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Title"SPeCK: a kernel for scalable predictability"
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsQ. Wang, Y. Ren, M. Scaperoth, G. Parmer
Conference Name21st IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium
Date PublishedApril 2015
ISBN Number978-1-4799-8603-3
Accession Number15143700
Keywordsaverage-case overheads, COMPOSITE OS, Hardware, Instruction sets, Interference, Kernel, manycore systems, multicore systems, multiprocessing systems, nonpreemptive kernel, operating system kernels, preemptive system, pubcrawl170103, Resource management, Scalability, scalable predictability, SPeCK kernel, Synchronization

Multi- and many-core systems are increasingly prevalent in embedded systems. Additionally, isolation requirements between different partitions and criticalities are gaining in importance. This difficult combination is not well addressed by current software systems. Parallel systems require consistency guarantees on shared data-structures often provided by locks that use predictable resource sharing protocols. However, as the number of cores increase, even a single shared cache-line (e.g. for the lock) can cause significant interference. In this paper, we present a clean-slate design of the SPeCK kernel, the next generation of our COMPOSITE OS, that attempts to provide a strong version of scalable predictability - where predictability bounds made on a single core, remain constant with an increase in cores. Results show that, despite using a non-preemptive kernel, it has strong scalable predictability, low average-case overheads, and demonstrates better response-times than a state-of-the-art preemptive system.

Citation Key7108434