kotkova, Oksana.  2019.  Impact Evaluation of Embedded Security Mechanisms on System Performance. 2019 IEEE International Scientific-Practical Conference Problems of Infocommunications, Science and Technology (PIC S T). :407–410.
Experience in designing general-purpose systems that enforce security goals shows that achieving universality, security, and performance remains a very difficult challenge. As a result, two directions emerged in designing, one of which focused on universality and performance with limited security mechanisms, and another - on robust security with reasonable performance for limited sets of applications. In the first case, popular but unsecure systems were created, and various efforts were subsequently made to upgrade the protected infrastructure for such systems. In the work, the latter approach is considered. It is obvious that the inclusion of built-in security mechanisms leads to a decrease in system performance. The paper considers a reference monitor and the assessment of its impact on system performance. For this purpose, the functional structure of reference monitor is built and the analytical model of impact evaluation on system performance is proposed.
Min, Congwen, Li, Yi, Fang, Li, Chen, Ping.  2019.  Conditional Generative Adversarial Network on Semi-supervised Learning Task. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1448—1452.

Semi-supervised learning has recently gained increasingly attention because it can combine abundant unlabeled data with carefully labeled data to train deep neural networks. However, common semi-supervised methods deeply rely on the quality of pseudo labels. In this paper, we proposed a new semi-supervised learning method based on Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), by using discriminator to learn the feature of both labeled and unlabeled data, instead of generating pseudo labels that cannot all be correct. Our approach, semi-supervised conditional GAN (SCGAN), builds upon the conditional GAN model, extending it to semi-supervised learning by changing the discriminator's output to a classification output and a real or false output. We evaluate our approach with basic semi-supervised model on MNIST dataset. It shows that our approach achieves the classification accuracy with 84.15%, outperforming the basic semi-supervised model with 72.94%, when labeled data are 1/600 of all data.

van den Berg, Eric, Robertson, Seth.  2019.  Game-Theoretic Planning to Counter DDoS in NEMESIS. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
NEMESIS provides powerful and cost-effective defenses against extreme Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks through a number of network maneuvers. However, selection of which maneuvers to deploy when and with what parameters requires great care to achieve optimal outcomes in the face of overwhelming attack. Analytical wargaming allows game theoretic optimal Courses of Action (COA) to be created real-time during live operations, orders of magnitude faster than packet-level simulation and with equivalent outcomes to even expert human hand-crafted COAs.
Kapoor, Chavi.  2019.  Routing Table Management using Dynamic Information with Routing Around Connectivity Holes (RACH) for IoT Networks. 2019 International Conference on Automation, Computational and Technology Management (ICACTM). :174—177.

The internet of things (IoT) is the popular wireless network for data collection applications. The IoT networks are deployed in dense or sparse architectures, out of which the dense networks are vastly popular as these are capable of gathering the huge volumes of data. The collected data is analyzed using the historical or continuous analytical systems, which uses the back testing or time-series analytics to observe the desired patterns from the target data. The lost or bad interval data always carries the high probability to misguide the analysis reports. The data is lost due to a variety of reasons, out of which the most popular ones are associated with the node failures and connectivity holes, which occurs due to physical damage, software malfunctioning, blackhole/wormhole attacks, route poisoning, etc. In this paper, the work is carried on the new routing scheme for the IoTs to avoid the connectivity holes, which analyzes the activity of wireless nodes and takes the appropriate actions when required.

Kang, Hyunjoong, Hong, Sanghyun, Lee, Kookjin, Park, Noseong, Kwon, Soonhyun.  2018.  On Integrating Knowledge Graph Embedding into SPARQL Query Processing. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS). :371—374.
SPARQL is a standard query language for knowledge graphs (KGs). However, it is hard to find correct answer if KGs are incomplete or incorrect. Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) enables answering queries on such KGs by inferring unknown knowledge and removing incorrect knowledge. Hence, our long-term goal in this line of research is to propose a new framework that integrates KGE and SPARQL, which opens various research problems to be addressed. In this paper, we solve one of the most critical problems, that is, optimizing the performance of nearest neighbor (NN) search. In our evaluations, we demonstrate that the search time of state-of-the-art NN search algorithms is improved by 40% without sacrificing answer accuracy.
Song, Fuyuan, Qin, Zheng, Liu, Qin, Liang, Jinwen, Ou, Lu.  2019.  Efficient and Secure k-Nearest Neighbor Search Over Encrypted Data in Public Cloud. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1—6.
Cloud computing has become an important and popular infrastructure for data storage and sharing. Typically, data owners outsource their massive data to a public cloud that will provide search services to authorized data users. With privacy concerns, the valuable outsourced data cannot be exposed directly, and should be encrypted before outsourcing to the public cloud. In this paper, we focus on k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) search over encrypted data. We propose efficient and secure k-NN search schemes based on matrix similarity to achieve efficient and secure query services in public cloud. In our basic scheme, we construct the traces of two diagonal multiplication matrices to denote the Euclidean distance of two data points, and perform secure k-NN search by comparing traces of corresponding similar matrices. In our enhanced scheme, we strengthen the security property by decomposing matrices based on our basic scheme. Security analysis shows that our schemes protect the data privacy and query privacy under attacking with different levels of background knowledge. Experimental evaluations show that both schemes are efficient in terms of computation complexity as well as computational cost.
Zong, Zhaorong, Hong, Changchun.  2018.  On Application of Natural Language Processing in Machine Translation. 2018 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Control and Computer Engineering (ICMCCE). :506–510.
Natural language processing is the core of machine translation. In the history, its development process is almost the same as machine translation, and the two complement each other. This article compares the natural language processing of statistical corpora with neural machine translation and concludes the natural language processing: Neural machine translation has the advantage of deep learning, which is very suitable for dealing with the high dimension, label-free and big data of natural language, therefore, its application is more general and reflects the power of big data and big data thinking.
Zhong, Guo-qiang, Wang, Huai-yu, Zheng, Shuai, JIA, Bao-zhu.  2019.  Research on fusion diagnosis method of thermal fault of Marine diesel engine. 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :5371–5375.
In order to avoid the situation that the diagnosis model based on single sensor data is easily disturbed by environmental noise and the diagnosis accuracy is low, an intelligent fault fusion diagnosis method for marine diesel engine is proposed. Firstly, the support vector machine which is optimized by genetic algorithm is used to learn the fault sample data from different sensors, then multiple fault diagnosis models and results can be got. After that, multiple groups of diagnosis results are taken as evidence bodies and fused by evidence theory to obtain more accurate diagnosis results. By analyzing the sample data obtained from the fault simulation experiment of marine diesel engine based on AVL BOOST software, the proposed method can improve the fault diagnosis accuracy of marine diesel engine and reduce the uncertainty value of diagnosis results.
Xiaolei, WANG, Zhengning, YU, Xuemin, NIU, Xianfeng, LU, Hao, YANG, Zhongjiawen, LIU.  2019.  Combination Multiple Faults Diagnosis Method Applied to the Aero-engine Based on Improved Signed Directed Graph. 2019 4th International Conference on Measurement, Information and Control (ICMIC). :1–10.
In signed directed graph (SDG) fault diagnosis model, only single fault can be diagnosed. In order to meet the requirements of multiple faults diagnosis, in this paper, improved signed directed graph (ISDG) fault diagnosis model was proposed. The logic and influence between nodes were included in ISDG model. With ISDG model, complex logic can be shown, multiple faults can be diagnosed and the optimal sequence can be determined. Two algorithms are proposed in this paper. One algorithm can obtain the multiple faults combine logic, and the other algorithm can obtain the optimal path of fault diagnosis. According to these two algorithms, the efficiency was improved and the cost was reduced in the multiple fault diagnosis process. Finally, the faults of an aircraft engine bleed system were diagnosed with the interactive algorithm. The proposed algorithms can obtain a diagnosis result effectively. The results of two cases prove that these algorithms can be used for multiple fault diagnosis.
Gou, Linfeng, Zhou, Zihan, Liang, Aixia, Wang, Lulu, Liu, Zhidan.  2018.  Dynamic Threshold Design Based on Kalman Filter in Multiple Fault Diagnosis. 2018 37th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :6105–6109.
The choice of threshold is an important part of fault diagnosis. Most of the current methods use a constant threshold for detection and it is difficult to meet the robustness and sensitivity requirements of the diagnosis system. This article develops a dynamic threshold algorithm for aircraft engine fault detection and isolation systems. The algorithm firstly analyzes the bounded norm uncertainty that may appear in the process of model based on the state space equation, and gives the time domain response range calculation formula under the influence of uncertain parameters; then the Kalman filter is combined to calculate the threshold with the real-time change of state; the simulation is performed at the end. The simulation results show that dynamic threshold range changes with status in real time.
Cui, Zhicheng, Zhang, Muhan, Chen, Yixin.  2018.  Deep Embedding Logistic Regression. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK). :176–183.
Logistic regression (LR) is used in many areas due to its simplicity and interpretability. While at the same time, those two properties limit its classification accuracy. Deep neural networks (DNNs), instead, achieve state-of-the-art performance in many domains. However, the nonlinearity and complexity of DNNs make it less interpretable. To balance interpretability and classification performance, we propose a novel nonlinear model, Deep Embedding Logistic Regression (DELR), which augments LR with a nonlinear dimension-wise feature embedding. In DELR, each feature embedding is learned through a deep and narrow neural network and LR is attached to decide feature importance. A compact and yet powerful model, DELR offers great interpretability: it can tell the importance of each input feature, yield meaningful embedding of categorical features, and extract actionable changes, making it attractive for tasks such as market analysis and clinical prediction.
Ali, Yasir, Shen, Zhen, Zhu, Fenghua, Xiong, Gang, Chen, Shichao, Xia, Yuanqing, Wang, Fei-Yue.  2018.  Solutions Verification for Cloud-Based Networked Control System using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions. 2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC). :1385—1389.
The rapid development of the Cloud Computing Technologies (CCTs) has amended the conventional design of resource-constrained Network Control System (NCS) to the powerful and flexible design of Cloud-Based Networked Control System (CB-NCS) by relocating the processing part to the cloud server. This arrangement has produced many internets based exquisite applications. However, this new arrangement has also raised many network security challenges for the cloud-based control system related to cyber-physical part of the system. In the absence of robust verification methodology, an attacker can launch the modification attack in order to destabilize or take control of NCS. It is desirable that there shall be a solution authentication methodology used to verify whether the incoming solutions are coming from the cloud or not. This paper proposes a methodology used for the verification of the receiving solution to the local control system from the cloud using Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, which is then applied to actuator after verification and thus ensure the stability in case of modification attack.
Zhang, Shaobo, Shen, Yongjun, Zhang, Guidong.  2018.  Network Security Situation Prediction Model Based on Multi-Swarm Chaotic Particle Optimization and Optimized Grey Neural Network. 2018 IEEE 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS). :426—429.
Network situation value is an important index to measure network security. Establishing an effective network situation prediction model can prevent the occurrence of network security incidents, and plays an important role in network security protection. Through the understanding and analysis of the network security situation, we can see that there are many factors affecting the network security situation, and the relationship between these factors is complex., it is difficult to establish more accurate mathematical expressions to describe the network situation. Therefore, this paper uses the grey neural network as the prediction model, but because the convergence speed of the grey neural network is very fast, the network is easy to fall into local optimum, and the parameters can not be further modified, so the Multi-Swarm Chaotic Particle Optimization (MSCPO)is used to optimize the key parameters of the grey neural network. By establishing the nonlinear mapping relationship between the influencing factors and the network security situation, the network situation can be predicted and protected.