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Buddhi, Dharam, A, Prabhu, Hamad, Abdulsattar Abdullah, Sarojwal, Atul, Alanya-Beltran, Joel, Chakravarthi, M. Kalyan.  2022.  Power System Monitoring, Control and protection using IoT and cyber security. 2022 International Conference on Innovative Computing, Intelligent Communication and Smart Electrical Systems (ICSES). :1–5.
The analysis shows how important Power Network Measuring and Characterization (PSMC) is to the plan. Networks planning and oversight for the transmission of electrical energy is becoming increasingly frequent. In reaction to the current contest of assimilating trying to cut charging in the crate, estimation, information sharing, but rather govern into PSMC reasonable quantities, Electrical Transmit Monitoring and Management provides a thorough outline of founding principles together with smart sensors for domestic spying, security precautions, and control of developed broadening power systems.Electricity supply control must depend increasingly heavily on telecommunications infrastructure to manage and run their processes because of the fluctuation in transmission and distribution of electricity. A wider attack surface will also be available to threat hackers as a result of the more communications. Large-scale blackout have occurred in the past as a consequence of cyberattacks on electrical networks. In order to pinpoint the key issues influencing power grid computer networks, we looked at the network infrastructure supporting electricity grids in this research.
Bouteghrine, Belqassim, Tanougast, Camel, Sadoudi, Said.  2021.  Fast and Efficient Chaos-Based Algorithm for Multimedia Data Encryption. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). :1—5.
With the evolution of the communication technology, fast and efficient tools for secure exchanged data are highly required. Through this research work, we introduce a simplified and fast chaos-based scheme for multimedia data encryption and in particular for color image encryption application. The new algorithm is based on an extracted four-dimension (4-D) discrete time map. The proposed 4-D chaos system includes seven (07) nonlinear terms and four (04) controllers to generate a robust chaos that can satisfy the encryption requirements. The performance of this image encryption algorithm are analyzed with the help of four important factors which are key space, correlation, complexity and running time. Results of the security analysis compared to some of similar proposals, show that our encryption scheme is more effective in terms of key stream cipher space, correlation, complexity and running time.
Marts, W. Pepper, Dosanjh, Matthew G. F., Levy, Scott, Schonbein, Whit, Grant, Ryan E., Bridges, Patrick G..  2021.  MiniMod: A Modular Miniapplication Benchmarking Framework for HPC. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER). :12–22.
The HPC application community has proposed many new application communication structures, middleware interfaces, and communication models to improve HPC application performance. Modifying proxy applications is the standard practice for the evaluation of these novel methodologies. Currently, this requires the creation of a new version of the proxy application for each combination of the approach being tested. In this article, we present a modular proxy-application framework, MiniMod, that enables evaluation of a combination of independently written computation kernels, data transfer logic, communication access, and threading libraries. MiniMod is designed to allow rapid development of individual modules which can be combined at runtime. Through MiniMod, developers only need a single implementation to evaluate application impact under a variety of scenarios.We demonstrate the flexibility of MiniMod’s design by using it to implement versions of a heat diffusion kernel and the miniFE finite element proxy application, along with a variety of communication, granularity, and threading modules. We examine how changing communication libraries, communication granularities, and threading approaches impact these applications on an HPC system. These experiments demonstrate that MiniMod can rapidly improve the ability to assess new middleware techniques for scientific computing applications and next-generation hardware platforms.
Ruggeri, Armando, Celesti, Antonio, Fazio, Maria, Galletta, Antonino, Villari, Massimo.  2020.  BCB-X3DH: A Blockchain Based Improved Version of the Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman Protocol. 2020 Second IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems and Applications (TPS-ISA). :73–78.
The Extended Triple Diffie-Hellman (X3DH) protocol has been used for years as the basis of secure communication establishment among parties (i.e, humans and devices) over the Internet. However, such a protocol has several limits. It is typically based on a single trust third-party server that represents a single point of failure (SPoF) being consequently exposed to well- known Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks. In order to address such a limit, several solutions have been proposed so far that are often cost expensive and difficult to be maintained. The objective of this paper is to propose a BlockChain-Based X3DH (BCB-X3DH) protocol that allows eliminating such a SPoF, also simplifying its maintenance. Specifically, it combines the well- known X3DH security mechanisms with the intrinsic features of data non-repudiation and immutability that are typical of Smart Contracts. Furthermore, different implementation approaches are discussed to suits both human-to-human and device-to-device scenarios. Experiments compared the performance of both X3DH and BCB-X3DH.
Bronzin, T., Prole, B., Stipić, A., Pap, K..  2020.  Individualization of Anonymous Identities Using Artificial Intelligence (AI). 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO). :1058–1063.

Individualization of anonymous identities using artificial intelligence - enables innovative human-computer interaction through the personalization of communication which is, at the same time, individual and anonymous. This paper presents possible approach for individualization of anonymous identities in real time. It uses computer vision and artificial intelligence to automatically detect and recognize person's age group, gender, human body measures, proportions and other specific personal characteristics. Collected data constitutes the so-called person's biometric footprint and are linked to a unique (but still anonymous) identity that is recorded in the computer system, along with other information that make up the profile of the person. Identity anonymization can be achieved by appropriate asymmetric encryption of the biometric footprint (with no additional personal information being stored) and integrity can be ensured using blockchain technology. Data collected in this manner is GDPR compliant.

Gadient, P., Ghafari, M., Tarnutzer, M., Nierstrasz, O..  2020.  Web APIs in Android through the Lens of Security. 2020 IEEE 27th International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :13—22.

Web communication has become an indispensable characteristic of mobile apps. However, it is not clear what data the apps transmit, to whom, and what consequences such transmissions have. We analyzed the web communications found in mobile apps from the perspective of security. We first manually studied 160 Android apps to identify the commonly-used communication libraries, and to understand how they are used in these apps. We then developed a tool to statically identify web API URLs used in the apps, and restore the JSON data schemas including the type and value of each parameter. We extracted 9714 distinct web API URLs that were used in 3 376 apps. We found that developers often use the package for network communication, however, third-party libraries like OkHttp are also used in many apps. We discovered that insecure HTTP connections are seven times more prevalent in closed-source than in open-source apps, and that embedded SQL and JavaScript code is used in web communication in more than 500 different apps. This finding is devastating; it leaves billions of users and API service providers vulnerable to attack.

Sani, Abubakar Sadiq, Yuan, Dong, Bao, Wei, Dong, Zhao Yang, Vucetic, Branka, Bertino, Elisa.  2019.  Universally Composable Key Bootstrapping and Secure Communication Protocols for the Energy Internet. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security. 14:2113–2127.
The Energy Internet is an advanced smart grid solution to increase energy efficiency by jointly operating multiple energy resources via the Internet. However, such an increasing integration of energy resources requires secure and efficient communication in the Energy Internet. To address such a requirement, we propose a new secure key bootstrapping protocol to support the integration and operation of energy resources. By using a universal composability model that provides a strong security notion for designing and analyzing cryptographic protocols, we define an ideal functionality that supports several cryptographic primitives used in this paper. Furthermore, we provide an ideal functionality for key bootstrapping and secure communication, which allows exchanged session keys to be used for secure communication in an ideal manner. We propose the first secure key bootstrapping protocol that enables a user to verify the identities of other users before key bootstrapping. We also present a secure communication protocol for unicast and multicast communications. The ideal functionalities help in the design and analysis of the proposed protocols. We perform some experiments to validate the performance of our protocols, and the results show that our protocols are superior to the existing related protocols and are suitable for the Energy Internet. As a proof of concept, we apply our functionalities to a practical key bootstrapping protocol, namely generic bootstrapping architecture.
Demirol, D., Das, R., Tuna, G..  2017.  An android application to secure text messages. 2017 International Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing Symposium (IDAP). :1–6.

For mobile phone users, short message service (SMS) is the most commonly used text-based communication type on mobile devices. Users can interact with other users and services via SMS. For example, users can send private messages, use information services, apply for a job advertisement, conduct bank transactions, and so on. Users should be very careful when using SMS. During the sending of SMS, the message content should be aware that it can be captured and act accordingly. Based on these findings, the elderly, called as “Silent Generation” which represents 70 years or older adults, are text messaging much more than they did in the past. Therefore, they need solutions which are both simple and secure enough if there is a need to send sensitive information via SMS. In this study, we propose and develop an android application to secure text messages. The application has a simple and easy-to-use graphical user interface but provides significant security.

Kauffmann, David, Carmi, Golan.  2017.  E-collaboration of Virtual Teams: The Mediating Effect of Interpersonal Trust. Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on E-Business and Internet. :45–49.
This study examines the relationship between task communication and relationship communication, and collaboration by exploring the mediating effect of interpersonal trust in a virtual team environment. A theoretical model was developed to examine this relationship where cognitive trust and affective trust are defined as mediation variables between communication and collaboration. The main results of this study show that firstly, there is a significant correlation with a large effect size between communication, trust, and collaboration. Secondly, interpersonal trust plays an important role as a mediator in the relationship between communication and collaboration, especially in relationship communication within virtual teams.
Miller, David.  2016.  AgentSmith: Exploring Agentic Systems. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :234–238.

The design of systems with independent agency to act on the environment or which can act as persuasive agents requires consideration of not only the technical aspects of design, but of the psychological, sociological, and philosophical aspects as well. Creating usable, safe, and ethical systems will require research into human-computer communication, in order to design systems that can create and maintain a relationship with users, explain their workings, and act in the best interests of both users and of the larger society.

Ardelt, Gunther, Mackenberg, Martin, Markmann, Jan, Esemann, Tim, Hellbrück, Horst.  2016.  A Flexible and Modular Platform for Development of Short-range Underwater Communication. Proceedings of the 11th ACM International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems. :35:1–35:8.
The development process of short-range underwater communication systems consists of different phases. Each phase comprises a multitude of specific requirements to the development platform. Typically, the utilized hardware and software is custom-built for each phase and wireless technology. Thus, the available platforms are usually not flexible and only usable for a single development phase or a single wireless technology. Furthermore, the modification and adaption between the phases and technologies are costly and time-consuming. Platforms providing the flexibility to switch between phases or even wireless technologies are either expensive or are not suitable to be integrated into underwater equipment. We developed a flexible and modular platform consisting of a controller and different front ends. The platform is capable of performing complex tasks during all development phases. To achieve high performance with more complex modulation schemes, we combine an embedded Linux processor with a field programmable gate array (FPGA) for computational demanding tasks. We show that our platform is capable of supporting the development of short-range underwater communication systems using a variety of wireless underwater communication technologies.
Jordan, Michael I..  2016.  On Computational Thinking, Inferential Thinking and Data Science. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures. :47–47.

The rapid growth in the size and scope of datasets in science and technology has created a need for novel foundational perspectives on data analysis that blend the inferential and computational sciences. That classical perspectives from these fields are not adequate to address emerging problems in "Big Data" is apparent from their sharply divergent nature at an elementary level-in computer science, the growth of the number of data points is a source of "complexity" that must be tamed via algorithms or hardware, whereas in statistics, the growth of the number of data points is a source of "simplicity" in that inferences are generally stronger and asymptotic results can be invoked. On a formal level, the gap is made evident by the lack of a role for computational concepts such as "runtime" in core statistical theory and the lack of a role for statistical concepts such as "risk" in core computational theory. I present several research vignettes aimed at bridging computation and statistics, including the problem of inference under privacy and communication constraints, and ways to exploit parallelism so as to trade off the speed and accuracy of inference.