Because the underwater acoustic communication network transmits data through the underwater acoustic wireless link, the Underwater Acoustic Communication Network is easy to suffer from the external artificial interference, in this paper, the detection algorithm of wormhole attack in Underwater Acoustic Communication Network based on Azimuth measurement technology is studied. The existence of wormhole attack is judged by Azimuth or distance outliers, and the security performance of underwater acoustic communication network is evaluated. The influence of different azimuth direction errors on the detection probability of wormhole attack is analyzed by simulation. The simulation results show that this method has a good detection effect for Underwater Acoustic Communication Network.
Underwater networks have the potential to enable unexplored applications and to enhance our ability to observe and predict the ocean. Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) are often deployed in unprecedented and hostile waters and face many security threats. Applications based on UASNs such as coastal defense, pollution monitoring, assisted navigation to name a few, require secure communication. A new set of communication protocols and cooperative coordination algorithms have been proposed to enable collaborative monitoring tasks. However, such protocols overlook security as a key performance indicator. Spoofing, altering, or replaying routing information can affect the entire network, making UASN vulnerable to routing attacks such as selective forwarding, sinkhole attack, Sybil attack, acknowledgement spoofing and HELLO flood attack. The lack of security against such threats is startling if maintained that security is indeed an important requirement in many emerging civilian and military applications. In this work, we look at one of the most prevalent attacks among UASNs which is Sybill attack and discuss mitigation approaches for it. Then, feasibly implemented the attack in UnetStack3 to simulate real-life scenario.
Hackers create different types of Malware such as Trojans which they use to steal user-confidential information (e.g. credit card details) with a few simple commands, recent malware however has been created intelligently and in an uncontrolled size, which puts malware analysis as one of the top important subjects of information security. This paper proposes an efficient dynamic malware-detection method based on API similarity. This proposed method outperform the traditional signature-based detection method. The experiment evaluated 197 malware samples and the proposed method showed promising results of correctly identified malware.
User attribution process based on human inherent dynamics and preference is one area of research that is capable of elucidating and capturing human dynamics on the Internet. Prior works on user attribution concentrated on behavioral biometrics, 1-to-1 user identification process without consideration for individual preference and human inherent temporal tendencies, which is capable of providing a discriminatory baseline for online users, as well as providing a higher level classification framework for novel user attribution. To address these limitations, the study developed a temporal model, which comprises the human Polyphasia tendency based on Polychronic-Monochronic tendency scale measurement instrument and the extraction of unique human-centric features from server-side network traffic of 48 active users. Several machine-learning algorithms were applied to observe distinct pattern among the classes of the Polyphasia tendency, through which a logistic model tree was observed to provide higher classification accuracy for a 1-to-N user attribution process. The study further developed a high-level attribution model for higher-level user attribution process. The result from this study is relevant in online profiling process, forensic identification and profiling process, e-learning profiling process as well as in social network profiling process.
The globalization of trade is due to the transportation possibilities and the standardization (containerization of freight). The dependency of the economy to the sea and to the merchant navy has increase this last decade. This process forms a worldwide maritime network between the different locations of production and consumption. This network, representing between 80 % and 90% of world traffic is a major economic concern, including freight distribution, raw materials or energy. Rodrigue demonstrates[1] the economic dependency of energy is increasing in the industrialized countries (North America, Europe, East Asia). The inter-regional trade of oil was 31 million bbl/day in 2002 and is expected to grow up to 57 bbl/day in 2030 [2]. Most of the international traffic use a maritime way, where may occur disruptions. For example, the Suez crisis (1956-1957) caused a closure of the canal, reducing the throughput capacity of transportation. This disruption cost a 2 millions of barrels lost per day. This article focuses on vulnerability of the energy supply, and proposes a methodology to formalize and assess the vulnerability of the network by taking into account the spatial structure of maritime territories.