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Avula, Himaja, R, Ranjith, S Pillai, Anju.  2022.  CNN based Recognition of Emotion and Speech from Gestures and Facial Expressions. 2022 6th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology. :1360—1365.
The major mode of communication between hearing-impaired or mute people and others is sign language. Prior, most of the recognition systems for sign language had been set simply to recognize hand signs and convey them as text. However, the proposed model tries to provide speech to the mute. Firstly, hand gestures for sign language recognition and facial emotions are trained using CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) and then by training the emotion to speech model. Finally combining hand gestures and facial emotions to realize the emotion and speech.
Abbasi, Nida Itrat, Song, Siyang, Gunes, Hatice.  2022.  Statistical, Spectral and Graph Representations for Video-Based Facial Expression Recognition in Children. ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). :1725—1729.
Child facial expression recognition is a relatively less investigated area within affective computing. Children’s facial expressions differ significantly from adults; thus, it is necessary to develop emotion recognition frameworks that are more objective, descriptive and specific to this target user group. In this paper we propose the first approach that (i) constructs video-level heterogeneous graph representation for facial expression recognition in children, and (ii) predicts children’s facial expressions using the automatically detected Action Units (AUs). To this aim, we construct three separate length-independent representations, namely, statistical, spectral and graph at video-level for detailed multi-level facial behaviour decoding (AU activation status, AU temporal dynamics and spatio-temporal AU activation patterns, respectively). Our experimental results on the LIRIS Children Spontaneous Facial Expression Video Database demonstrate that combining these three feature representations provides the highest accuracy for expression recognition in children.
Paul, Shuva, Kundu, Ripan Kumar.  2022.  A Bagging MLP-based Autoencoder for Detection of False Data Injection Attack in Smart Grid. 2022 IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT). :1—5.
The accelerated move toward adopting the Smart Grid paradigm has resulted in numerous drawbacks as far as security is concerned. Traditional power grids are becoming more vulnerable to cyberattacks as all the control decisions are generated based on the data the Smart Grid generates during its operation. This data can be tampered with or attacked in communication lines to mislead the control room in decision-making. The false data injection attack (FDIA) is one of the most severe cyberattacks on today’s cyber-physical power system, as it has the potential to cause significant physical and financial damage. However, detecting cyberattacks are incredibly challenging since they have no known patterns. In this paper, we launch a random FDIA on IEEE-39 bus system. Later, we propose a Bagging MLP-based autoencoder to detect the FDIAs in the power system and compare the result with a single ML model. The Bagging MLP-based autoencoder outperforms the Isolation forest while detecting FDIAs.
Said, Dhaou, Elloumi, Mayssa.  2022.  A New False Data Injection Detection Protocol based Machine Learning for P2P Energy Transaction between CEVs. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electrical Sciences and Technologies in Maghreb (CISTEM). 4:1—5.
Without security, any network system loses its efficiency, reliability, and resilience. With the huge integration of the ICT capabilities, the Electric Vehicle (EV) as a transportation form in cities is becoming more and more affordable and able to reply to citizen and environmental expectations. However, the EV vulnerability to cyber-attacks is increasing which intensifies its negative impact on societies. This paper targets the cybersecurity issues for Connected Electric Vehicles (CEVs) in parking lots where a peer-to-peer(P2P) energy transaction system is launched. A False Data Injection Attack (FDIA) on the electricity price signal is considered and a Machine Learning/SVM classification protocol is used to detect and extract the right values. Simulation results are conducted to prove the effectiveness of this proposed model.
Neuimin, Oleksandr S., Zhuk, Serhii Ya., Tovkach, Igor O., Malenchyk, Taras V..  2022.  Analysis Of The Small UAV Trajectory Detection Algorithm Based On The “l/n-d” Criterion Using Kalman Filtering Due To FMCW Radar Data. 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Advanced Trends in Radioelectronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (TCSET). :741—745.
Promising means of detecting small UAVs are FMCW radar systems. Small UAVs with an RCS value of the order of 10−3••• 10−1m2 are characterized by a low SNR (less than 10 dB). To ensure an acceptable probability of detection in the resolution element (more than 0.9), it becomes necessary to reduce the detection threshold. However, this leads to a significant increase in the probability of false alarms (more than 10−3) and is accompanied by the appearance of a large number of false plots. The work describes an algorithm for trajectory detecting of a small UAV based on a “l/n-d” criterion using Kalman filtering in a spherical coordinate system due to FMCW radar data. Statistical analysis of algorithms based on two types of criteria “3/5-2” and “5/9-2” is performed. It is shown that the algorithms allow to achieve the probability of target trajectory detection greater than 0.9 and low probability of false detection of the target trajectory less than 10−4 with the false alarm probability in the resolution element 10−3••• 10−2•
Mai, Juanyun, Wang, Minghao, Zheng, Jiayin, Shao, Yanbo, Diao, Zhaoqi, Fu, Xinliang, Chen, Yulong, Xiao, Jianyu, You, Jian, Yin, Airu et al..  2022.  MHSnet: Multi-head and Spatial Attention Network with False-Positive Reduction for Lung Nodule Detection. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM). :1108—1114.
Mortality from lung cancer has ranked high among cancers for many years. Early detection of lung cancer is critical for disease prevention, cure, and mortality rate reduction. Many existing detection methods on lung nodules can achieve high sensitivity but meanwhile introduce an excessive number of false-positive proposals, which is clinically unpractical. In this paper, we propose the multi-head detection and spatial attention network, shortly MHSnet, to address this crucial false-positive issue. Specifically, we first introduce multi-head detectors and skip connections to capture multi-scale features so as to customize for the variety of nodules in sizes, shapes, and types. Then, inspired by how experienced clinicians screen CT images, we implemented a spatial attention module to enable the network to focus on different regions, which can successfully distinguish nodules from noisy tissues. Finally, we designed a lightweight but effective false-positive reduction module to cut down the number of false-positive proposals, without any constraints on the front network. Compared with the state-of-the-art models, our extensive experimental results show the superiority of this MHSnet not only in the average FROC but also in the false discovery rate (2.64% improvement for the average FROC, 6.39% decrease for the false discovery rate). The false-positive reduction module takes a further step to decrease the false discovery rate by 14.29%, indicating its very promising utility of reducing distracted proposals for the downstream tasks relied on detection results.
Cai, Chuanjie, Zhang, Yijun, Chen, Qian.  2022.  Adaptive control of bilateral teleoperation systems with false data injection attacks and attacks detection. 2022 41st Chinese Control Conference (CCC). :4407—4412.
This paper studies adaptive control of bilateral teleoperation systems with false data injection attacks. The model of bilateral teleoperation system with false data injection attacks is presented. An off-line identification approach based on the least squares is used to detect whether false data injection attacks occur or not in the communication channel. Two Bernoulli distributed variables are introduced to describe the packet dropouts and false data injection attacks in the network. An adaptive controller is proposed to deal stability of the system with false data injection attacks. Some sufficient conditions are proposed to ensure the globally asymptotical stability of the system under false data injection attacks by using Lyapunov functional methods. A bilateral teleoperation system with two degrees of freedom is used to show the effectiveness of gained results.
Yu, Jinhe, Liu, Wei, Li, Yue, Zhang, Bo, Yao, Wenjian.  2022.  Anomaly Detection of Power Big Data Based on Improved Support Vector Machine. 2022 4th International Academic Exchange Conference on Science and Technology Innovation (IAECST). :102—105.
To reduce the false negative rate in power data anomaly detection, enhance the overall detection accuracy and reliability, and create a more stable data detection environment, this paper designs a power big data anomaly detection method based on improved support vector machine technology. The abnormal features are extracted in advance, combined with the changes of power data, the multi-target anomaly detection nodes are laid, and on this basis, the improved support vector machine anomaly detection model is constructed. The anomaly detection is realized by combining the normalization processing of the equivalent vector. The final test results show that compared with the traditional clustering algorithm big data anomaly detection test group and the traditional multi-domain feature extraction big data anomaly detection test group, the final false negative rate of the improved support vector machine big data exception detection test group designed in this paper is only 2.04, which shows that the effect of the anomaly detection method is better. It is more accurate and reliable for testing in a complex power environment and has practical application value.
Zhou, Haosu, Lu, Wenbin, Shi, Yipeng, Liu, Zhenfu, Liu, Liu, Dong, Ningfei.  2022.  Constant False Alarm Rate Frame Detection Strategy for Terrestrial ASM/VDE Signals Received by Satellite. 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE). :29—33.
Frame detection is an important part of the reconnaissance satellite receiver to identify the terrestrial application specific messages (ASM) / VHF data exchange (VDE) signal, and has been challenged by Doppler shift and message collision. A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) frame detection strategy insensitive to Doppler shift has been proposed in this paper. Based on the double Barker sequence, a periodical sequence has been constructed, and differential operations have been adopted to eliminate the Doppler shift. Moreover, amplitude normalization is helpful for suppressing the interference introduced by message collision. Simulations prove that the proposed CFAR frame detection strategy is very attractive for the reconnaissance satellite to identify the terrestrial ASM/VDE signal.
Shiqi, Li, Yinghui, Han.  2022.  Detection of Bad Data and False Data Injection Based on Back-Propagation Neural Network. 2022 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia). :101—105.
Power system state estimation is an essential tool for monitoring the operating conditions of the grid. However, the collected measurements may not always be reliable due to bad data from various faults as well as the increasing potential of being exposed to cyber-attacks, particularly from data injection attacks. To enhance the accuracy of state estimation, this paper presents a back-propagation neural network to detect and identify bad data and false data injections. A variety of training data exhibiting different statistical properties were used for training. The developed strategy was tested on the IEEE 30-bus and 118-bus power systems using MATLAB. Simulation results revealed the feasibility of the method for the detection and differentiation of bad data and false data injections in various operating scenarios.
Su, Xiangjing, Zhu, Zheng, Xiao, Shiqu, Fu, Yang, Wu, Yi.  2022.  Deep Neural Network Based Efficient Data Fusion Model for False Data Detection in Power System. 2022 IEEE 6th Conference on Energy Internet and Energy System Integration (EI2). :1462—1466.
Cyberattack on power system brings new challenges on the development of modern power system. Hackers may implement false data injection attack (FDIA) to cause unstable operating conditions of the power system. However, data from different power internet of things usually contains a lot of redundancy, making it difficult for current efficient discriminant model to precisely identify FDIA. To address this problem, we propose a deep learning network-based data fusion model to handle features from measurement data in power system. Proposed model includes a data enrichment module and a data fusion module. We firstly employ feature engineering technique to enrich features from power system operation in time dimension. Subsequently, a long short-term memory based autoencoder (LSTM-AE) is designed to efficiently avoid feature space explosion problem during data enriching process. Extensive experiments are performed on several classical attack detection models over the load data set from IEEE 14-bus system and simulation results demonstrate that fused data from proposed model shows higher detection accuracy with respect to the raw data.
Dabush, Lital, Routtenberg, Tirza.  2022.  Detection of False Data Injection Attacks in Unobservable Power Systems by Laplacian Regularization. 2022 IEEE 12th Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM). :415—419.
The modern electrical grid is a complex cyber-physical system, and thus is vulnerable to measurement losses and attacks. In this paper, we consider the problem of detecting false data injection (FDI) attacks and bad data in unobservable power systems. Classical bad-data detection methods usually assume observable systems and cannot detect stealth FDI attacks. We use the smoothness property of the system states (voltages) w.r.t. the admittance matrix, which is also the Laplacian of the graph representation of the grid. First, we present the Laplacian-based regularized state estimator, which does not require full observability of the network. Then, we derive the Laplacian-regularized generalized likelihood ratio test (LR-GLRT). We show that the LR-GLRT has a component of a soft high-pass graph filter applied to the state estimator. Numerical results on the IEEE 118-bus system demonstrate that the LR-GLRT outperforms other detection approaches and is robust to missing data.
Xin, Wu, Shen, Qingni, Feng, Ke, Xia, Yutang, Wu, Zhonghai, Lin, Zhenghao.  2022.  Personalized User Profiles-based Insider Threat Detection for Distributed File System. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1441—1446.
In recent years, data security incidents caused by insider threats in distributed file systems have attracted the attention of academia and industry. The most common way to detect insider threats is based on user profiles. Through analysis, we realize that based on existing user profiles are not efficient enough, and there are many false positives when a stable user profile has not yet been formed. In this work, we propose personalized user profiles and design an insider threat detection framework, which can intelligently detect insider threats for securing distributed file systems in real-time. To generate personalized user profiles, we come up with a time window-based clustering algorithm and a weighted kernel density estimation algorithm. Compared with non-personalized user profiles, both the Recall and Precision of insider threat detection based on personalized user profiles have been improved, resulting in their harmonic mean F1 increased to 96.52%. Meanwhile, to reduce the false positives of insider threat detection, we put forward operation recommendations based on user similarity to predict new operations that users will produce in the future, which can reduce the false positive rate (FPR). The FPR is reduced to 1.54% and the false positive identification rate (FPIR) is as high as 92.62%. Furthermore, to mitigate the risks caused by inaccurate authorization for users, we present user tags based on operation content and permission. The experimental results show that our proposed framework can detect insider threats more effectively and precisely, with lower FPR and high FPIR.
Liu, Mingchang, Sachidananda, Vinay, Peng, Hongyi, Patil, Rajendra, Muneeswaran, Sivaanandh, Gurusamy, Mohan.  2022.  LOG-OFF: A Novel Behavior Based Authentication Compromise Detection Approach. 2022 19th Annual International Conference on Privacy, Security & Trust (PST). :1—10.
Password-based authentication system has been praised for its user-friendly, cost-effective, and easily deployable features. It is arguably the most commonly used security mechanism for various resources, services, and applications. On the other hand, it has well-known security flaws, including vulnerability to guessing attacks. Present state-of-the-art approaches have high overheads, as well as difficulties and unreliability during training, resulting in a poor user experience and a high false positive rate. As a result, a lightweight authentication compromise detection model that can make accurate detection with a low false positive rate is required.In this paper we propose – LOG-OFF – a behavior-based authentication compromise detection model. LOG-OFF is a lightweight model that can be deployed efficiently in practice because it does not include a labeled dataset. Based on the assumption that the behavioral pattern of a specific user does not suddenly change, we study the real-world authentication traffic data. The dataset contains more than 4 million records. We use two features to model the user behaviors, i.e., consecutive failures and login time, and develop a novel approach. LOG-OFF learns from the historical user behaviors to construct user profiles and makes probabilistic predictions of future login attempts for authentication compromise detection. LOG-OFF has a low false positive rate and latency, making it suitable for real-world deployment. In addition, it can also evolve with time and make more accurate detection as more data is being collected.
Kiruthiga, G, Saraswathi, P, Rajkumar, S, Suresh, S, Dhiyanesh, B, Radha, R.  2022.  Effective DDoS Attack Detection using Deep Generative Radial Neural Network in the Cloud Environment. 2022 7th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). :675—681.
Recently, internet services have increased rapidly due to the Covid-19 epidemic. As a result, cloud computing applications, which serve end-users as subscriptions, are rising. Cloud computing provides various possibilities like cost savings, time and access to online resources via the internet for end-users. But as the number of cloud users increases, so does the potential for attacks. The availability and efficiency of cloud computing resources may be affected by a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack that could disrupt services' availability and processing power. DDoS attacks pose a serious threat to the integrity and confidentiality of computer networks and systems that remain important assets in the world today. Since there is no effective way to detect DDoS attacks, it is a reliable weapon for cyber attackers. However, the existing methods have limitations, such as relatively low accuracy detection and high false rate performance. To tackle these issues, this paper proposes a Deep Generative Radial Neural Network (DGRNN) with a sigmoid activation function and Mutual Information Gain based Feature Selection (MIGFS) techniques for detecting DDoS attacks for the cloud environment. Specifically, the proposed first pre-processing step uses data preparation using the (Network Security Lab) NSL-KDD dataset. The MIGFS algorithm detects the most efficient relevant features for DDoS attacks from the pre-processed dataset. The features are calculated by trust evaluation for detecting the attack based on relative features. After that, the proposed DGRNN algorithm is utilized for classification to detect DDoS attacks. The sigmoid activation function is to find accurate results for prediction in the cloud environment. So thus, the proposed experiment provides effective classification accuracy, performance, and time complexity.
Concepcion, A. R., Sy, C..  2022.  A System Dynamics Model of False News on Social Networking Sites. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM). :0786—0790.
Over the years, false news has polluted the online media landscape across the world. In this “post-truth” era, the narratives created by false news have now come into fruition through dismantled democracies, disbelief in science, and hyper-polarized societies. Despite increased efforts in fact-checking & labeling, strengthening detection systems, de-platforming powerful users, promoting media literacy and awareness of the issue, false news continues to be spread exponentially. This study models the behaviors of both the victims of false news and the platform in which it is spread— through the system dynamics methodology. The model was used to develop a policy design by evaluating existing and proposed solutions. The results recommended actively countering confirmation bias, restructuring social networking sites’ recommendation algorithms, and increasing public trust in news organizations.
Wang, Juan, Ma, Chenjun, Li, Ziang, Yuan, Huanyu, Wang, Jie.  2022.  ProcGuard: Process Injection Behaviours Detection Using Fine-grained Analysis of API Call Chain with Deep Learning. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :778—785.

New malware increasingly adopts novel fileless techniques to evade detection from antivirus programs. Process injection is one of the most popular fileless attack techniques. This technique makes malware more stealthy by writing malicious code into memory space and reusing the name and port of the host process. It is difficult for traditional security software to detect and intercept process injections due to the stealthiness of its behavior. We propose a novel framework called ProcGuard for detecting process injection behaviors. This framework collects sensitive function call information of typical process injection. Then we perform a fine-grained analysis of process injection behavior based on the function call chain characteristics of the program, and we also use the improved RCNN network to enhance API analysis on the tampered memory segments. We combine API analysis with deep learning to determine whether a process injection attack has been executed. We collect a large number of malicious samples with process injection behavior and construct a dataset for evaluating the effectiveness of ProcGuard. The experimental results demonstrate that it achieves an accuracy of 81.58% with a lower false-positive rate compared to other systems. In addition, we also evaluate the detection time and runtime performance loss metrics of ProcGuard, both of which are improved compared to previous detection tools.

Benfriha, Sihem, Labraoui, Nabila.  2022.  Insiders Detection in the Uncertain IoD using Fuzzy Logic. 2022 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT). :1—6.
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and various network entities deployed on the ground can communicate with each other over the Internet of Drones (IoD), a network architecture designed expressly to allow communications between heterogenous entities. Drone technology has a wide range of uses, including on-demand package delivery, traffic and wild life surveillance, inspection of infrastructure and search, rescue and agriculture. However, IoD systems are vulnerable to numerous attacks, The main goal is to develop an all-encompassing security model that can be used to analyze security concerns in various UAV-based systems. With exceptional flexibility and increasing efficiency, trust management is a promising alternative to traditional detection methods. In a heterogeneous environment, it is also compatible with other security mechanisms. In this article, we present a fuzzy logic as an Insider Detection technique which calculate sensor data trust and assessing node behavior. To build confidence throughout the entire IoD, our proposal divides trust into two parts: Data trust and Node trust. This is in contrast to earlier models. Experimental results show that our solution is effective in terms of False positive ratio and Average of end-to-end delay.
Eze, Emmanuel O., Keates, Simeon, Pedram, Kamran, Esfahani, Alireza, Odih, Uchenna.  2022.  A Context-Based Decision-Making Trust Scheme for Malicious Detection in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. 2022 International Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications Engineering (iCCECE). :31—36.
The fast-evolving Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are crucial in the 21st century, promising answers to congestion and accidents that bother people worldwide. ITS applications such as Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAVs) update and broadcasts road incident event messages, and this requires significant data to be transmitted between vehicles for a decision to be made in real-time. However, broadcasting trusted incident messages such as accident alerts between vehicles pose a challenge for CAVs. Most of the existing-trust solutions are based on the vehicle's direct interaction base reputation and the psychological approaches to evaluate the trustworthiness of the received messages. This paper provides a scheme for improving trust in the received incident alert messages for real-time decision-making to detect malicious alerts between CAVs using direct and indirect interactions. This paper applies artificial intelligence and statistical data classification for decision-making on the received messages. The model is trained based on the US Department of Technology Safety Pilot Deployment Model (SPMD). An Autonomous Decision-making Trust Scheme (ADmTS) that incorporates a machine learning algorithm and a local trust manager for decision-making has been developed. The experiment showed that the trained model could make correct predictions such as 98% and 0.55% standard deviation accuracy in predicting false alerts on the 25% malicious data
Gao, Kai, Cheng, Xiangyu, Huang, Hao, Li, Xunhao, Yuan, Tingyu, Du, Ronghua.  2022.  False Data Injection Attack Detection in a Platoon of CACC in RSU. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom). :1324—1329.
Intelligent connected vehicle platoon technology can reduce traffic congestion and vehicle fuel. However, attacks on the data transmitted by the platoon are one of the primary challenges encountered by the platoon during its travels. The false data injection (FDI) attack can lead to road congestion and even vehicle collisions, which can impact the platoon. However, the complexity of the cellular - vehicle to everything (C-V2X) environment, the single source of the message and the poor data processing capability of the on board unit (OBU) make the traditional detection methods’ success rate and response time poor. This study proposes a platoon state information fusion method using the communication characteristics of the platoon in C-V2X and proposes a novel platoon intrusion detection model based on this fusion method combined with sequential importance sampling (SIS). The SIS is a measured strategy of Monte Carlo integration sampling. Specifically, the method takes the status information of the platoon members as the predicted value input. It uses the leader vehicle status information as the posterior probability of the observed value to the current moment of the platoon members. The posterior probabilities of the platoon members and the weights of the platoon members at the last moment are used as input to update the weights of the platoon members at the current moment and obtain the desired platoon status information at the present moment. Moreover, it compares the status information of the platoon members with the desired status information to detect attacks on the platoon. Finally, the effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by simulation.
Manjula, P., Baghavathi Priya, S..  2022.  Detection of Falsified Selfish Node with Optimized Trust Computation Model In Chimp -AODV Based WSN. 2022 International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ICESIC). :52—57.
In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), energy and security are two critical concerns that must be addressed. Because of the scarcity of energy, several security measures are restricted. For secure data routing in WSN, it becomes vital to identify insider packet drop attacks. The trust mechanism is an effective strategy for detecting this assault. Each node in this system validates the trustworthiness of its neighbors before transmitting packets, ensuring that only trust-worthy nodes get packets. With such a trust-aware scheme, however, there is a risk of false alarm. This work develops an adaptive trust computation model (TCM)which is implemented in our already proposed Chimp Optimization Algorithm-based Energy-Aware Secure Routing Protocol (COA-EASRP) for WSN. The proposed technique computes the optimal path using the hybrid combination of COA-EASRP and AODV as well as TCM is used to indicate false alarms in detecting selfish nodes. Our Proposed approach provides the series of Simulation outputs carried out based on various parameters
Huang, Fanwei, Li, Qiuping, Zhao, Junhui.  2022.  Trust Management Model of VANETs Based on Machine Learning and Active Detection Technology. 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC Workshops). :412—416.
With the continuous development of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), it brings great traffic convenience. How-ever, it is still a difficult problem for malicious vehicles to spread false news. In order to ensure the reliability of the message, an effective trust management model must be established, so that malicious vehicles can be detected and false information can be identified in the vehicle ad hoc network in time. This paper presents a trust management model based on machine learning and active detection technology, which evaluates the trust of vehicles and events to ensure the credibility of communication. Through the active detection mechanism, vehicles can detect the indirect trust of their neighbors, which improves the filtering speed of malicious nodes. Bayesian classifier can judge whether a vehicle is a malicious node by the state information of the vehicle, and can limit the behavior of the malicious vehicle at the first time. The simulation results show that our scheme can obviously restrict malicious vehicles.
Nazih, Ossama, Benamar, Nabil, Lamaazi, Hanane, Chaoui, Habiba.  2022.  Challenges and future directions for security and privacy in vehicular fog computing. 2022 International Conference on Innovation and Intelligence for Informatics, Computing, and Technologies (3ICT). :693—699.
Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System (CITS) has been introduced recently to increase road safety, traffic efficiency, and to enable various infotainment and comfort applications and services. To this end, a bunch technologies have been deployed to maintain and promote ITS. In essence, ITS is composed of vehicles, roadside infrastructure, and the environment that includes pedestrians, and other entities. Recently, several solutions were suggested to handle with the challenges faced by the vehicular networks (VN) using future internet architectures. One of the promising solutions proposed recently is Vehicular Fog computing (VFC), an attractive solution that supports sensitive service requests considering factors such as latency, mobility, localization, and scalability. VFC also provides a virtual platform for real-time big data analytic using servers or vehicles as a fog infrastructure. This paper surveys the general fog computing (FC) concept, the VFC architectures, and the key characteristics of several intelligent computing applications. We mainly focus on trust and security challenges in VFC deployment and real-time BD analytic in vehicular environment. We identify the faced challenges and future research directions in VFC and we highlight the research gap that can be exploited by researchers and vehicular manufactures while designing a new secure VFC architecture.
Huang, Xiaoge, Yin, Hongbo, Wang, Yongsheng, Chen, Qianbin, Zhang, Jie.  2022.  Location-Based Reliable Sharding in Blockchain-Enabled Fog Computing Networks. 2022 14th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP). :12—16.
With the explosive growth of the internet of things (IoT) devices, there are amount of data requirements and computing tasks. Fog computing network that could provide computing, caching and communication resources closer to IoT devices (ID) is considered as a potential solution to deal with the vast computing tasks. To improve the performance of the fog computing network while ensuring data security, blockchain technology is enabled and a location-based reliable sharding (LRS) algorithm is proposed, which jointly considers the optimal number of shards, the geographical location of fog nodes (FNs), and the number of nodes in each shard. Firstly, the reliable sharding result is based on the reputation values of FNs, which are related to the decision information and historical reputation value of FNs in the consensus process. Moreover, a reputation based PBFT consensus algorithm is adopted to accelerate the consensus process. Furthermore, the normalized entropy is used to estimate the proportion of malicious nodes and optimize the number of shards. Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
Hamzah, Anwer Sattar, Abdul-Rahaim, Laith Ali.  2022.  Smart Homes Automation System Using Cloud Computing Based Enhancement Security. 2022 5th International Conference on Engineering Technology and its Applications (IICETA). :164—169.
Smart home automation is one of the prominent topics of the current era, which has attracted the attention of researchers for several years due to smart home automation contributes to achieving many capabilities, which have had a real and vital impact on our daily lives, such as comfort, energy conservation, environment, and security. Home security is one of the most important of these capabilities. Many efforts have been made on research and articles that focus on this area due to the increased rate of crime and theft. The present paper aims to build a practically implemented smart home that enhances home control management and monitors all home entrances that are often vulnerable to intrusion by intruders and thieves. The proposed system depends on identifying the person using the face detection and recognition method and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) as a mechanism to enhance the performance of home security systems. The cloud server analyzes the received member identification to retrieve the permission to enter the home. The system showed effectiveness and speed of response in transmitting live captures of any illegal intrusive activity at the door or windows of the house. With the growth and expansion of the concept of smart homes, the amount of information transmitted, information security weakness, and response time disturbances, to reduce latency, data storage, and maintain information security, by employing Fog computing architecture in smart homes as a broker between the IoT layer and the cloud servers and the user layer.