Visible to the public Gaze-Pinch Menu: Performing Multiple Interactions Concurrently in Mixed Reality

TitleGaze-Pinch Menu: Performing Multiple Interactions Concurrently in Mixed Reality
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsLu, Lu, Duan, Pengshuai, Shen, Xukun, Zhang, Shijin, Feng, Huiyan, Flu, Yong
Conference Name2021 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)
Keywordsaugmented reality, Conferences, Human Behavior, human computer interaction (hci), human-centered computing, Interaction Paradigms, Mixed / augmented reality, mixed reality, privacy, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, Task Analysis, Three-dimensional displays, user interfaces
AbstractPerforming an interaction using gaze and pinch has been certified as an efficient interactive method in Mixed Reality, for such techniques can provide users concise and natural experiences. However, executing a task with individual interactions gradually is inefficient in some application scenarios. In this paper, we propose the Hand-Pinch Menu, which core concept is to reduce unnecessary operations by combining several interactions. Users can continuously perform multiple interactions on a selected object concurrently without changing gestures by using this technique. The user study results show that our Gaze-Pinch Menu can improve operational efficiency effectively.
Citation Keylu_gaze-pinch_2021