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Mohammadi, Ali Akbar, Hussain, Rasheed, Oracevic, Alma, Kazmi, Syed Muhammad Ahsan Raza, Hussain, Fatima, Aloqaily, Moayad, Son, Junggab.  2022.  A Novel TCP/IP Header Hijacking Attack on SDN. IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1–2.
Middlebox is primarily used in Software-Defined Network (SDN) to enhance operational performance, policy compliance, and security operations. Therefore, security of the middlebox itself is essential because incorrect use of the middlebox can cause severe cybersecurity problems for SDN. Existing attacks against middleboxes in SDN (for instance, middleboxbypass attack) use methods such as cloned tags from the previous packets to justify that the middlebox has processed the injected packet. Flowcloak as the latest solution to defeat such an attack creates a defence using a tag by computing the hash of certain parts of the packet header. However, the security mechanisms proposed to mitigate these attacks are compromise-able since all parts of the packet header can be imitated, leaving the middleboxes insecure. To demonstrate our claim, we introduce a novel attack against SDN middleboxes by hijacking TCP/IP headers. The attack uses crafted TCP/IP headers to receive the tags and signatures and successfully bypasses the middleboxes.
Mosteiro-Sanchez, Aintzane, Barcelo, Marc, Astorga, Jasone, Urbieta, Aitor.  2021.  Multi-Layered CP-ABE Scheme for Flexible Policy Update in Industry 4.0. 2021 10th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO). :1–4.
Industry 4.0 connectivity requires ensuring end-to-end (E2E) security for industrial data. This requirement is critical when retrieving data from the OT network. Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (CP-ABE) guarantees E2E security by encrypting data according to a policy and generating user keys according to attributes. To use this encryption scheme in manufacturing environments, policies must be updatable. This paper proposes a Multi-Layered Policy Key Encapsulation Method for CP-ABE that allows flexible policy update and revocation without modifying the original CP-ABE scheme.
Abranches, Marcelo, Keller, Eric.  2020.  A Userspace Transport Stack Doesn't Have to Mean Losing Linux Processing. 2020 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). :84—90.
While we cannot question the high performance capabilities of the kernel bypass approach in the network functions world, we recognize that the Linux kernel provides a rich ecosystem with an efficient resource management and an effective resource sharing ability that cannot be ignored. In this work we argue that by mixing kernel-bypass and in kernel processing can benefit applications and network function middleboxes. We leverage a high-performance user space TCP stack and recent additions to the Linux kernel to propose a hybrid approach (kernel-user space) to accelerate SDN/NFV deployments leveraging services of the reliable transport layer (i.e., stateful middleboxes, Layer 7 network functions and applications). Our results show that this approach enables highperformance, high CPU efficiency, and enhanced integration with the kernel ecosystem. We build our solution by extending mTCP which is the basis of some state-of-the-art L4-L7 NFV frameworks. By having more efficient CPU usage, NFV applications can have more CPU cycles available to run the network functions and applications logic. We show that for a CPU intense workload, mTCP/AF\_XDP can have up to 64% more throughput than the previous implementation. We also show that by receiving cooperation from the kernel, mTCP/AF\_XDP enables the creation of protection mechanisms for mTCP. We create a simulated DDoS attack and show that mTCP/AF\_XDP can maintain up to 287% more throughput than the unprotected system during the attack.
Zhou, Eda, Turcotte, Joseph, De Carli, Lorenzo.  2020.  Enabling Security Analysis of IoT Device-to-Cloud Traffic. 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1888—1894.
End-to-end encryption is now ubiquitous on the internet. By securing network communications with TLS, parties can insure that in-transit data remains inaccessible to collection and analysis. In the IoT domain however, end-to-end encryption can paradoxically decrease user privacy, as many IoT devices establish encrypted communications with the manufacturer's cloud backend. The content of these communications remains opaque to the user and in several occasions IoT devices have been discovered to exfiltrate private information (e.g., voice recordings) without user authorization. In this paper, we propose Inspection-Friendly TLS (IF-TLS), an IoT-oriented, TLS-based middleware protocol that preserves the encryption offered by TLS while allowing traffic analysis by middleboxes under the user's control. Differently from related efforts, IF-TLS is designed from the ground up for the IoT world, adding limited complexity on top of TLS and being fully controllable by the residential gateway. At the same time it provides flexibility, enabling the user to offload traffic analysis to either the gateway itself, or cloud-based middleboxes. We implemented a stable, Python-based prototype IF-TLS library; preliminary results show that performance overhead is limited and unlikely to affect quality-of-experience.
Chowdhary, Ankur, Alshamrani, Adel, Huang, Dijiang.  2019.  SUPC: SDN enabled Universal Policy Checking in Cloud Network. 2019 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC). :572–576.

Multi-tenant cloud networks have various security and monitoring service functions (SFs) that constitute a service function chain (SFC) between two endpoints. SF rule ordering overlaps and policy conflicts can cause increased latency, service disruption and security breaches in cloud networks. Software Defined Network (SDN) based Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has emerged as a solution that allows dynamic SFC composition and traffic steering in a cloud network. We propose an SDN enabled Universal Policy Checking (SUPC) framework, to provide 1) Flow Composition and Ordering by translating various SF rules into the OpenFlow format. This ensures elimination of redundant rules and policy compliance in SFC. 2) Flow conflict analysis to identify conflicts in header space and actions between various SF rules. Our results show a significant reduction in SF rules on composition. Additionally, our conflict checking mechanism was able to identify several rule conflicts that pose security, efficiency, and service availability issues in the cloud network.

Go, Sharleen Joy Y., Guinto, Richard, Festin, Cedric Angelo M., Austria, Isabel, Ocampo, Roel, Tan, Wilson M..  2019.  An SDN/NFV-Enabled Architecture for Detecting Personally Identifiable Information Leaks on Network Traffic. 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN). :306—311.

The widespread adoption of social networking and cloud computing has transformed today's Internet to a trove of personal information. As a consequence, data breaches are expected to increase in gravity and occurrence. To counteract unintended data disclosure, a great deal of effort has been dedicated in devising methods for uncovering privacy leaks. Existing solutions, however, have not addressed the time- and data-intensive nature of leak detection. The shift from hardware-specific implementation to software-based solutions is the core idea behind the concept of Network Function Virtualization (NFV). On the other hand, the Software Defined Networking (SDN) paradigm is characterized by the decoupling of the forwarding and control planes. In this paper, an SDN/NFV-enabled architecture is proposed for improving the efficiency of leak detection systems. Employing a previously developed identification strategy, Personally Identifiable Information detector (PIID) and load balancer VNFs are packaged and deployed in OpenStack through an NFV MANO. Meanwhile, SDN controllers permit the load balancer to dynamically redistribute traffic among the PIID instances. In a physical testbed, tests are conducted to evaluate the proposed architecture. Experimental results indicate that the proportions of forwarding and parsing on total overhead is influenced by the traffic intensity. Furthermore, an NFV-enabled system with scalability features was found to outperform a non-virtualized implementation in terms of latency (85.1%), packet loss (98.3%) and throughput (8.41%).

Schnepf, N., Badonnel, R., Lahmadi, A., Merz, S..  2017.  Automated Verification of Security Chains in Software-Defined Networks with Synaptic. 2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). :1–9.

Software-defined networks provide new facilities for deploying security mechanisms dynamically. In particular, it is possible to build and adjust security chains to protect the infrastructures, by combining different security functions, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and services for preventing data leakage. It is important to ensure that these security chains, in view of their complexity and dynamics, are consistent and do not include security violations. We propose in this paper an automated strategy for supporting the verification of security chains in software-defined networks. It relies on an architecture integrating formal verification methods for checking both the control and data planes of these chains, before their deployment. We describe algorithms for translating specifications of security chains into formal models that can then be verified by SMT1 solving or model checking. Our solution is prototyped as a package, named Synaptic, built as an extension of the Frenetic family of SDN programming languages. The performances of our approach are evaluated through extensive experimentations based on the CVC4, veriT, and nuXmv checkers.

Schnepf, N., Badonnel, R., Lahmadi, A., Merz, S..  2017.  Automated Verification of Security Chains in Software-Defined Networks with Synaptic. 2017 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft). :1–9.
Software-defined networks provide new facilities for deploying security mechanisms dynamically. In particular, it is possible to build and adjust security chains to protect the infrastructures, by combining different security functions, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems and services for preventing data leakage. It is important to ensure that these security chains, in view of their complexity and dynamics, are consistent and do not include security violations. We propose in this paper an automated strategy for supporting the verification of security chains in software-defined networks. It relies on an architecture integrating formal verification methods for checking both the control and data planes of these chains, before their deployment. We describe algorithms for translating specifications of security chains into formal models that can then be verified by SMT1 solving or model checking. Our solution is prototyped as a package, named Synaptic, built as an extension of the Frenetic family of SDN programming languages. The performances of our approach are evaluated through extensive experimentations based on the CVC4, veriT, and nuXmv checkers.
Hong, H., Choi, H., Kim, D., Kim, H., Hong, B., Noh, J., Kim, Y..  2017.  When Cellular Networks Met IPv6: Security Problems of Middleboxes in IPv6 Cellular Networks. 2017 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :595–609.

Recently, cellular operators have started migrating to IPv6 in response to the increasing demand for IP addresses. With the introduction of IPv6, cellular middleboxes, such as firewalls for preventing malicious traffic from the Internet and stateful NAT64 boxes for providing backward compatibility with legacy IPv4 services, have become crucial to maintain stability of cellular networks. This paper presents security problems of the currently deployed IPv6 middleboxes of five major operators. To this end, we first investigate several key features of the current IPv6 deployment that can harm the safety of a cellular network as well as its customers. These features combined with the currently deployed IPv6 middlebox allow an adversary to launch six different attacks. First, firewalls in IPv6 cellular networks fail to block incoming packets properly. Thus, an adversary could fingerprint cellular devices with scanning, and further, she could launch denial-of-service or over-billing attacks. Second, vulnerabilities in the stateful NAT64 box, a middlebox that maps an IPv6 address to an IPv4 address (and vice versa), allow an adversary to launch three different attacks: 1) NAT overflow attack that allows an adversary to overflow the NAT resources, 2) NAT wiping attack that removes active NAT mappings by exploiting the lack of TCP sequence number verification of firewalls, and 3) NAT bricking attack that targets services adopting IP-based blacklisting by preventing the shared external IPv4 address from accessing the service. We confirmed the feasibility of these attacks with an empirical analysis. We also propose effective countermeasures for each attack.

Sevilla, S., Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. J., Sadjadpour, H..  2017.  GroupSec: A new security model for the web. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
The de facto approach to Web security today is HTTPS. While HTTPS ensures complete security for clients and servers, it also interferes with transparent content-caching at middleboxes. To address this problem and support both security and caching, we propose a new approach to Web security and privacy called GroupSec. The key innovation of GroupSec is that it replaces the traditional session-based security model with a new model based on content group membership. We introduce the GroupSec security model and show how HTTP can be easily adapted to support GroupSec without requiring changes to browsers, servers, or middleboxes. Finally, we present results of a threat analysis and performance experiments which show that GroupSec achieves notable performance benefits at the client and server while remaining as secure as HTTPS.