Security is the most important issue which needs to be given utmost importance and as both `Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have similar system models, their security issues are also similar. This study deals in analysing the various lapses in security and the characteristics of various routing protocol's functionality and structure. This paper presents the implementation of ECC algorithm in the prevention of Denial of Service (DoS) attack through fictitious node. Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) protocol is a MANET routing protocol and is evaluated mainly for two things. Primarily OLSR is less secure like AODV and others. The reason for it being less secure is that it is a table-driven in nature and uses a methodology called selective flooding technique, where redundancy is reduced and thus the security possibilities of the protocol is reduced. Another reason for selecting OLSR is that is an highly effective routing protocol for MANET. A brief information about formal routing is provided by the proposed methodology termed Denial Contradictions with Fictitious Node Mechanism (DCFM) which provides brief information about formal routing. Here, fictitious node acts as a virtual node and large networks are managed from attacks. More than 95% of attacks are prevented by this proposed methodology and the solution is applicable all the other DoS attacks of MANET.
Secure routing over VANET is a major issue due to its high mobility environment. Due to dynamic topology, routes are frequently updated and also suffers from link breaks due to the obstacles i.e. buildings, tunnels and bridges etc. Frequent link breaks can cause packet drop and thus result in degradation of network performance. In case of VANETs, it becomes very difficult to identify the reason of the packet drop as it can also occur due to the presence of a security threat. VANET is a type of wireless adhoc network and suffer from common attacks which exist for mobile adhoc network (MANET) i.e. Denial of Services (DoS), Black hole, Gray hole and Sybil attack etc. Researchers have already developed various security mechanisms for secure routing over MANET but these solutions are not fully compatible with unique attributes of VANET i.e. vehicles can communicate with each other (V2V) as well as communication can be initiated with infrastructure based network (V2I). In order to secure the routing for both types of communication, there is need to develop a solution. In this paper, a method for secure routing is introduced which can identify as well as eliminate the existing security threat.
In this paper, cyber physical system is analyzed from security perspective. A double closed-loop security control structure and algorithm with defense functions is proposed. From this structure, the features of several cyber attacks are considered respectively. By this structure, the models of information disclosure, denial-of-service (DoS) and Man-in-the-Middle Attack (MITM) are proposed. According to each kind attack, different models are obtained and analyzed, then reduce to the unified models. Based on this, system security conditions are obtained, and a defense scenario with detail algorithm is design to illustrate the implementation of this program.
Smart city is gaining a significant attention all around the world. Narrowband technologies would have strong impact on achieving the smart city promises to its citizens with its powerful and efficient spectrum. The expected diversity of applications, different data structures and high volume of connecting devices for smart cities increase the persistent need to apply narrowband technologies. However, narrowband technologies have recognized limitations regarding security which make them an attractive target to cyber-attacks. In this paper, a novel platform architecture to secure smart city against cyber attackers is presented. The framework is providing a threat deep learning-based model to detect attackers based on users data behavior. The proposed architecture could be considered as an attempt toward developing a universal model to identify and block Denial of Service (DoS) attackers in a real time for smart city applications.
This paper presents a wireless intrusion prevention tool for distributed denial of service attacks DDoS. This tool, called Wireless Distributed IPS WIDIP, uses a different collection of data to identify attackers from inside a private network. WIDIP blocks attackers and also propagates its information to other wireless routers that run the IPS. This communication behavior provides higher fault tolerance and stops attacks from different network endpoints. WIDIP also block network attackers at its first hop and thus reduce the malicious traffic near its source. Comparative tests of WIDIP with other two tools demonstrated that our tool reduce the delay of target response after attacks in application servers by 11%. In addition to reducing response time, WIDIP comparatively reduces the number of control messages on the network when compared to IREMAC.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging architecture that seeks to interconnect all of the "things" we use on a daily basis. Whereas the Internet originated as a way to connect traditional computing devices in order to share information, IoT includes everything from automobiles to appliances to buildings. As networks and devices become more diverse and disparate in their communication methods and interfaces, traditional host-to host technologies such as Internet Protocol (IP) are challenged to provide the level of data exchange and security needed to operate in this new network paradigm. Named Data Networking (NDN) is a developing Internet architecture that can help implement the IoT paradigm in a more efficient and secure manner. This paper introduces the NDN architecture in comparison to the traditional IP-based architecture and discusses several security concepts pertaining to NDN that make this a powerful technology for implementing the Internet of Things.
Denial of service (DoS) attack is a great threaten to privacy-preserving authentication protocols for low-cost devices such as RFID. During such attack, the legal internal states can be consumed by the DoS attack. Then the attacker can observe the behavior of the attacked tag in authentication to break privacy. Due to the inadequate energy and computing power, the low cost devices can hardly defend against the DoS attacks. In this paper, we propose a new insight of the DoS attack on tags and leverage the attacking behavior as a new source of power harvesting. In this way, a low-cost device such as a tag grows more and more powerful under DoS attack. Finally, it can defend against the DoS attack. We further propose a protocol that enables DoS-defending constant-time privacy-preserving authentication.
Flooding attacks are well-known security threats that can lead to a denial of service (DoS) in computer networks. These attacks consist of an excessive traffic generation, by which an attacker aim to disrupt or interrupt some services in the network. The impact of flooding attacks is not just about some nodes, it can be also the whole network. Many routing protocols are vulnerable to these attacks, especially those using reactive mechanism of route discovery, like AODV. In this paper, we propose a statistical approach to defense against RREQ flooding attacks in MANETs. Our detection mechanism can be applied on AODV-based ad hoc networks. Simulation results prove that these attacks can be detected with a low rate of false alerts.
Attacks on airport information network services in the form of Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed DoS (DDoS), and hijacking are the most effective schemes mostly explored by cyber terrorists in the aviation industry running Mission Critical Services (MCSs). This work presents a case for Airport Information Resource Management Systems (AIRMS) which is a cloud based platform proposed for the Nigerian aviation industry. Granting that AIRMS is susceptible to DoS attacks, there is need to develop a robust counter security network model aimed at pre-empting such attacks and subsequently mitigating the vulnerability in such networks. Existing works in literature regarding cyber security DoS and other schemes have not explored embedded Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI) based on OpenFlow Application Centric Infrastructure (OACI) for securing critical network assets. As such, SPI-OACI was proposed to address the challenge of Vulnerability Bandwidth Depletion DDoS Attacks (VBDDA). A characterization of the Cisco 9000 router firewall as an embedded network device with support for Virtual DDoS protection was carried out in the AIRMS threat mitigation design. Afterwards, the mitigation procedure and the initial phase of the design with Riverbed modeler software were realized. For the security Quality of Service (QoS) profiling, the system response metrics (i.e. SPI-OACI delay, throughput and utilization) in cloud based network were analyzed only for normal traffic flows. The work concludes by offering practical suggestion for securing similar enterprise management systems running on cloud infrastructure against cyber terrorists.
Cultivation of Smart Grid refurbish with brisk and ingenious. The delinquent breed and sow mutilate in massive. This state of affair coerces security as a sapling which incessantly is to be irrigated with Research and Analysis. The Cyber Security is endowed with resiliency to the SYN flooding induced Denial of Service attack in this work. The proposed secure web server algorithm embedded in the LPC1768 processor ensures the smart resources to be precluded from the attack.
Tor is a popular low-latency anonymous communication system. However, it is currently abused in various ways. Tor exit routers are frequently troubled by administrative and legal complaints. To gain an insight into such abuse, we design and implement a novel system, TorWard, for the discovery and systematic study of malicious traffic over Tor. The system can avoid legal and administrative complaints and allows the investigation to be performed in a sensitive environment such as a university campus. An IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is used to discover and classify malicious traffic. We performed comprehensive analysis and extensive real-world experiments to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of TorWard. Our data shows that around 10% Tor traffic can trigger IDS alerts. Malicious traffic includes P2P traffic, malware traffic (e.g., botnet traffic), DoS (Denial-of-Service) attack traffic, spam, and others. Around 200 known malware have been identified. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to perform malicious traffic categorization over Tor.
Electrical Distribution Networks face new challenges by the Smart Grid deployment. The required metering infrastructures add new vulnerabilities that need to be taken into account in order to achieve Smart Grid functionalities without considerable reliability trade-off. In this paper, a qualitative assessment of the cyber attack impact on the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is initially attempted. Attack simulations have been conducted on a realistic Grid topology. The simulated network consisted of Smart Meters, routers and utility servers. Finally, the impact of Denial-of-Service and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DoS/DDoS) attacks on distribution system reliability is discussed through a qualitative analysis of reliability indices.
Future wireless communications are made up of different wireless technologies. In such a scenario, cognitive and cooperative principles create a promising framework for the interaction of these systems. The opportunistic behavior of cognitive radio (CR) provides an efficient use of radio spectrum and makes wireless network setup easier. However more and more frequently, CR features are exploited by malicious attacks, e.g., denial-of-service (DoS). This paper introduces active radio frequency fingerprinting (RFF) with double application scenario. CRs could encapsulate common-control-channel (CCC) information in an existing channel using active RFF and avoiding any additional or dedicated link. On the other hand, a node inside a network could use the same technique to exchange a public key during the setup of secure communication. Results indicate how the active RFF aims to a valuable technique for cognitive radio manager (CRM) framework facilitating data exchange between CRs without any dedicated channel or additional radio resource.
Electrical Distribution Networks face new challenges by the Smart Grid deployment. The required metering infrastructures add new vulnerabilities that need to be taken into account in order to achieve Smart Grid functionalities without considerable reliability trade-off. In this paper, a qualitative assessment of the cyber attack impact on the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) is initially attempted. Attack simulations have been conducted on a realistic Grid topology. The simulated network consisted of Smart Meters, routers and utility servers. Finally, the impact of Denial-of-Service and Distributed Denial-of-Service (DoS/DDoS) attacks on distribution system reliability is discussed through a qualitative analysis of reliability indices.
The Internet is vulnerable to bandwidth distributed denial-of-service (BW-DDoS) attacks, wherein many hosts send a huge number of packets to cause congestion and disrupt legitimate traffic. So far, BW-DDoS attacks have employed relatively crude, inefficient, brute force mechanisms; future attacks might be significantly more effective and harmful. To meet the increasing threats, we must deploy more advanced defenses.