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Bediya, A. K., Kumar, R..  2020.  Real Time DDoS Intrusion Detection and Monitoring Framework in 6LoWPAN for Internet of Things. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON). :824–828.
The Internet of things is an extremely enormous space and still, IoT is spreading over a wide range of zones of development with very fast speed. The IoT is going to create a new world of efficient services. IoT is a collective system consisting of hardware like sensors, Radio Frequency Identification RFID, Bluetooth devices, Near Field Communication (NFC) devices, etc. and software that provides data queries, exchange, repository and exchanges, etc. Security of the IoT network is also a big and important issue of concern. This paper reviews the DDoS attack impact on IoT network and its mitigation methods for IoT in network, also discusses CoAP protocol, RPL protocol and 6LoWPAN network. This paper also represents the security framework to detect and monitor the DDoS attack for low power devices based IoT network.
Kyaw, A. T., Oo, M. Zin, Khin, C. S..  2020.  Machine-Learning Based DDOS Attack Classifier in Software Defined Network. 2020 17th International Conference on Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ECTI-CON). :431–434.
Due to centralized control and programmable capability of the SDN architecture, network administrators can easily manage and control the whole network through the centralized controller. According to the SDN architecture, the SDN controller is vulnerable to distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks. Thus, a failure of SDN controller is a major leak for security concern. The objectives of paper is therefore to detect the DDOS attacks and classify the normal or attack traffic in SDN network using machine learning algorithms. In this proposed system, polynomial SVM is applied to compare to existing linear SVM by using scapy, which is packet generation tool and RYU SDN controller. According to the experimental result, polynomial SVM achieves 3% better accuracy and 34% lower false alarm rate compared to Linear SVM.
Di, A., Ruisheng, S., Lan, L., Yueming, L..  2019.  On the Large-Scale Traffic DDoS Threat of Space Backbone Network. 2019 IEEE 5th Intl Conference on Big Data Security on Cloud (BigDataSecurity), IEEE Intl Conference on High Performance and Smart Computing, (HPSC) and IEEE Intl Conference on Intelligent Data and Security (IDS). :192—194.

Satellite networks play an important role in realizing the combination of the space networks and ground networks as well as the global coverage of the Internet. However, due to the limitation of bandwidth resource, compared with ground network, space backbone networks are more likely to become victims of DDoS attacks. Therefore, we hypothesize an attack scenario that DDoS attackers make reflection amplification attacks, colluding with terminal devices accessing space backbone network, and exhaust bandwidth resources, resulting in degradation of data transmission and service delivery. Finally, we propose some plain countermeasures to provide solutions for future researchers.

Siddiqui, Abdul Jabbar, Boukerche, Azzedine.  2018.  On the Impact of DDoS Attacks on Software-Defined Internet-of-Vehicles Control Plane. 2018 14th International Wireless Communications Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). :1284—1289.

To enhance the programmability and flexibility of network and service management, the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm is gaining growing attention by academia and industry. Motivated by its success in wired networks, researchers have recently started to embrace SDN towards developing next generation wireless networks such as Software-Defined Internet of Vehicles (SD-IoV). As the SD-IoV evolves, new security threats would emerge and demand attention. And since the core of the SD-IoV would be the control plane, it is highly vulnerable to Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks. In this work, we investigate the impact of DDoS attacks on the controllers in a SD-IoV environment. Through experimental evaluations, we highlight the drastic effects DDoS attacks could have on a SD-IoV in terms of throughput and controller load. Our results could be a starting point to motivate further research in the area of SD-IoV security and would give deeper insights into the problems of DDoS attacks on SD-IoV.

Mendes, Lucas D.P., Aloi, James, Pimenta, Tales C..  2019.  Analysis of IoT Botnet Architectures and Recent Defense Proposals. 2019 31st International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM). :186—189.
The rise in the number of devices joining the Internet of Things (IoT) has created a huge potential for distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, especially due to the lack of security in these computationally limited devices. Malicious actors have realized that and managed to turn large sets of IoT devices into botnets under their control. Given this scenario, this work studies botnet architectures identified so far and assesses how they are considered in the few recent defense proposals that consider botnet architectures.
Baek, Ui-Jun, Ji, Se-Hyun, Park, Jee Tae, Lee, Min-Seob, Park, Jun-Sang, Kim, Myung-Sup.  2019.  DDoS Attack Detection on Bitcoin Ecosystem using Deep-Learning. 2019 20th Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS). :1—4.
Since Bitcoin, the first cryptocurrency that applied blockchain technology was developed by Satoshi Nakamoto, the cryptocurrency market has grown rapidly. Along with this growth, many vulnerabilities and attacks are threatening the Bitcoin ecosystem, which is not only at the bitcoin network-level but also at the service level that applied it, according to the survey. We intend to analyze and detect DDoS attacks on the premise that bitcoin's network-level data and service-level DDoS attacks with bitcoin are associated. We evaluate the results of the experiment according to the proposed metrics, resulting in an association between network-level data and service-level DDoS attacks of bitcoin. In conclusion, we suggest the possibility that the proposed method could be applied to other blockchain systems.
Luo, Wenliang, Han, Wenzhi.  2019.  DDOS Defense Strategy in Software Definition Networks. 2019 International Conference on Computer Network, Electronic and Automation (ICCNEA). :186–190.
With the advent of the network economy and the network society, the network will enter a ubiquitous and omnipresent situation. Economic, cultural, military and social life will strongly depend on the network, while network security issues have become a common concern of all countries in the world. DDOS attack is undoubtedly one of the greatest threats to network security and the defense against DDOS attack is very important. In this paper, the principle of DDOS attack is summarized from the defensive purpose. Then the attack prevention in software definition network is analyzed, and the source, intermediate network, victim and distributed defense strategies are elaborated.
Ahuja, Nisha, Singal, Gaurav.  2019.  DDOS Attack Detection Prevention in SDN using OpenFlow Statistics. 2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC). :147–152.
Software defined Network is a network defined by software, which is one of the important feature which makes the legacy old networks to be flexible for dynamic configuration and so can cater to today's dynamic application requirement. It is a programmable network but it is prone to different type of attacks due to its centralized architecture. The author provided a solution to detect and prevent Distributed Denial of service attack in the paper. Mininet [5] which is a popular emulator for Software defined Network is used. We followed the approach in which collection of the traffic statistics from the various switches is done. After collection we calculated the packet rate and bandwidth which shoots up to high values when attack take place. The abrupt increase detects the attack which is then prevented by changing the forwarding logic of the host nodes to drop the packets instead of forwarding. After this, no more packets will be forwarded and then we also delete the forwarding rule in the flow table. Hence, we are finding out the change in packet rate and bandwidth to detect the attack and to prevent the attack we modify the forwarding logic of the switch flow table to drop the packets coming from malicious host instead of forwarding it.
Kaljic, Enio, Maric, Almir, Njemcevic, Pamela.  2019.  DoS attack mitigation in SDN networks using a deeply programmable packet-switching node based on a hybrid FPGA/CPU data plane architecture. 2019 XXVII International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT). :1–6.
The application of the concept of software-defined networks (SDN) has, on the one hand, led to the simplification and reduction of switches price, and on the other hand, has created a significant number of problems related to the security of the SDN network. In several studies was noted that these problems are related to the lack of flexibility and programmability of the data plane, which is likely first to suffer potential denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. One possible way to overcome this problem is to increase the flexibility of the data plane by increasing the depth of programmability of the packet-switching nodes below the level of flow table management. Therefore, this paper investigates the opportunity of using the architecture of deeply programmable packet-switching nodes (DPPSN) in the implementation of a firewall. Then, an architectural model of the firewall based on a hybrid FPGA/CPU data plane architecture has been proposed and implemented. Realized firewall supports three models of DoS attacks mitigation: DoS traffic filtering on the output interface, DoS traffic filtering on the input interface, and DoS attack redirection to the honeypot. Experimental evaluation of the implemented firewall has shown that DoS traffic filtering at the input interface is the best strategy for DoS attack mitigation, which justified the application of the concept of deep network programmability.
Ahalawat, Anchal, Dash, Shashank Sekhar, Panda, Abinas, Babu, Korra Sathya.  2019.  Entropy Based DDoS Detection and Mitigation in OpenFlow Enabled SDN. 2019 International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (ViTECoN). :1–5.
Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attacks have become most important network security threat as the number of devices are connected to internet increases exponentially and reaching an attack volume approximately very high compared to other attacks. To make the network safe and flexible a new networking infrastructure such as Software Defined Networking (SDN) has come into effect, which relies on centralized controller and decoupling of control and data plane. However due to it's centralized controller it is prone to DDoS attacks, as it makes the decision of forwarding of packets based on rules installed in switch by OpenFlow protocol. Out of all different DDoS attacks, UDP (User Datagram Protocol) flooding constitute the most in recent years. In this paper, we have proposed an entropy based DDoS detection and rate limiting based mitigation for efficient service delivery. We have evaluated using Mininet as emulator and Ryu as controller by taking switch as OpenVswitch and obtained better result in terms of bandwidth utilization and hit ratio which consume network resources to make denial of service.
Giri, Nupur, Jaisinghani, Rahul, Kriplani, Rohit, Ramrakhyani, Tarun, Bhatia, Vinay.  2019.  Distributed Denial Of Service(DDoS) Mitigation in Software Defined Network using Blockchain. 2019 Third International conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC). :673–678.
A DDoS attack is a spiteful attempt to disrupt legitimate traffic to a server by overwhelming the target with a flood of requests from geographically dispersed systems. Today attackers prefer DDoS attack methods to disrupt target services as they generate GBs to TBs of random data to flood the target. In existing mitigation strategies, because of lack of resources and not having the flexibility to cope with attacks by themselves, they are not considered to be that effective. So effective DDoS mitigation techniques can be provided using emerging technologies such as blockchain and SDN(Software-Defined Networking). We propose an architecture where a smart contract is deployed in a private blockchain, which facilitates a collaborative DDoS mitigation architecture across multiple network domains. Blockchain application is used as an additional security service. With Blockchain, shared protection is enabled among all hosts. With help of smart contracts, rules are distributed among all hosts. In addition, SDN can effectively enable services and security policies dynamically. This mechanism provides ASes(Autonomous Systems) the possibility to deploy their own DPS(DDoS Prevention Service) and there is no need to transfer control of the network to the third party. This paper focuses on the challenges of protecting a hybridized enterprise from the ravages of rapidly evolving Distributed Denial of Service(DDoS) attack.
Blazek, Petr, Gerlich, Tomas, Martinasek, Zdenek.  2019.  Scalable DDoS Mitigation System. 2019 42nd International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP). :617–620.
Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) are used by attackers for their effectiveness. This type of attack is one of the most devastating attacks in the Internet. Every year, the intensity of DDoS attacks increases and attackers use sophisticated multi-target DDoS attacks. In this paper, a modular system that allows to increase the filtering capacity linearly and allows to protect against the combination of DDoS attacks is designed and implemented. The main motivation for development of the modular filtering system was to find a cheap solution for filtering DDoS attacks with possibility to increase filtering capacity. The proposed system is based on open-source detection and filtration tools.
Yadav, Sanjay Kumar, Suguna, P, Velusamy, R. Leela.  2019.  Entropy based mitigation of Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack on Control Plane in Software-Defined-Network (SDN). 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–7.
SDN is new networking concept which has revolutionized the network architecture in recent years. It decouples control plane from data plane. Architectural change provides re-programmability and centralized control management of the network. At the same time it also increases the complexity of underlying physical infrastructure of the network. Unfortunately, the centralized control of the network introduces new vulnerabilities and attacks. Attackers can exploit the limitation of centralized control by DDoS attack on control plane. The entire network can be compromised by DDoS attack. Based on packet entropy, a solution for mitigation of DDoS attack provided in the proposed scheme.
Xuanyuan, Ming, Ramsurrun, Visham, Seeam, Amar.  2019.  Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attacks Using Conditional Entropy in Software-defined Networking. 2019 11th International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC). :66–71.
Software-defined networking (SDN) is a relatively new technology that promotes network revolution. The most distinct characteristic of SDN is the transformation of control logic from the basic packet forwarding equipment to a centralized management unit called controller. However, the centralized control of the network resources is like a double-edged sword, for it not only brings beneficial features but also introduces single point of failure if the controller is under distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. In this paper, we introduce a light-weight approach based on conditional entropy to improve the SDN security with an aim of defending DDoS at the early stage. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a high average detection rate of 99.372%.
Daneshgadeh, Salva, Ahmed, Tarem, Kemmerich, Thomas, Baykal, Nazife.  2019.  Detection of DDoS Attacks and Flash Events Using Shannon Entropy, KOAD and Mahalanobis Distance. 2019 22nd Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks and Workshops (ICIN). :222–229.
The growing number of internet based services and applications along with increasing adoption rate of connected wired and wireless devices presents opportunities as well as technical challenges and threads. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have huge devastating effects on internet enabled services. It can be implemented diversely with a variety of tools and codes. Therefore, it is almost impossible to define a single solution to prevent DDoS attacks. The available solutions try to protect internet services from DDoS attacks, but there is no accepted best-practice yet to this security breach. On the other hand, distinguishing DDoS attacks from analogous Flash Events (FEs) wherein huge number of legitimate users try to access a specific internet based services and applications is a tough challenge. Both DDoS attacks and FEs result in unavailability of service, but they should be treated with different countermeasures. Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate novel methods which can detect well disguising DDoS attacks from similar FE traffic. This paper will contribute to this topic by proposing a hybrid DDoS and FE detection scheme; taking 3 isolated approaches including Kernel Online Anomaly Detection (KOAD), Shannon Entropy and Mahalanobis Distance. In this study, Shannon entropy is utilized with an online machine learning technique to detect abnormal traffic including DDoS attacks and FE traffic. Subsequently, the Mahalanobis distance metric is employed to differentiate DDoS and FE traffic. the purposed method is validated using simulated DDoS attacks, real normal and FE traffic. The results revealed that the Mahalanobis distance metric works well in combination with machine learning approach to detect and discriminate DDoS and FE traffic in terms of false alarms and detection rate.
Das, Saikat, Mahfouz, Ahmed M., Venugopal, Deepak, Shiva, Sajjan.  2019.  DDoS Intrusion Detection Through Machine Learning Ensemble. 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C). :471–477.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been the prominent attacks over the last decade. A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) should seamlessly configure to fight against these attackers' new approaches and patterns of DDoS attack. In this paper, we propose a NIDS which can detect existing as well as new types of DDoS attacks. The key feature of our NIDS is that it combines different classifiers using ensemble models, with the idea that each classifier can target specific aspects/types of intrusions, and in doing so provides a more robust defense mechanism against new intrusions. Further, we perform a detailed analysis of DDoS attacks, and based on this domain-knowledge verify the reduced feature set [27, 28] to significantly improve accuracy. We experiment with and analyze NSL-KDD dataset with reduced feature set and our proposed NIDS can detect 99.1% of DDoS attacks successfully. We compare our results with other existing approaches. Our NIDS approach has the learning capability to keep up with new and emerging DDoS attack patterns.
Nenova, Maria, Atanasov, Denis, Kassev, Kiril, Nenov, Andon.  2019.  Intrusion Detection System Model Implementation against DDOS attacks. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Antennas, Communications and Electronic Systems (COMCAS). :1–4.
In the paper is presented implementation of a system for detecting intrusion actions. An implementation of intrusion detection systems (IDS), their architectures, and intrusion detection methods are investigated. Analyzed are methods for SNORT (IDS) bandwidth traffic analysis in intrusion detection and prevention systems. The main requirements for Installation and configuration of the system are also discussed. Then the configuration of the firewall policy and specifics there, are also presented. It is also described the database structure, the operating modes, and analysis of the rules. Two of the most commonly implemented attacks and model for defense against them is proposed.
Ateş, Çağatay, Özdel, Süleyman, Yıldırım, Metehan, Anarım, Emin.  2019.  DDoS Attack Detection Using Greedy Algorithm and Frequency Modulation. 2019 27th Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU). :1–4.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is one of the major threats to the network services. In this paper, we propose a DDoS attack detection algorithm based on the probability distributions of source IP addresses and destination IP addresses. According to the behavior of source and destination IP addresses during DDoS attack, the distance between these features is calculated and used.It is calculated with using the Greedy algorithm which eliminates some requirements associated with Kullback-Leibler divergence such as having the same rank of the probability distributions. Then frequency modulation is proposed in the detection phase to reduce false alarm rates and to avoid using static threshold. This algorithm is tested on the real data collected from Boğaziçi University network.
Sun, Wenwen, Li, Yi, Guan, Shaopeng.  2019.  An Improved Method of DDoS Attack Detection for Controller of SDN. 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering Technology (CCET). :249–253.
For controllers of Software Defined Network (SDN), Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are still the simplest and most effective way to attack. Aiming at this problem, a real-time DDoS detection attack method for SDN controller is proposed. The method first uses the entropy to detect whether the flow is abnormal. After the abnormal warning is issued, the flow entry of the OpenFlow switch is obtained, and the DDoS attack feature in the SDN environment is analyzed to extract important features related to the attack. The BiLSTM-RNN neural network algorithm is used to train the data set, and the BiLSTM model is generated to classify the real-time traffic to realize the DDoS attack detection. Experiments show that, compared with other methods, this method can efficiently implement DDoS attack traffic detection and reduce controller overhead in SDN environment.
van den Berg, Eric, Robertson, Seth.  2019.  Game-Theoretic Planning to Counter DDoS in NEMESIS. MILCOM 2019 - 2019 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM). :1–6.
NEMESIS provides powerful and cost-effective defenses against extreme Distributed Denial of Service (DDos) attacks through a number of network maneuvers. However, selection of which maneuvers to deploy when and with what parameters requires great care to achieve optimal outcomes in the face of overwhelming attack. Analytical wargaming allows game theoretic optimal Courses of Action (COA) to be created real-time during live operations, orders of magnitude faster than packet-level simulation and with equivalent outcomes to even expert human hand-crafted COAs.
Aires Urquiza, Abraão, AlTurki, Musab A., Kanovich, Max, Ban Kirigin, Tajana, Nigam, Vivek, Scedrov, Andre, Talcott, Carolyn.  2019.  Resource-Bounded Intruders in Denial of Service Attacks. 2019 IEEE 32nd Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :382—38214.

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks have been a serious security concern, as no service is, in principle, protected against them. Although a Dolev-Yao intruder with unlimited resources can trivially render any service unavailable, DoS attacks do not necessarily have to be carried out by such (extremely) powerful intruders. It is useful in practice and more challenging for formal protocol verification to determine whether a service is vulnerable even to resource-bounded intruders that cannot generate or intercept arbitrary large volumes of traffic. This paper proposes a novel, more refined intruder model where the intruder can only consume at most some specified amount of resources in any given time window. Additionally, we propose protocol theories that may contain timeouts and specify service resource usage during protocol execution. In contrast to the existing resource-conscious protocol verification models, our model allows finer and more subtle analysis of DoS problems. We illustrate the power of our approach by representing a number of classes of DoS attacks, such as, Slow, Asymmetric and Amplification DoS attacks, exhausting different types of resources of the target, such as, number of workers, processing power, memory, and network bandwidth. We show that the proposed DoS problem is undecidable in general and is PSPACE-complete for the class of resource-bounded, balanced systems. Finally, we implemented our formal verification model in the rewriting logic tool Maude and analyzed a number of DoS attacks in Maude using Rewriting Modulo SMT in an automated fashion.

Saridou, Betty, Shiaeles, Stavros, Papadopoulos, Basil.  2019.  DDoS Attack Mitigation through Root-DNS Server: A Case Study. 2019 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). 2642-939X:60—65.

Load balancing and IP anycast are traffic routing algorithms used to speed up delivery of the Domain Name System. In case of a DDoS attack or an overload condition, the value of these protocols is critical, as they can provide intrinsic DDoS mitigation with the failover alternatives. In this paper, we present a methodology for predicting the next DNS response in the light of a potential redirection to less busy servers, in order to mitigate the size of the attack. Our experiments were conducted using data from the Nov. 2015 attack of the Root DNS servers and Logistic Regression, k-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines and Random Forest as our primary classifiers. The models were able to successfully predict up to 83% of responses for Root Letters that operated on a small number of sites and consequently suffered the most during the attacks. On the other hand, regarding DNS requests coming from more distributed Root servers, the models demonstrated lower accuracy. Our analysis showed a correlation between the True Positive Rate metric and the number of sites, as well as a clear need for intelligent management of traffic in load balancing practices.

Verma, Rajat Singh, Chandavarkar, B. R., Nazareth, Pradeep.  2019.  Mitigation of hard-coded credentials related attacks using QR code and secured web service for IoT. 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT). :1–5.
Hard-coded credentials such as clear text log-in id and password provided by the IoT manufacturers and unsecured ways of remotely accessing IoT devices are the major security concerns of industry and academia. Limited memory, power, and processing capabilities of IoT devices further worsen the situations in improving the security of IoT devices. In such scenarios, a lightweight security algorithm up to some extent can minimize the risk. This paper proposes one such approach using Quick Response (QR) code to mitigate hard-coded credentials related attacks such as Mirai malware, wreak havoc, etc. The QR code based approach provides non-clear text unpredictable login id and password. Further, this paper also proposes a secured way of remotely accessing IoT devices through modified https. The proposed algorithms are implemented and verified using Raspberry Pi 3 model B.
Tuan, Nguyen Ngoc, Hung, Pham Huy, Nghia, Nguyen Danh, Van Tho, Nguyen, Phan, Trung V., Thanh, Nguyen Huu.  2019.  A Robust TCP-SYN Flood Mitigation Scheme Using Machine Learning Based on SDN. 2019 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :363–368.

Keeping Internet users safe from attacks and other threats is one of the biggest security challenges nowadays. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) [1] is one of the most common attacks. DDoS makes the system stop working by resource overload. Software Define Networking (SDN) [2] has recently emerged as a new networking technology offering an unprecedented programmability that allows network operators to dynamically configure and manage their infrastructures. The flexible processing and centralized management of SDN controller allow flexibly deploying complex security algorithms and mitigation methods. In this paper, we propose a new TCP-SYN flood attack mitigation in SDN networks using machine learning. By using a testbed, we implement the proposed algorithms, evaluate their accuracy and address the trade-off between the accuracy and capacity of the security device. The results show that the algorithms can mitigate TCP-SYN Flood attack over 96.

Rahman, Obaid, Quraishi, Mohammad Ali Gauhar, Lung, Chung-Horng.  2019.  DDoS Attacks Detection and Mitigation in SDN Using Machine Learning. 2019 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). 2642-939X:184–189.

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is very popular due to the benefits it provides such as scalability, flexibility, monitoring, and ease of innovation. However, it needs to be properly protected from security threats. One major attack that plagues the SDN network is the distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. There are several approaches to prevent the DDoS attack in an SDN network. We have evaluated a few machine learning techniques, i.e., J48, Random Forest (RF), Support Vector Machine (SVM), and K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN), to detect and block the DDoS attack in an SDN network. The evaluation process involved training and selecting the best model for the proposed network and applying it in a mitigation and prevention script to detect and mitigate attacks. The results showed that J48 performs better than the other evaluated algorithms, especially in terms of training and testing time.