Industrial IoT (IIoT) is a specialized subset of IoT which involves the interconnection of industrial devices with ubiquitous control and intelligent processing services to improve industrial system's productivity and operational capability. In essence, IIoT adapts a use-case specific architecture based on RFID sense network, BLE sense network or WSN, where heterogeneous industrial IoT devices can collaborate with each other to achieve a common goal. Nonetheless, most of the IIoT deployments are brownfield in nature which involves both new and legacy technologies (SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System)). The merger of these technologies causes high degree of cross-linking and decentralization which ultimately increases the complexity of IIoT systems and introduce new vulnerabilities. Hence, industrial organizations becomes not only vulnerable to conventional SCADA attacks but also to a multitude of IIoT specific threats. However, there is a lack of understanding of these attacks both with respect to the literature and empirical evaluation. As a consequence, it is infeasible for industrial organizations, researchers and developers to analyze attacks and derive a robust security mechanism for IIoT. In this paper, we developed a multi-layer taxonomy of IIoT attacks by considering both brownfield and greenfield architecture of IIoT. The taxonomy consists of 11 layers 94 dimensions and approximately 100 attack techniques which helps to provide a holistic overview of the incident attack pattern, attack characteristics and impact on industrial system. Subsequently, we have exhibited the practical relevance of developed taxonomy by applying it to a real-world use-case. This research will benefit researchers and developers to best utilize developed taxonomy for analyzing attack sequence and to envisage an efficient security platform for futuristic IIoT applications.
New technologies, such as augmented reality (AR) are used to enhance human capabilities and extend human functioning; nevertheless they may cause distraction and incorrect human functioning. Systems including socio entities (such as human) and technical entities (such as augmented reality) are called socio-technical systems. In order to do risk assessment in such systems, considering new dependability threats caused by augmented reality is essential, for example failure of an extended human function is a new type of dependability threat introduced to the system because of new technologies. In particular, it is required to identify these new dependability threats and extend modeling and analyzing techniques to be able to uncover their potential impacts. This research aims at providing a framework for risk assessment in AR-equipped socio-technical systems by identifying AR-extended human failures and AR-caused faults leading to human failures. Our work also extends modeling elements in an existing metamodel for modeling socio-technical systems, to enable AR-relevant dependability threats modeling. This extended metamodel is expected to be used for extending analysis techniques to analyze AR-equipped socio-technical systems.
Defects in infrastructure as code (IaC) scripts can have serious
consequences, for example, creating large-scale system outages. A
taxonomy of IaC defects can be useful for understanding the nature
of defects, and identifying activities needed to fix and prevent
defects in IaC scripts. The goal of this paper is to help practitioners
improve the quality of infrastructure as code (IaC) scripts by developing
a defect taxonomy for IaC scripts through qualitative analysis.
We develop a taxonomy of IaC defects by applying qualitative analysis
on 1,448 defect-related commits collected from open source
software (OSS) repositories of the Openstack organization. We conduct
a survey with 66 practitioners to assess if they agree with the
identified defect categories included in our taxonomy. We quantify
the frequency of identified defect categories by analyzing 80,425
commits collected from 291 OSS repositories spanning across 2005
to 2019.
Our defect taxonomy for IaC consists of eight categories, including
a category specific to IaC called idempotency (i.e., defects that
lead to incorrect system provisioning when the same IaC script is
executed multiple times). We observe the surveyed 66 practitioners
to agree most with idempotency. The most frequent defect category
is configuration data i.e., providing erroneous configuration data
in IaC scripts. Our taxonomy and the quantified frequency of the
defect categories may help in advancing the science of IaC script
The world is witnessing an exceptional expansion in the cloud enabled services which is further growing day by day due to advancement & requirement of technology. However, the identification of vulnerabilities & its exploitation in the cloud computing will always be the major challenge and concern for any cloud computing system. To understand the challenges and its consequences and further provide mitigation techniques for the vulnerabilities, the identification of cloud specific vulnerabilities needs to be examined first and after identification of vulnerabilities a detailed taxonomy must be positioned. In this paper several cloud specific identified vulnerabilities have been studied which is listed by the NVD, ENISA CSA etc accordingly a unified taxonomy for security vulnerabilities has been prepared. In this paper we proposed a comprehensive taxonomy for cloud specific vulnerabilities on the basis of several parameters like attack vector, CVSS score, complexity etc which will be further act as input for the analysis and mitigation of cloud vulnerabilities. Scheming of Taxonomy of vulnerabilities is an effective way for cloud administrators, cloud mangers, cloud consumers and other stakeholders for identifying, understanding and addressing security risks.
The aim of this paper is to show the importance of Computational Stylometry (CS) and Machine Learning (ML) support in author's gender and age detection in cyberbullying texts. We developed a cyberbullying detection platform and we show the results of performances in terms of Precision, Recall and F -Measure for gender and age detection in cyberbullying texts we collected.
Denial-of-Service attack (DoS attack) is an attack on network in which an attacker tries to disrupt the availability of network resources by overwhelming the target network with attack packets. In DoS attack it is typically done using a single source, and in a Distributed Denial-of-Service attack (DDoS attack), like the name suggests, multiple sources are used to flood the incoming traffic of victim. Typically, such attacks use vulnerabilities of Domain Name System (DNS) protocol and IP spoofing to disrupt the normal functioning of service provider or Internet user. The attacks involving DNS, or attacks exploiting vulnerabilities of DNS are known as DNS based DDOS attacks. Many of the proposed DNS based DDoS solutions try to prevent/mitigate such attacks using some intelligent non-``network layer'' (typically application layer) protocols. Utilizing the flexibility and programmability aspects of Software Defined Networks (SDN), via this proposed doctoral research it is intended to make underlying network intelligent enough so as to prevent DNS based DDoS attacks.
Nowadays, Information Technology is one of the important parts of human life and also of organizations. Organizations face problems such as IT problems. To solve these problems, they have to improve their security sections. Thus there is a need for security assessments within organizations to ensure security conditions. The use of security standards and general metric can be useful for measuring the safety of an organization; however, it should be noted that the general metric which are applied to businesses in general cannot be effective in this particular situation. Thus it's important to select metric standards for different businesses to improve both cost and organizational security. The selection of suitable security measures lies in the use of an efficient way to identify them. Due to the numerous complexities of these metric and the extent to which they are defined, in this paper that is based on comparative study and the benchmarking method, taxonomy for security measures is considered to be helpful for a business to choose metric tailored to their needs and conditions.
Over a decade, intelligent and persistent forms of cyber threats have been damaging to the organizations' cyber assets and missions. In this paper, we analyze current cyber kill chain models that explain the adversarial behavior to perform advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks, and propose a cyber kill chain model that can be used in view of cyber situation awareness. Based on the proposed cyber kill chain model, we propose a threat taxonomy that classifies attack tactics and techniques for each attack phase using CAPEC, ATT&CK that classify the attack tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) proposed by MITRE. We also implement a cyber common operational picture (CyCOP) to recognize the situation of cyberspace. The threat situation can be represented on the CyCOP by applying cyber kill chain based threat taxonomy.
Current technologies to include cloud computing, social networking, mobile applications and crowd and synthetic intelligence, coupled with the explosion in storage and processing power, are evolving massive-scale marketplaces for a wide variety of resources and services. They are also enabling unprecedented forms and levels of collaborations among human and machine entities. In this new era, trust remains the keystone of success in any relationship between two or more parties. A primary challenge is to establish and manage trust in environments where massive numbers of consumers, providers and brokers are largely autonomous with vastly diverse requirements, capabilities, and trust profiles. Most contemporary trust management solutions are oblivious to diversities in trustors' requirements and contexts, utilize direct or indirect experiences as the only form of trust computations, employ hardcoded trust computations and marginally consider collaboration in trust management. We surmise the need for reference architecture for trust management to guide the development of a wide spectrum of trust management systems. In our previous work, we presented a preliminary reference architecture for trust management which provides customizable and reconfigurable trust management operations to accommodate varying levels of diversity and trust personalization. In this paper, we present a comprehensive taxonomy for trust management and extend our reference architecture to feature collaboration as a first-class object. Our goal is to promote the development of new collaborative trust management systems, where various trust management operations would involve collaborating entities. Using the proposed architecture, we implemented a collaborative personalized trust management system. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our system.