The impact of microarchitectural attacks in Personal Computers (PCs) can be further adapted to and observed in internetworked All Programmable System-on-Chip (AP SoC) platforms. This effort involves the access control or execution of Intellectual Property cores in the FPGA of an AP SoC Victim internetworked with an AP SoC Attacker via Internet Protocol (IP). Three conceptions of attacks were implemented: buffer overflow attack at the stack, return-oriented programming attack, and command-injection-based attack for dynamic reconfiguration in the FPGA. Indeed, a specific preventive countermeasure for each attack is proposed. The functionality of the countermeasures mainly comprises adapted words addition (stack protection) for the first and second attacks and multiple encryption for the third attack. In conclusion, the recommended countermeasures are realizable to counteract the implemented attacks.
Runtime memory vulnerabilities, especially present in widely used languages as C and C++, are exploited by attackers to corrupt code pointers and hijack the execution flow of a program running on a target system to force it to behave abnormally. This is the principle of modern Code Reuse Attacks (CRAs) and of famous attack paradigms as Return-Oriented Programming (ROP) and Jump-Oriented Programming (JOP), which have defeated the previous defenses against malicious code injection such as Data Execution Prevention (DEP). Control-Flow Integrity (CFI) is a promising approach to protect against such runtime attacks. Recently, many CFI solutions have been proposed, with both hardware and software implementations. But how can a defense based on complying with a graph calculated a priori efficiently deal with something unpredictable as exceptions and interrupt requests? The present paper focuses on this dichotomy by analysing some of the CFI-based defenses and showing how the unexpected trigger of an interrupt and the sudden execution of an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) can circumvent them.
The return-oriented programming(ROP) attack has been a common access to exploit software vulnerabilities in the modern operating system(OS). An attacker can execute arbitrary code with the aid of ROP despite security mechanisms are involved in OS. In order to mitigate ROP attack, defense mechanisms are also drawn researchers' attention. Besides, research on the benign use of ROP become a hot spot in recent years, since ROP has a perfect resistance to static analysis, which can be adapted to hide some important code. The results in benign use also benefit from a low overhead on program size. The paper discusses the concepts of ROP attack as well as extended ROP attack in recent years. Corresponding defense mechanisms based on randomization, frequency, and control flow integrity are analyzed as well, besides, we also analyzed limitations in this defense mechanisms. Later, we discussed the benign use of ROP in steganography, code integrity verification, and software watermarking, which showed the significant promotion by adopting ROP. At the end of this paper, we looked into the development of ROP attack, the future of possible mitigation strategies and the potential for benign use.
Exploits based on ROP (Return-Oriented Programming) are increasingly present in advanced attack scenarios. Testing systems for ROP-based attacks can be valuable for improving the security and reliability of software. In this paper, we propose ROPMATE, the first Visual Analytics system specifically designed to assist human red team ROP exploit builders. In contrast, previous ROP tools typically require users to inspect a puzzle of hundreds or thousands of lines of textual information, making it a daunting task. ROPMATE presents builders with a clear interface of well-defined and semantically meaningful gadgets, i.e., fragments of code already present in the binary application that can be chained to form fully-functional exploits. The system supports incrementally building exploits by suggesting gadget candidates filtered according to constraints on preserved registers and accessed memory. Several visual aids are offered to identify suitable gadgets and assemble them into semantically correct chains. We report on a preliminary user study that shows how ROPMATE can assist users in building ROP chains.
Despite decades of research on software diversification, only address space layout randomization has seen widespread adoption. Code randomization, an effective defense against return-oriented programming exploits, has remained an academic exercise mainly due to i) the lack of a transparent and streamlined deployment model that does not disrupt existing software distribution norms, and ii) the inherent incompatibility of program variants with error reporting, whitelisting, patching, and other operations that rely on code uniformity. In this work we present compiler-assisted code randomization (CCR), a hybrid approach that relies on compiler-rewriter cooperation to enable fast and robust fine-grained code randomization on end-user systems, while maintaining compatibility with existing software distribution models. The main concept behind CCR is to augment binaries with a minimal set of transformation-assisting metadata, which i) facilitate rapid fine-grained code transformation at installation or load time, and ii) form the basis for reversing any applied code transformation when needed, to maintain compatibility with existing mechanisms that rely on referencing the original code. We have implemented a prototype of this approach by extending the LLVM compiler toolchain, and developing a simple binary rewriter that leverages the embedded metadata to generate randomized variants using basic block reordering. The results of our experimental evaluation demonstrate the feasibility and practicality of CCR, as on average it incurs a modest file size increase of 11.46% and a negligible runtime overhead of 0.28%, while it is compatible with link-time optimization and control flow integrity.
Control-hijacking attacks include code injection attacks and code reuse attacks. In recent years, with the emergence of the defense mechanism data-execution prevention(DEP), code reuse attacks have become mainstream, such as return-oriented programming(ROP), Jump-Oriented Programming(JOP), and Counterfeit Object-oriented Programming(COOP). And a series of defensive measures have been proposed, such as DEP, address space layout randomization (ASLR), coarse-grained Control-Flow Integrity(CFI) and fine-grained CFI. In this paper, we propose a new attack called function-oriented programming(FOP) to construct malicious program behavior. FOP takes advantage of the existing function of the C program to induce attack. We propose concrete algorithms for FOP gadgets and build a tool to identify FOP gadgets. FOP can successfully bypass coarse-grained CFI, and FOP also can bypass some existing fine-grained CFI technologies, such as shadow stack technology. We show a real-world attack for proftpd1.3.0 server in the Linux x64 environment. We believe that the FOP attack will encourage people to come up with more effective defense measures.
In 2007, Shacham published a seminal paper on Return-Oriented Programming (ROP), the first systematic formulation of code reuse. The paper has been highly influential, profoundly shaping the way we still think about code reuse today: an attacker analyzes the "geometry" of victim binary code to locate gadgets and chains these to craft an exploit. This model has spurred much research, with a rapid progression of increasingly sophisticated code reuse attacks and defenses over time. After ten years, the common perception is that state-of-the-art code reuse defenses are effective in significantly raising the bar and making attacks exceedingly hard. In this paper, we challenge this perception and show that an attacker going beyond "geometry" (static analysis) and considering the "dynamics" (dynamic analysis) of a victim program can easily find function call gadgets even in the presence of state-of-the-art code-reuse defenses. To support our claims, we present Newton, a run-time gadget-discovery framework based on constraint-driven dynamic taint analysis. Newton can model a broad range of defenses by mapping their properties into simple, stackable, reusable constraints, and automatically generate gadgets that comply with these constraints. Using Newton, we systematically map and compare state-of-the-art defenses, demonstrating that even simple interactions with popular server programs are adequate for finding gadgets for all state-of-the-art code-reuse defenses. We conclude with an nginx case study, which shows that a Newton-enabled attacker can craft attacks which comply with the restrictions of advanced defenses, such as CPI and context-sensitive CFI.
The kernel code injection is a common behavior of kernel-compromising attacks where the attackers aim to gain their goals by manipulating an OS kernel. Several security mechanisms have been proposed to mitigate such threats, but they all suffer from non-negligible performance overhead. This article introduces a hardware reference monitor, called Kargos, which can detect the kernel code injection attacks with nearly zero performance cost. Kargos monitors the behaviors of an OS kernel from outside the CPU through the standard bus interconnect and debug interface available with most major microprocessors. By watching the execution traces and memory access events in the monitored target system, Kargos uncovers attempts to execute malicious code with the kernel privilege. On top of this, we also applied the architectural supports for Kargos to the detection of ROP attacks. KS-Stack is the hardware component that builds and maintains the shadow stacks using the existing supports to detect this ROP attacks. According to our experiments, Kargos detected all the kernel code injection attacks that we tested, yet just increasing the computational loads on the target CPU by less than 1% on average. The performance overhead of the KS-Stack was also less than 1%.
Code diversification is an effective mitigation against return-oriented programming attacks, which breaks the assumptions of attackers about the location and structure of useful instruction sequences, known as "gadgets". Although a wide range of code diversification techniques of varying levels of granularity exist, most of them rely on the availability of source code, debug symbols, or the assumption of fully precise code disassembly, limiting their practical applicability for the protection of closed-source third-party applications. In-place code randomization has been proposed as an alternative binary-compatible diversification technique that is tolerant of partial disassembly coverage, in the expense though of leaving some gadgets intact, at the disposal of attackers. Consequently, the possibility of constructing robust ROP payloads using only the remaining non-randomized gadgets is still open. In this paper we present instruction displacement, a code diversification technique based on static binary instrumentation that does not rely on complete code disassembly coverage. Instruction displacement aims to improve the randomization coverage and entropy of existing binary-level code diversification techniques by displacing any remaining non-randomized gadgets to random locations. The results of our experimental evaluation demonstrate that instruction displacement reduces the number of non-randomized gadgets in the extracted code regions from 15.04% for standalone in-place code randomization, to 2.77% for the combination of both techniques. At the same time, the additional indirection introduced due to displacement incurs a negligible runtime overhead of 0.36% on average for the SPEC CPU2006 benchmarks.
Heterogeneous Chip Multiprocessors have been shown to provide significant performance and energy efficiency gains over homogeneous designs. Recent research has expanded the dimensions of heterogeneity to include diverse Instruction Set Architectures, called Heterogeneous-ISA Chip Multiprocessors. This work leverages such an architecture to realize substantial new security benefits, and in particular, to thwart Return-Oriented Programming. This paper proposes a novel security defense called HIPStR – Heterogeneous-ISA Program State Relocation – that performs dynamic randomization of run-time program state, both within and across ISAs. This technique outperforms the state-of-the-art just-in-time code reuse (JIT-ROP) defense by an average of 15.6%, while simultaneously providing greater security guarantees against classic return-into-libc, ROP, JOP, brute force, JIT-ROP, and several evasive variants.