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LOKI: A Lightweight Cryptographic Key Distribution Protocol for Controller Area Networks. 2020 IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP). :513–519.
2020. The recent advancement in the automotive sector has led to a technological explosion. As a result, the modern car provides a wide range of features supported by state of the art hardware and software. Unfortunately, while this is the case of most major components, in the same vehicle we find dozens of sensors and sub-systems built over legacy hardware and software with limited computational capabilities. This paper presents LOKI, a lightweight cryptographic key distribution scheme applicable in the case of the classical invehicle communication systems. The LOKI protocol stands out compared to already proposed protocols in the literature due to its ability to use only a single broadcast message to initiate the generation of a new cryptographic key across a group of nodes. It's lightweight key derivation algorithm takes advantage of a reverse hash chain traversal algorithm to generate fresh session keys. Experimental results consisting of a laboratory-scale system based on Vector Informatik's CANoe simulation environment demonstrate the effectiveness of the developed methodology and its seamless impact manifested on the network.
Towards Reverse Engineering Controller Area Network Messages Using Machine Learning. 2020 IEEE 6th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :1–6.
2020. The automotive Controller Area Network (CAN) allows Electronic Control Units (ECUs) to communicate with each other and control various vehicular functions such as engine and braking control. Consequently CAN and ECUs are high priority targets for hackers. As CAN implementation details are held as proprietary information by vehicle manufacturers, it can be challenging to decode and correlate CAN messages to specific vehicle operations. To understand the precise meanings of CAN messages, reverse engineering techniques that are time-consuming, manually intensive, and require a physical vehicle are typically used. This work aims to address the process of reverse engineering CAN messages for their functionality by creating a machine learning classifier that analyzes messages and determines their relationship to other messages and vehicular functions. Our work examines CAN traffic of different vehicles and standards to show that it can be applied to a wide arrangement of vehicles. The results show that the function of CAN messages can be determined without the need to manually reverse engineer a physical vehicle.
Rapid, Multi-vehicle and Feed-forward Neural Network based Intrusion Detection System for Controller Area Network Bus. 2020 IEEE Green Energy and Smart Systems Conference (IGESSC). :1–6.
2020. In this paper, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) in the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus of modern vehicles has been proposed. NESLIDS is an anomaly detection algorithm based on the supervised Deep Neural Network (DNN) architecture that is designed to counter three critical attack categories: Denial-of-service (DoS), fuzzy, and impersonation attacks. Our research scope included modifying DNN parameters, e.g. number of hidden layer neurons, batch size, and activation functions according to how well it maximized detection accuracy and minimized the false positive rate (FPR) for these attacks. Our methodology consisted of collecting CAN Bus data from online and in real-time, injecting attack data after data collection, preprocessing in Python, training the DNN, and testing the model with different datasets. Results show that the proposed IDS effectively detects all attack types for both types of datasets. NESLIDS outperforms existing approaches in terms of accuracy, scalability, and low false alarm rates.
In-Vehicle Intrusion Detection System on Controller Area Network with Machine Learning Models. 2020 11th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–6.
2020. Parallel with the developing world, transportation technologies have started to expand and change significantly year by year. This change brings with it some inevitable problems. Increasing human population and growing transportation-needs result many accidents in urban and rural areas, and this recursively results extra traffic problems and fuel consumption. It is obvious that the issues brought by this spiral loop needed to be solved with the use of some new technological achievements. In this context, self-driving cars or automated vehicles concepts are seen as a good solution. However, this also brings some additional problems with it. Currently many cars are provided with some digital security systems, which are examined in two phases, internal and external. These systems are constructed in the car by using some type of embedded system (such as the Controller Area Network (CAN)) which are needed to be protected form outsider cyberattacks. These attack can be detected by several ways such as rule based system, anomaly based systems, list based systems, etc. The current literature showed that researchers focused on the use of some artificial intelligence techniques for the detection of this type of attack. In this study, an intrusion detection system based on machine learning is proposed for the CAN security, which is the in-vehicle communication structure. As a result of the study, it has been observed that the decision tree-based ensemble learning models results the best performance in the tested models. Additionally, all models have a very good accuracy levels.
MixCAN: Mixed and Backward-Compatible Data Authentication Scheme for Controller Area Networks. 2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking). :395–403.
2020. The massive proliferation of state of the art interfaces into the automotive sector has triggered a revolution in terms of the technological ecosystem that is found in today's modern car. Accordingly, on the one hand, we find dozens of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) running several hundred MB of code, and more and more sophisticated dashboards with integrated wireless communications. On the other hand, in the same vehicle we find the underlying communication infrastructure struggling to keep up with the pace of these radical changes. This paper presents MixCAN (MIXed data authentication for Control Area Networks), an approach for mixing different message signatures (i.e., authentication tags) in order to reduce the overhead of Controller Area Network (CAN) communications. MixCAN leverages the attributes of Bloom Filters in order to ensure that an ECU can sign messages with different CAN identifiers (i.e., mix different message signatures), and that other ECUs can verify the signature for a subset of monitored CAN identifiers. Extensive experimental results based on Vectors Informatik's CANoe/CANalyzer simulation environment and the data set provided by Hacking and Countermeasure Research Lab (HCRL) confirm the validity and applicability of the developed approach. Subsequent experiments including a test bed consisting of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ systems equipped with CAN communication modules demonstrate the practical integration of MixCAN in real automotive systems.
VALID: Voltage-Based Lightweight Intrusion Detection for the Controller Area Network. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :225–232.
2020. The Controller Area Network (CAN), a broadcasting bus for intra-vehicle communication, does not provide any security mechanisms, although it is implemented in almost every vehicle. Attackers can exploit this issue, transmit malicious messages unnoticeably and cause severe harm. As the utilization of Message Authentication Codes (MACs) is only possible to a limited extent in resource-constrained systems, the focus is put on the development of Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). Due to their simple idea of operation, current developments are increasingly utilizing physical signal properties like voltages to realize these systems. Although the feasibility for CAN-based networks could be demonstrated, the least approaches consider the constrained resource-availability of vehicular hardware. To close this gap, we present Voltage-Based Lightweight Intrusion Detection (VALID), which provides physics-based intrusion detection with low resource requirements. By utilizing solely the individual voltage levels on the network during communication, the system detects unauthorized message transmissions without any sophisticated sampling approaches and feature calculations. Having performed evaluations on data from two real vehicles, we show that VALID is not only able to detect intrusions with an accuracy of 99.54 %, but additionally is capable of identifying the attack source reliably. These properties make VALID one of the most lightweight intrusion detection approaches that is ready-to-use, as it can be easily implemented on hardware already installed in vehicles and does not require any further components. Additionally, this allows existing platforms to be retrofitted and vehicular security systems to be improved and extended.
A Hybrid Approach for Fast Anomaly Detection in Controller Area Networks. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS). :1–6.
2020. Recent advancements in the field of in-vehicle network and wireless communication, has been steadily progressing. Also, the advent of technologies such as Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANET) and Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), has transformed modern automobiles into a sophisticated cyber-physical system rather than just a isolated mechanical device. Modern automobiles rely on many electronic control units communicating over the Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. Although protecting the car's external interfaces is an vital part of preventing attacks, detecting malicious activity on the CAN bus is an effective second line of defense against attacks. This paper proposes a hybrid anomaly detection system for CAN bus based on patterns of recurring messages and time interval of messages. The proposed method does not require modifications in CAN bus. The proposed system is evaluated on real CAN bus traffic with simulated attack scenarios. Results obtained show that our proposed system achieved a good detection rate with fast response times.
A Convolutional Encoder Network for Intrusion Detection in Controller Area Networks. 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :366–369.
2020. Integrated with various electronic control units (ECUs), vehicles are becoming more intelligent with the assistance of essential connections. However, the interaction with the outside world raises great concerns on cyber-attacks. As a main standard for in-vehicle network, Controller Area Network (CAN) does not have any built-in security mechanisms to guarantee a secure communication. This increases risks of denial of service, remote control attacks by an attacker, posing serious threats to underlying vehicles, property and human lives. As a result, it is urgent to develop an effective in-vehicle network intrusion detection system (IDS) for better security. In this paper, we propose a Feature-based Sliding Window (FSW) to extract the feature of CAN Data Field and CAN IDs. Then we construct a convolutional encoder network (CEN) to detect network intrusion of CAN networks. The proposed FSW-CEN method is evaluated on real-world datasets. The experimental results show that compared to traditional data processing methods and convolutional neural networks, our method is able to detect attacks with a higher accuracy in terms of detection accuracy and false negative rate.
Presenting IoT Security based on Cryptographic Practices in Data Link Layer in Power Generation Sector. 2020 8th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO). :1085—1088.
2020. With increasing improvements in different areas, Internet control has been making prominent impacts in almost all areas of technology that has resulted in reasonable advances in every discrete field and therefore the industries too are proceeding to the field of IoT (Internet of Things), in which the communication among heterogeneous equipments is via Internet broadly. So imparting these advances of technology in the Power Station Plant sectors i.e. the power plants will be remotely controlled additional to remote monitoring, with no corporal place as a factor for controlling or monitoring. But imparting this technology the security factor needs to be considered as a basic and such methods need to be put into practice that the communication in such networks or control systems is defended against any third party interventions while the data is being transferred from one device to the other device through the internet (Unrestricted Channel). The paper puts forward exercising RSA,DES and AES encrypting schemes for the purpose of data encryption at the Data Link Layer i.e. before it is transmitted to the other device through Internet and as a result of this the security constraints are maintained. The records put to use have been supplied by NTPC, Dadri, India plus simulation part was executed employing MATLAB.
True Random Number Generator (TRNG) for Secure Communications in the Era of IoT. 2020 China Semiconductor Technology International Conference (CSTIC). :1—5.
2020. True Random number Generator (TRNG) is critical for secure communications. In this work, we explain in details regarding our recent solution on TRNG using random telegraph noise (RTN) including the benefits and the disadvantages. Security check is performed using the NIST randomness tests for both the RTN-based TRNG and various conventional pseudo random umber generator. The newly-proposed design shows excellent randomness, power consumption, low design complexity, small area and high speed, making it a suitable candidate for future cryptographically secured applications within the internet of things.
Physical-Layer Cooperative Key Generation with Correlated Eavesdropping Channels in IoT. 2020 International Conferences on Internet of Things (iThings) and IEEE Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom) and IEEE Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom) and IEEE Smart Data (SmartData) and IEEE Congress on Cybermatics (Cybermatics). :29—36.
2020. With a massive amount of wireless sensor nodes in Internet of Things (IoT), it is difficult to establish key distribution and management mechanism for traditional encryption technology. Alternatively, the physical layer key generation technology is promising to implement in IoT, since it is based on the principle of information-theoretical security and has the advantage of low complexity. Most existing key generation schemes assume that eavesdropping channels are independent of legitimate channels, which may not be practical especially when eavesdropper nodes are near to legitimate nodes. However, this paper investigates key generation problems for a multi-relay wireless network in IoT, where the correlation between eavesdropping and legitimate channels are considered. Key generation schemes are proposed for both non-colluding and partially colluding eavesdroppers situations. The main idea is to divide the key agreement process into three phases: 1) we first generate a secret key by exploiting the difference between the random channels associated with each relay node and the eavesdropping channels; 2) another key is generated by integrating the residual common randomness associated with each relay pair; 3) the two keys generated in the first two phases are concatenated into the final key. The secrecy key performance of the proposed key generation schemes is also derived with closed-forms.
Novel Efficiency-shifting Radial-Axial Hybrid Interior Permanent Magnet Sychronous Motor for Electric Vehicle. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). :47–52.
2020. A novel efficiency-shifting radial-axial hybrid permanent magnet synchronous motor that can realize two high-efficiency regions at low and high speeds is developed to extend the maximum driving distance and track the reference speed more accurately for electric vehicle application. The motor has two stators, which are radial and axial, to rotate one shared rotor. The rotor employs two combined topologies, i.e., inner surface-inset-mounted and outer V-shaped interior-mounted. For both outer and inner permanent magnets, Nd-Fe-B, having the remanent flux density of 1.23 T and coercivity of 890 kA/m, is used. The simulation result shows that the designed motor exhibits not only high maximum torque of 400 Nm and the maximum speed of 18,000 rpm but also two high-efficiency regions of 97.6 % and 92.0 % at low and high speed, respectively. Lastly, the developed motor shows better performance than corresponding separated radial and axial permanent magnet motor.
Evaluation of the Detectability of Damper Cage Damages in Synchronous Motors through the Advanced Analysis of the Stray Flux. 2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). :2058–2063.
2020. The determination of the damper cage health is a matter of great importance in those industries that use large synchronous motors in their processes. In the past, unexpected damages of that element implied economic losses amounting up to several million \$. The problem is that, in the technical literature, there is a lack of non-invasive techniques enabling the reliable condition monitoring of this element. This explains the fact that, in industry, rudimentary methods are still employed to determine its condition. This paper proposes the analysis of the stray flux as a way to determine the condition of the damper cage. The paper shows that the analysis of the stray flux under starting yields characteristic time-frequency signatures of the fault components that can be used to reliably determine the condition of the damper. Moreover, the analysis of the stray flux at steady-state operation under asynchronous mode could give useful information to this end. The paper also analyses the influence of the remanent magnetism in the rotor of some synchronous motors, which can make the damper cage diagnosis more difficult; some solutions to this problem are also suggested in the paper.
Study and Analysis of Flux Linkage on 12/8 pole Doubly Salient Permanent Magnet Machine in Square Envelope. 2020 International Conference on Power, Energy and Innovations (ICPEI). :141–144.
2020. This paper presents a study and analysis of flux linkage performance on 12/8 pole doubly salient permanent magnet machine in square envelope conventional. Analyzed model was using a finite element method. The investigated model was constructed by changing the size of the structure as the main parameters of the speed 500 rpm, PM coercivity 910 kA/m, PM remanence 1.2 T, copper loss 30 W, turns per coil 45, and stator side length 100 mm. The study and analysis of flux linkage, induced voltage, and torque are also included in this paper.
No-load Switch-in Transient Process Simulation of 500kV Interface Transformer Used in HVDC Flexible. 2020 IEEE International Conference on High Voltage Engineering and Application (ICHVE). :1–4.
2020. Interface transformer used in asynchronous networking was a kind of special transformer which's different from normal power transformer. During no-load switch-in, the magnitude of inrush current will be high, and the waveform distortion also be severity. Maybe the protections will be activated, even worse may lead the lockdown of the DC system. In this paper, field-circuit coupled finite element method was used for the study of transient characteristic of no-load switch-in, remanence simulation methods were presented. Quantitative analysis of the effect of closing making angle and core remanence on inrush current peak value, meanwhile, the distribution of magnetic field inside the tank during the transient process. The result indicated that the closing making angle and core remanence have obvious effect on inrush current peak value. The research results of this paper can be used to guide the formulation of no-load switch-in strategy of interface transformer, which was of great significance to ensure the smooth operation of HVDC Flexible system.
Magneto-Optical Isolator and Self-Holding Optical Switch Integrated with Thin-Film Magnet. 2020 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). :1–2.
2020. Novel magneto-optical isolator and self-holding optical switch with an a-Si:H microring resonator are demonstrated. The devices are driven by the remanence of integrated thin-film magnet and, therefore, maintain their state without any power supply.
Residual Current Circuit Implemented in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor for Remanence Correction. 2020 IEEE 12th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management (HNICEM). :1–6.
2020. This research paper presented a design that will address the challenges brought by remanence in ground-fault current interrupter devices (gfci). Remanence or residual magnetism is the magnetization left behind in a ferromagnetic material (such as iron) after an external magnetic field is removed. Remanence will make the gfci devices less accurate and less reliable in tripping the current above threshold in just five (5) years. It affects the performance of the device in terms of efficiency, accuracy, and response time. In this research, the problems caused by remanence were alleviated by using two identical transformers in detecting residual current both for hot and neutral wires. The difference of the current detected by the two transformers will be the basis of the signal threshold in tripping the device. By doing so, the problems caused by remanence phenomenon will be solved without compromising the response time of the circuit which is around 16 mS. The design will extend the life span of GFCI devices up to 15 years.
Internet of Things Wireless Attack Detection Conceptual Model Over IPv6 Network. 2020 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic). :431–435.
2020. Wireless network is an alternative communication to cable, where radio wave is used as transmission media instead of copper medium. However, wireless network more vulnerable to risk in security compared to cable network. Wireless network mostly used by Internet of Things node as communication media between nodes. Hence, these nodes exposed to risk of flooding attack from third party person. Hence, a system which capability to detect flooding attack at IoT node is required. Many researches have been done before, but most of the research only focus to IPv4 and signature-based detection. IPv6-based attacks undetectable by the current research, due to different datagram structure. This paper proposed a conceptual detection method with reinforcement learning algorithm to detect IPv6-based attack targeting IoT nodes. This reward will decide whether the detection system is good or not. The assessment calculation equation is used to turn reward-based score into detection accuracy.
Towards Sustainable IoT Ecosystem. 2020 2nd International Conference on Industrial Electrical and Electronics (ICIEE). :135–138.
2020. As the world is moving towards industry 4.0, it is estimated that in the near future billions of IoT devices will be interconnected over the Internet. The open and heterogeneous nature of IoT environment makes it vulnerable to adversarial attacks. To maintain sustainability in IoT ecosystem, this paper evaluates some of the recent IoT schemes based on key security features i.e. authentication, confidentiality, trust etc. These schemes are classified according to three-layer IoT architecture. Based on our findings, some of these solutions are applicable at physical layer while others are at network, and application layers. However, none of these schemes can provide end-to-end solution for IoT environment. Therefore, our work provides a roadmap for future research directions in IoT domain to design robust security schemes for IoT environment, thus can achieve sustainability in IoT ecosystem.
Towards IoT Security Automation and Orchestration. 2020 Second IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA). :55—63.
2020. The massive boom of Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the explosion of smart IoT devices and the emergence of various applications such as smart cities, smart grids, smart mining, connected health, and more. While the proliferation of IoT systems promises many benefits for different sectors, it also exposes a large attack surface, raising an imperative need to put security in the first place. It is impractical to heavily rely on manual operations to deal with security of massive IoT devices and applications. Hence, there is a strong need for securing IoT systems with minimum human intervention. In light of this situation, in this paper, we envision security automation and orchestration for IoT systems. After conducting a comprehensive evaluation of the literature and having conversations with industry partners, we envision a framework integrating key elements towards this goal. For each element, we investigate the existing landscapes, discuss the current challenges, and identify future directions. We hope that this paper will bring the attention of the academic and industrial community towards solving challenges related to security automation and orchestration for IoT systems.
IoT-Sphere: A Framework to Secure IoT Devices from Becoming Attack Target and Attack Source. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1402—1409.
2020. In this research we propose a framework that will strengthen the IoT devices security from dual perspectives; avoid devices to become attack target as well as a source of an attack. Unlike traditional devices, IoT devices are equipped with insufficient host-based defense system and a continuous internet connection. All time internet enabled devices with insufficient security allures the attackers to use such devices and carry out their attacks on rest of internet. When plethora of vulnerable devices become source of an attack, intensity of such attacks increases exponentially. Mirai was one of the first well-known attack that exploited large number of vulnerable IoT devices, that bring down a large part of Internet. To strengthen the IoT devices from dual security perspective, we propose a two step framework. Firstly, confine the communication boundary of IoT devices; IoT-Sphere. A sphere of IPs that are allowed to communicate with a device. Any communication that violates the sphere will be blocked at the gateway level. Secondly, only allowed communication will be evaluated for potential attacks and anomalies using advance detection engines. To show the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we perform couple of attacks on IoT devices; camera and google home and show the feasibility of IoT-Sphere.
Penetration Testing in IoT Network. 2020 5th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Security (ICCCS). :1—7.
2020. Penetration testing, also known as Pen testing is usually performed by a testing professional in order to detect security threats involved in a system. Penetration testing can also be viewed as a fake cyber Security attack, done in order to see whether the system is secure and free of vulnerabilities. Penetration testing is widely used for testing both Network and Software, but somewhere it fails to make IoT more secure. In IoT the security risk is growing day-by-day, due to which the IoT networks need more penetration testers to test the security. In the proposed work an effort has been made to compile and aggregate the information regarding VAPT(Vulnerability Assessment and Penetrating Testing) in the area of IoT.
IoT Security: Review and Future Directions for Protection Models. 2020 International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT-1441). :1—4.
2020. Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) has gained considerable significance and concern, consequently, and in particular with widespread usage and adoption of the IoT applications and projects in various industries, the consideration of the IoT Security has increased dramatically too. Therefore, this paper presents a concise and a precise review for the current state of the IoT security models and frameworks. The paper also proposes a new unified criteria and characteristics, namely Formal, Inclusive, Future, Agile, and Compliant with the standards (FIFAC), in order to assure modularity, reliability, and trust for future IoT security models, as well as, to provide an assortment of adaptable controls for protecting the data consistently across all IoT layers.
Prov-IoT: A Security-Aware IoT Provenance Model. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1360—1367.
2020. A successful application of an Internet of Things (IoT) based network depends on the accurate and successful delivery of a large amount of data collected from numerous sources. However, the highly dynamic nature of IoT network prevents the establishment of clear security perimeters and hampers the understanding of security aspects. Risk assessment in such networks requires good situational awareness with respect to security. Therefore, a comprehensive view of data propagation including information on security controls can improve security analysis and risk assessment in each layer of data propagation in an IoT architecture. Documentation of metadata is already used in data provenance to identify who generates which data, how, and when. However, documentation of security information is not seen as relevant for data provenance graphs. In this paper, we discuss the importance of adding security metadata in a data provenance graph. We propose a novel IoT Provenance model, Prov-IoT, which documents the history of data records considering data processing and aggregation along with security metadata to enable a foundation for trust in data. The model portrays a comprehensive framework and outlines the identification of information to be included in designing a security-aware provenance graph. This can be beneficial for uncovering system fault or intrusion. Also, it can be useful for decision-based systems for security analysis and risk estimation. We design an associated class diagram for the Prov-IoT model. Finally, we use an IoT healthcare example scenario to demonstrate the impact of the proposed model.
Testing IoT Security: The Case Study of an IP Camera. 2020 8th International Symposium on Digital Forensics and Security (ISDFS). :1—5.
2020. While the Internet of Things (IoT) applications and devices expanded rapidly, security and privacy of the IoT devices emerged as a major problem. Current studies reveal that there are significant weaknesses detected in several types of IoT devices moreover in several situations there are no security mechanisms to protect these devices. The IoT devices' users utilize the internet for the purpose of control and connect their machines. IoT application utilization has risen exponentially over time and our sensitive data is captured by IoT devices continuously, unknowingly or knowingly. The motivation behind this paper was the vulnerabilities that exist at the IP cameras. In this study, we undertake a more extensive investigation of IP cameras' vulnerabilities and demonstrate their effect on users' security and privacy through the use of the Kali Linux penetration testing platform and its tools. For this purpose, the paper performs a hands-on test on an IP camera with the name (“Intelligent Onvif YY HD”) to analyzes the security elements of this device. The results of this paper show that IP cameras have several security lacks and weaknesses which these flaws have multiple security impacts on users.