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Chauhan, Surendra Singh, Jain, Nitin, Pandey, Satish Chandra.  2022.  Digital Signature with Message Security Process. 2022 2nd International Conference on Advance Computing and Innovative Technologies in Engineering (ICACITE). :182–187.
This is the time of internet, and we are communicating our confidential data over internet in daily life. So, it is necessary to check the authenticity in communication to stop non-repudiation, of the sender. We are using the digital signature for stopping the non-repudiation. There are many versions of digital signature are available in the market. But in every algorithm, we are sending the original message and the digest message to the receiver. Hence, there is no security applied on the original message. In this paper we are proposed an algorithm which can secure the original and its integrity. In this paper we are using the RSA algorithm as the encryption and decryption algorithm, and SHA256 algorithm for making the hash.
Suryotrisongko, Hatma, Ginardi, Hari, Ciptaningtyas, Henning Titi, Dehqan, Saeed, Musashi, Yasuo.  2022.  Topic Modeling for Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). 2022 Seventh International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC). :1–7.
Topic modeling algorithms from the natural language processing (NLP) discipline have been used for various applications. For instance, topic modeling for the product recommendation systems in the e-commerce systems. In this paper, we briefly reviewed topic modeling applications and then described our proposed idea of utilizing topic modeling approaches for cyber threat intelligence (CTI) applications. We improved the previous work by implementing BERTopic and Top2Vec approaches, enabling users to select their preferred pre-trained text/sentence embedding model, and supporting various languages. We implemented our proposed idea as the new topic modeling module for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Maryam: Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) framework. We also described our experiment results using a leaked hacker forum dataset ( to attract more researchers and open-source communities to participate in the Maryam project of OWASP Foundation.
Chen, Lei, Yuan, Yuyu, Jiang, Hongpu, Guo, Ting, Zhao, Pengqian, Shi, Jinsheng.  2021.  A Novel Trust-based Model for Collaborative Filtering Recommendation Systems using Entropy. 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :184—188.
With the proliferation of false redundant information on various e-commerce platforms, ineffective recommendations and other untrustworthy behaviors have seriously hindered the healthy development of e-commerce platforms. Modern recommendation systems often use side information to alleviate these problems and also increase prediction accuracy. One such piece of side information, which has been widely investigated, is trust. However, it is difficult to obtain explicit trust relationship data, so researchers infer trust values from other methods, such as the user-to-item relationship. In this paper, addressing the problems, we proposed a novel trust-based recommender model called UITrust, which uses user-item relationship value to improve prediction accuracy. With the improvement the traditional similarity measures by employing the entropies of user and item history ratings to reflect the global rating behavior on both. We evaluate the proposed model using two real-world datasets. The proposed model performs significantly better than the baseline methods. Also, we can use the UITrust to alleviate the sparsity problem associated with correlation-based similarity. In addition to that, the proposed model has a better computational complexity for making predictions than the k-nearest neighbor (kNN) method.
Anastasia, Nadya, Harlili, Yulianti, Lenny Putri.  2021.  Designing Embodied Virtual Agent in E-commerce System Recommendations using Conversational Design Interaction. 2021 8th International Conference on Advanced Informatics: Concepts, Theory and Applications (ICAICTA). :1–6.
System recommendation is currently on the rise: more and more e-commerce rely on this feature to give more privilege to their users. However, system recommendation still faces a lot of problems that can lead to its downfall. For instance, the cold start problem and lack of privacy for user’s data in system recommendation will make the quality of this system lesser than ever. Moreover, e-commerce also faces another significant issue which is the lack of social presence. Compared to offline shopping, online shopping in e-commerce may be seen as lacking human presence and sociability as it is more impersonal, cold, automated, and generally devoid of face-to-face interactions. Hence, all of those issues mentioned above may lead to the regression of user’s trust toward e-commerce itself. This study will focus on solving those problems using conversational design interaction in the form of a Virtual Agent. This Virtual Agent can help e-commerce gather user preferences and give clear and direct information regarding the use of user’s data as well as help the user find products, promo, or similar products that they seek in e-commerce. The final result of this solution is a high fidelity prototype designed using User-Centered Design Methodology and Natural Conversational Framework. The implementation of this solution is carried out in Shopee e-commerce by modifying their product recommendation system. This prototype was measured using the usability testing method for usability goals efficient to use and user experience goals helpful.
Rezaimehr, Fatemeh, Dadkhah, Chitra.  2021.  Injection Shilling Attack Tool for Recommender Systems. 2021 26th International Computer Conference, Computer Society of Iran (CSICC). :1—4.
Recommender systems help people in finding a particular item based on their preference from a wide range of products in online shopping rapidly. One of the most popular models of recommendation systems is the Collaborative Filtering Recommendation System (CFRS) that recommend the top-K items to active user based on peer grouping user ratings. The implementation of CFRS is easy and it can easily be attacked by fake users and affect the recommendation. Fake users create a fake profile to attack the RS and change the output of it. Different attack types with different features and attacking methods exist in which decrease the accuracy. It is important to detect fake users, remove their rating from rating matrix and recognize the items has been attacked. In the recent years, many algorithms have been proposed to detect the attackers but first, researchers have to inject the attack type into their dataset and then evaluate their proposed approach. The purpose of this article is to develop a tool to inject the different attack types to datasets. Proposed tool constructs a new dataset containing the fake users therefore researchers can use it for evaluating their proposed attack detection methods. Researchers could choose the attack type and the size of attack with a user interface of our proposed tool easily.
Farea, Abdulgbar A. R., Wang, Chengliang, Farea, Ebraheem, Ba Alawi, Abdulfattah.  2021.  Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL Injection Attacks Multi-classification Using Bidirectional LSTM Recurrent Neural Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). :358–363.
E-commerce, ticket booking, banking, and other web-based applications that deal with sensitive information, such as passwords, payment information, and financial information, are widespread. Some web developers may have different levels of understanding about securing an online application. The two vulnerabilities identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) for its 2017 Top Ten List are SQL injection and Cross-site Scripting (XSS). Because of these two vulnerabilities, an attacker can take advantage of these flaws and launch harmful web-based actions. Many published articles concentrated on a binary classification for these attacks. This article developed a new approach for detecting SQL injection and XSS attacks using deep learning. SQL injection and XSS payloads datasets are combined into a single dataset. The word-embedding technique is utilized to convert the word’s text into a vector. Our model used BiLSTM to auto feature extraction, training, and testing the payloads dataset. BiLSTM classified the payloads into three classes: XSS, SQL injection attacks, and normal. The results showed great results in classifying payloads into three classes: XSS attacks, injection attacks, and non-malicious payloads. BiLSTM showed high performance reached 99.26% in terms of accuracy.
Sedighi, Art, Jacobson, Doug, Daniels, Thomas.  2021.  T-PKI for Anonymous Attestation in TPM. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). :96–100.
The Transient Public Key Infrastructure or T-PKI is introduced in this paper that allows a transactional approach to attestation, where a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) can stay anonymous to a verifier. In cloud computing and IoT environments, attestation is a critical step in ensuring that the environment is untampered with. With attestation, the verifier would be able to ascertain information about the TPM (such as location, or other system information) that one may not want to disclose. The addition of the Direct Anonymous Attestation added to TPM 2.0 would potentially solve this problem, but it uses the traditional RSA or ECC based methods. In this paper, a Lattice-based approach is used that is both quantum safe, and not dependent on creating a new key pair in order to increase anonymity.
Rashid, Junaid, Mahmood, Toqeer, Nisar, Muhammad Wasif, Nazir, Tahira.  2020.  Phishing Detection Using Machine Learning Technique. 2020 First International Conference of Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (SMARTTECH). :43–46.
Today, everyone is highly dependent on the internet. Everyone performed online shopping and online activities such as online Bank, online booking, online recharge and more on internet. Phishing is a type of website threat and phishing is Illegally on the original website Information such as login id, password and information of credit card. This paper proposed an efficient machine learning based phishing detection technique. Overall, experimental results show that the proposed technique, when integrated with the Support vector machine classifier, has the best performance of accurately distinguishing 95.66% of phishing and appropriate websites using only 22.5% of the innovative functionality. The proposed technique exhibits optimistic results when benchmarking with a range of standard phishing datasets of the “University of California Irvine (UCI)” archive. Therefore, proposed technique is preferred and used for phishing detection based on machine learning.
Yang, Z., Sun, Q., Zhang, Y., Zhu, L., Ji, W..  2020.  Inference of Suspicious Co-Visitation and Co-Rating Behaviors and Abnormality Forensics for Recommender Systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 15:2766—2781.
The pervasiveness of personalized collaborative recommender systems has shown the powerful capability in a wide range of E-commerce services such as Amazon, TripAdvisor, Yelp, etc. However, fundamental vulnerabilities of collaborative recommender systems leave space for malicious users to affect the recommendation results as the attackers desire. A vast majority of existing detection methods assume certain properties of malicious attacks are given in advance. In reality, improving the detection performance is usually constrained due to the challenging issues: (a) various types of malicious attacks coexist, (b) limited representations of malicious attack behaviors, and (c) practical evidences for exploring and spotting anomalies on real-world data are scarce. In this paper, we investigate a unified detection framework in an eye for an eye manner without being bothered by the details of the attacks. Firstly, co-visitation and co-rating graphs are constructed using association rules. Then, attribute representations of nodes are empirically developed from the perspectives of linkage pattern, structure-based property and inherent association of nodes. Finally, both attribute information and connective coherence of graph are combined in order to infer suspicious nodes. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed detection approach compared with competing benchmarks. Additionally, abnormality forensics metrics including distribution of rating intention, time aggregation of suspicious ratings, degree distributions before as well as after removing suspicious nodes and time series analysis of historical ratings, are provided so as to discover interesting findings such as suspicious nodes (items or ratings) on real-world data.
Hwang, S., Ryu, S..  2020.  Gap between Theory and Practice: An Empirical Study of Security Patches in Solidity. 2020 IEEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). :542–553.
Ethereum, one of the most popular blockchain platforms, provides financial transactions like payments and auctions through smart contracts. Due to the immense interest in smart contracts in academia, the research community of smart contract security has made a significant improvement recently. Researchers have reported various security vulnerabilities in smart contracts, and developed static analysis tools and verification frameworks to detect them. However, it is unclear whether such great efforts from academia has indeed enhanced the security of smart contracts in reality. To understand the security level of smart contracts in the wild, we empirically studied 55,046 real-world Ethereum smart contracts written in Solidity, the most popular programming language used by Ethereum smart contract developers. We first examined how many well-known vulnerabilities the Solidity compiler has patched, and how frequently the Solidity team publishes compiler releases. Unfortunately, we observed that many known vulnerabilities are not yet patched, and some patches are not even sufficient to avoid their target vulnerabilities. Subsequently, we investigated whether smart contract developers use the most recent compiler with vulnerabilities patched. We reported that developers of more than 98% of real-world Solidity contracts still use older compilers without vulnerability patches, and more than 25% of the contracts are potentially vulnerable due to the missing security patches. To understand actual impacts of the missing patches, we manually investigated potentially vulnerable contracts that are detected by our static analyzer and identified common mistakes by Solidity developers, which may cause serious security issues such as financial loss. We detected hundreds of vulnerable contracts and about one fourth of the vulnerable contracts are used by thousands of people. We recommend the Solidity team to make patches that resolve known vulnerabilities correctly, and developers to use the latest Solidity compiler to avoid missing security patches.
Li, W., Li, L..  2009.  A Novel Approach for Vehicle-logo Location Based on Edge Detection and Morphological Filter. 2009 Second International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security. 1:343—345.

Vehicle-logo location is a crucial step in vehicle-logo recognition system. In this paper, a novel approach of the vehicle-logo location based on edge detection and morphological filter is proposed. Firstly, the approximate location of the vehicle-logo region is determined by the prior knowledge about the position of the vehicle-logo; Secondly, the texture measure is defined to recognize the texture of the vehicle-logo background; Then, vertical edge detection is executed for the vehicle-logo background with the horizontal texture and horizontal edge detection is implemented for the vehicle-logo background with the vertical texture; Finally, position of the vehicle-logo is located accurately by mathematical morphology filter. Experimental results show the proposed method is effective.

Dong, X., Kang, Q., Yao, Q., Lu, D., Xu, Y., Liu, J..  2020.  Towards Primary User Sybil-proofness for Online Spectrum Auction in Dynamic Spectrum Access. IEEE INFOCOM 2020 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. :1439–1448.
Dynamic spectrum access (DSA) is a promising platform to solve the spectrum shortage problem, in which auction based mechanisms have been extensively studied due to good spectrum allocation efficiency and fairness. Recently, Sybil attacks were introduced in DSA, and Sybil-proof spectrum auction mechanisms have been proposed, which guarantee that each single secondary user (SU) cannot obtain a higher utility under more than one fictitious identities. However, existing Sybil-poof spectrum auction mechanisms achieve only Sybil-proofness for SUs, but not for primary users (PUs), and simulations show that a cheating PU in those mechanisms can obtain a higher utility by Sybil attacks. In this paper, we propose TSUNAMI, the first Truthful and primary user Sybil-proof aUctioN mechAnisM for onlIne spectrum allocation. Specifically, we compute the opportunity cost of each SU and screen out cost-efficient SUs to participate in spectrum allocation. In addition, we present a bid-independent sorting method and a sequential matching approach to achieve primary user Sybil-proofness and 2-D truthfulness, which means that each SU or PU can gain her maximal utility by bidding with her true valuation of spectrum. We evaluate the performance and validate the desired properties of our proposed mechanism through extensive simulations.
Narang, S., Byali, M., Dayama, P., Pandit, V., Narahari, Y..  2019.  Design of Trusted B2B Market Platforms using Permissioned Blockchains and Game Theory. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :385—393.

Trusted collaboration satisfying the requirements of (a) adequate transparency and (b) preservation of privacy of business sensitive information is a key factor to ensure the success and adoption of online business-to-business (B2B) collaboration platforms. Our work proposes novel ways of stringing together game theoretic modeling, blockchain technology, and cryptographic techniques to build such a platform for B2B collaboration involving enterprise buyers and sellers who may be strategic. The B2B platform builds upon three ideas. The first is to use a permissioned blockchain with smart contracts as the technical infrastructure for building the platform. Second, the above smart contracts implement deep business logic which is derived using a rigorous analysis of a repeated game model of the strategic interactions between buyers and sellers to devise strategies to induce honest behavior from buyers and sellers. Third, we present a formal framework that captures the essential requirements for secure and private B2B collaboration, and, in this direction, we develop cryptographic regulation protocols that, in conjunction with the blockchain, help implement such a framework. We believe our work is an important first step in the direction of building a platform that enables B2B collaboration among strategic and competitive agents while maximizing social welfare and addressing the privacy concerns of the agents.

Li, W., Zhu, H., Zhou, X., Shimizu, S., Xin, M., Jin, Q..  2018.  A Novel Personalized Recommendation Algorithm Based on Trust Relevancy Degree. 2018 IEEE 16th Intl Conf on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 16th Intl Conf on Pervasive Intelligence and Computing, 4th Intl Conf on Big Data Intelligence and Computing and Cyber Science and Technology Congress(DASC/PiCom/DataCom/CyberSciTech). :418–422.
The rapid development of the Internet and ecommerce has brought a lot of convenience to people's life. Personalized recommendation technology provides users with services that they may be interested according to users' information such as personal characteristics and historical behaviors. The research of personalized recommendation has been a hot point of data mining and social networks. In this paper, we focus on resolving the problem of data sparsity based on users' rating data and social network information, introduce a set of new measures for social trust and propose a novel personalized recommendation algorithm based on matrix factorization combining trust relevancy. Our experiments were performed on the Dianping datasets. The results show that our algorithm outperforms traditional approaches in terms of accuracy and stability.
Al-Nemrat, Ameer.  2018.  Identity theft on e-government/e-governance digital forensics. 2018 International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS). :1—1.

In the context of the rapid technological progress, the cyber-threats become a serious challenge that requires immediate and continuous action. As cybercrime poses a permanent and increasing threat, governments, corporate and individual users of the cyber-space are constantly struggling to ensure an acceptable level of security over their assets. Maliciousness on the cyber-space spans identity theft, fraud, and system intrusions. This is due to the benefits of cyberspace-low entry barriers, user anonymity, and spatial and temporal separation between users, make it a fertile field for deception and fraud. Numerous, supervised and unsupervised, techniques have been proposed and used to identify fraudulent transactions and activities that deviate from regular patterns of behaviour. For instance, neural networks and genetic algorithms were used to detect credit card fraud in a dataset covering 13 months and 50 million credit card transactions. Unsupervised methods, such as clustering analysis, have been used to identify financial fraud or to filter fake online product reviews and ratings on e-commerce websites. Blockchain technology has demonstrated its feasibility and relevance in e-commerce. Its use is now being extended to new areas, related to electronic government. The technology appears to be the most appropriate in areas that require storage and processing of large amounts of protected data. The question is what can blockchain technology do and not do to fight malicious online activity?

Glory, Farhana Zaman, Ul Aftab, Atif, Tremblay-Savard, Olivier, Mohammed, Noman.  2019.  Strong Password Generation Based On User Inputs. 2019 IEEE 10th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0416—0423.
Every person using different online services is concerned with the security and privacy for protecting individual information from the intruders. Many authentication systems are available for the protection of individuals' data, and the password authentication system is one of them. Due to the increment of information sharing, internet popularization, electronic commerce transactions, and data transferring, both password security and authenticity have become an essential and necessary subject. But it is also mandatory to ensure the strength of the password. For that reason, all cyber experts recommend intricate password patterns. But most of the time, the users forget their passwords because of those complicated patterns. In this paper, we are proposing a unique algorithm that will generate a strong password, unlike other existing random password generators. This password will he based on the information, i.e. (some words and numbers) provided by the users so that they do not feel challenged to remember the password. We have tested our system through various experiments using synthetic input data. We also have checked our generator with four popular online password checkers to verify the strength of the produced passwords. Based on our experiments, the reliability of our generated passwords is entirely satisfactory. We also have examined that our generated passwords can defend against two password cracking attacks named the "Dictionary attack" and the "Brute Force attack". We have implemented our system in Python programming language. In the near future, we have a plan to extend our work by developing an online free to use user interface. The passwords generated by our system are not only user-friendly but also have achieved most of the qualities of being strong as well as non- crackable passwords.
Babkin, Sergey, Epishkina, Anna.  2019.  Authentication Protocols Based on One-Time Passwords. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :1794–1798.
Nowadays one-time passwords are used in a lot of areas of information technologies including e-commerce. A few vulnerabilities in authentication protocols based on one-time passwords are widely known. In current work, we analyze authentication protocols based on one-time passwords and their vulnerabilities. Both simple and complicated protocols which are implementing cryptographic algorithms are reviewed. For example, an analysis of relatively old Lamport's hash-chain protocol is provided. At the same time, we examine HOTP and TOTP protocols which are actively used nowadays. The main result of the work are conclusions about the security of reviewed protocols based on one-time passwords.
Ben Othmane, Lotfi, Jamil, Ameerah-Muhsina, Abdelkhalek, Moataz.  2019.  Identification of the Impacts of Code Changes on the Security of Software. 2019 IEEE 43rd Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:569–574.
Companies develop their software in versions and iterations. Ensuring the security of each additional version using code review is costly and time consuming. This paper investigates automated tracing of the impacts of code changes on the security of a given software. To this end, we use call graphs to model the software code, and security assurance cases to model the security requirements of the software. Then we relate assurance case elements to code through the entry point methods of the software, creating a map of monitored security functions. This mapping allows to evaluate the security requirements that are affected by code changes. The approach is implemented in a set of tools and evaluated using three open-source ERP/E-commerce software applications. The limited evaluation showed that the approach is effective in identifying the impacts of code changes on the security of the software. The approach promises to considerably reduce the security assessment time of the subsequent releases and iterations of software, keeping the initial security state throughout the software lifetime.
Zadig, Sean M., Tejay, Gurvirender.  2010.  Securing IS assets through hacker deterrence: A case study. 2010 eCrime Researchers Summit. :1–7.
Computer crime is a topic prevalent in both the research literature and in industry, due to a number of recent high-profile cyber attacks on e-commerce organizations. While technical means for defending against internal and external hackers have been discussed at great length, researchers have shown a distinct preference towards understanding deterrence of the internal threat and have paid little attention to external deterrence. This paper uses the criminological thesis known as Broken Windows Theory to understand how external computer criminals might be deterred from attacking a particular organization. The theory's focus upon disorder as a precursor to crime is discussed, and the notion of decreasing public IS disorder to create the illusion of strong information systems security is examined. A case study of a victim e-commerce organization is reviewed in light of the theory and implications for research and practice are discussed.
Xue, Zijun, Ko, Ting-Yu, Yuchen, Neo, Wu, Ming-Kuang Daniel, Hsieh, Chu-Cheng.  2018.  Isa: Intuit Smart Agent, A Neural-Based Agent-Assist Chatbot. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW). :1423–1428.
Hiring seasonal workers in call centers to provide customer service is a common practice in B2C companies. The quality of service delivered by both contracting and employee customer service agents depends heavily on the domain knowledge available to them. When observing the internal group messaging channels used by agents, we found that similar questions are often asked repetitively by different agents, especially from less experienced ones. The goal of our work is to leverage the promising advances in conversational AI to provide a chatbot-like mechanism for assisting agents in promptly resolving a customer's issue. In this paper, we develop a neural-based conversational solution that employs BiLSTM with attention mechanism and demonstrate how our system boosts the effectiveness of customer support agents. In addition, we discuss the design principles and the necessary considerations for our system. We then demonstrate how our system, named "Isa" (Intuit Smart Agent), can help customer service agents provide a high-quality customer experience by reducing customer wait time and by applying the knowledge accumulated from customer interactions in future applications.
Buchmann, N., Rathgeb, C., Baier, H., Busch, C., Margraf, M..  2017.  Enhancing Breeder Document Long-Term Security Using Blockchain Technology. 2017 IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). 2:744–748.

In contrast to electronic travel documents (e.g. ePassports), the standardisation of breeder documents (e.g. birth certificates), regarding harmonisation of content and contained security features is in statu nascendi. Due to the fact that breeder documents can be used as an evidence of identity and enable the application for electronic travel documents, they pose the weakest link in the identity life cycle and represent a security gap for identity management. In this work, we present a cost efficient way to enhance the long-term security of breeder documents by utilizing blockchain technology. A conceptual architecture to enhance breeder document long-term security and an introduction of the concept's constituting system components is presented. Our investigations provide evidence that the Bitcoin blockchain is most suitable for breeder document long-term security.

Upadhyaya, R., Jain, A..  2016.  Cyber ethics and cyber crime: A deep dwelved study into legality, ransomware, underground web and bitcoin wallet. 2016 International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA). :143–148.

Future wars will be cyber wars and the attacks will be a sturdy amalgamation of cryptography along with malware to distort information systems and its security. The explosive Internet growth facilitates cyber-attacks. Web threats include risks, that of loss of confidential data and erosion of consumer confidence in e-commerce. The emergence of cyber hack jacking threat in the new form in cyberspace is known as ransomware or crypto virus. The locker bot waits for specific triggering events, to become active. It blocks the task manager, command prompt and other cardinal executable files, a thread checks for their existence every few milliseconds, killing them if present. Imposing serious threats to the digital generation, ransomware pawns the Internet users by hijacking their system and encrypting entire system utility files and folders, and then demanding ransom in exchange for the decryption key it provides for release of the encrypted resources to its original form. We present in this research, the anatomical study of a ransomware family that recently picked up quite a rage and is called CTB locker, and go on to the hard money it makes per user, and its source C&C server, which lies with the Internet's greatest incognito mode-The Dark Net. Cryptolocker Ransomware or the CTB Locker makes a Bitcoin wallet per victim and payment mode is in the form of digital bitcoins which utilizes the anonymity network or Tor gateway. CTB Locker is the deadliest malware the world ever encountered.

Singh, S., Singh, N..  2015.  Internet of Things (IoT): Security challenges, business opportunities reference architecture for E-commerce. 2015 International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT). :1577–1581.

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents a diverse technology and usage with unprecedented business opportunities and risks. The Internet of Things is changing the dynamics of security industry & reshaping it. It allows data to be transferred seamlessly among physical devices to the Internet. The growth of number of intelligent devices will create a network rich with information that allows supply chains to assemble and communicate in new ways. The technology research firm Gartner predicts that there will be 26 billion installed units on the Internet of Things (IoT) by 2020[1]. This paper explains the concept of Internet of Things (IoT), its characteristics, explain security challenges, technology adoption trends & suggests a reference architecture for E-commerce enterprise.

Masvosvere, D. J. E., Venter, H. S..  2015.  A model for the design of next generation e-supply chain digital forensic readiness tools. 2015 Information Security for South Africa (ISSA). :1–9.

The internet has had a major impact on how information is shared within supply chains, and in commerce in general. This has resulted in the establishment of information systems such as e-supply chains amongst others which integrate the internet and other information and communications technology (ICT) with traditional business processes for the swift transmission of information between trading partners. Many organisations have reaped the benefits of adopting the eSC model, but have also faced the challenges with which it comes. One such major challenge is information security. Digital forensic readiness is a relatively new exciting field which can prepare and prevent incidents from occurring within an eSC environment if implemented strategically. With the current state of cybercrime, tool developers are challenged with the task of developing cutting edge digital forensic readiness tools that can keep up with the current technological advancements, such as (eSCs), in the business world. Therefore, the problem addressed in this paper is that there are no DFR tools that are designed to support eSCs specifically. There are some general-purpose monitoring tools that have forensic readiness functionality, but currently there are no tools specifically designed to serve the eSC environment. Therefore, this paper discusses the limitations of current digital forensic readiness tools for the eSC environment and an architectural design for next-generation eSC DFR systems is proposed, along with the system requirements that such systems must satisfy. It is the view of the authors that the conclusions drawn from this paper can spearhead the development of cutting-edge next-generation digital forensic readiness tools, and bring attention to some of the shortcomings of current tools.

Namazifard, A., Amiri, B., Tousi, A., Aminilari, M., Hozhabri, A. A..  2015.  Literature review of different contention of E-commerce security and the purview of cyber law factors. 2015 9th International Conference on e-Commerce in Developing Countries: With focus on e-Business (ECDC). :1–14.

Today, by widely spread of information technology (IT) usage, E-commerce security and its related legislations are very critical issue in information technology and court law. There is a consensus that security matters are the significant foundation of e-commerce, electronic consumers, and firms' privacy. While e-commerce networks need a policy for security privacy, they should be prepared for a simple consumer friendly infrastructure. Hence it is necessary to review the theoretical models for revision. In This theory review, we embody a number of former articles that cover security of e-commerce and legislation ambit at the individual level by assessing five criteria. Whether data of articles provide an effective strategy for secure-protection challenges in e-commerce and e-consumers. Whether provisions clearly remedy precedents or they need to flourish? This paper focuses on analyzing the former discussion regarding e-commerce security and existence legislation toward cyber-crime activity of e-commerce the article also purports recommendation for subsequent research which is indicate that through secure factors of e-commerce we are able to fill the vacuum of its legislation.