Routing Protocol for Low power and Lossy Network (RPL) is a light weight routing protocol designed for LLN (Low Power Lossy Networks). It is a source routing protocol. Due to constrained nature of resources in LLN, RPL is exposed to various attacks such as blackhole attack, wormhole attack, rank attack, version attack, etc. IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is one of the countermeasures for detection and prevention of attacks for RPL based loT. Traditional IDS techniques are not suitable for LLN due to certain characteristics like different protocol stack, standards and constrained resources. In this paper, we have presented various IDS research contribution for RPL based routing attacks. We have also classified the proposed IDS in the literature, according to the detection techniques. Therefore, this comparison will be an eye-opening stuff for future research in mitigating routing attacks for RPL based IoT.
Communication is considered as an essential part of our lives. Different medium was used for exchange of information, but due to advancement in field of technology, different network setup came into existence. One of the most suited in wireless field is Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). These networks are set up by self-organizing nodes which operate over radio environment. Since communication is done more rapidly, they are confined to many attacks which operate at different layers. In order to have efficient communication, some security measure must be introduced in the network ho have secure communication. In this paper, we describe various attacks functioning at different layers also one of the common network layer attack called Blackhole Attack with its mitigation technique using Intrusion Detection System (IDS) over network simulator ns2 has been discussed.
Traditional address scanning attacks mainly rely on the naive 'brute forcing' approach, where the entire IPv4 address space is exhaustively searched by enumerating different possibilities. However, such an approach is inefficient for IPv6 due to its vast subnet size (i.e., 264). As a result, it is widely assumed that address scanning attacks are less feasible in IPv6 networks. In this paper, we evaluate new IPv6 reconnaissance techniques in real IPv6 networks and expose how to leverage the Domain Name System (DNS) for IPv6 network reconnaissance. We collected IPv6 addresses from 5 regions and 100,000 domains by exploiting DNS reverse zone and DNSSEC records. We propose a DNS Guard (DNSG) to efficiently detect DNS reconnaissance attacks in IPv6 networks. DNSG is a plug and play component that could be added to the existing infrastructure. We implement DNSG using Bro and Suricata. Our results demonstrate that DNSG could effectively block DNS reconnaissance attacks.
We recently see a real digital revolution where all companies prefer to use cloud computing because of its capability to offer a simplest way to deploy the needed services. However, this digital transformation has generated different security challenges as the privacy vulnerability against cyber-attacks. In this work we will present a new architecture of a hybrid Intrusion detection System, IDS for virtual private clouds, this architecture combines both network-based and host-based intrusion detection system to overcome the limitation of each other, in case the intruder bypassed the Network-based IDS and gained access to a host, in intend to enhance security in private cloud environments. We propose to use a non-traditional mechanism in the conception of the IDS (the detection engine). Machine learning, ML algorithms will can be used to build the IDS in both parts, to detect malicious traffic in the Network-based part as an additional layer for network security, and also detect anomalies in the Host-based part to provide more privacy and confidentiality in the virtual machine. It's not in our scope to train an Artificial Neural Network ”ANN”, but just to propose a new scheme for IDS based ANN, In our future work we will present all the details related to the architecture and parameters of the ANN, as well as the results of some real experiments.
One of the effective ways of detecting malicious traffic in computer networks is intrusion detection systems (IDS). Though IDS identify malicious activities in a network, it might be difficult to detect distributed or coordinated attacks because they only have single vantage point. To combat this problem, cooperative intrusion detection system was proposed. In this detection system, nodes exchange attack features or signatures with a view of detecting an attack that has previously been detected by one of the other nodes in the system. Exchanging of attack features is necessary because a zero-day attacks (attacks without known signature) experienced in different locations are not the same. Although this solution enhanced the ability of a single IDS to respond to attacks that have been previously identified by cooperating nodes, malicious activities such as fake data injection, data manipulation or deletion and data consistency are problems threatening this approach. In this paper, we propose a solution that leverages blockchain's distributive technology, tamper-proof ability and data immutability to detect and prevent malicious activities and solve data consistency problems facing cooperative intrusion detection. Focusing on extraction, storage and distribution stages of cooperative intrusion detection, we develop a blockchain-based solution that securely extracts features or signatures, adds extra verification step, makes storage of these signatures and features distributive and data sharing secured. Performance evaluation of the system with respect to its response time and resistance to the features/signatures injection is presented. The result shows that the proposed solution prevents stored attack features or signature against malicious data injection, manipulation or deletion and has low latency.
In this paper we present techniques based on machine learning techniques on monitoring data for analysis of cybersecurity threats in cloud environments that incorporate enterprise applications from the fields of telecommunications and IoT. Cybersecurity is a term describing techniques for protecting computers, telecommunications equipment, applications, environments and data. In modern networks enormous volume of generated traffic can be observed. We propose several techniques such as Support Vector Machines, Neural networks and Deep Neural Networks in combination for analysis of monitoring data. An approach for combining classifier results based on performance weights is proposed. The proposed approach delivers promising results comparable to existing algorithms and is suitable for enterprise grade security applications.
This paper introduces a new method of applying both an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and an Intrusion Response System (IRS) to communications protected using Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-based Encryption (CP-ABE) in the context of the Internet of Things. This method leverages features specific to CP-ABE in order to improve the detection capabilities of the IDS and the response ability of the network. It also enables improved privacy towards the users through group encryption rather than one-to-one shared key encryption as the policies used in the CP-ABE can easily include the IDS as an authorized reader. More importantly, it enables different levels of detection and response to intrusions, which can be crucial when using anomaly-based detection engines.
Intrusion detection system is described as a data monitoring, network activity study and data on possible vulnerabilities and attacks in advance. One of the main limitations of the present intrusion detection technology is the need to take out fake alarms so that the user can confound with the data. This paper deals with the different types of IDS their behaviour, response time and other important factors. This paper also demonstrates and brings out the advantages and disadvantages of six latest intrusion detection techniques and gives a clear picture of the recent advancements available in the field of IDS based on the factors detection rate, accuracy, average running time and false alarm rate.
Nowadays, honeypots are a key tool to attract attackers and study their activity. They help us in the tasks of evaluating attacker's behaviour, discovering new types of attacks, and collecting information and statistics associated with them. However, the gathered data cannot be directly interpreted, but must be analyzed to obtain useful information. In this paper, we present a SSH honeypot-based system designed to simulate a vulnerable server. Thus, we propose an approach for the classification of metrics from the data collected by the honeypot along 19 months.
Cloud computing is being deployed more and more widely. However, the difficulty of monitoring the huge east-west traffic is a great security concern. In this paper, we proposed FBSample, a sampling method which employs the central control feature of SDN and feedback information of IDS. Evaluation results show FBSample can largely reduce the amount of packets to be transferred while maintaining a relatively high detection precision.
For the security of mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), a group of wireless mobile nodes needs to cooperate by forwarding packets, to implement an intrusion detection system (IDS). Some of the current IDS implementations in a clustered MANET have designed mobile nodes to wait until the cluster head is elected before scanning the network and thus nodes may be, unfortunately, exposed to several control packet attacks by which nodes identify falsified routes to reach other nodes. In order to detect control packet attacks such as route falsification, we design a route cache sharing mechanism for a non-clustered network where all one-hop routing data are collected by each node for a cooperative host-based detection. The cooperative host-based detection system uses a Support Vector Machine classifier and achieves a detection rate of around 95%. By successfully detecting the route falsification attacks, nodes are given the capability to avoid other attacks such as black-hole and gray-hole, which are in many cases a result of a successful route falsification attack.
In Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET), we cannot predict the clear picture of the topology of a node because of its varying nature. Without notice participation and departure of nodes results in lack of trust relationship between nodes. In such circumstances, there is no guarantee that path between two nodes would be secure or free of malicious nodes. The presence of single malicious node could lead repeatedly compromised node. After providing security to route and data packets still, there is a need for the implementation of defense mechanism that is intrusion detection system(IDS) against compromised nodes. In this paper, we have implemented IDS, which defend against some routing attacks like the black hole and gray hole successfully. After measuring performance we get marginally increased Packet delivery ratio and Throughput.
Data security has become a very serious parf of any organizational information system. More and more threats across the Internet has evolved and capable to deceive firewall as well as antivirus software. In addition, the number of attacks become larger and become more dificult to be processed by the firewall or antivirus software. To improve the security of the system is usually done by adding Intrusion Detection System(IDS), which divided into anomaly-based detection and signature-based detection. In this research to process a huge amount of data, Big Data technique is used. Anomaly-based detection is proposed using Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm to detect the attacks. Learning Vector Quantization is a neural network technique that learn the input itself and then give the appropriate output according to the input. Modifications were made to improve test accuracy by varying the test parameters that present in LVQ. Varying the learning rate, epoch and k-fold cross validation resulted in a more efficient output. The output is obtained by calculating the value of information retrieval from the confusion matrix table from each attack classes. Principal Component Analysis technique is used along with Learning Vector Quantization to improve system performance by reducing the data dimensionality. By using 18-Principal Component, dataset successfully reduced by 47.3%, with the best Recognition Rate of 96.52% and time efficiency improvement up to 43.16%.
The dynamically changing landscape of DDoS threats increases the demand for advanced security solutions. The rise of massive IoT botnets enables attackers to mount high-intensity short-duration ”volatile ephemeral” attack waves in quick succession. Therefore the standard human-in-the-loop security center paradigm is becoming obsolete. To battle the new breed of volatile DDoS threats, the intrusion detection system (IDS) needs to improve markedly, at least in reaction times and in automated response (mitigation). Designing such an IDS is a daunting task as network operators are traditionally reluctant to act - at any speed - on potentially false alarms. The primary challenge of a low reaction time detection system is maintaining a consistently low false alarm rate. This paper aims to show how a practical FPGA-based DDoS detection and mitigation system can successfully address this. Besides verifying the model and algorithms with real traffic ”in the wild”, we validate the low false alarm ratio. Accordingly, we describe a methodology for determining the false alarm ratio for each involved threat type, then we categorize the causes of false detection, and provide our measurement results. As shown here, our methods can effectively mitigate the volatile ephemeral DDoS attacks, and accordingly are usable both in human out-of-loop and on-the-loop next-generation security solutions.
This paper proposes an architecture of Secure Shell (SSH) honeypot using port knocking and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) to learn the information about attacks on SSH service and determine proper security mechanisms to deal with the attacks. Rapid development of information technology is directly proportional to the number of attacks, destruction, and data theft of a system. SSH service has become one of the popular targets from the whole vulnerabilities which is existed. Attacks on SSH service have various characteristics. Therefore, it is required to learn these characteristics by typically utilizing honeypots so that proper mechanisms can be applied in the real servers. Various attempts to learn the attacks and mitigate them have been proposed, however, attacks on SSH service are kept occurring. This research proposes a different and effective strategy to deal with the SSH service attack. This is done by combining port knocking and IDS to make the server keeps the service on a closed port and open it under user demand by sending predefined port sequence as an authentication process to control the access to the server. In doing so, it is evident that port knocking is effective in protecting SSH service. The number of login attempts obtained by using our proposed method is zero.
Distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack remains an exceptional security risk, alleviating these digital attacks are for all intents and purposes extremely intense to actualize, particularly when it faces exceptionally well conveyed attacks. The early disclosure of these attacks, through testing, is critical to ensure safety of end-clients and the wide-ranging expensive network resources. With respect to DDoS attacks - its hypothetical establishment, engineering, and calculations of a honeypot have been characterized. At its core, the honeypot consists of an intrusion prevention system (Interruption counteractive action framework) situated in the Internet Service Providers level. The IPSs then create a safety net to protect the hosts by trading chosen movement data. The evaluation of honeypot promotes broad reproductions and an absolute dataset is introduced, indicating honeypot's activity and low overhead. The honeypot anticipates such assaults and mitigates the servers. The prevailing IDS are generally modulated to distinguish known authority level system attacks. This spontaneity makes the honeypot system powerful against uncommon and strange vindictive attacks.
This research was an experimental analysis of the Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) with Honey Pot conducting through a study of using Honey Pot in tricking, delaying or deviating the intruder to attack new media broadcasting server for IPTV system. Denial of Service(DoS) over wire network and wireless network consisted of three types of attacks: TCP Flood, UDP Flood and ICMP Flood by Honey Pot, where the Honeyd would be used. In this simulation, a computer or a server in the network map needed to be secured by the inactivity firewalls or other security tools for the intrusion of the detection systems and Honey Pot. The network intrusion detection system used in this experiment was SNORT ( developed in the form of the Open Source operating system-Linux. The results showed that, from every experiment, the internal attacks had shown more threat than the external attacks. In addition, attacks occurred through LAN network posted 50% more disturb than attacks occurred on WIFI. Also, the external attacks through LAN posted 95% more attacks than through WIFI. However, the number of attacks presented by TCP, UDP and ICMP were insignificant. This result has supported the assumption that Honey Pot was able to help detecting the intrusion. In average, 16% of the attacks was detected by Honey Pot in every experiment.
The paradigm of fog computing has set new trends and heights in the modern world networking and have overcome the major technical complexities of cloud computing. It is not a replacement of cloud computing technology but it just adds feasible advanced characteristics to existing cloud computing paradigm.fog computing not only provide storage, networking and computing services but also provide a platform for IoT (internet of things). However, the fog computing technology also arise the threat to privacy and security of the data and services. The existing security and privacy mechanisms of the cloud computing cannot be applied to the fog computing directly due to its basic characteristics of large-scale geo-distribution, mobility and heterogeneity. This article provides an overview of the present existing issues and challenges in fog computing.
Deep Packet Inspection systems such as Snort and Bro express complex rules with regular expressions. In Snort, the search of a regular expression is performed with a Non-deterministic Finite Automaton (NFA). Traversing an NFA sequentially with a CPU is not deterministic in time, and it can be very time consuming. The sequential traversal of an NFA with a CPU is not deterministic in time consequently it can be time consuming. A fully parallel NFA implemented in hardware can search all rules, but most of the time only a small part is active. Furthermore, a string filter determines the traversal of an NFA. This paper proposes an FPGA Intermediate Fabric that can efficiently search regular expressions. The architecture is configured for a specific NFA based on a partial match of a rule found by the string filter. It can thus support all rules from a set such as Snort, while significantly reduce compute resources and power con-sumption compared to a fully parallel implementation. Multiple parameters can be selected to find the best tradeoff between resource consumption and the number and types of supported expressions. This architecture was implemented on a Xilinx R XC7VX1140 Virtex-7. The reported implementation, can sustain up to 512 regular expressions, while requiring 2% of the slices and 16% of the BRAM resources, for a throughput of 200 million characters per second.
Industrial control systems (ICS) used in industrial plants are vulnerable to cyber-attacks that can cause fatal damage to the plants. Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) monitor ICS network traffic and detect suspicious activities. However, many IDSs overlook sophisticated cyber-attacks because it is hard to make a complete database of cyber-attacks and distinguish operational anomalies when compared to an established baseline. In this paper, a discriminant model between normal and anomalous packets was constructed with a support vector machine (SVM) based on an ICS communication profile, which represents only packet intervals and length, and an IDS with the applied model is proposed. Furthermore, the proposed IDS was evaluated using penetration tests on our cyber security test bed. Although the IDS was constructed by the limited features (intervals and length) of packets, the IDS successfully detected cyber-attacks by monitoring the rate of predicted attacking packets.
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) is a prominent technology in the wireless networking field in which the movables nodes operates in distributed manner and collaborates with each other in order to provide the multi-hop communication between the source and destination nodes. Generally, the main assumption considered in the MANET is that each node is trusted node. However, in the real scenario, there are some unreliable nodes which perform black hole attack in which the misbehaving nodes attract all the traffic towards itself by giving false information of having the minimum path towards the destination with a very high destination sequence number and drops all the data packets. In the paper, we have presented different categories for black hole attack mitigation techniques and also presented the summary of various techniques along with its drawbacks that need to be considered while designing an efficient protocol.