Pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) is a widely used approach to estimate locations and trajectories. Accessing location-based services with trajectory data can bring convenience to people, but may also raise privacy concerns that need to be addressed. In this paper, a privacy-preserving pedestrian dead reckoning framework is proposed to protect a user’s trajectory privacy based on differential privacy. We introduce two metrics to quantify trajectory privacy and data utility. Our proposed privacy-preserving trajectory extraction algorithm consists of three mechanisms for the initial locations, stride lengths and directions. In addition, we design an adversary model based on particle filtering to evaluate the performance and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework with our collected sensor reading dataset.
Security plays a major role in data transmission and reception. Providing high security is indispensable in communication systems. The RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) cryptosystem is used widely in cryptographic applications as it offers highly secured transmission. RSA cryptosystem uses Montgomery multipliers and it involves modular exponentiation process which is attained by performing repeated modular-multiplications. This leads to high latency and owing to improve the speed of multiplier, highly efficient modular multiplication methodology needs to be applied. In the conventional methodology, Carry Save Adder (CSA) is used in the multiplication and it consumes more area and it has larger delay, but in the suggested methodology, the Reverse Carry Propagate (RCP) adder is used in the place of CSA adder and the obtained output shows promising results in terms of area and latency. The simulation is done with Xilinx ISE design suite. The proposed multiplier can be used effectively in signal processing, image processing and security based applications.
Firewall is the first defense line for network security. Packet filtering is a basic function in firewall, which filter network packets according to a series of rules called firewall policy. The design of firewall policy is invariably under the instruction of security policy, which is a generic guideline that lists the needs for network access permissions. The design of firewall policy should observe the regulations of security policy. However, even for IPv4 firewall policy, it is extremely difficult to keep the consistency between security policy and firewall policy. Some consistency decision methods of security policy and IPv4 firewall policy were proposed. However, the address space of IPv6 address is a very large, the existing consistency decision methods can not be directly used to deal with IPv6 firewall policy. To resolve the above problem, in this paper, we use a formal technique to decide the consistency between IPv6 firewall policy and security policy effectively and rapidly. We also developed a prototype model and evaluated the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Binary code search has received much attention recently due to its impactful applications, e.g., plagiarism detection, malware detection and software vulnerability auditing. However, developing an effective binary code search tool is challenging due to the gigantic syntax and structural differences in binaries resulted from different compilers, compiler options and malware family. In this paper, we propose a scalable and accurate binary search engine which performs syntactic matching by combining a set of key techniques to address the challenges above. The key contribution is binary code searching technique which combined function filtering and partial trace method to match the function code relatively quick and accurate. In addition, a simhash and basic information based function filtering is proposed to dramatically reduce the irrelevant target functions. Besides, we introduce a partial trace method for matching the shortlisted function accurately. The experimental results show that our method can find similar functions, even with the presence of program structure distortion, in a scalable manner.
In image forensics, to determine whether the image is impurely transformed, it extracts and examines the features included in the suspicious image. In general, the features extracted for the detection of forgery images are based on numerical values, so it is somewhat unreasonable to use in the CNN structure for image classification. In this paper, the extraction method of a feature vector is using a least-squares solution. Treat a suspicious image like a matrix and its solution to be coefficients as the feature vector. Get two solutions from two images of the original and its median filter residual (MFR). Subsequently, the two features were formed into a visualized pattern and then fed into CNN deep learning to classify the various transformed images. A new structure of the CNN net layer was also designed by hybrid with the inception module and the residual block to classify visualized feature vector patterns. The performance of the proposed image forensics detection (IFD) scheme was measured with the seven transformed types of image: average filtered (window size: 3 × 3), gaussian filtered (window size: 3 × 3), JPEG compressed (quality factor: 90, 70), median filtered (window size: 3 × 3, 5 × 5), and unaltered. The visualized patterns are fed into the image input layer of the designed CNN hybrid model. Throughout the experiment, the accuracy of median filtering detection was 98% over. Also, the area under the curve (AUC) by sensitivity (TP: true positive rate) and 1-specificity (FP: false positive rate) results of the proposed IFD scheme approached to `1' on the designed CNN hybrid model. Experimental results show high efficiency and performance to classify the various transformed images. Therefore, the grade evaluation of the proposed scheme is “Excellent (A)”.
With widely applied in various fields, deep learning (DL) is becoming the key driving force in industry. Although it has achieved great success in artificial intelligence tasks, similar to traditional software, it has defects that, once it failed, unpredictable accidents and losses would be caused. In this paper, we propose a test cases generation technique based on an adversarial samples generation algorithm for image classification deep neural networks (DNNs), which can generate a large number of good test cases for the testing of DNNs, especially in case that test cases are insufficient. We briefly introduce our method, and implement the framework. We conduct experiments on some classic DNN models and datasets. We further evaluate the test set by using a coverage metric based on states of the DNN.
In order to improve the accuracy of similarity, an improved collaborative filtering algorithm based on trust and information entropy is proposed in this paper. Firstly, the direct trust between the users is determined by the user's rating to explore the potential trust relationship of the users. The time decay function is introduced to realize the dynamic portrayal of the user's interest decays over time. Secondly, the direct trust and the indirect trust are combined to obtain the overall trust which is weighted with the Pearson similarity to obtain the trust similarity. Then, the information entropy theory is introduced to calculate the similarity based on weighted information entropy. At last, the trust similarity and the similarity based on weighted information entropy are weighted to obtain the similarity combing trust and information entropy which is used to predicted the rating of the target user and create the recommendation. The simulation shows that the improved algorithm has a higher accuracy of recommendation and can provide more accurate and reliable recommendation service.
In this paper we solve the problem of neural network technology development for e-mail messages classification. We analyze basic methods of spam filtering such as a sender IP-address analysis, spam messages repeats detection and the Bayesian filtering according to words. We offer the neural network technology for solving this problem because the neural networks are universal approximators and effective in addressing the problems of classification. Also, we offer the scheme of this technology for e-mail messages “spam”/“not spam” classification. The creation of effective neural network model of spam filtering is performed within the databases knowledge discovery technology. For this training set is formed, the neural network model is trained, its value and classifying ability are estimated. The experimental studies have shown that a developed artificial neural network model is adequate and it can be effectively used for the e-mail messages classification. Thus, in this paper we have shown the possibility of the effective neural network model use for the e-mail messages filtration and have shown a scheme of artificial neural network model use as a part of the e-mail spam filtering intellectual system.