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Rakotonirina, Itsaka, Köpf, Boris.  2019.  On Aggregation of Information in Timing Attacks. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :387—400.

A key question for characterising a system's vulnerability against timing attacks is whether or not it allows an adversary to aggregate information about a secret over multiple timing measurements. Existing approaches for reasoning about this aggregate information rely on strong assumptions about the capabilities of the adversary in terms of measurement and computation, which is why they fall short in modelling, explaining, or synthesising real-world attacks against cryptosystems such as RSA or AES. In this paper we present a novel model for reasoning about information aggregation in timing attacks. The model is based on a novel abstraction of timing measurements that better captures the capabilities of real-world adversaries, and a notion of compositionality of programs that explains attacks by divide-and-conquer. Our model thus lifts important limiting assumptions made in prior work and enables us to give the first uniform explanation of high-profile timing attacks in the language of information-flow analysis.

Alias, Yasin Fitri, Hashim, Habibah.  2018.  Timing Analysis for Diffie Hellman Key Exchange In U-BOOT Using Raspberry Pi. 2018 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE). :212-216.

In Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (DHKE), two parties need to communicate to each other by sharing their secret key (cipher text) over an unsecure communication channel. An adversary or cryptanalyst can easily get their secret keys but cannot get the information (plaintext). Brute force is one the common tools used to obtain the secret key, but when the key is too large (etc. 1024 bits and 2048 bits) this tool is no longer suitable. Thus timing attacks have become more attractive in the new cryptographic era where networked embedded systems security present several vulnerabilities such as lower processing power and high deployment scale. Experiments on timing attacks are useful in helping cryptographers make security schemes more resistant. In this work, we timed the computations of the Discrete Log Hard Problem of the Diffie Hellman Key Exchange (DHKE) protocol implemented on an embedded system network and analyzed the timing patterns of 1024-bit and 2048-bit keys that was obtained during the attacks. We have chosen to implement the protocol on the Raspberry-pi board over U-BOOT Bare Metal and we used the GMP bignum library to compute numbers greater than 64 bits on the embedded system.

Abani, Noor, Braun, Torsten, Gerla, Mario.  2018.  Betweenness Centrality and Cache Privacy in Information-Centric Networks. Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :106-116.

In-network caching is a feature shared by all proposed Information Centric Networking (ICN) architectures as it is critical to achieving a more efficient retrieval of content. However, the default "cache everything everywhere" universal caching scheme has caused the emergence of several privacy threats. Timing attacks are one such privacy breach where attackers can probe caches and use timing analysis of data retrievals to identify if content was retrieved from the data source or from the cache, the latter case inferring that this content was requested recently. We have previously proposed a betweenness centrality based caching strategy to mitigate such attacks by increasing user anonymity. We demonstrated its efficacy in a transit-stub topology. In this paper, we further investigate the effect of betweenness centrality based caching on cache privacy and user anonymity in more general synthetic and real world Internet topologies. It was also shown that an attacker with access to multiple compromised routers can locate and track a mobile user by carrying out multiple timing analysis attacks from various parts of the network. We extend our privacy evaluation to a scenario with mobile users and show that a betweenness centrality based caching policy provides a mobile user with path privacy by increasing an attacker's difficulty in locating a moving user or identifying his/her route.

Koziel, B., Azarderakhsh, R., Jao, D..  2017.  On Secure Implementations of Quantum-Resistant Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :160–160.
In this work, we analyze the feasibility of a physically secure implementation of the quantum-resistant supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) protocol. Notably, we analyze the defense against timing attacks, simple power analysis, differential power analysis, and fault attacks. Luckily, the SIDH protocol closely resembles its predecessor, the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange. As such, much of the extensive literature in side-channel analysis can also apply to SIDH. In particular, we focus on a hardware implementation that features a true random number generator, ALU, and controller. SIDH is composed of two rounds containing a double-point multiplication to generate a secret kernel point and an isogeny over that kernel to arrive at a new elliptic curve isomorphism. To protect against simple power analysis and timing attacks, we recommend a constant-time implementation with Fermat's little theorem inversion. Differential power analysis targets the power output of the SIDH core over many runs. As such, we recommend scaling the base points by secret scalars so that each iteration has a unique power signature. Further, based on recent oracle attacks on SIDH, we cannot recommend the use of static keys from both parties. The goal of this paper is to analyze the tradeoffs in elliptic curve theory to produce a cryptographically and physically secure implementation of SIDH.
Antonopoulos, Timos, Gazzillo, Paul, Hicks, Michael, Koskinen, Eric, Terauchi, Tachio, Wei, Shiyi.  2017.  Decomposition Instead of Self-composition for Proving the Absence of Timing Channels. Proceedings of the 38th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation. :362–375.

We present a novel approach to proving the absence of timing channels. The idea is to partition the program’s execution traces in such a way that each partition component is checked for timing attack resilience by a time complexity analysis and that per-component resilience implies the resilience of the whole program. We construct a partition by splitting the program traces at secret-independent branches. This ensures that any pair of traces with the same public input has a component containing both traces. Crucially, the per-component checks can be normal safety properties expressed in terms of a single execution. Our approach is thus in contrast to prior approaches, such as self-composition, that aim to reason about multiple (k≥ 2) executions at once. We formalize the above as an approach called quotient partitioning, generalized to any k-safety property, and prove it to be sound. A key feature of our approach is a demand-driven partitioning strategy that uses a regex-like notion called trails to identify sets of execution traces, particularly those influenced by tainted (or secret) data. We have applied our technique in a prototype implementation tool called Blazer, based on WALA, PPL, and the brics automaton library. We have proved timing-channel freedom of (or synthesized an attack specification for) 24 programs written in Java bytecode, including 6 classic examples from the literature and 6 examples extracted from the DARPA STAC challenge problems.

Poudel, B., Louis, S. J., Munir, A..  2017.  Evolving side-channel resistant reconfigurable hardware for elliptic curve cryptography. 2017 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC). :2428–2436.

We propose to use a genetic algorithm to evolve novel reconfigurable hardware to implement elliptic curve cryptographic combinational logic circuits. Elliptic curve cryptography offers high security-level with a short key length making it one of the most popular public-key cryptosystems. Furthermore, there are no known sub-exponential algorithms for solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. These advantages render elliptic curve cryptography attractive for incorporating in many future cryptographic applications and protocols. However, elliptic curve cryptography has proven to be vulnerable to non-invasive side-channel analysis attacks such as timing, power, visible light, electromagnetic, and acoustic analysis attacks. In this paper, we use a genetic algorithm to address this vulnerability by evolving combinational logic circuits that correctly implement elliptic curve cryptographic hardware that is also resistant to simple timing and power analysis attacks. Using a fitness function composed of multiple objectives - maximizing correctness, minimizing propagation delays and minimizing circuit size, we can generate correct combinational logic circuits resistant to non-invasive, side channel attacks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to evolve a cryptography circuit using a genetic algorithm. We implement evolved circuits in hardware on a Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA. Results reveal that the evolutionary algorithm can successfully generate correct, and side-channel resistant combinational circuits with negligible propagation delay.

Pereida García, Cesar, Brumley, Billy Bob, Yarom, Yuval.  2016.  "Make Sure DSA Signing Exponentiations Really Are Constant-Time". Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :1639–1650.

TLS and SSH are two of the most commonly used protocols for securing Internet traffic. Many of the implementations of these protocols rely on the cryptographic primitives provided in the OpenSSL library. In this work we disclose a vulnerability in OpenSSL, affecting all versions and forks (e.g. LibreSSL and BoringSSL) since roughly October 2005, which renders the implementation of the DSA signature scheme vulnerable to cache-based side-channel attacks. Exploiting the software defect, we demonstrate the first published cache-based key-recovery attack on these protocols: 260 SSH-2 handshakes to extract a 1024/160-bit DSA host key from an OpenSSH server, and 580 TLS 1.2 handshakes to extract a 2048/256-bit DSA key from an stunnel server.

Gruss, Daniel, Maurice, Clémentine, Fogh, Anders, Lipp, Moritz, Mangard, Stefan.  2016.  Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks: Bypassing SMAP and Kernel ASLR. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :368–379.

Modern operating systems use hardware support to protect against control-flow hijacking attacks such as code-injection attacks. Typically, write access to executable pages is prevented and kernel mode execution is restricted to kernel code pages only. However, current CPUs provide no protection against code-reuse attacks like ROP. ASLR is used to prevent these attacks by making all addresses unpredictable for an attacker. Hence, the kernel security relies fundamentally on preventing access to address information. We introduce Prefetch Side-Channel Attacks, a new class of generic attacks exploiting major weaknesses in prefetch instructions. This allows unprivileged attackers to obtain address information and thus compromise the entire system by defeating SMAP, SMEP, and kernel ASLR. Prefetch can fetch inaccessible privileged memory into various caches on Intel x86. It also leaks the translation-level for virtual addresses on both Intel x86 and ARMv8-A. We build three attacks exploiting these properties. Our first attack retrieves an exact image of the full paging hierarchy of a process, defeating both user space and kernel space ASLR. Our second attack resolves virtual to physical addresses to bypass SMAP on 64-bit Linux systems, enabling ret2dir attacks. We demonstrate this from unprivileged user programs on Linux and inside Amazon EC2 virtual machines. Finally, we demonstrate how to defeat kernel ASLR on Windows 10, enabling ROP attacks on kernel and driver binary code. We propose a new form of strong kernel isolation to protect commodity systems incuring an overhead of only 0.06-5.09%.