Visible to the public Preventing Collusion between SDN Defenders Anc Attackers Using a Game Theoretical Approach

TitlePreventing Collusion between SDN Defenders Anc Attackers Using a Game Theoretical Approach
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsNojoumian, M., Golchubian, A., Saputro, N., Akkaya, K.
Conference Name2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS)
Date Publishedmay
ISBN Number 978-1-5386-2784-6
Keywordsanti-collusion solution, collusion attack, Computer crime, computer network security, Conferences, control systems, game theoretical approach, game theory, game-theoretical solution concept, Games, Network reconnaissance, preventing collusion, pubcrawl, Reconnaissance, repeated-game setting, reputation system, Resiliency, SDN controller, SDN defenders, Silicon, socio-rational approach, software defined networking

In this paper, a game-theoretical solution concept is utilized to tackle the collusion attack in a SDN-based framework. In our proposed setting, the defenders (i.e., switches) are incentivized not to collude with the attackers in a repeated-game setting that utilizes a reputation system. We first illustrate our model and its components. We then use a socio-rational approach to provide a new anti-collusion solution that shows cooperation with the SDN controller is always Nash Equilibrium due to the existence of a long-term utility function in our model.

Citation Keynojoumian_preventing_2017