The mechanism of Fog computing is a distributed infrastructure to provide the computations as same as cloud computing. The fog computing environment provides the storage and processing of data in a distributed manner based on the locality. Fog servicing is better than cloud service for working with smart devices and users in a same locale. However the fog computing will inherit the features of the cloud, it also suffers from many security issues as cloud. One such security issue is authentication with efficient key management between the communicating entities. In this paper, we propose a secured two-way authentication scheme with efficient management of keys between the user mobile device and smart devices under the control of the fog server. We made use of operations such as one-way hash (SHA-512) functions, bitwise XOR, and fuzzy extractor function to make the authentication system to be better. We have verified the proposed scheme for its security effectiveness by using a well-used analysis tool ProVerif. We also proved that it can resist multiple attacks and the security overhead is reduced in terms of computation and communication cost as compared to the existing methods.
Cloud security includes the strategies which works together to guard data and infrastructure with a set of policies, procedures, controls and technologies. These security events are arranged to protect cloud data, support supervisory obedience and protect customers' privacy as well as setting endorsement rules for individual users and devices. The partition-based handling and encryption mechanism which provide fine-grained admittance control and protected data sharing to the data users in cloud computing. Graph partition problems fall under the category of NP-hard problems. Resolutions to these problems are generally imitative using heuristics and approximation algorithms. Partition problems strategy is used in bi-criteria approximation or resource augmentation approaches with a common extension of hyper graphs, which can address the storage hierarchy.
In cyberspace, a digital signature is a mathematical technique that plays a significant role, especially in validating the authenticity of digital messages, emails, or documents. Furthermore, the digital signature mechanism allows the recipient to trust the authenticity of the received message that is coming from the said sender and that the message was not altered in transit. Moreover, a digital signature provides a solution to the problems of tampering and impersonation in digital communications. In a real-life example, it is equivalent to a handwritten signature or stamp seal, but it offers more security. This paper proposes a scheme to enable users to digitally sign their communications by validating their identity through users’ mobile devices. This is done by utilizing the user’s ambient Wi-Fi-enabled devices. Moreover, the proposed scheme depends on something that a user possesses (i.e., Wi-Fi-enabled devices), and something that is in the user’s environment (i.e., ambient Wi-Fi access points) where the validation process is implemented, in a way that requires no effort from users and removes the "weak link" from the validation process. The proposed scheme was experimentally examined.