This research proposes an inspection on Trust Based Routing protocols to protect Internet of Things directing to authorize dependability and privacy amid to direction-finding procedure in inaccessible systems. There are number of Internet of Things (IOT) gadgets are interrelated all inclusive, the main issue is the means by which to protect the routing of information in the important systems from different types of stabbings. Clients won't feel secure on the off chance that they know their private evidence could without much of a stretch be gotten to and traded off by unapproved people or machines over the system. Trust is an imperative part of Internet of Things (IOT). It empowers elements to adapt to vulnerability and roughness caused by the through and through freedom of other devices. In Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) host moves frequently in any bearing, so that the topology of the network also changes frequently. No specific algorithm is used for routing the packets. Packets/data must be routed by intermediate nodes. It is procumbent to different occurrences ease. There are various approaches to compute trust for a node such as fuzzy trust approach, trust administration approach, hybrid approach, etc. Adaptive Information Dissemination (AID) is a mechanism which ensures the packets in a specific transmission and it analysis of is there any attacks by hackers.It encompasses of ensuring the packet count and route detection between source and destination with trusted path.Trust estimation dependent on the specific condition or setting of a hub, by sharing the setting information onto alternate hubs in the framework would give a superior answer for this issue.Here we present a survey on various trust organization approaches in MANETs. We bring out instantaneous of these approaches for establishing trust of the partaking hubs in a dynamic and unverifiable MANET atmosphere.
With the unprecedented prevalence of mobile network applications, cryptographic protocols, such as the Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security (SSL/TLS), are widely used in mobile network applications for communication security. The proven methods for encrypted video stream classification or encrypted protocol detection are unsuitable for the SSL/TLS traffic. Consequently, application-level traffic classification based networking and security services are facing severe challenges in effectiveness. Existing encrypted traffic classification methods exhibit unsatisfying accuracy for applications with similar state characteristics. In this paper, we propose a multiple-attribute-based encrypted traffic classification system named Multi-Attribute Associated Fingerprints (MAAF). We develop MAAF based on the two key insights that the DNS traces generated during the application runtime contain classification guidance information and that the handshake certificates in the encrypted flows can provide classification clues. Apart from the exploitation of key insights, MAAF employs the context of the encrypted traffic to overcome the attribute-lacking problem during the classification. Our experimental results demonstrate that MAAF achieves 98.69% accuracy on the real-world traceset that consists of 16 applications, supports the early prediction, and is robust to the scale of the training traceset. Besides, MAAF is superior to the state-of-the-art methods in terms of both accuracy and robustness.
In mobile wireless sensor networks (MWSN), data imprecision is a common problem. Decision making in real time applications may be greatly affected by a minor error. Even though there are many existing techniques that take advantage of the spatio-temporal characteristics exhibited in mobile environments, few measure the trustworthiness of sensor data accuracy. We propose a unique online context-aware data cleaning method that measures trustworthiness by employing an initial candidate reduction through the analysis of trust parameters used in financial markets theory. Sensors with similar trajectory behaviors are assigned trust scores estimated through the calculation of “betas” for finding the most accurate data to trust. Instead of devoting all the trust into a single candidate sensor's data to perform the cleaning, a Diversified Trust Portfolio (DTP) is generated based on the selected set of spatially autocorrelated candidate sensors. Our results show that samples cleaned by the proposed method exhibit lower percent error when compared to two well-known and effective data cleaning algorithms in tested outdoor and indoor scenarios.
With the rapid proliferation of mobile users, the spectrum scarcity has become one of the issues that have to be addressed. Cognitive Radio technology addresses this problem by allowing an opportunistic use of the spectrum bands. In cognitive radio networks, unlicensed users can use licensed channels without causing harmful interference to licensed users. However, cognitive radio networks can be subject to different security threats which can cause severe performance degradation. One of the main attacks on these networks is the primary user emulation in which a malicious node emulates the characteristics of the primary user signals. In this paper, we propose a detection technique of this attack based on the RSS-based localization with the maximum likelihood estimation. The simulation results show that the proposed technique outperforms the RSS-based localization method in detecting the primary user emulation attacker.
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is pretty vulnerable to attacks because of its broad distribution and open nodes. Hence, an effective Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is vital in MANET to deter unwanted malicious attacks. An IDS has been proposed in this paper based on watchdog and pathrater method as well as evaluation of its performance has been presented using Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) and Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocols with and without considering the effect of the sinkhole attack. The results obtained justify that the proposed IDS is capable of detecting suspicious activities and identifying the malicious nodes. Moreover, it replaces the fake route with a real one in the routing table in order to mitigate the security risks. The performance appraisal also suggests that the AODV protocol has a capacity of sending more packets than DSR and yields more throughput.
With the pervasiveness of the Internet of Things (IoT) and the rapid progress of wireless communications, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) have attracted significant interest from the research community in recent years. As a promising networking paradigm, it is adopted to improve the healthcare services and create a highly reliable ubiquitous healthcare system. However, the flourish of WBANs still faces many challenges related to security and privacy preserving. In such pervasive environment where the context conditions dynamically and frequently change, context-aware solutions are needed to satisfy the users' changing needs. Therefore, it is essential to design an adaptive access control scheme that can simultaneously authorize and authenticate users while considering the dynamic context changes. In this paper, we propose a context-aware access control and anonymous authentication approach based on a secure and efficient Hybrid Certificateless Signcryption (H-CLSC) scheme. The proposed scheme combines the merits of Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-Based Signcryption (CP-ABSC) and Identity-Based Broadcast Signcryption (IBBSC) in order to satisfy the security requirements and provide an adaptive contextual privacy. From a security perspective, it achieves confidentiality, integrity, anonymity, context-aware privacy, public verifiability, and ciphertext authenticity. Moreover, the key escrow and public key certificate problems are solved through this mechanism. Performance analysis demonstrates the efficiency and the effectiveness of the proposed scheme compared to benchmark schemes in terms of functional security, storage, communication and computational cost.
NEtwork MObility (NEMO) has gained recently a lot of attention from a number of standardization and researches committees. Although NEMO-Basic Support Protocol (NEMO-BSP) seems to be suitable in the context of the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), it has several shortcomings, such as packets loss and lack of security, since it is a host-based mobility scheme. Therefore, in order to improve handoff performance and solve these limitations, schemes adapting Proxy MIPv6 for NEMO have been appeared. But the majorities did not deal with the case of the handover of the Visiting Mobile Nodes (VMN) located below the Mobile Router (MR). Thus, this paper proposes a Visiting Mobile Node Authentication Protocol for Proxy MIPv6-Based NEtwork MObility which ensures strong authentication between entities. To evaluate the security performance of our proposition, we have used the AVISPA/SPAN software which guarantees that our proposed protocol is a safe scheme.
Successful deployment of Low power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) requires self-organising, self-configuring, security, and mobility support. However, these characteristics can be exploited to perform security attacks against the Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL). In this paper, we address the lack of strong identity and security mechanisms in RPL. We first demonstrate by simulation the impact of Sybil-Mobile attack, namely SybM, on RPL with respect to control overhead, packet delivery and energy consumption. Then, we introduce a new Intrusion Detection System (IDS) scheme for RPL, named Trust-based IDS (T-IDS). T-IDS is a distributed, cooperative and hierarchical trust-based IDS, which can detect novel intrusions by comparing network behavior deviations. In T-IDS, each node is considered as monitoring node and collaborates with his peers to detect intrusions and report them to a 6LoWPAN Border Router (6BR). In our solution, we introduced a new timer and minor extensions to RPL messages format to deal with mobility, identity and multicast issues. In addition, each node is equipped with a Trusted Platform Module co-processor to handle identification and off-load security related computation and storage.
Mobility and multihoming have become the norm in Internet access, e.g. smartphones with Wi-Fi and LTE, and connected vehicles with LTE and DSRC links that change rapidly. Mobility creates challenges for active session continuity when provider-aggregatable locators are used, while multihoming brings opportunities for improving resiliency and allocative efficiency. This paper proposes a novel migration protocol, in the context of the eXpressive Internet Architecture (XIA), the XIA Migration Protocol. We compare it with Mobile IPv6, with respect to handoff latency and overhead, flow migration support, and defense against spoofing and replay of protocol messages. Handoff latencies of the XIA Migration Protocol and Mobile IPv6 Enhanced Route Optimization are comparable and neither protocol opens up avenues for spoofing or replay attacks. However, XIA requires no mobility anchor point to support client mobility while Mobile IPv6 always depends on a home agent. We show that XIA has significant advantage over IPv6 for multihomed hosts and networks in terms of resiliency, scalability, load balancing and allocative efficiency. IPv6 multihoming solutions either forgo scalability (BGP-based) or sacrifice resiliency (NAT-based), while XIA's fallback-based multihoming provides fault tolerance without a heavy-weight protocol. XIA also allows fine-grained incoming load-balancing and QoS-matching by supporting flow migration. Flow migration is not possible using Mobile IPv6 when a single IPv6 address is associated with multiple flows. From a protocol design and architectural perspective, the key enablers of these benefits are flow-level migration, XIA's DAG-based locators and self-certifying identifiers.
Public Key Regime (PKR) was proposed as an alternative to certificate based PKI in securing Vehicular Networks (VNs). It eliminates the need for vehicles to append their certificate for verification because the Road Side Units (RSUs) serve as Delegated Trusted Authorities (DTAs) to issue up-to-date public keys to vehicles for communications. If a vehicle's private/public key needs to be revoked, the root TA performs real time updates and disseminates the changes to these RSUs in the network. Therefore, PKR does not need to maintain a huge Certificate Revocation List (CRL), avoids complex certificate verification process and minimizes the high latency. However, the PKR scheme is vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) and collusion attacks. In this paper, we study these attacks and propose a pre-authentication mechanism to secure the PKR scheme. Our new scheme is called the Secure Public Key Regime (SPKR). It is based on the Schnorr signature scheme that requires vehicles to expend some amount of CPU resources before RSUs issue the requested public keys to them. This helps to alleviate the risk of DoS attacks. Furthermore, our scheme is secure against collusion attacks. Through numerical analysis, we show that SPKR has a lower authentication delay compared with the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature (ECDSA) scheme and other ECDSA based counterparts.
To establish a secure connection between a mobile user and a remote server, this paper presents a session key agreement scheme through remote mutual authentication protocol by using mobile application software(MAS). We analyzed the security of our protocol informally, which confirms that the protocol is secure against all the relevant security attacks including off-line identity-password guessing attacks, user-server impersonation attacks, and insider attack. In addition, the widely accepted simulator tool AVISPA simulates the proposed protocol and confirms that the protocol is SAFE under the OFMC and CL-AtSe back-ends. Our protocol not only provide strong security against the relevant attacks, but it also achieves proper mutual authentication, user anonymity, known key secrecy and efficient password change operation. The performance comparison is also performed, which ensures that the protocol is efficient in terms of computation and communication costs.
Steganography is a method of hiding information, whereas the goal of cryptography is to make data unreadable. Both of these methodologies have their own advantages and disadvantages. Encrypted messages are easily detectable. If someone is spying on communication channel for encrypted message, he/she can easily identify the encrypted messages. Encryption may draw unnecessary attention to the transferred messages. This may lead to cryptanalysis of the encrypted message if the spy tries to know the message. If the encryption technique is not strong enough, the message may be deciphered. In contrast, Steganography tries to hide the data from third party by smartly embedding the data to some other file which is not at all related to the message. Here care is to be taken to minimize the modification of the container file in the process of embedding data. But the disadvantage of steganography is that it is not as secure as cryptography. In the present method the authors have introduced three-step security. Firstly the secret message is encrypted using bit level columnar transposition method introduced by Nath et al and after that the encrypted message is embedded in some image file along with its size. Finally the modified image is encoded into a QR Code TM. The entire method has also been implemented for the Android mobile environment. This method may be used to transfer confidential message through Android mobile phone.
In this paper, we propose SAFE (Security Aware FlexRay scheduling Engine), to provide a problem definition and a design framework for FlexRay static segment schedule to address the new challenge on security. From a high level specification of the application, the architecture and communication middleware are synthesized to satisfy security requirements, in addition to extensibility, costs, and end-to-end latencies. The proposed design process is applied to two industrial case studies consisting of a set of active safety functions and an X-by-wire system respectively.
The delay-tolerant-network (DTN) model is becoming a viable communication alternative to the traditional infrastructural model for modern mobile consumer electronics equipped with short-range communication technologies such as Bluetooth, NFC, and Wi-Fi Direct. Proximity malware is a class of malware that exploits the opportunistic contacts and distributed nature of DTNs for propagation. Behavioral characterization of malware is an effective alternative to pattern matching in detecting malware, especially when dealing with polymorphic or obfuscated malware. In this paper, we first propose a general behavioral characterization of proximity malware which based on naive Bayesian model, which has been successfully applied in non-DTN settings such as filtering email spams and detecting botnets. We identify two unique challenges for extending Bayesian malware detection to DTNs ("insufficient evidence versus evidence collection risk" and "filtering false evidence sequentially and distributedly"), and propose a simple yet effective method, look ahead, to address the challenges. Furthermore, we propose two extensions to look ahead, dogmatic filtering, and adaptive look ahead, to address the challenge of "malicious nodes sharing false evidence." Real mobile network traces are used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.
User authentication is an important security mechanism that allows mobile users to be granted access to roaming service offered by the foreign agent with assistance of the home agent in mobile networks. While security-related issues have been well studied, how to preserve user privacy in this type of protocols still remains an open problem. In this paper, we revisit the privacy-preserving two-factor authentication scheme presented by Li et al. at WCNC 2013. We show that, despite being armed with a formal security proof, this scheme actually cannot achieve the claimed feature of user anonymity and is insecure against offline password guessing attacks, and thus, it is not recommended for practical applications. Then, we figure out how to fix these identified drawbacks, and suggest an enhanced scheme with better security and reasonable efficiency. Further, we conjecture that under the non-tamper-resistant assumption of the smart cards, only symmetric-key techniques are intrinsically insufficient to attain user anonymity.
The popularity of mobile devices and the enormous number of third party mobile applications in the market have naturally lead to several vulnerabilities being identified and abused. This is coupled with the immaturity of intrusion detection system (IDS) technology targeting mobile devices. In this paper we propose a modular host-based IDS framework for mobile devices that uses behavior analysis to profile applications on the Android platform. Anomaly detection can then be used to categorize malicious behavior and alert users. The proposed system accommodates different detection algorithms, and is being tested at a major telecom operator in North America. This paper highlights the architecture, findings, and lessons learned.