Li, Weijian, Li, Chengyan, Xu, Qiwei, Yin, Keting.
A Novel Distributed CA System Based on Blockchain. 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN). :710–716.
In the PKI-CA system with a traditional trust model based on trust chain and centralized private key management, there are some problems with issuing certificates illegally, denying issued certificates, tampering with issuance log, and leaking certificate private key due to the excessive power of a single CA. A novel distributed CA system based on blockchain was constructed to solve the problems. The system applied blockchain and smart contract to coordinate the certificate issuing process, and stored the issuing process logs and information used to verify certificates on the blockchain. It guaranteed the non-tamperability and non-repudiation of logs and information. Aiming at the disadvantage of easy leakage of private keys in centralized management mode, the system used the homomorphism of elliptic encryption algorithm, CPK and transformation matrix to generate and store user private keys safely and distributively. Experimental analysis showed that the system can not only overcome the drawbacks of the traditional PKI-CA system, but also issue certificates quickly and save as much storage as possible to store certificate private keys.
Chen, Shengjian.
Trustworthy Internet Based on Generalized Blockchain. 2022 International Conference on Blockchain Technology and Information Security (ICBCTIS). :5–12.
It is the key to the Internet's expansion of social and economic functions by ensuring the credibility of online users' identities and behaviors while taking into account privacy protection. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and blockchain technology have provided ways to achieve credibility from different perspectives. Based on these two technologies, we attempt to generalize people's offline activities to online ones with our proposed model, Atom and Molecule. We then present the strict definition of trustworthy system and the trustworthy Internet. The definition of Generalized Blockchain and its practical implementation are provided as well.
Markelon, Sam A., True, John.
The DecCert PKI: A Solution to Decentralized Identity Attestation and Zooko’s Triangle. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS). :74–82.
We propose DecCert, a decentralized public key infrastructure designed as a smart contract that solves the problem of identity attestation on public blockchains. Our system allows an individual to bind an identity to a public blockchain address. Once a claim of identity is made by an individual, other users can choose to verify the attested identity based on the evidence presented by an identity claim maker by staking cryptocurrency in the DecCert smart contract. Increasing levels of trust are naturally built based upon the amount staked and the duration the collateral is staked for. This mechanism replaces the usual utilization of digital signatures in a traditional hierarchical certificate authority model or the web of trust model to form a publicly verifiable decentralized stake of trust model. We also present a novel solution to the certificate revocation problem and implement our solution on the Ethereum blockchain. Further, we show that our design solves Zooko’s triangle as defined for public key infrastructure deployments.
Patil, Vishwas T., Shyamasundar, R.K..
Evolving Role of PKI in Facilitating Trust. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Public Key Infrastructure and its Applications (PKIA). :1–7.
A digital certificate is by far the most widely used artifact to establish secure electronic communication over the Internet. It certifies to its user that the public key encapsulated in it is associated with the subject of the certificate. A Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is responsible to create, store, distribute, and revoke digital certificates. To establish a secure communication channel two unfamiliar entities rely on a common certificate issuer (a part of PKI) that vouches for both entities' certificates - thus authenticating each other via public keys listed in each other's certificates. Therefore, PKIs act as a trusted third party for two previously unfamiliar entities. Certificates are static data structures, their revocation status must be checked before usage; this step inadvertently involves a PKI for every secure channel establishment - leading to privacy violations of relying parties. As PKIs act as trust anchors for their subjects, any inadvertent event or malfeasance in PKI setup breaches the trust relationship leading to identity theft. Alternative PKI trust models, like PGP and SPKI, have been proposed but with limited deployment. With several retrofitting amendments to the prevalent X.509 standard, the standard has been serving its core objective of entity authentication but with modern requirements of contextual authentication, it is falling short to accommodate the evolving requirements. With the advent of blockchain as a trust management protocol, the time has come to rethink flexible alternatives to PKI core functionality; keeping in mind the modern-day requirements of contextual authentication-cum-authorization, weighted trust anchors, privacy-preservation, usability, and cost-efficient key management. In this paper, we assess this technology's complementary role in modern-day evolving security requirements. We discuss the feasibility of re-engineering PKIs with the help of blockchains, and identity networks.
Dong, Siyuan, Fan, Zhong.
Cybersecurity Threats Analysis and Management for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading. 2022 IEEE 7th International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON). :1–6.
The distributed energy resources (DERs) have significantly stimulated the development of decentralized energy system and changed the way how the energy system works. In recent years, peer-to-peer (P2P) trading has drawn attention as a promising alternative for prosumers to engage with the energy market more actively, particular by using the emerging blockchain technology. Blockchain can securely hold critical information and store data in blocks linking with chain, providing a desired platform for the P2P energy trading. This paper provides a detailed description of blockchain-enabled P2P energy trading, its essential components, and how it can be implemented within the local energy market An analysis of potential threats during blockchain-enabled P2P energy trading is also performed, which subsequently results in a list of operation and privacy requirements suggested to be implemented in the local energy market.
Ahmed, Shamim, Biswas, Milon, Hasanuzzaman, Md., Nayeen Mahi, Md. Julkar, Ashraful Islam, Md., Chaki, Sudipto, Gaur, Loveleen.
A Secured Peer-to-Peer Messaging System Based on Blockchain. 2022 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). :332–337.
Nowadays, the messaging system is one of the most popular mobile applications, and therefore the authentication between clients is essential. Various kinds of such mobile applications are using encryption-based security protocols, but they are facing many security threat issues. It clearly defines the necessity for a trustful security procedure. Therefore, a blockchain-based messaging system could be an alternative to this problem. That is why, we have developed a secured peer-to-peer messaging system supported by blockchain. This proposed mechanism provides data security among the users. In a blockchain-based framework, all the information can be verified and controlled automatically and all the transactions are recorded that have been created already. In our paper, we have explained how the users can communicate through a blockchain-based messaging system that can maintain a secured network. We explored why blockchain would improve communication security in this post, and we proposed a model architecture for blockchain-based messaging that retains the performance and security of data stored on the blockchain. Our proposed architecture is completely decentralized and enables users to send and receive messages in an acceptable and secure manner.
Sarapan, Waranyu, Boonrakchat, Nonthakorn, Paudel, Ashok, Booraksa, Terapong, Boonraksa, Promphak, Marungsri, Boonruang.
Optimal Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading by Applying Blockchain to Islanded Microgrid Considering V2G. 2022 19th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :1–4.
Energy trading in small groups or microgrids is interesting to study. The energy market may overgrow in the future, so accessing the energy market by small prosumers may not be difficult anymore. This paper has modeled a decentralized P2P energy trading and exchange system in a microgrid group. The Islanded microgrid system is simulated to create a small energy producer and consumer trading situation. The simulation results show the increasing energy transactions and profit when including V2G as an energy storage device. In addition, blockchain is used for system security because a peer-to-peer marketplace has no intermediary control.
Khoury, David, Balian, Patrick, Kfoury, Elie.
Implementation of Blockchain Domain Control Verification (B-DCV). 2022 45th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). :17–22.
Security in the communication systems rely mainly on a trusted Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Certificate Authorities (CAs). Besides the lack of automation, the complexity and the cost of assigning a signed certificate to a device, several allegations against CAs have been discovered, which has created trust issues in adopting this standard model for secure systems. The automation of the servers certificate assignment was achieved by the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) method, but without confirming the trust of assigned certificate. This paper presents a complete tested and implemented solution to solve the trust of the Certificates provided to the servers by using the blockchain platform for certificate validation. The Blockchain network provides an immutable data store, holding the public keys of all domain names, while resolving the trust concerns by applying an automated Blockchain-based Domain Control Validation (B-DCV) for the server and client server verification. The evaluation was performed on the Ethereum Rinkeby testnet adopting the Proof of Authority (PoA) consensus algorithm which is an improved version of Proof of Stake (Po \$S\$) applied on Ethereum 2.0 providing superior performance compared to Ethereum 1.0.
Ayaz, Ferheen, Sheng, Zhengguo, Ho, Ivan Weng-Hei, Tiany, Daxin, Ding, Zhiguo.
Blockchain-enabled FD-NOMA based Vehicular Network with Physical Layer Security. 2022 IEEE 95th Vehicular Technology Conference: (VTC2022-Spring). :1–6.
Vehicular networks are vulnerable to large scale attacks. Blockchain, implemented upon application layer, is recommended as one of the effective security and privacy solutions for vehicular networks. However, due to an increasing complexity of connected nodes, heterogeneous environment and rising threats, a robust security solution across multiple layers is required. Motivated by the Physical Layer Security (PLS) which utilizes physical layer characteristics such as channel fading to ensure reliable and confidential transmission, in this paper we analyze the impact of PLS on a blockchain-enabled vehicular network with two types of physical layer attacks, i.e., jamming and eavesdropping. Throughout the analysis, a Full Duplex Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (FD-NOMA) based vehicle-to-everything (V2X) is considered to reduce interference caused by jamming and meet 5G communication requirements. Simulation results show enhanced goodput of a blockckchain enabled vehicular network integrated with PLS as compared to the same solution without PLS.
ISSN: 2577-2465