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Naderi, Pooria Taghizadeh, Taghiyareh, Fattaneh.  2020.  LookLike: Similarity-based Trust Prediction in Weighted Sign Networks. 2020 6th International Conference on Web Research (ICWR). :294–298.
Trust network is widely considered to be one of the most important aspects of social networks. It has many applications in the field of recommender systems and opinion formation. Few researchers have addressed the problem of trust/distrust prediction and, it has not yet been established whether the similarity measures can do trust prediction. The present paper aims to validate that similar users have related trust relationships. To predict trust relations between two users, the LookLike algorithm was introduced. Then we used the LookLike algorithm results as new features for supervised classifiers to predict the trust/distrust label. We chose a list of similarity measures to examined our claim on four real-world trust network datasets. The results demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between users' similarity and their opinion on trust networks. Due to the tight relation between trust prediction and truth discovery, we believe that our similarity-based algorithm could be a promising solution in their challenging domains.
Wang, Q., Zhao, W., Yang, J., Wu, J., Hu, W., Xing, Q..  2019.  DeepTrust: A Deep User Model of Homophily Effect for Trust Prediction. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM). :618—627.

Trust prediction in online social networks is crucial for information dissemination, product promotion, and decision making. Existing work on trust prediction mainly utilizes the network structure or the low-rank approximation of a trust network. These approaches can suffer from the problem of data sparsity and prediction accuracy. Inspired by the homophily theory, which shows a pervasive feature of social and economic networks that trust relations tend to be developed among similar people, we propose a novel deep user model for trust prediction based on user similarity measurement. It is a comprehensive data sparsity insensitive model that combines a user review behavior and the item characteristics that this user is interested in. With this user model, we firstly generate a user's latent features mined from user review behavior and the item properties that the user cares. Then we develop a pair-wise deep neural network to further learn and represent these user features. Finally, we measure the trust relations between a pair of people by calculating the user feature vector cosine similarity. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real-world datasets, which demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed approach over the representative baseline works.

Hosseinpourpia, M., Oskoei, M. A..  2017.  GA Based Parameter Estimation for Multi-Faceted Trust Model of Recommender Systems. 2017 5th Iranian Joint Congress on Fuzzy and Intelligent Systems (CFIS). :160–165.

Recommender system is to suggest items that might be interest of the users in social networks. Collaborative filtering is an approach that works based on similarity and recommends items liked by other similar users. Trust model adopts users' trust network in place of similarity. Multi-faceted trust model considers multiple and heterogeneous trust relationship among the users and recommend items based on rating exist in the network of trustees of a specific facet. This paper applies genetic algorithm to estimate parameters of multi-faceted trust model, in which the trust weights are calculated based on the ratings and the trust network for each facet, separately. The model was built on Epinions data set that includes consumers' opinion, rating for items and the web of trust network. It was used to predict users' rating for items in different facets and root mean squared of prediction error (RMSE) was considered as a measure of performance. Empirical evaluations demonstrated that multi-facet models improve performance of the recommender system.

Gao, Peixin, Miao, Hui, Baras, John S., Golbeck, Jennifer.  2016.  STAR: Semiring Trust Inference for Trust-Aware Social Recommenders. Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. :301–308.

Social recommendation takes advantage of the influence of social relationships in decision making and the ready availability of social data through social networking systems. Trust relationships in particular can be exploited in such systems for rating prediction and recommendation, which has been shown to have the potential for improving the quality of the recommender and alleviating the issue of data sparsity, cold start, and adversarial attacks. An appropriate trust inference mechanism is necessary in extending the knowledge base of trust opinions and tackling the issue of limited trust information due to connection sparsity of social networks. In this work, we offer a new solution to trust inference in social networks to provide a better knowledge base for trust-aware recommender systems. We propose using a semiring framework as a nonlinear way to combine trust evidences for inferring trust, where trust relationship is model as 2-D vector containing both trust and certainty information. The trust propagation and aggregation rules, as the building blocks of our trust inference scheme, are based upon the properties of trust relationships. In our approach, both trust and distrust (i.e., positive and negative trust) are considered, and opinion conflict resolution is supported. We evaluate the proposed approach on real-world datasets, and show that our trust inference framework has high accuracy, and is capable of handling trust relationship in large networks. The inferred trust relationships can enlarge the knowledge base for trust information and improve the quality of trust-aware recommendation.