Wu, Yuhao, Wang, Yujie, Zhai, Shixuan, Li, Zihan, Li, Ao, Wang, Jinwen, Zhang, Ning.
Work-in-Progress: Measuring Security Protection in Real-time Embedded Firmware. 2022 IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS). :495–498.
The proliferation of real-time cyber-physical systems (CPS) is making profound changes to our daily life. Many real-time CPSs are security and safety-critical because of their continuous interactions with the physical world. While the general perception is that the security protection mechanism deployment is often absent in real-time embedded systems, there is no existing empirical study that measures the adoption of these mechanisms in the ecosystem. To bridge this gap, we conduct a measurement study for real-time embedded firmware from both a security perspective and a real-time perspective. To begin with, we collected more than 16 terabytes of embedded firmware and sampled 1,000 of them for the study. Then, we analyzed the adoption of security protection mechanisms and their potential impacts on the timeliness of real-time embedded systems. Besides, we measured the scheduling algorithms supported by real-time embedded systems since they are also security-critical.
ISSN: 2576-3172
Eisele, Max.
Debugger-driven Embedded Fuzzing. 2022 IEEE Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST). :483–485.
Embedded Systems - the hidden computers in our lives - are deployed in the billionths and are already in the focus of attackers. They pose security risks when not tested and maintained thoroughly. In recent years, fuzzing has become a promising technique for automated security testing of programs, which can generate tons of test inputs for a program. Fuzzing is hardly applied to embedded systems, because of their high diversity and closed character. During my research I want tackle that gap in fuzzing embedded systems - short: “Embedded Fuzzing”. My goal is to obtain insights of the embedded system during execution, by using common debugging interfaces and hardware breakpoints to enable guided fuzzing in a generic and widely applicable way. Debugging interfaces and hardware breakpoints are available for most common microcontrollers, generating a potential industry impact. Preliminary results show that the approach covers basic blocks faster than blackbox fuzzing. Additionally, it is source code agnostic and leaves the embedded firmware unaltered.
ISSN: 2159-4848
Alqarni, Mansour, Azim, Akramul.
Mining Large Data to Create a Balanced Vulnerability Detection Dataset for Embedded Linux System. 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT). :83–91.
The security of embedded systems is particularly crucial given the prevalence of embedded devices in daily life, business, and national defense. Firmware for embedded systems poses a serious threat to the safety of society, business, and the nation because of its robust concealment, difficulty in detection, and extended maintenance cycle. This technology is now an essential part of the contemporary experience, be it in the smart office, smart restaurant, smart home, or even the smart traffic system. Despite the fact that these systems are often fairly effective, the rapid expansion of embedded systems in smart cities have led to inconsistencies and misalignments between secured and unsecured systems, necessitating the development of secure, hacker-proof embedded systems. To solve this issue, we created a sizable, original, and objective dataset that is based on the latest Linux vulnerabilities for identifying the embedded system vulnerabilities and we modified a cutting-edge machine learning model for the Linux Kernel. The paper provides an updated EVDD and analysis of an extensive dataset for embedded system based vulnerability detection and also an updated state of the art deep learning model for embedded system vulnerability detection. We kept our dataset available for all researchers for future experiments and implementation.
Veremey, Anastasiya, Kustov, Vladimir, Ravi, Renjith V.
Security Research and Design of Hierarchical Embedded Information Security System. 2022 Second International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA). :1–6.
In this paper, the reader’s attention is directed to the problem of inefficiency of the add-on information security tools, that are installed in operating systems, including virtualization systems. The paper shows the disadvantages, that significantly affect the maintenance of an adequate level of security in the operating system. The results allowing to control all areas hierarchical of protection of the specialized operating system are presented.
Armoush, Ashraf.
Towards the Integration of Security and Safety Patterns in the Design of Safety-Critical Embedded Systems. 2022 4th International Conference on Applied Automation and Industrial Diagnostics (ICAAID). 1:1–6.
The design of safety-critical embedded systems is a complex process that involves the reuse of proven solutions to fulfill a set of requirements. While safety is considered as the major requirement to be satisfied in safety-critical embedded systems, the security attacks can affect the security as well as the safety of these systems. Therefore, ensuring the security of the safety-critical embedded systems is as important as ensuring the safety requirements. The concept of design patterns, which provides common solutions to widely recurring design problems, have been extensively engaged in the design of the hardware and software in many fields, including embedded systems. However, there is an inadequacy of experience with security patterns in the field of safety-critical embedded systems. To address this problem, this paper proposes an approach to integrate security patterns with safety patterns in the design of safety-critical embedded systems. Moreover, it presents a customized representation for security patterns to be more relevant to the common safety patterns in the context of safety-critical embedded systems.
Zhang, Zhun, Hao, Qiang, Xu, Dongdong, Wang, Jiqing, Ma, Jinhui, Zhang, Jinlei, Liu, Jiakang, Wang, Xiang.
Real-Time Instruction Execution Monitoring with Hardware-Assisted Security Monitoring Unit in RISC-V Embedded Systems. 2022 8th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). :192–196.
Embedded systems involve an integration of a large number of intellectual property (IP) blocks to shorten chip's time to market, in which, many IPs are acquired from the untrusted third-party suppliers. However, existing IP trust verification techniques cannot provide an adequate security assurance that no hardware Trojan was implanted inside the untrusted IPs. Hardware Trojans in untrusted IPs may cause processor program execution failures by tampering instruction code and return address. Therefore, this paper presents a secure RISC-V embedded system by integrating a Security Monitoring Unit (SMU), in which, instruction integrity monitoring by the fine-grained program basic blocks and function return address monitoring by the shadow stack are implemented, respectively. The hardware-assisted SMU is tested and validated that while CPU executes a CoreMark program, the SMU does not incur significant performance overhead on providing instruction security monitoring. And the proposed RISC-V embedded system satisfies good balance between performance overhead and resource consumption.
Hao, Qiang, Xu, Dongdong, Zhang, Zhun, Wang, Jiqing, Le, Tong, Wang, Jiawei, Zhang, Jinlei, Liu, Jiakang, Ma, Jinhui, Wang, Xiang.
A Hardware-Assisted Security Monitoring Method for Jump Instruction and Jump Address in Embedded Systems. 2022 8th Annual International Conference on Network and Information Systems for Computers (ICNISC). :197–202.
With the development of embedded systems towards networking and intelligence, the security threats they face are becoming more difficult to prevent. Existing protection methods make it difficult to monitor jump instructions and their target addresses for tampering by attackers at the low hardware implementation overhead and performance overhead. In this paper, a hardware-assisted security monitoring module is designed to monitor the integrity of jump instructions and jump addresses when executing programs. The proposed method has been implemented on the Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA platform. Experiments show that this method is able to effectively monitor tampering attacks on jump instructions as well as target addresses while the embedded system is executing programs.
Wu, Yan.
Information Security Management System for Archives Management Based on Embedded Artificial Intelligence. 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Crowdsensing (AIoTCs). :340–344.
Archival services are one of the main functions of an information security management system for archival management, and the conversion and updating of archival intelligence services is an important means to meet the increasing diversity and wisdom of the age of intelligence. The purpose of this paper is to study an information security management system for archival management based on embedded artificial intelligence. The implementation of an embedded control management system for intelligent filing cabinets is studied. Based on a configurable embedded system security model, the access control process and the functional modules of the system based on a secure call cache are analysed. Software for wireless RF communication was designed, and two remote control options were designed using CAN technology and wireless RF technology. Tests have shown that the system is easy to use, feature-rich and reliable, and can meet the needs of different users for regular control of file room management.
Kaliyaperumal, Karthikeyan, Sammy, F..
An Efficient Key Generation Scheme for Secure Sharing of Patients Health Records using Attribute Based Encryption. 2022 International Conference on Communication, Computing and Internet of Things (IC3IoT). :1–6.
Attribute Based Encryption that solely decrypts the cipher text's secret key attribute. Patient information is maintained on trusted third party servers in medical applications. Before sending health records to other third party servers, it is essential to protect them. Even if data are encrypted, there is always a danger of privacy violation. Scalability problems, access flexibility, and account revocation are the main security challenges. In this study, individual patient health records are encrypted utilizing a multi-authority ABE method that permits a multiple number of authorities to govern the attributes. A strong key generation approach in the classic Attribute Based Encryption is proposed in this work, which assures the robust protection of health records while also demonstrating its effectiveness. Simulation is done by using CloudSim Simulator and Statistical reports were generated using Cloud Reports. Efficiency, computation time and security of our proposed scheme are evaluated. The simulation results reveal that the proposed key generation technique is more secure and scalable.
Guo, Chunxu, Wang, Yi, Chen, Fupeng, Ha, Yajun.
Unified Lightweight Authenticated Encryption for Resource-Constrained Electronic Control Unit. 2022 29th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS). :1–4.
Electronic control units (ECU) have been widely used in modern resource-constrained automotive systems, com-municating through the controller area network (CAN) bus. However, they are still facing man-in-the-middle attacks in CAN bus due to the absence of a more effective authenti-cation/encryption mechanism. In this paper, to defend against the attacks more effectively, we propose a unified lightweight authenticated encryption that integrates recent prevalent cryp-tography standardization Isap and Ascon.First, we reuse the common permutation block of ISAP and Asconto support authenticated encryption and encryption/decryption. Second, we provide a flexible and independent switch between authenticated encryption and encryption/decryption to support specific application requirements. Third, we adopt standard CAESAR hardware API as the interface standard to support compatibility between different interfaces or platforms. Experimental results show that our proposed unified lightweight authenticated encryption can reduce 26.09% area consumption on Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board compared with the state-of-the-arts. In addition, the encryption overhead of the proposed design for transferring one CAN data frame is \textbackslashmathbf10.75 \textbackslashmu s using Asconand \textbackslashmathbf72.25 \textbackslashmu s using ISAP at the frequency of 4 MHz on embedded devices.
Chen, Chen, Wang, Xingjun, Huang, Guanze, Liu, Guining.
An Efficient Randomly-Selective Video Encryption Algorithm. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1287–1293.
A randomly-selective encryption (RSE) algorithm is proposed for HEVC video bitstream in this paper. It is a pioneer algorithm with high efficiency and security. The encryption process is completely independent of video compression process. A randomly-selective sequence (RSS) based on the RC4 algorithm is designed to determine the extraction position in the video bitstream. The extracted bytes are encrypted by AES-CTR to obtain the encrypted video. Based on the high efficiency video coding (HEV C) bitstream, the simulation and analysis results show that the proposed RSE algorithm has low time complexity and high security, which is a promising tool for video cryptographic applications.
Jeyakumar, D, Chidambarathanu, K., Pradeepkumar, S., Anish, T.P..
OUTFS+. An Efficient User-Side Encrypted File System Using IBE With Parallel Encryption. 2022 6th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI). :760–766.
Cloud computing is a fast growing field that provides the user with resources like software, infrastructure and virtual hardware processing power. The steady rise of cloud computing in recent times allowed large companies and even individual users to move towards working with cloud storage systems. However, the risks of leakage of uploaded data in the cloud storage and the questions about the privacy of such systems are becoming a huge problem. Security incidents occur frequently everywhere around the world. Sometimes, data leak may occur at the server side by hackers for their own profit. Data being shared must be encrypted before outsourcing it to the cloud storage. Existing encryption/decryption systems utilize large computational power and have troubles managing the files. This paper introduces a file system that is a more efficient, virtual, with encryption/decryption scheme using parallel encryption. To make encryption and decryption of files easier, Parallel encryption is used in place of serial encryption which is integrated with Identity-Based Encryption in the file system. The proposed file system aims to secure files, reduce the chances of file stored in cloud storage getting leaked thus providing better security. The proposed file system, OutFS+, is more robust and secure than its predecessor, OutFS. Cloud outsourcing takes place faster and the files can be downloaded to the OutFS+ instance on the other side. Moreover, OutFS+ is secure since it is a virtual layer on the operating system and can be unmounted whenever the user wants to.
Kori, Prachi, Cecil, Kanchan.
Secure Wireless Sensor Network Design Using a New Method of High-Speed Lightweight Encryption. 2022 6th International Conference On Computing, Communication, Control And Automation (ICCUBEA. :1–8.
Data streaming over a wireless network such as Wireless Sensor Networks, where wireless terminals (like PDAs, mobile phones, palmtops) access in data conferencing system, new challenges will be brought about. goal for this paper is to propose a high-speed lightweight encryption (HSLE) for low computational capability controller of WSN, HSLE scheme which reduces latency overhead by modifying existing approaches in order to encrypting data using a probabilistic encryption of data blocks. Proposed work is also useful when we communicate our confidential data on WSN or IoT it should be secure, we just have to save an encrypted data on cloud servers. proposed work is a new key-based algorithm and uses HSLE encryption instead for high end AES. Proposed methods cause significant speed enhancement for data encryption with similar security, in addition, it is best suited in order to communication between hand-held devices such as mobile phones, palmtops etc. algorithm may be used between sites where processing capacity and battery power are limited and efficient encryption is main necessity. This work is implemented on MATLAB and a wireless sensor network of maximum 100 nodes developed for testing the proposed network node encryption system, the time delay observed for the communication in 100 nodes WSN is less in compare with the other available works.
ISSN: 2771-1358