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Manishankar, S., Arjun, C. S., Kumar, P. R. A..  2017.  An authorized security middleware for managing on demand infrastructure in cloud. 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control (I2C2). :1–5.
Recent increases in the field of infrastructure has led to the emerging of cloud computing a virtualized computing platform. This technology provides a lot of pros like rapid elasticity, ubiquitous network access and on-demand access etc. Compare to other technologies cloud computing provides many essential services. As the elasticity and scalability increases the chance for vulnerability of the system is also high. There are many known and unknown security risks and challenges present in this environment. In this research an environment is proposed which can handle security issues and deploys various security levels. The system handles the security of various infrastructure like VM and also handles the Dynamic infrastructure request control. One of the key feature of proposed approach is Dual authorization in which all account related data will be authorized by two privileged administrators of the cloud. The auto scalability feature of the cloud is be made secure for on-demand service request handling by providing an on-demand scheduler who will process the on-demand request and assign the required infrastructure. Combining these two approaches provides a secure environment for cloud users as well as handle On-demand Infrastructure request.
Anderson, Blake, McGrew, David.  2017.  Machine Learning for Encrypted Malware Traffic Classification: Accounting for Noisy Labels and Non-Stationarity. Proceedings of the 23rd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. :1723–1732.

The application of machine learning for the detection of malicious network traffic has been well researched over the past several decades; it is particularly appealing when the traffic is encrypted because traditional pattern-matching approaches cannot be used. Unfortunately, the promise of machine learning has been slow to materialize in the network security domain. In this paper, we highlight two primary reasons why this is the case: inaccurate ground truth and a highly non-stationary data distribution. To demonstrate and understand the effect that these pitfalls have on popular machine learning algorithms, we design and carry out experiments that show how six common algorithms perform when confronted with real network data. With our experimental results, we identify the situations in which certain classes of algorithms underperform on the task of encrypted malware traffic classification. We offer concrete recommendations for practitioners given the real-world constraints outlined. From an algorithmic perspective, we find that the random forest ensemble method outperformed competing methods. More importantly, feature engineering was decisive; we found that iterating on the initial feature set, and including features suggested by domain experts, had a much greater impact on the performance of the classification system. For example, linear regression using the more expressive feature set easily outperformed the random forest method using a standard network traffic representation on all criteria considered. Our analysis is based on millions of TLS encrypted sessions collected over 12 months from a commercial malware sandbox and two geographically distinct, large enterprise networks.

Antignac, Thibaud, Mukelabai, Mukelabai, Schneider, Gerardo.  2017.  Specification, Design, and Verification of an Accountability-aware Surveillance Protocol. Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing. :1372–1378.

Though controversial, surveillance activities are more and more performed for security reasons. However, such activities are extremely privacy-intrusive. This is seen as a necessary side-effect to ensure the success of such operations. In this paper, we propose an accountability-aware protocol designed for surveillance purposes. It relies on a strong incentive for a surveillance organisation to register its activity to a data protection authority. We first elicit a list of account-ability requirements, we provide an architecture showing the interaction of the different involved parties, and we propose an accountability-aware protocol which is formally specified in the applied pi calculus. We use the ProVerif tool to automatically verify that the protocol respects confidentiality, integrity and authentication properties.

Chowdhury, Muktadir, Gawande, Ashlesh, Wang, Lan.  2017.  Anonymous Authentication and Pseudonym-renewal for VANET in NDN. Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :222–223.

Secure deployment of a vehicular network depends on the network's trust establishment and privacy-preserving capability. In this paper, we propose a scheme for anonymous pseudonym-renewal and pseudonymous authentication for vehicular ad-hoc networks over a data-centric Internet architecture called Named Data networking (NDN). We incorporated our design in a traffic information sharing demo application and deployed it on Raspberry Pi-based miniature cars for evaluation.

Crabtree, A., Lodge, T., Colley, J., Greenghalgh, C., Mortier, R..  2017.  Accountable Internet of Things? Outline of the IoT databox model 2017 IEEE 18th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM). :1–6.

This paper outlines the IoT Databox model as a means of making the Internet of Things (IoT) accountable to individuals. Accountability is a key to building consumer trust and mandated in data protection legislation. We briefly outline the `external' data subject accountability requirement specified in actual legislation in Europe and proposed legislation in the US, and how meeting requirement this turns on surfacing the invisible actions and interactions of connected devices and the social arrangements in which they are embedded. The IoT Databox model is proposed as an in principle means of enabling accountability and providing individuals with the mechanisms needed to build trust in the IoT.

Kaaniche, N., Laurent, M..  2017.  A blockchain-based data usage auditing architecture with enhanced privacy and availability. 2017 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA). :1–5.

Recent years have witnessed the trend of increasingly relying on distributed infrastructures. This increased the number of reported incidents of security breaches compromising users' privacy, where third parties massively collect, process and manage users' personal data. Towards these security and privacy challenges, we combine hierarchical identity based cryptographic mechanisms with emerging blockchain infrastructures and propose a blockchain-based data usage auditing architecture ensuring availability and accountability in a privacy-preserving fashion. Our approach relies on the use of auditable contracts deployed in blockchain infrastructures. Thus, it offers transparent and controlled data access, sharing and processing, so that unauthorized users or untrusted servers cannot process data without client's authorization. Moreover, based on cryptographic mechanisms, our solution preserves privacy of data owners and ensures secrecy for shared data with multiple service providers. It also provides auditing authorities with tamper-proof evidences for data usage compliance.

Chen, C. W., Chang, S. Y., Hu, Y. C., Chen, Y. W..  2017.  Protecting vehicular networks privacy in the presence of a single adversarial authority. 2017 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–9.

In vehicular networks, each message is signed by the generating node to ensure accountability for the contents of that message. For privacy reasons, each vehicle uses a collection of certificates, which for accountability reasons are linked at a central authority. One such design is the Security Credential Management System (SCMS) [1], which is the leading credential management system in the US. The SCMS is composed of multiple components, each of which has a different task for key management, which are logically separated. The SCMS is designed to ensure privacy against a single insider compromise, or against outside adversaries. In this paper, we demonstrate that the current SCMS design fails to achieve its design goal, showing that a compromised authority can gain substantial information about certificate linkages. We propose a solution that accommodates threshold-based detection, but uses relabeling and noise to limit the information that can be learned from a single insider adversary. We also analyze our solution using techniques from differential privacy and validate it using traffic-simulator based experiments. Our results show that our proposed solution prevents privacy information leakage against the compromised authority in collusion with outsider attackers.

Zeng, J., Dong, L., Wu, Y., Chen, H., Li, C., Wang, S..  2017.  Privacy-Preserving and Multi-Dimensional Range Query in Two-Tiered Wireless Sensor Networks. GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–7.

With the advancement of sensor electronic devices, wireless sensor networks have attracted more and more attention. Range query has become a significant part of sensor networks due to its availability and convenience. However, It is challenging to process range query while still protecting sensitive data from disclosure. Existing work mainly focuses on privacy- preserving range query, but neglects the damage of collusion attacks, probability attacks and differential attacks. In this paper, we propose a privacy- preserving, energy-efficient and multi-dimensional range query protocol called PERQ, which not only achieves data privacy, but also considers collusion attacks, probability attacks and differential attacks. Generalized distance-based and modular arithmetic range query mechanism are used. In addition, a novel cyclic modular verification scheme is proposed to verify the data integrity. Extensive theoretical analysis and experimental results confirm the high performance of PERQ in terms of energy efficiency, security and accountability requirements.

Balaji, V. S., Reebha, S. A. A. B., Saravanan, D..  2017.  Audit-based efficient accountability for node misbehavior in wireless sensor network. 2017 International Conference on IoT and Application (ICIOT). :1–10.

Wireless sensor network operate on the basic underlying assumption that all participating nodes fully collaborate in self-organizing functions. However, performing network functions consumes energy and other resources. Therefore, some network nodes may decide against cooperating with others. Node misbehavior due to selfish or malicious reasons or faulty nodes can significantly degrade the performance of mobile ad-hoc networks. To cope with misbehavior in such self-organized networks, nodes need to be able to automatically adapt their strategy to changing levels of cooperation. The problem of identifying and isolating misbehaving nodes that refuses to forward packets in multi-hop ad hoc networks. a comprehensive system called Audit-based Misbehavior Detection (AMD) that effectively and efficiently isolates both continuous and selective packet droppers. The AMD system integrates reputation management, trustworthy route discovery, and identification of misbehaving nodes based on behavioral audits. AMD evaluates node behavior on a per-packet basis, without employing energy-expensive overhearing techniques or intensive acknowledgment schemes. AMD can detect selective dropping attacks even if end-to-end traffic is encrypted and can be applied to multi-channel networks.

Kondo, D., Silverston, T., Tode, H., Asami, T., Perrin, O..  2017.  Risk analysis of information-leakage through interest packets in NDN. 2017 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :360–365.

Information-leakage is one of the most important security issues in the current Internet. In Named-Data Networking (NDN), Interest names introduce novel vulnerabilities that can be exploited. By setting up a malware, Interest names can be used to encode critical information (steganography embedded) and to leak information out of the network by generating anomalous Interest traffic. This security threat based on Interest names does not exist in IP network, and it is essential to solve this issue to secure the NDN architecture. This paper performs risk analysis of information-leakage in NDN. We first describe vulnerabilities with Interest names and, as countermeasures, we propose a name-based filter using search engine information, and another filter using one-class Support Vector Machine (SVM). We collected URLs from the data repository provided by Common Crawl and we evaluate the performances of our per-packet filters. We show that our filters can choke drastically the throughput of information-leakage, which makes it easier to detect anomalous Interest traffic. It is therefore possible to mitigate information-leakage in NDN network and it is a strong incentive for future deployment of this architecture at the Internet scale.

Rohmah, Y. N., Sudiharto, D. W., Herutomo, A..  2017.  The performance comparison of forwarding mechanism between IPv4 and Named Data Networking (NDN). Case study: A node compromised by the prefix hijack. 2017 3rd International Conference on Science in Information Technology (ICSITech). :302–306.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is a new network architecture design that led to the evolution of a network architecture based on data-centric. Questions have been raised about how to compare its performance with the old architecture such as IP network which is generally based on Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Differs with the old one, source and destination addresses in the delivery of data are not required on the NDN network because the addresses function is replaced by a data name (Name) which serves to identify the data uniquely. In a computer network, a network routing is an essential factor to support data communication. The network routing on IP network relies only on Routing Information Base (RIB) derived from the IP table on the router. So that, if there is a problem on the network such as there is one node exposed to a dangerous attack, the IP router should wait until the IP table is updated, and then the routing channel is changed. The issue of how to change the routing path without updating IP table has received considerable critical attention. The NDN network has an advantage such as its capability to execute an adaptive forwarding mechanism, which FIB (Forwarding Information Base) of the NDN router keeps information for routing and forwarding planes. Therefore, if there is a problem on the network, the NDN router can detect the problem more quickly than the IP router. The contribution of this study is important to explain the benefit of the forwarding mechanism of the NDN network compared to the IP network forwarding mechanism when there is a node which is suffered a hijack attack.

Zhang, X., Li, R., Zhao, W., Wu, R..  2017.  Detection of malicious nodes in NDN VANET for Interest Packet Popple Broadcast Diffusion Attack. 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :114–118.

As one of the next generation network architectures, Named Data Networking(NDN) which features location-independent addressing and content caching makes it more suitable to be deployed into Vehicular Ad-hoc Network(VANET). However, a new attack pattern is found when NDN and VANET combine. This new attack is Interest Packet Popple Broadcast Diffusion Attack (PBDA). There is no mitigation strategies to mitigate PBDA. In this paper a mitigation strategies called RVMS based on node reputation value (RV) is proposed to detect malicious nodes. The node calculates the neighbor node RV by direct and indirect RV evaluation and uses Markov chain predict the current RV state of the neighbor node according to its historical RV. The RV state is used to decide whether to discard the interest packet. Finally, the effectiveness of the RVMS is verified through modeling and experiment. The experimental results show that the RVMS can mitigate PBDA.

Zhang, X., Li, R., Zhao, H..  2017.  Neighbor-aware based forwarding strategy in NDN-MANET. 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :125–129.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is a future Internet architecture, NDN forwarding strategy is a hot research topic in MANET. At present, there are two categories of forwarding strategies in NDN. One is the blind forwarding(BF), the other is the aware forwarding(AF). Data packet return by the way that one came forwarding strategy(DRF) as one of the BF strategy may fail for the interruptions of the path that are caused by the mobility of nodes. Consumer need to wait until the interest packet times out to request the data packet again. To solve the insufficient of DRF, in this paper a Forwarding Strategy, called FN based on Neighbor-aware is proposed for NDN MANET. The node maintains the neighbor information and the request information of neighbor nodes. In the phase of data packet response, in order to improve request satisfaction rate, node specifies the next hop node; Meanwhile, in order to reduce packet loss rate, node assists the last hop node to forward packet to the specific node. The simulation results show that compared with DRF and greedy forwarding(GF) strategy, FN can improve request satisfaction rate when node density is high.

Jung, M. Y., Jang, J. W..  2017.  Data management and searching system and method to provide increased security for IoT platform. 2017 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :873–878.

Existing data management and searching system for Internet of Things uses centralized database. For this reason, security vulnerabilities are found in this system which consists of server such as IP spoofing, single point of failure and Sybil attack. This paper proposes data management system is based on blockchain which ensures security by using ECDSA digital signature and SHA-256 hash function. Location that is indicated as IP address of data owner and data name are transcribed in block which is included in the blockchain. Furthermore, we devise data manegement and searching method through analyzing block hash value. By using security properties of blockchain such as authentication, non-repudiation and data integrity, this system has advantage of security comparing to previous data management and searching system using centralized database or P2P networks.

Kwon, H., Harris, W., Esmaeilzadeh, H..  2017.  Proving Flow Security of Sequential Logic via Automatically-Synthesized Relational Invariants. 2017 IEEE 30th Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF). :420–435.

Due to the proliferation of reprogrammable hardware, core designs built from modules drawn from a variety of sources execute with direct access to critical system resources. Expressing guarantees that such modules satisfy, in particular the dynamic conditions under which they release information about their unbounded streams of inputs, and automatically proving that they satisfy such guarantees, is an open and critical problem.,,To address these challenges, we propose a domain-specific language, named STREAMS, for expressing information-flow policies with declassification over unbounded input streams. We also introduce a novel algorithm, named SIMAREL, that given a core design C and STREAMS policy P, automatically proves or falsifies that C satisfies P. The key technical insight behind the design of SIMAREL is a novel algorithm for efficiently synthesizing relational invariants over pairs of circuit executions.,,We expressed expected behavior of cores designed independently for research and production as STREAMS policies and used SIMAREL to check if each core satisfies its policy. SIMAREL proved that half of the cores satisfied expected behavior, but found unexpected information leaks in six open-source designs: an Ethernet controller, a flash memory controller, an SD-card storage manager, a robotics controller, a digital-signal processing (DSP) module, and a debugging interface.

van Rijswijk-Deij, R., Chung, T., Choffnes, D., Mislove, A., Toorop, W..  2017.  The Root Canary: Monitoring and Measuring the DNSSEC Root Key Rollover. Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Posters and Demos. :63–64.

The Domain Name System (DNS) is part of the core of the Internet. Over the past decade, much-needed security features were added to this protocol, with the introduction of the DNS Security Extensions. DNSSEC adds authenticity and integrity to the protocol using digital signatures, and turns the DNS into a public key infrastructure (PKI). At the top of this PKI is a single key, the so-called Key Signing Key (KSK) for the DNS root. The current Root KSK was introduced in 2010, and has not changed since. This year, the Root KSK will be replaced for the first time ever. This event potentially has a major impact on the Internet. Thousands of DNS resolvers worldwide rely on this key to validate DNSSEC signatures, and must start using the new key, either through an automated process, or manual intervention. Failure to pick up the new key will result in resolvers becoming completely unavailable to end users. This work presents the "Root Canary", a system to monitor and measure this event from the perspective of validating DNS resolvers for its entire nine-month duration. The system combines three active measurement platforms to have the broadest possible coverage of validating resolvers. Results will be presented in near real-time, to allow the global DNS community to act if problems arise. Furthermore, after the Root KSK rollover concludes in March 2018, we will use the recorded datasets for an in-depth analysis, from which the Internet community can draw lessons for future key rollovers.

Zhang, Zhiyi, Yu, Yingdi, Afanasyev, Alexander, Burke, Jeff, Zhang, Lixia.  2017.  NAC: Name-based Access Control in Named Data Networking. Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :186–187.

As a proposed Internet architecture, Named Data Networking must provide effective security support: data authenticity, confidentiality, and availability. This poster focuses on supporting data confidentiality via encryption. The main challenge is to provide an easy-to-use key management mechanism that ensures only authorized parties are given the access to protected data. We describe the design of name-based access control (NAC) which provides automated key management by developing systematic naming conventions for both data and cryptographic keys. We also discuss an enhanced version of NAC that leverages attribute-based encryption mechanisms (NAC-ABE) to improve the flexibility of data access control and reduce communication, storage, and processing overheads.

Massey, Daniel.  2017.  Applying Cybersecurity Challenges to Medical and Vehicular Cyber Physical Systems. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :39–39.

This is a critical time in the design and deployment of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS). Advances in networking, computing, sensing, and control systems have enabled a broad range of new devices and services. Our transportation and medical systems are at the forefront of this advance and rapidly adding cyber components to these existing physical systems. Industry is driven by functional requirements and fast-moving markets and unfortunately security is typically not a driving factor. This can lead to designs were security is an additional feature that will be "bolted on" later. Now is the time to address security. The system designs are evolving rapidly and in most cases design standards are only now beginning to emerge. Many of the devices being deployed today have lifespans measured in decades. The design choices being made today will directly impact next several decades. This talk presents both the challenges and opportunities in building security into the design of these critical systems and will specifically address two emerging challenges. The first challenge considers how we update these devices. Updates involve technical, business, and policy issues. The consequence of an error could be measured in lives lost. The second challenges considers the basic networking approach. These systems may not require traditional networking solutions or traditional security solutions. Content centric networking is an emerging area that is directly applicable to CPS and IoT devices. Content centric networking makes fundamental changes in the core networking concepts, shifting communication from the traditional source/destination model to a new model where forwarding and routing are based on the content sought. In this new model, packets need not even include a source. This talk will argue this model is ideally suited for CPS and IoT environments. A content centric does not just improve the underlying communications system, it fundamentally changes the security and allows designs to move currently intractable security designs to new designs that are both more efficient and more secure.

Partridge, Craig, Nelson, Samuel, Kong, Derrick.  2017.  Realizing a Virtual Private Network Using Named Data Networking. Proceedings of the 4th ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :156–162.

An approach to creating secure virtual private networks for the Named Data Networking (NDN) protocol suite is described. It encrypts and encapsulates NDN packets from higher security domains and places them as the payload in unencrypted NDN packets, much as IPsec encapsulates encrypted IP datagrams in unencrypted IP datagrams. We then leverage the well-known properties of the IP-in-IP approach, taken by IPsec in tunnel mode, to understand the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed NDN-in-NDN approach.

Kumar, Naveen, Singh, Ashutosh Kumar, Srivastava, Shashank.  2017.  Evaluating Machine Learning Algorithms for Detection of Interest Flooding Attack in Named Data Networking. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :299–302.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is one of the most promising data-centric networks. NDN is resilient to most of the attacks that are possible in TCP/IP stack. Since NDN has different network architecture than TCP/IP, so it is prone to new types of attack. These attacks are Interest Flooding Attack (IFA), Cache Privacy Attack, Cache Pollution Attack, Content Poisoning Attack, etc. In this paper, we discussed the detection of IFA. First, we model the IFA on linear topology using the ndnSIM and CCNx code base. We have selected most promising feature among all considered features then we applied diïňĂerent machine learning techniques to detect the attack. We have shown that result of attack detection in case of simulation and implementation is almost same. We modeled IFA on DFN topology and compared the results of different machine learning approaches.

Wang, M., Zhang, Z., Xu, H..  2017.  DNS configurations and its security analyzing via resource records of the top-level domains. 2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Anti-counterfeiting, Security, and Identification (ASID). :21–25.

Top-level domains play an important role in domain name system. Close attention should be paid to security of top level domains. In this paper, we found many configuration anomalies of top-level domains by analyzing their resource records. We got resource records of top-level domains from root name servers and authoritative servers of top-level domains. By comparing these resource records, we observed the anomalies in top-level domains. For example, there are 8 servers shared by more than one hundred top-level domains; Some TTL fields or SERIAL fields of resource records obtained on each NS servers of the same top-level domain were inconsistent; some authoritative servers of top-level domains were unreachable. Those anomalies may affect the availability of top-level domains. We hope that these anomalies can draw top-level domain administrators' attention to security of top-level domains.

Wu, D., Xu, Z., Chen, B., Zhang, Y..  2017.  Towards Access Control for Network Coding-Based Named Data Networking. GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–6.

Named Data Networking (NDN) is a content-oriented future Internet architecture, which well suits the increasingly mobile and information-intensive applications that dominate today's Internet. NDN relies on in-network caching to facilitate content delivery. This makes it challenging to enforce access control since the content has been cached in the routers and the content producer has lost the control over it. Due to its salient advantages in content delivery, network coding has been introduced into NDN to improve content delivery effectiveness. In this paper, we design ACNC, the first Access Control solution specifically for Network Coding-based NDN. By combining a novel linear AONT (All Or Nothing Transform) and encryption, we can ensure that only the legitimate user who possesses the authorization key can successfully recover the encoding matrix for network coding, and hence can recover the content being transmitted. In addition, our design has two salient merits: 1) the linear AONT well suits the linear nature of network coding; 2) only one vector of the encoding matrix needs to be encrypted/decrypted, which only incurs small computational overhead. Security analysis and experimental evaluation in ndnSIM show that our design can successfully enforce access control on network coding-based NDN with an acceptable overhead.

Dong, D. S..  2017.  Security modalities on linear network code for randomized sources. 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET). :1841–1845.

Today's major concern is not only maximizing the information rate through linear network coding scheme which is intelligent combination of information symbols at sending nodes but also secured transmission of information. Though cryptographic measure of security (computational security) gives secure transmission of information, it results system complexity and consequent reduction in efficiency of the communication system. This problem leads to alternative way of optimally secure and maximized information transmission. The alternative solution is secure network coding which is information theoretic approach. Depending up on applications, different security measures are needed during the transmission of information over wiretapped network with potential attack by the adversaries. In this research work, mathematical model for different security constraints with upper and lower boundaries were studied depending up on the randomness added to the source message and hence the security constraints on linear network code for randomized source messages depends both on randomness added and number of random source symbols. If the source generates large number random symbols, lesser number of random keys can give higher security to the information but information theoretic security bounds remain same. Hence maximizing randomness to the source is equivalent to adding security level.

Zayene, M., Habachi, O., Meghdadi, V., Ezzeddine, T., Cances, J. P..  2017.  Joint delay and energy minimization for Wireless Sensor Networks using instantly decodable network coding. 2017 International Conference on Internet of Things, Embedded Systems and Communications (IINTEC). :21–25.

Most of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are usually deployed in hostile environments where the communications conditions are not stable and not reliable. Hence, there is a need to design an effective distributed schemes to enable the sensors cooperating in order to recover the sensed data. In this paper, we establish a novel cooperative data exchange (CDE) scheme using instantly decodable network coding (IDNC) across the sensor nodes. We model the problem using the cooperative game theory in partition form. We develop also a distributed merge-and-split algorithm in order to form dynamically coalitions that maximize their utilities in terms of both energy consumption and IDNC delay experienced by all sensors. Indeed, the proposed algorithm enables these sensors to self-organize into stable clustered network structure where all sensors do not have incentives to change the cluster he is part of. Simulation results show that our cooperative scheme allows nodes not only to reduce the energy consumption, but also the IDNC completion time.

Khanzada, T. J. S., Mukhtiar, A., Bushra, N., Talpur, M. S. N., Faisal, A..  2017.  Evaluation and analysis of network coding at network layer. 2017 International Conference on Progress in Informatics and Computing (PIC). :333–336.

Network coding is a potential method that numerous investigators have move forwarded due to its significant advantages to enhance the proficiency of data communication. In this work, utilize simulations to assess the execution of various network topologies employing network coding. By contrasting the results of network and without network coding, it insists that network coding can improve the throughput, end-to-end delays, Packet Delivery Rate (PDR) and consistency. This paper presents the comparative performance analysis of network coding such as, XOR, LNC, and RLNC. The results demonstrates the XOR technique has attractive outcomes and can improve the real time performance metrics i.e.; throughput, end-to-end delay and PDR by substantial limitations. The analysis has been carried out based on packet size and also number of packets to be transmitted. Results illustrates that the network coding facilitate in dependence between networks.