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Kabatiansky, G., Egorova, E..  2020.  Adversarial multiple access channels and a new model of multimedia fingerprinting coding. 2020 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1—5.

We consider different models of malicious multiple access channels, especially for binary adder channel and for A-channel, and show how they can be used for the reformulation of digital fingerprinting coding problems. In particular, we propose a new model of multimedia fingerprinting coding. In the new model, not only zeroes and plus/minus ones but arbitrary coefficients of linear combinations of noise-like signals for forming watermarks (digital fingerprints) can be used. This modification allows dramatically increase the possible number of users with the property that if t or less malicious users create a forge digital fingerprint then a dealer of the system can find all of them with zero-error probability. We show how arisen problems are related to the compressed sensing problem.

Zhang, Leyou, Liang, Pengfei, Mu, Yi.  2018.  Improving Privacy-Preserving and Security for Decentralized Key-Policy Attributed-Based Encryption. IEEE Access. 6:12736—12745.
Decentralized attribute-based encryption (ABE) is an efficient and flexible multi-authority attribute-based encryption system, since it does not requires the central authority and does not need to cooperate among the authorities for creating public parameters. Unfortunately, recent works show that the reality of the privacy preserving and security in almost well-known decentralized key policy ABE (KP-ABE) schemes are doubtful. How to construct a decentralized KP-ABE with the privacy-preserving and user collusion avoidance is still a challenging problem. Most recently, Y. Rahulamathavam et al. proposed a decentralized KP ABE scheme to try avoiding user collusion and preserving the user's privacy. However, we exploit the vulnerability of their scheme in this paper at first and present a collusion attack on their decentralized KP-ABE scheme. The attack shows the user collusion cannot be avoided. Subsequently, a new privacy-preserving decentralized KP-ABE is proposed. The proposed scheme avoids the linear attacks at present and achieves the user collusion avoidance. We also show that the security of the proposed scheme is reduced to decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman assumption. Finally, numerical experiments demonstrate the efficiency and validity of the proposed scheme.
Nojoumian, M., Golchubian, A., Saputro, N., Akkaya, K..  2017.  Preventing Collusion between SDN Defenders Anc Attackers Using a Game Theoretical Approach. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :802–807.

In this paper, a game-theoretical solution concept is utilized to tackle the collusion attack in a SDN-based framework. In our proposed setting, the defenders (i.e., switches) are incentivized not to collude with the attackers in a repeated-game setting that utilizes a reputation system. We first illustrate our model and its components. We then use a socio-rational approach to provide a new anti-collusion solution that shows cooperation with the SDN controller is always Nash Equilibrium due to the existence of a long-term utility function in our model.

Ding, Y., Li, X..  2017.  Policy Based on Homomorphic Encryption and Retrieval Scheme in Cloud Computing. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 1:568–571.

Homomorphic encryption technology can settle a dispute of data privacy security in cloud environment, but there are many problems in the process of access the data which is encrypted by a homomorphic algorithm in the cloud. In this paper, on the premise of attribute encryption, we propose a fully homomorphic encrypt scheme which based on attribute encryption with LSSS matrix. This scheme supports fine-grained cum flexible access control along with "Query-Response" mechanism to enable users to efficiently retrieve desired data from cloud servers. In addition, the scheme should support considerable flexibility to revoke system privileges from users without updating the key client, it reduces the pressure of the client greatly. Finally, security analysis illustrates that the scheme can resist collusion attack. A comparison of the performance from existing CP-ABE scheme, indicates that our scheme reduces the computation cost greatly for users.

Ye, Conghuan, Ling, Hefei, Xiong, Zenggang, Zou, Fuhao, Liu, Cong, Xu, Fang.  2016.  Secure Social Multimedia Big Data Sharing Using Scalable JFE in the TSHWT Domain. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl.. 12:61:1–61:23.

With the advent of social networks and cloud computing, the amount of multimedia data produced and communicated within social networks is rapidly increasing. In the meantime, social networking platforms based on cloud computing have made multimedia big data sharing in social networks easier and more efficient. The growth of social multimedia, as demonstrated by social networking sites such as Facebook and YouTube, combined with advances in multimedia content analysis, underscores potential risks for malicious use, such as illegal copying, piracy, plagiarism, and misappropriation. Therefore, secure multimedia sharing and traitor tracing issues have become critical and urgent in social networks. In this article, a joint fingerprinting and encryption (JFE) scheme based on tree-structured Haar wavelet transform (TSHWT) is proposed with the purpose of protecting media distribution in social network environments. The motivation is to map hierarchical community structure of social networks into a tree structure of Haar wavelet transform for fingerprinting and encryption. First, fingerprint code is produced using social network analysis (SNA). Second, the content is decomposed based on the structure of fingerprint code by the TSHWT. Then, the content is fingerprinted and encrypted in the TSHWT domain. Finally, the encrypted contents are delivered to users via hybrid multicast-unicast. The proposed method, to the best of our knowledge, is the first scalable JFE method for fingerprinting and encryption in the TSHWT domain using SNA. The use of fingerprinting along with encryption using SNA not only provides a double layer of protection for social multimedia sharing in social network environment but also avoids big data superposition effect. Theory analysis and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed JFE scheme.

Chuan, T. H., Zhang, J., Maode, M., Chong, P. H. Joo, Labiod, H..  2015.  Secure Public Key Regime (SPKR) in vehicular networks. 2015 International Conference on Cyber Security of Smart Cities, Industrial Control System and Communications (SSIC). :1–7.

Public Key Regime (PKR) was proposed as an alternative to certificate based PKI in securing Vehicular Networks (VNs). It eliminates the need for vehicles to append their certificate for verification because the Road Side Units (RSUs) serve as Delegated Trusted Authorities (DTAs) to issue up-to-date public keys to vehicles for communications. If a vehicle's private/public key needs to be revoked, the root TA performs real time updates and disseminates the changes to these RSUs in the network. Therefore, PKR does not need to maintain a huge Certificate Revocation List (CRL), avoids complex certificate verification process and minimizes the high latency. However, the PKR scheme is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) and collusion attacks. In this paper, we study these attacks and propose a pre-authentication mechanism to secure the PKR scheme. Our new scheme is called the Secure Public Key Regime (SPKR). It is based on the Schnorr signature scheme that requires vehicles to expend some amount of CPU resources before RSUs issue the requested public keys to them. This helps to alleviate the risk of DoS attacks. Furthermore, our scheme is secure against collusion attacks. Through numerical analysis, we show that SPKR has a lower authentication delay compared with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (ECDSA) scheme and other ECDSA based counterparts.