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Zhang, J., Liao, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, H., Ding, J..  2020.  A Deep Learning Approach in the Discrete Cosine Transform Domain to Median Filtering Forensics. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. 27:276—280.
This letter presents a novel median filtering forensics approach, based on a convolutional neural network (CNN) with an adaptive filtering layer (AFL), which is built in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain. Using the proposed AFL, the CNN can determine the main frequency range closely related with the operational traces. Then, to automatically learn the multi-scale manipulation features, a multi-scale convolutional block is developed, exploring a new multi-scale feature fusion strategy based on the maxout function. The resultant features are further processed by a convolutional stream with pooling and batch normalization operations, and finally fed into the classification layer with the Softmax function. Experimental results show that our proposed approach is able to accurately detect the median filtering manipulation and outperforms the state-of-the-art schemes, especially in the scenarios of low image resolution and serious compression loss.
Zhai, P., Song, Y., Zhu, X., Cao, L., Zhang, J., Yang, C..  2020.  Distributed Denial of Service Defense in Software Defined Network Using OpenFlow. 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :1274—1279.
Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new type of network architecture solution, and its innovation lies in decoupling traditional network system into a control plane, a data plane, and an application plane. It logically implements centralized control and management of the network, and SDN is considered to represent the development trend of the network in the future. However, SDN still faces many security challenges. Currently, the number of insecure devices is huge. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the major network security threats.This paper focuses on the detection and mitigation of DDoS attacks in SDN. Firstly, we explore a solution to detect DDoS using Renyi entropy, and we use exponentially weighted moving average algorithm to set a dynamic threshold to adapt to changes of the network. Second, to mitigate this threat, we analyze the historical behavior of each source IP address and score it to determine the malicious source IP address, and use OpenFlow protocol to block attack source.The experimental results show that the scheme studied in this paper can effectively detect and mitigate DDoS attacks.
Feng, Y., Sun, G., Liu, Z., Wu, C., Zhu, X., Wang, Z., Wang, B..  2020.  Attack Graph Generation and Visualization for Industrial Control Network. 2020 39th Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :7655–7660.
Attack graph is an effective way to analyze the vulnerabilities for industrial control networks. We develop a vulnerability correlation method and a practical visualization technology for industrial control network. First of all, we give a complete attack graph analysis for industrial control network, which focuses on network model and vulnerability context. Particularly, a practical attack graph algorithm is proposed, including preparing environments and vulnerability classification and correlation. Finally, we implement a three-dimensional interactive attack graph visualization tool. The experimental results show validation and verification of the proposed method.
Sun, J., Ma, J., Quan, J., Zhu, X., I, C..  2019.  A Fuzzy String Matching Scheme Resistant to Statistical Attack. 2019 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :396–402.
The fuzzy query scheme based on vector index uses Bloom filter to construct vector index for key words. Then the statistical attack based on the deviation of frequency distribution of the vector index brings out the sensitive information disclosure. Using the noise vector, a fuzzy query scheme resistant to the statistical attack serving for encrypted database, i.e. S-BF, is introduced. With the noise vector to clear up the deviation of frequency distribution of vector index, the statistical attacks to the vector index are resolved. Demonstrated by lab experiment, S-BF scheme can achieve the secure fuzzy query with the powerful privation protection capability for encrypted cloud database without the loss of fuzzy query efficiency.
Wheelus, C., Bou-Harb, E., Zhu, X..  2018.  Tackling Class Imbalance in Cyber Security Datasets. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI). :229–232.
It is clear that cyber-attacks are a danger that must be addressed with great resolve, as they threaten the information infrastructure upon which we all depend. Many studies have been published expressing varying levels of success with machine learning approaches to combating cyber-attacks, but many modern studies still focus on training and evaluating with very outdated datasets containing old attacks that are no longer a threat, and also lack data on new attacks. Recent datasets like UNSW-NB15 and SANTA have been produced to address this problem. Even so, these modern datasets suffer from class imbalance, which reduces the efficacy of predictive models trained using these datasets. Herein we evaluate several pre-processing methods for addressing the class imbalance problem; using several of the most popular machine learning algorithms and a variant of UNSW-NB15 based upon the attributes from the SANTA dataset.
Shen, J., Zhu, X., Ma, D..  2019.  TensorClog: An Imperceptible Poisoning Attack on Deep Neural Network Applications. IEEE Access. 7:41498—41506.

Internet application providers now have more incentive than ever to collect user data, which greatly increases the risk of user privacy violations due to the emerging of deep neural networks. In this paper, we propose TensorClog-a poisoning attack technique that is designed for privacy protection against deep neural networks. TensorClog has three properties with each of them serving a privacy protection purpose: 1) training on TensorClog poisoned data results in lower inference accuracy, reducing the incentive of abusive data collection; 2) training on TensorClog poisoned data converges to a larger loss, which prevents the neural network from learning the privacy; and 3) TensorClog regularizes the perturbation to remain a high structure similarity, so that the poisoning does not affect the actual content in the data. Applying our TensorClog poisoning technique to CIFAR-10 dataset results in an increase in both converged training loss and test error by 300% and 272%, respectively. It manages to maintain data's human perception with a high SSIM index of 0.9905. More experiments including different limited information attack scenarios and a real-world application transferred from pre-trained ImageNet models are presented to further evaluate TensorClog's effectiveness in more complex situations.

Huang, H., Wang, H., Luo, W., Ma, L., Jiang, W., Zhu, X., Li, Z., Liu, W..  2017.  Real-Time Neural Style Transfer for Videos. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :7044–7052.

Recent research endeavors have shown the potential of using feed-forward convolutional neural networks to accomplish fast style transfer for images. In this work, we take one step further to explore the possibility of exploiting a feed-forward network to perform style transfer for videos and simultaneously maintain temporal consistency among stylized video frames. Our feed-forward network is trained by enforcing the outputs of consecutive frames to be both well stylized and temporally consistent. More specifically, a hybrid loss is proposed to capitalize on the content information of input frames, the style information of a given style image, and the temporal information of consecutive frames. To calculate the temporal loss during the training stage, a novel two-frame synergic training mechanism is proposed. Compared with directly applying an existing image style transfer method to videos, our proposed method employs the trained network to yield temporally consistent stylized videos which are much more visually pleasant. In contrast to the prior video style transfer method which relies on time-consuming optimization on the fly, our method runs in real time while generating competitive visual results.

Dai, H., Zhu, X., Yang, G., Yi, X..  2017.  A Verifiable Single Keyword Top-k Search Scheme against Insider Attacks over Cloud Data. 2017 3rd International Conference on Big Data Computing and Communications (BIGCOM). :111–116.

With the development of cloud computing and its economic benefit, more and more companies and individuals outsource their data and computation to clouds. Meanwhile, the business way of resource outsourcing makes the data out of control from its owner and results in many security issues. The existing secure keyword search methods assume that cloud servers are curious-but-honest or partial honest, which makes them powerless to deal with the deliberately falsified or fabricated results of insider attacks. In this paper, we propose a verifiable single keyword top-k search scheme against insider attacks which can verify the integrity of search results. Data owners generate verification codes (VCs) for the corresponding files, which embed the ordered sequence information of the relevance scores between files and keywords. Then files and corresponding VCs are outsourced to cloud servers. When a data user performs a keyword search in cloud servers, the qualified result files are determined according to the relevance scores between the files and the interested keyword and then returned to the data user together with a VC. The integrity of the result files is verified by data users through reconstructing a new VC on the received files and comparing it with the received one. Performance evaluation have been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency and result redundancy of the proposed scheme.

Zhu, X., Badr, Y., Pacheco, J., Hariri, S..  2017.  Autonomic Identity Framework for the Internet of Things. 2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC). :69–79.

The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect not only computers and mobile devices, but it will also interconnect smart buildings, houses, and cities, as well as electrical grids, gas plants, and water networks, automobiles, airplanes, etc. IoT will lead to the development of a wide range of advanced information services that are pervasive, cost-effective, and can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. However, due to the exponential number of interconnected devices, cyber-security in the IoT is a major challenge. It heavily relies on the digital identity concept to build security mechanisms such as authentication and authorization. Current centralized identity management systems are built around third party identity providers, which raise privacy concerns and present a single point of failure. In addition, IoT unconventional characteristics such as scalability, heterogeneity and mobility require new identity management systems to operate in distributed and trustless environments, and uniquely identify a particular device based on its intrinsic digital properties and its relation to its human owner. In order to deal with these challenges, we present a Blockchain-based Identity Framework for IoT (BIFIT). We show how to apply our BIFIT to IoT smart homes to achieve identity self-management by end users. In the context of smart home, the framework autonomously extracts appliances signatures and creates blockchain-based identifies for their appliance owners. It also correlates appliances signatures (low level identities) and owners identifies in order to use them in authentication credentials and to make sure that any IoT entity is behaving normally.

Pacheco, J., Zhu, X., Badr, Y., Hariri, S..  2017.  Enabling Risk Management for Smart Infrastructures with an Anomaly Behavior Analysis Intrusion Detection System. 2017 IEEE 2nd International Workshops on Foundations and Applications of Self* Systems (FAS*W). :324–328.

The Internet of Things (IoT) connects not only computers and mobile devices, but it also interconnects smart buildings, homes, and cities, as well as electrical grids, gas, and water networks, automobiles, airplanes, etc. However, IoT applications introduce grand security challenges due to the increase in the attack surface. Current security approaches do not handle cybersecurity from a holistic point of view; hence a systematic cybersecurity mechanism needs to be adopted when designing IoTbased applications. In this work, we present a risk management framework to deploy secure IoT-based applications for Smart Infrastructures at the design time and the runtime. At the design time, we propose a risk management method that is appropriate for smart infrastructures. At the design time, our framework relies on the Anomaly Behavior Analysis (ABA) methodology enabled by the Autonomic Computing paradigm and an intrusion detection system to detect any threat that can compromise IoT infrastructures by. Our preliminary experimental results show that our framework can be used to detect threats and protect IoT premises and services.