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Liu, Zhiqin, Zhu, Nan, Wang, Kun.  2022.  Recaptured Image Forensics Based on Generalized Central Difference Convolution Network. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence (SEAI). :59—63.
With large advancements in image display technology, recapturing high-quality images from high-fidelity LCD screens becomes much easier. Such recaptured images can be used to hide image tampering traces and fool some intelligent identification systems. In order to prevent such a security loophole, we propose a recaptured image detection approach based on generalized central difference convolution (GCDC) network. Specifically, by using GCDC instead of vanilla convolution, more detailed features can be extracted from both intensity and gradient information from an image. Meanwhile, we concatenate the feature maps from multiple GCDC modules to fuse low-, mid-, and high-level features for higher performance. Extensive experiments on three public recaptured image databases demonstrate the superior of our proposed method when compared with the state-of-the-art approaches.
Agarwal, Saurabh, Jung, Ki-Hyun.  2021.  Image Forensics using Optimal Normalization in Challenging Environment. 2021 International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). :1–4.
Digital images are becoming the backbone of the social platform. To day of life of the people, the high impact of the images has raised the concern of its authenticity. Image forensics need to be done to assure the authenticity. In this paper, a novel technique is proposed for digital image forensics. The proposed technique is applied for detection of median, averaging and Gaussian filtering in the images. In the proposed method, a first image is normalized using optimal range to obtain a better statistical information. Further, difference arrays are calculated on the normalized array and a proposed thresholding is applied on the normalized arrays. In the last, co-occurrence features are extracted from the thresholding difference arrays. In experimental analysis, significant performance gain is achieved. The detection capability of the proposed method remains upstanding on small size images even with low quality JPEG compression.
McKeown, Sean, Russell, Gordon.  2020.  Forensic Considerations for the High Efficiency Image File Format (HEIF). 2020 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). :1—8.
The High Efficiency File Format (HEIF) was adopted by Apple in 2017 as their favoured means of capturing images from their camera application, with Android devices such as the Galaxy S10 providing support more recently. The format is positioned to replace JPEG as the de facto image compression file type, touting many modern features and better compression ratios over the aging standard. However, while millions of devices across the world are already able to produce HEIF files, digital forensics research has not given the format much attention. As HEIF is a complex container format, much different from traditional still picture formats, this leaves forensics practitioners exposed to risks of potentially mishandling evidence. This paper describes the forensically relevant features of the HEIF format, including those which could be used to hide data, or cause issues in an investigation, while also providing commentary on the state of software support for the format. Finally, suggestions for current best-practice are provided, before discussing the requirements of a forensically robust HEIF analysis tool.
Boato, G., Dang-Nguyen, D., Natale, F. G. B. De.  2020.  Morphological Filter Detector for Image Forensics Applications. IEEE Access. 8:13549—13560.
Mathematical morphology provides a large set of powerful non-linear image operators, widely used for feature extraction, noise removal or image enhancement. Although morphological filters might be used to remove artifacts produced by image manipulations, both on binary and gray level documents, little effort has been spent towards their forensic identification. In this paper we propose a non-trivial extension of a deterministic approach originally detecting erosion and dilation of binary images. The proposed approach operates on grayscale images and is robust to image compression and other typical attacks. When the image is attacked the method looses its deterministic nature and uses a properly trained SVM classifier, using the original detector as a feature extractor. Extensive tests demonstrate that the proposed method guarantees very high accuracy in filtering detection, providing 100% accuracy in discriminating the presence and the type of morphological filter in raw images of three different datasets. The achieved accuracy is also good after JPEG compression, equal or above 76.8% on all datasets for quality factors above 80. The proposed approach is also able to determine the adopted structuring element for moderate compression factors. Finally, it is robust against noise addition and it can distinguish morphological filter from other filters.
Zhang, J., Liao, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, H., Ding, J..  2020.  A Deep Learning Approach in the Discrete Cosine Transform Domain to Median Filtering Forensics. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 27:276—280.
This letter presents a novel median filtering forensics approach, based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) with an adaptive filtering layer (AFL), which is built in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain. Using the proposed AFL, the CNN can determine the main frequency range closely related with the operational traces. Then, to automatically learn the multi-scale manipulation features, a multi-scale convolutional block is developed, exploring a new multi-scale feature fusion strategy based on the maxout function. The resultant features are further processed by a convolutional stream with pooling and batch normalization operations, and finally fed into the classification layer with the Softmax function. Experimental results show that our proposed approach is able to accurately detect the median filtering manipulation and outperforms the state-of-the-art schemes, especially in the scenarios of low image resolution and serious compression loss.
Mayer, O., Stamm, M. C..  2020.  Forensic Similarity for Digital Images. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:1331—1346.
In this paper, we introduce a new digital image forensics approach called forensic similarity, which determines whether two image patches contain the same forensic trace or different forensic traces. One benefit of this approach is that prior knowledge, e.g., training samples, of a forensic trace is not required to make a forensic similarity decision on it in the future. To do this, we propose a two-part deep-learning system composed of a convolutional neural network-based feature extractor and a three-layer neural network, called the similarity network. This system maps the pairs of image patches to a score indicating whether they contain the same or different forensic traces. We evaluated the system accuracy of determining whether two image patches were captured by the same or different camera model and manipulated by the same or a different editing operation and the same or a different manipulation parameter, given a particular editing operation. Experiments demonstrate applicability to a variety of forensic traces and importantly show efficacy on “unknown” forensic traces that were not used to train the system. Experiments also show that the proposed system significantly improves upon prior art, reducing error rates by more than half. Furthermore, we demonstrated the utility of the forensic similarity approach in two practical applications: forgery detection and localization, and database consistency verification.
Rhee, K. H..  2020.  Composition of Visual Feature Vector Pattern for Deep Learning in Image Forensics. IEEE Access. 8:188970—188980.

In image forensics, to determine whether the image is impurely transformed, it extracts and examines the features included in the suspicious image. In general, the features extracted for the detection of forgery images are based on numerical values, so it is somewhat unreasonable to use in the CNN structure for image classification. In this paper, the extraction method of a feature vector is using a least-squares solution. Treat a suspicious image like a matrix and its solution to be coefficients as the feature vector. Get two solutions from two images of the original and its median filter residual (MFR). Subsequently, the two features were formed into a visualized pattern and then fed into CNN deep learning to classify the various transformed images. A new structure of the CNN net layer was also designed by hybrid with the inception module and the residual block to classify visualized feature vector patterns. The performance of the proposed image forensics detection (IFD) scheme was measured with the seven transformed types of image: average filtered (window size: 3 × 3), gaussian filtered (window size: 3 × 3), JPEG compressed (quality factor: 90, 70), median filtered (window size: 3 × 3, 5 × 5), and unaltered. The visualized patterns are fed into the image input layer of the designed CNN hybrid model. Throughout the experiment, the accuracy of median filtering detection was 98% over. Also, the area under the curve (AUC) by sensitivity (TP: true positive rate) and 1-specificity (FP: false positive rate) results of the proposed IFD scheme approached to `1' on the designed CNN hybrid model. Experimental results show high efficiency and performance to classify the various transformed images. Therefore, the grade evaluation of the proposed scheme is “Excellent (A)”.

Zheng, Y., Cao, Y., Chang, C..  2020.  A PUF-Based Data-Device Hash for Tampered Image Detection and Source Camera Identification. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:620—634.
With the increasing prevalent of digital devices and their abuse for digital content creation, forgeries of digital images and video footage are more rampant than ever. Digital forensics is challenged into seeking advanced technologies for forgery content detection and acquisition device identification. Unfortunately, existing solutions that address image tampering problems fail to identify the device that produces the images or footage while techniques that can identify the camera is incapable of locating the tampered content of its captured images. In this paper, a new perceptual data-device hash is proposed to locate maliciously tampered image regions and identify the source camera of the received image data as a non-repudiable attestation in digital forensics. The presented image may have been either tampered or gone through benign content preserving geometric transforms or image processing operations. The proposed image hash is generated by projecting the invariant image features into a physical unclonable function (PUF)-defined Bernoulli random space. The tamper-resistant random PUF response is unique for each camera and can only be generated upon triggered by a challenge, which is provided by the image acquisition timestamp. The proposed hash is evaluated on the modified CASIA database and CMOS image sensor-based PUF simulated using 180 nm TSMC technology. It achieves a high tamper detection rate of 95.42% with the regions of tampered content successfully located, a good authentication performance of above 98.5% against standard content-preserving manipulations, and 96.25% and 90.42%, respectively, for the more challenging geometric transformations of rotation (0 360°) and scaling (scale factor in each dimension: 0.5). It is demonstrated to be able to identify the source camera with 100% accuracy and is secure against attacks on PUF.
Carlini, N., Farid, H..  2020.  Evading Deepfake-Image Detectors with White- and Black-Box Attacks. 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW). :2804—2813.

It is now possible to synthesize highly realistic images of people who do not exist. Such content has, for example, been implicated in the creation of fraudulent socialmedia profiles responsible for dis-information campaigns. Significant efforts are, therefore, being deployed to detect synthetically-generated content. One popular forensic approach trains a neural network to distinguish real from synthetic content.We show that such forensic classifiers are vulnerable to a range of attacks that reduce the classifier to near- 0% accuracy. We develop five attack case studies on a state- of-the-art classifier that achieves an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 0.95 on almost all existing image generators, when only trained on one generator. With full access to the classifier, we can flip the lowest bit of each pixel in an image to reduce the classifier's AUC to 0.0005; perturb 1% of the image area to reduce the classifier's AUC to 0.08; or add a single noise pattern in the synthesizer's latent space to reduce the classifier's AUC to 0.17. We also develop a black-box attack that, with no access to the target classifier, reduces the AUC to 0.22. These attacks reveal significant vulnerabilities of certain image-forensic classifiers.

McCloskey, S., Albright, M..  2019.  Detecting GAN-Generated Imagery Using Saturation Cues. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). :4584—4588.
Image forensics is an increasingly relevant problem, as it can potentially address online disinformation campaigns and mitigate problematic aspects of social media. Of particular interest, given its recent successes, is the detection of imagery produced by Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), e.g. `deepfakes'. Leveraging large training sets and extensive computing resources, recent GANs can be trained to generate synthetic imagery which is (in some ways) indistinguishable from real imagery. We analyze the structure of the generating network of a popular GAN implementation [1], and show that the network's treatment of exposure is markedly different from a real camera. We further show that this cue can be used to distinguish GAN-generated imagery from camera imagery, including effective discrimination between GAN imagery and real camera images used to train the GAN.
Kharbat, F. F., Elamsy, T., Mahmoud, A., Abdullah, R..  2019.  Image Feature Detectors for Deepfake Video Detection. 2019 IEEE/ACS 16th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA). :1—4.
Detecting DeepFake videos are one of the challenges in digital media forensics. This paper proposes a method to detect deepfake videos using Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression. The SVM classifier can be trained with feature points extracted using one of the different feature-point detectors such as HOG, ORB, BRISK, KAZE, SURF, and FAST algorithms. A comprehensive test of the proposed method is conducted using a dataset of original and fake videos from the literature. Different feature point detectors are tested. The result shows that the proposed method of using feature-detector-descriptors for training the SVM can be effectively used to detect false videos.
Li, Y., Yang, X., Sun, P., Qi, H., Lyu, S..  2020.  Celeb-DF: A Large-Scale Challenging Dataset for DeepFake Forensics. 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :3204—3213.
AI-synthesized face-swapping videos, commonly known as DeepFakes, is an emerging problem threatening the trustworthiness of online information. The need to develop and evaluate DeepFake detection algorithms calls for datasets of DeepFake videos. However, current DeepFake datasets suffer from low visual quality and do not resemble DeepFake videos circulated on the Internet. We present a new large-scale challenging DeepFake video dataset, Celeb-DF, which contains 5,639 high-quality DeepFake videos of celebrities generated using improved synthesis process. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation of DeepFake detection methods and datasets to demonstrate the escalated level of challenges posed by Celeb-DF.
Khalaf, Rayan Sulaiman, Varol, Asaf.  2019.  Digital Forensics: Focusing on Image Forensics. 2019 7th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS). :1—5.

The world is continuously developing, and people's needs are increasing as well; so too are the number of thieves increasing, especially electronic thieves. For that reason, companies and individuals are always searching for experts who will protect them from thieves, and these experts are called digital investigators. Digital forensics has a number of branches and different parts, and image forensics is one of them. The budget for the images branch goes up every day in response to the need. In this paper we offer some information about images and image forensics, image components and how they are stored in digital devices and how they can be deleted and recovered. We offer general information about digital forensics, focusing on image forensics.

Bharati, Aparna, Moreira, Daniel, Brogan, Joel, Hale, Patricia, Bowyer, Kevin, Flynn, Patrick, Rocha, Anderson, Scheirer, Walter.  2019.  Beyond Pixels: Image Provenance Analysis Leveraging Metadata. 2019 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV). :1692–1702.
Creative works, whether paintings or memes, follow unique journeys that result in their final form. Understanding these journeys, a process known as "provenance analysis," provides rich insights into the use, motivation, and authenticity underlying any given work. The application of this type of study to the expanse of unregulated content on the Internet is what we consider in this paper. Provenance analysis provides a snapshot of the chronology and validity of content as it is uploaded, re-uploaded, and modified over time. Although still in its infancy, automated provenance analysis for online multimedia is already being applied to different types of content. Most current works seek to build provenance graphs based on the shared content between images or videos. This can be a computationally expensive task, especially when considering the vast influx of content that the Internet sees every day. Utilizing non-content-based information, such as timestamps, geotags, and camera IDs can help provide important insights into the path a particular image or video has traveled during its time on the Internet without large computational overhead. This paper tests the scope and applicability of metadata-based inferences for provenance graph construction in two different scenarios: digital image forensics and cultural analytics.
Chen, Yifang, Kang, Xiangui, Wang, Z. Jane, Zhang, Qiong.  2018.  Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network for Multi-purpose Image Forensics Under Anti-forensic Attacks. Proceedings of the 6th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security. :91–96.

Multiple-purpose forensics has been attracting increasing attention worldwide. However, most of the existing methods based on hand-crafted features often require domain knowledge and expensive human labour and their performances can be affected by factors such as image size and JPEG compression. Furthermore, many anti-forensic techniques have been applied in practice, making image authentication more difficult. Therefore, it is of great importance to develop methods that can automatically learn general and robust features for image operation detectors with the capability of countering anti-forensics. In this paper, we propose a new convolutional neural network (CNN) approach for multi-purpose detection of image manipulations under anti-forensic attacks. The dense connectivity pattern, which has better parameter efficiency than the traditional pattern, is explored to strengthen the propagation of general features related to image manipulation detection. When compared with three state-of-the-art methods, experiments demonstrate that the proposed CNN architecture can achieve a better performance (i.e., with a 11% improvement in terms of detection accuracy under anti-forensic attacks). The proposed method can also achieve better robustness against JPEG compression with maximum improvement of 13% on accuracy under low-quality JPEG compression.

Rodríguez, R. J., Martín-Pérez, M., Abadía, I..  2018.  A tool to compute approximation matching between windows processes. 2018 6th International Symposium on Digital Forensic and Security (ISDFS). :1–6.
Finding identical digital objects (or artifacts) during a forensic analysis is commonly achieved by means of cryptographic hashing functions, such as MD5, SHA1, or SHA-256, to name a few. However, these functions suffer from the avalanche effect property, which guarantees that if an input is changed slightly the output changes significantly. Hence, these functions are unsuitable for typical digital forensics scenarios where a forensics memory image from a likely compromised machine shall be analyzed. This memory image file contains a snapshot of processes (instances of executable files) which were up on execution when the dumping process was done. However, processes are relocated at memory and contain dynamic data that depend on the current execution and environmental conditions. Therefore, the comparison of cryptographic hash values of different processes from the same executable file will be negative. Bytewise approximation matching algorithms may help in these scenarios, since they provide a similarity measurement in the range [0,1] between similar inputs instead of a yes/no answer (in the range 0,1). In this paper, we introduce ProcessFuzzyHash, a Volatility plugin that enables us to compute approximation hash values of processes contained in a Windows memory dump.
Zhan, Yifeng, Chen, Yifang, Zhang, Qiong, Kang, Xiangui.  2017.  Image Forensics Based on Transfer Learning and Convolutional Neural Network. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Information Hiding and Multimedia Security. :165–170.

There have been a growing number of interests in using the convolutional neural network(CNN) in image forensics, where some excellent methods have been proposed. Training the randomly initialized model from scratch needs a big amount of training data and computational time. To solve this issue, we present a new method of training an image forensic model using prior knowledge transferred from the existing steganalysis model. We also find out that CNN models tend to show poor performance when tested on a different database. With knowledge transfer, we are able to easily train an excellent model for a new database with a small amount of training data from the new database. Performance of our models are evaluated on Bossbase and BOW by detecting five forensic types, including median filtering, resampling, JPEG compression, contrast enhancement and additive Gaussian noise. Through a series of experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed method is very effective in two scenario mentioned above, and our method based on transfer learning can greatly accelerate the convergence of CNN model. The results of these experiments show that our proposed method can detect five different manipulations with an average accuracy of 97.36%.

Hui Zeng, Tengfei Qin, Xiangui Kang, Li Liu.  2014.  Countering anti-forensics of median filtering. Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on. :2704-2708.

The statistical fingerprints left by median filtering can be a valuable clue for image forensics. However, these fingerprints may be maliciously erased by a forger. Recently, a tricky anti-forensic method has been proposed to remove median filtering traces by restoring images' pixel difference distribution. In this paper, we analyze the traces of this anti-forensic technique and propose a novel counter method. The experimental results show that our method could reveal this anti-forensics effectively at low computation load. According to our best knowledge, it's the first work on countering anti-forensics of median filtering.