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Zhao, Jian, Lin, Zexuan, Huang, Xiaoxiao, Zhang, Yiwei, Xiang, Shaohua.  2020.  TrustCA: Achieving Certificate Transparency Through Smart Contract in Blockchain Platforms. 2020 International Conference on High Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems (HPBD&IS). :1–6.
Certificate Authorities (CAs) are important components for digital certificate issuances in Public Key Infrastructure(PKI). However, current CAs have some intrinsic weaknesses due to the CA-centric implementation. And when browser and operating system vendors contain a CA in the software, they place complete trust in the CA. In this paper, we utilize natural characteristics of tamper-proof and transparency of smart contracts in blockchain platforms to design an independent entity, named the CA proxy, to manage life cycle of digital certificates. This management will achieve the certificate transparency. We propose a new system architecture easy to integrate the CA proxy with current CAs through applying the blockchain oracle service. In this architecture, the CA proxy, CAs, and even professional identity verification parties can accomplish life cycle management of certificates, signature of certificates, identity verification for certificates correspondingly. The achievement of the certificate transparency through life cycle management of digital certificates in blockchain platforms, when compared with traditional CAs, solves traditional CAs' trust model weaknesses and improve the security.
Cha, Shi-Cho, Shiung, Chuang-Ming, Lin, Gwan-Yen, Hung, Yi-Hsuan.  2021.  A Security Risk Management Framework for Permissioned Blockchain Applications. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT). :301—310.
As permissioned blockchain becomes a common foundation of blockchain-based applications for current organizations, related stakeholders need a means to assess the security risks of the applications. Therefore, this study proposes a security risk management framework for permissioned blockchain applications. The framework divides itself into different implementation stacks and provides guidelines to control the security risks of permissioned blockchain applications. According to the best of our knowledge, this study is the first research that provides a means to evaluate the security risks of permissioned blockchain applications from a holistic point of view. If users can trust the applications that adopted this framework, this study can hopefully contribute to the adoption of permissioned blockchain technologies.
Terzi, Sofia, Savvaidis, Charalampos, Sersemis, Athanasios, Votis, Konstantinos, Tzovaras, Dimitrios.  2021.  Decentralizing Identity Management and Vehicle Rights Delegation through Self-Sovereign Identities and Blockchain. 2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). :1217–1223.
With smart vehicles interconnected with multiple systems and other entities, whether they are people or IoT devices, the importance of a digital identity for them has emerged. We present in this paper how a Self-Sovereign Identities combined with blockchain can provide a solution to this end, in order to decentralize the identity management and provide them with capabilities to identify the other entities they interact with. Such entities can be the owners of the vehicles, other drivers and workshops that act as service providers. Two use cases are examined along with the interactions between the participants, to demonstrate how a decentralized identity management solution can take care of the necessary authentication and authorization processes. Finally, we test the system and provide the measurements to prove its feasibility in real-life deployments.
Samy, Salma, Banawan, Karim, Azab, Mohamed, Rizk, Mohamed.  2021.  Smart Blockchain-based Control-data Protection Framework for Trustworthy Smart Grid Operations. 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :0963—0969.
The critical nature of smart grids (SGs) attracts various network attacks and malicious manipulations. Existent SG solutions are less capable of ensuring secure and trustworthy operation. This is due to the large-scale nature of SGs and reliance on network protocols for trust management. A particular example of such severe attacks is the false data injection (FDI). FDI refers to a network attack, where meters' measurements are manipulated before being reported in such a way that the energy system takes flawed decisions. In this paper, we exploit the secure nature of blockchains to construct a data management framework based on public blockchain. Our framework enables trustworthy data storage, verification, and exchange between SG components and decision-makers. Our proposed system enables miners to invest their computational power to verify blockchain transactions in a fully distributed manner. The mining logic employs machine learning (ML) techniques to identify the locations of compromised meters in the network, which are responsible for generating FDI attacks. In return, miners receive virtual credit, which may be used to pay their electric bills. Our design circumvents single points of failure and intentional FDI attempts. Our numerical results compare the accuracy of three different ML-based mining logic techniques in two scenarios: focused and distributed FDI attacks for different attack levels. Finally, we proposed a majority-decision mining technique for the practical case of an unknown FDI attack level.
Wu, Yiming, Lu, GeHao, Jin, Na, Fu, LiYu, Zhuan Zhao, Jing.  2021.  Trusted Fog Computing for Privacy Smart Contract Blockchain. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP). :1042—1047.
The fog platform is very suitable for time and location sensitive applications. Compared with cloud computing, fog computing faces new security and privacy challenges. This paper integrates blockchain nodes with fog nodes, and uses multi-party secure computing (MPC) in smart contracts to realize privacy-protected fog computing. MPC technology realizes encrypted input and output, so that participants can only get the output value of their own function. It is impossible to know the input and output of other people, and privacy calculation is realized. At the same time, the blockchain can perform network-wide verification and consensus on the results calculated by the MPC under the chain. Ensure the reliability of the calculation results. Due to the integration of blockchain and fog nodes, access control and encryption are guaranteed, integrity and isolation are provided, and privacy-sensitive data is controlled. As more complex topological structures emerge, the entire chain of fog nodes must be trusted. This ensures the network security of distributed data storage and network topology, users and fog service providers. Finally, trusted fog computing with privacy protection is realized.
Li, Zhihong.  2021.  Remolding of the Supply Chain Development Mode Based on the Block Chain Technology. 2021 International Conference on Computer, Blockchain and Financial Development (CBFD). :392—395.

The supply chain has been much developed with the internet technology being used in the business world. Some issues are becoming more and more evident than before in the course of the fast evolution of the supply chain. Among these issues, the remarkable problems include low efficiency of communication, insufficient operational outcomes and lack of the credit among the participants in the whole chain. The main reasons to cause these problems lie in the isolated information unable to be traced and in the unclear responsibility, etc. In recent years, the block chain technology has been growing fast. Being decentralized, traceable and unable to be distorted, the block chain technology is well suitable for solving the problems existing in the supply chain. Therefore, the paper first exposes the traditional supply chain mode and the actual situation of the supply chain management. Then it explains the block chain technology and explores the application & effects of the block chain technology in the traditional supply chain. Next, a supply chain style is designed on the base of the block chain technology. Finally the potential benefits of the remolded supply chain are foreseen if it is applied in the business field.

Zhang, Fan, Ding, Ye.  2021.  Research on the Application of Internet of Things and Block Chain Technology in Improving Supply Chain Financial Risk Management. 2021 International Conference on Computer, Blockchain and Financial Development (CBFD). :347—350.
This article analyzes the basic concepts of supply chain finance, participating institutions, business methods, and exposure to risks. The author combined the basic content of the Internet of Things and block chain technology to carry out research. This paper studies the specific applications of the Internet of Things and block chain technology in supply chain financial risk identification, supply chain financial risk assessment, full-process logistics supervision, smart contract transaction management, corporate financial statement sorting, and risk prevention measures. The author's purpose is to improve the financial risk management level of the enterprise supply chain and promote the stable development of the enterprise economy.
Gajanur, Nanditha, Greidanus, Mateo, Seo, Gab-Su, Mazumder, Sudip K., Ali Abbaszada, Mohammad.  2021.  Impact of Blockchain Delay on Grid-Tied Solar Inverter Performance. 2021 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG). :1—7.
This paper investigates the impact of the delay resulting from a blockchain, a promising security measure, for a hierarchical control system of inverters connected to the grid. The blockchain communication network is designed at the secondary control layer for resilience against cyberattacks. To represent the latency in the communication channel, a model is developed based on the complexity of the blockchain framework. Taking this model into account, this work evaluates the plant’s performance subject to communication delays, introduced by the blockchain, among the hierarchical control agents. In addition, this article considers an optimal model-based control strategy that performs the system’s internal control loop. The work shows that the blockchain’s delay size influences the convergence of the power supplied by the inverter to the reference at the point of common coupling. In the results section, real-time simulations on OPAL-RT are performed to test the resilience of two parallel inverters with increasing blockchain complexity.
Aumayr, Lukas, Maffei, Matteo, Ersoy, Oğuzhan, Erwig, Andreas, Faust, Sebastian, Riahi, Siavash, Hostáková, Kristina, Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro.  2021.  Bitcoin-Compatible Virtual Channels. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :901–918.
Current permissionless cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin suffer from a limited transaction rate and slow confirmation time, which hinders further adoption. Payment channels are one of the most promising solutions to address these problems, as they allow the parties of the channel to perform arbitrarily many payments in a peer-to-peer fashion while uploading only two transactions on the blockchain. This concept has been generalized into payment channel networks where a path of payment channels is used to settle the payment between two users that might not share a direct channel between them. However, this approach requires the active involvement of each user in the path, making the system less reliable (they might be offline), more expensive (they charge fees per payment), and slower (intermediaries need to be actively involved in the payment). To mitigate this issue, recent work has introduced the concept of virtual channels (IEEE S&P’19), which involve intermediaries only in the initial creation of a bridge between payer and payee, who can later on independently perform arbitrarily many off-chain transactions. Unfortunately, existing constructions are only available for Ethereum, as they rely on its account model and Turing-complete scripting language. The realization of virtual channels in other blockchain technologies with limited scripting capabilities, like Bitcoin, was so far considered an open challenge.In this work, we present the first virtual channel protocols that are built on the UTXO-model and require a scripting language supporting only a digital signature scheme and a timelock functionality, being thus backward compatible with virtually every cryptocurrency, including Bitcoin. We formalize the security properties of virtual channels as an ideal functionality in the Universal Composability framework and prove that our protocol constitutes a secure realization thereof. We have prototyped and evaluated our protocol on the Bitcoin blockchain, demonstrating its efficiency: for n sequential payments, they require an off-chain exchange of 9+2n transactions or a total of 3524+695n bytes, with no on-chain footprint in the optimistic case. This is a substantial improvement compared to routing payments in a payment channel network, which requires 8n transactions with a total of 3026n bytes to be exchanged.
Tairi, Erkan, Moreno-Sanchez, Pedro, Maffei, Matteo.  2021.  A2L: Anonymous Atomic Locks for Scalability in Payment Channel Hubs. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1834–1851.
Payment channel hubs (PCHs) constitute a promising solution to the inherent scalability problem of blockchain technologies, allowing for off-chain payments between sender and receiver through an intermediary, called the tumbler. While state-of-the-art PCHs provide security and privacy guarantees against a malicious tumbler, they do so by relying on the scripting-based functionality available only at few cryptocurrencies, and they thus fall short of fundamental properties such as backwards compatibility and efficiency.In this work, we present the first PCH protocol to achieve all aforementioned properties. Our PCH builds upon A2L, a novel cryptographic primitive that realizes a three-party protocol for conditional transactions, where the tumbler pays the receiver only if the latter solves a cryptographic challenge with the help of the sender, which implies the sender has paid the tumbler. We prove the security and privacy guarantees of A2L (which carry over to our PCH construction) in the Universal Composability framework and present a provably secure instantiation based on adaptor signatures and randomizable puzzles. We implemented A2L and compared it to TumbleBit, the state-of-the-art Bitcoin-compatible PCH. Asymptotically, A2L has a communication complexity that is constant, as opposed to linear in the security parameter like in TumbleBit. In practice, A2L requires 33x less bandwidth than TumleBit, while retaining the computational cost (or providing 2x speedup with a preprocessing technique). This demonstrates that A2L (and thus our PCH construction) is ready to be deployed today.In theory, we demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to design a secure and privacy-preserving PCH while requiring only digital signatures and timelock functionality from the underlying scripting language. In practice, this result makes our PCH backwards compatible with virtually all cryptocurrencies available today, even those offering a highly restricted form of scripting language such as Ripple or Stellar. The practical appealing of our construction has resulted in a proof-of-concept implementation in the COMIT Network, a blockchain technology focused on cross-currency payments.
Dong, Wenyu, Yang, Bo, Wang, Ke, Yan, Junzhi, He, Shen.  2021.  A Dual Blockchain Framework to Enhance Data Trustworthiness in Digital Twin Network. 2021 IEEE 1st International Conference on Digital Twins and Parallel Intelligence (DTPI). :144—147.
Data are the basis in Digital Twin (DT) to set up bidirectional mapping between physical and virtual spaces, and realize critical environmental sensing, decision making and execution. Thus, trustworthiness is a necessity in data content as well as data operations. A dual blockchain framework is proposed to realize comprehensive data security in various DT scenarios. It is highly adaptable, scalable, evolvable, and easy to be integrated into Digital Twin Network (DTN) as enhancement.
Catalfamo, Alessio, Ruggeri, Armando, Celesti, Antonio, Fazio, Maria, Villari, Massimo.  2021.  A Microservices and Blockchain Based One Time Password (MBB-OTP) Protocol for Security-Enhanced Authentication. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—6.
Nowadays, the increasing complexity of digital applications for social and business activities has required more and more advanced mechanisms to prove the identity of subjects like those based on the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA). Such an approach improves the typical authentication paradigm but it has still some weaknesses. Specifically, it has to deal with the disadvantages of a centralized architecture causing several security threats like denial of service (DoS) and man-in-the-middle (MITM). In fact, an attacker who succeeds in violating the central authentication server could be able to impersonate an authorized user or block the whole service. This work advances the state of art of 2FA solutions by proposing a decentralized Microservices and Blockchain Based One Time Password (MBB-OTP) protocol for security-enhanced authentication able to mitigate the aforementioned threats and to fit different application scenarios. Experiments prove the goodness of our MBB-OTP protocol considering both private and public Blockchain configurations.
Tekiner, Ege, Acar, Abbas, Uluagac, A. Selcuk, Kirda, Engin, Selcuk, Ali Aydin.  2021.  SoK: Cryptojacking Malware. 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). :120—139.
Emerging blockchain and cryptocurrency-based technologies are redefining the way we conduct business in cyberspace. Today, a myriad of blockchain and cryp-tocurrency systems, applications, and technologies are widely available to companies, end-users, and even malicious actors who want to exploit the computational resources of regular users through cryptojacking malware. Especially with ready-to-use mining scripts easily provided by service providers (e.g., Coinhive) and untraceable cryptocurrencies (e.g., Monero), cryptojacking malware has become an indispensable tool for attackers. Indeed, the banking industry, major commercial websites, government and military servers (e.g., US Dept. of Defense), online video sharing platforms (e.g., Youtube), gaming platforms (e.g., Nintendo), critical infrastructure resources (e.g., routers), and even recently widely popular remote video conferencing/meeting programs (e.g., Zoom during the Covid-19 pandemic) have all been the victims of powerful cryptojacking malware campaigns. Nonetheless, existing detection methods such as browser extensions that protect users with blacklist methods or antivirus programs with different analysis methods can only provide a partial panacea to this emerging crypto-jacking issue as the attackers can easily bypass them by using obfuscation techniques or changing their domains or scripts frequently. Therefore, many studies in the literature proposed cryptojacking malware detection methods using various dynamic/behavioral features. However, the literature lacks a systemic study with a deep understanding of the emerging cryptojacking malware and a comprehensive review of studies in the literature. To fill this gap in the literature, in this SoK paper, we present a systematic overview of cryptojacking malware based on the information obtained from the combination of academic research papers, two large cryptojacking datasets of samples, and 45 major attack instances. Finally, we also present lessons learned and new research directions to help the research community in this emerging area.
Chin, Kota, Omote, Kazumasa.  2021.  Analysis of Attack Activities for Honeypots Installation in Ethereum Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :440–447.
In recent years, blockchain-based cryptocurren-cies have attracted much attention. Attacks targeting cryptocurrencies and related services directly profit an attacker if successful. Related studies have reported attacks targeting configuration-vulnerable nodes in Ethereum using a method called honeypots to observe malicious user attacks. They have analyzed 380 million observed requests and showed that attacks had to that point taken at least 4193 Ether. However, long-term observations using honeypots are difficult because the cost of maintaining honeypots is high. In this study, we analyze the behavior of malicious users using our honeypot system. More precisely, we clarify the pre-investigation that a malicious user performs before attacks. We show that the cost of maintaining a honeypot can be reduced. For example, honeypots need to belong in Ethereum's P2P network but not to the mainnet. Further, if they belong to the testnet, the cost of storage space can be reduced.
Huang, Song, Yang, Zhen, Zheng, Changyou, Wan, Jinyong.  2021.  An Intellectual Property Data Access Control Method for Crowdsourced Testing System. 2021 8th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :434–438.

In the crowdsourced testing system, due to the openness of crowdsourced testing platform and other factors, the security of crowdsourced testing intellectual property cannot be effectively protected. We proposed an attribute-based double encryption scheme, combined with the blockchain technology, to achieve the data access control method of the code to be tested. It can meet the privacy protection and traceability of specific intellectual property in the crowdsourced testing environment. Through the experimental verification, the access control method is feasible, and the performance test is good, which can meet the normal business requirements.

Weixian, Wang, Ping, Chen, Mingyu, Pan, Xianglong, Li, Zhuoqun, Li, Ruixin, He.  2021.  Design of Collaborative Control Scheme between On-chain and Off-chain Power Data. 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Aided Education (ICISCAE). :1–6.
The transmission and storage process for the power data in an intelligent grid has problems such as a single point of failure in the central node, low data credibility, and malicious manipulation or data theft. The characteristics of decentralization and tamper-proofing of blockchain and its distributed storage architecture can effectively solve malicious manipulation and the single point of failure. However, there are few safe and reliable data transmission methods for the significant number and various identities of users and the complex node types in the power blockchain. Thus, this paper proposes a collaborative control scheme between on-chain and off-chain power data based on the distributed oracle technology. By building a trusted on-chain transmission mechanism based on distributed oracles, the scheme solves the credibility problem of massive data transmission and interactive power data between smart contracts and off-chain physical devices safely and effectively. Analysis and discussion show that the proposed scheme can realize the collaborative control between on-chain and off-chain data efficiently, safely, and reliably.
Huang, Liangqun, Xu, Lei, Zhu, Liehuang, Gai, Keke.  2021.  A Blockchain-Assisted Privacy-Preserving Cloud Computing Method with Multiple Keys. 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Smart Cloud (SmartCloud). :19–25.
How to analyze users' data without compromising individual privacy is an important issue in cloud computing. In order to protect privacy and enable the cloud to perform computing, users can apply homomorphic encryption schemes to their data. Most of existing homomorphic encryption-based cloud computing methods require that users' data are encrypted with the same key. While in practice, different users may prefer to use different keys. In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving cloud computing method which adopts a double-trapdoor homomorphic encryption scheme to deal with the multi-key issue. The proposed method uses two cloud servers to analyze users' encrypted data. And we propose to use blockchain to monitor the information exchanged between the servers. Security analysis shows that the introduction of blockchain can help to prevent the two servers from colluding with each other, hence data privacy is further enhanced. And we conduct simulations to demonstrate the feasibility of the propose method.
Zhang, Hongao, Yang, Zhen, Yu, Haiyang.  2021.  Lightweight and Privacy-preserving Search over Encryption Blockchain. 2021 7th IEEE International Conference on Network Intelligence and Digital Content (IC-NIDC). :423—427.
With the development of cloud computing, a growing number of users use the cloud to store their sensitive data. To protect privacy, users often encrypt their data before outsourcing. Searchable Symmetric Encryption (SSE) enables users to retrieve their encrypted data. Most prior SSE schemes did not focus on malicious servers, and users could not confirm the correctness of the search results. Blockchain-based SSE schemes show the potential to solve this problem. However, the expensive nature of storage overhead on the blockchain presents an obstacle to the implementation of these schemes. In this paper, we propose a lightweight blockchain-based searchable symmetric encryption scheme that reduces the space cost in the scheme by improving the data structure of the encrypted index and ensuring efficient data retrieval. Experiment results demonstrate the practicability of our scheme.
Zhang, Zhaoqian, Zhang, Jianbiao, Yuan, Yilin, Li, Zheng.  2021.  An Expressive Fully Policy-Hidden Ciphertext Policy Attribute-Based Encryption Scheme with Credible Verification Based on Blockchain. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. :1–1.
As the public cloud becomes one of the leading ways in data sharing nowadays, data confidentiality and user privacy are increasingly critical. Partially policy-hidden ciphertext policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) can effectively protect data confidentiality while reducing privacy leakage by hiding part of the access structure. However, it cannot satisfy the need of data sharing in the public cloud with complex users and large amounts of data, both in terms of less expressive access structures and limited granularity of policy hiding. Moreover, the verification of access right to shared data and correctness of decryption are ignored or conducted by an untrusted third party, and the prime-order groups are seldom considered in the expressive policy-hidden schemes. This paper proposes a fully policy-hidden CP-ABE scheme constructed on LSSS access structure and prime-order groups for public cloud data sharing. To help users decrypt, HVE with a ``convert step'' is applied, which is more compatible with CP-ABE. Meanwhile, decentralized credible verification of access right to shared data and correctness of decryption based on blockchain are also provided. We prove the security of our scheme rigorously and compare the scheme with others comprehensively. The results show that our scheme performs better.
Conference Name: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Lee, Taerim, Moon, Ho-Se, Jang, Juwook.  2021.  Data Encryption Method Using CP-ABE with Symmetric Key Algorithm in Blockchain Network. 2021 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :1371–1373.
This paper proposes a method of encrypting data stored in the blockchain network by applying ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) and symmetric key algorithm. This method protects the confidentiality and privacy of data that is not protected in blockchain networks, and stores data in a more efficient way than before. The proposed model has the same characteristics of CP-ABE and has a faster processing speed than when only CP-ABE is used.
Kara, Mustafa, \c Sanlıöz, \c Sevki Gani, Merzeh, Hisham R. J., Aydın, Muhammed Ali, Balık, Hasan Hüseyin.  2021.  Blockchain Based Mutual Authentication for VoIP Applications with Biometric Signatures. 2021 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Engineering (UBMK). :133–138.

In this study, a novel decentralized authentication model is proposed for establishing a secure communications structure in VoIP applications. The proposed scheme considers a distributed architecture called the blockchain. With this scheme, we highlight the multimedia data is more resistant to some of the potential attacks according to the centralized architecture. Our scheme presents the overall system authentication architecture, and it is suitable for mutual authentication in terms of privacy and anonymity. We construct an ECC-based model in the encryption infrastructure because our structure is time-constrained during communications. This study differs from prior work in that blockchain platforms with ECC-Based Biometric Signature. We generate a biometric key for creating a unique ID value with ECC to verify the caller and device authentication together in blockchain. We validated the proposed model by comparing with the existing method in VoIP application used centralized architecture.

Shi, Guowei, Hao, Huajie, Lei, Jianghui, Zhu, Yuechen.  2021.  Application Security System Design of Internet of Things Based on Blockchain Technology. 2021 International Conference on Computer, Internet of Things and Control Engineering (CITCE). :134–137.
In view of the current status of Internet of Things applications and related security problems, the architecture system of Internet of Things applications based on block chain is introduced. First, it introduces the concepts related to blockchain technology, introduces the architecture system of iot application based on blockchain, and discusses its overall architecture design, key technologies and functional structure design. The product embodies the whole process of the Internet of Things platform on the basis of blockchain, which builds an infrastructure based on the Internet of Things and solves the increasingly serious security problems in the Internet of Things through the technical characteristics of decentralization.
Djonov, Martin, Galabov, Miroslav, Georgieva-Trifonova, Tsvetanka.  2021.  Solving IoT Security and Scalability Challenges with Blockchain. 2021 5th International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT). :52–56.
Internet of Things (IoT) is one relatively new technology, which aims to make our lives easier by automating our daily processes. This article would aim to deliver an idea how to prevent the IoT technology, delivering maliciously and bad things and how to scale. The intention of this research is to explain how a specific implementation of a Blockchain network, enterprise-grade permissioned distributed ledger framework called Hyperledger Fabric, can be used to resolve the security and scalability issues in an IoT network.
He, Gaofeng, Si, Yongrui, Xiao, Xiancai, Wei, Qianfeng, Zhu, Haiting, Xu, Bingfeng.  2021.  Preventing IoT DDoS Attacks using Blockchain and IP Address Obfuscation. 2021 13th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). :1—5.
With the widespread deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, hackers can use IoT devices to launch large-scale distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, which bring great harm to the Internet. However, how to defend against these attacks remains to be an open challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel prevention method for IoT DDoS attacks based on blockchain and obfuscation of IP addresses. Our observation is that IoT devices are usually resource-constrained and cannot support complicated cryptographic algorithms such as RSA. Based on the observation, we employ a novel authentication then communication mechanism for IoT DDoS attack prevention. In this mechanism, the attack targets' IP addresses are encrypted by a random security parameter. Clients need to be authenticated to obtain the random security parameter and decrypt the IP addresses. In particular, we propose to authenticate clients with public-key cryptography and a blockchain system. The complex authentication and IP address decryption operations disable IoT devices and thus block IoT DDoS attacks. The effectiveness of the proposed method is analyzed and validated by theoretical analysis and simulation experiments.
Liu, Ling, Zhang, Shengli, Ling, Cong.  2021.  Set Reconciliation for Blockchains with Slepian-Wolf Coding: Deletion Polar Codes. 2021 13th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). :1–5.
In this paper, we propose a polar coding based scheme for set reconciliation between two network nodes. The system is modeled as a well-known Slepian-Wolf setting induced by a fixed number of deletions. The set reconciliation process is divided into two phases: 1) a deletion polar code is employed to help one node to identify the possible deletion indices, which may be larger than the number of genuine deletions; 2) a lossless compression polar code is then designed to feedback those indices with minimum overhead. Our scheme can be viewed as a generalization of polar codes to some emerging network-based applications such as the package synchronization in blockchains. The total overhead is linear to the number of packages, and immune to the package size.