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Leak, Matthew Haslett, Venayagamoorthy, Ganesh Kumar.  2022.  Situational Awareness of De-energized Lines During Loss of SCADA Communication in Electric Power Distribution Systems. 2022 IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition (T&D). :1–5.

With the electric power distribution grid facing ever increasing complexity and new threats from cyber-attacks, situational awareness for system operators is quickly becoming indispensable. Identifying de-energized lines on the distribution system during a SCADA communication failure is a prime example where operators need to act quickly to deal with an emergent loss of service. Loss of cellular towers, poor signal strength, and even cyber-attacks can impact SCADA visibility of line devices on the distribution system. Neural Networks (NNs) provide a unique approach to learn the characteristics of normal system behavior, identify when abnormal conditions occur, and flag these conditions for system operators. This study applies a 24-hour load forecast for distribution line devices given the weather forecast and day of the week, then determines the current state of distribution devices based on changes in SCADA analogs from communicating line devices. A neural network-based algorithm is applied to historical events on Alabama Power's distribution system to identify de-energized sections of line when a significant amount of SCADA information is hidden.

Nanjo, Yuki, Shirase, Masaaki, Kodera, Yuta, Kusaka, Takuya, Nogami, Yasuyuki.  2021.  Efficient Final Exponentiation for Pairings on Several Curves Resistant to Special TNFS. 2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). :48—55.
Pairings on elliptic curves are exploited for pairing-based cryptography, e.g., ID-based encryption and group signature authentication. For secure cryptography, it is important to choose the curves that have resistance to a special variant of the tower number field sieve (TNFS) that is an attack for the finite fields. However, for the pairings on several curves with embedding degree \$k=\10,11,13,14\\$ resistant to the special TNFS, efficient algorithms for computing the final exponentiation constructed by the lattice-based method have not been provided. For these curves, the authors present efficient algorithms with the calculation costs in this manuscript.
Arfeen, Asad, Ahmed, Saad, Khan, Muhammad Asim, Jafri, Syed Faraz Ali.  2021.  Endpoint Detection Amp; Response: A Malware Identification Solution. 2021 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS). :1–8.
Malicious hackers breach security perimeters, cause infrastructure disruptions as well as steal proprietary information, financial data, and violate consumers' privacy. Protection of the whole organization by using the firm's security officers can be besieged with faulty warnings. Engineers must shift from console to console to put together investigative clues as a result of today's fragmented security technologies that cause frustratingly sluggish investigations. Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) solutions adds an extra layer of protection to prevent an endpoint action into a breach. EDR is the region's foremost detection and response tool that combines endpoint and network data to recognize and respond to sophisticated threats. Offering unrivaled security and operational effectiveness, it integrates prevention, investigation, detection, and responding in a single platform. EDR provides enterprise coverage and uninterrupted defense with its continuous monitoring and response to threats. We have presented a comprehensive review of existing EDRs through various security layers that includes detection, response and management capabilities which enables security teams to have unified end-to-end corporate accessibility, powerful analytics along with additional features such as web threat scan, external device scan and automatic reaction across the whole technological tower.
Hongbin, Z., Wei, W., Wengdong, S..  2020.  Safety and Damage Assessment Method of Transmission Line Tower in Goaf Based on Artificial Intelligence. 2020 IEEE/IAS Industrial and Commercial Power System Asia (I CPS Asia). :1474—1479.
The transmission line tower is affected by the surface subsidence in the mined out area of coal mine, which will appear the phenomenon of subsidence, inclination and even tower collapse, threatening the operation safety of the transmission line tower in the mined out area. Therefore, a Safety and Damage Assessment Method of Transmission Line Tower in Goaf Based on Artificial Intelligence is proposed. Firstly, the geometric model of the coal seam in the goaf and the structural reliability model of the transmission line tower are constructed to evaluate the safety. Then, the random forest algorithm in artificial intelligence is used to evaluate the damage of the tower, so as to take protective measures in time. Finally, a finite element simulation model of tower foundation interaction is built, and its safety (force) and damage identification are experimentally analyzed. The results show that the proposed method can ensure high accuracy of damage assessment and reliable judgment of transmission line tower safety within the allowable error.
Kumar, Suren, Dhiman, Vikas, Koch, Parker A, Corso, Jason J..  2018.  Learning Compositional Sparse Bimodal Models. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. 40:1032—1044.

Various perceptual domains have underlying compositional semantics that are rarely captured in current models. We suspect this is because directly learning the compositional structure has evaded these models. Yet, the compositional structure of a given domain can be grounded in a separate domain thereby simplifying its learning. To that end, we propose a new approach to modeling bimodal perceptual domains that explicitly relates distinct projections across each modality and then jointly learns a bimodal sparse representation. The resulting model enables compositionality across these distinct projections and hence can generalize to unobserved percepts spanned by this compositional basis. For example, our model can be trained on red triangles and blue squares; yet, implicitly will also have learned red squares and blue triangles. The structure of the projections and hence the compositional basis is learned automatically; no assumption is made on the ordering of the compositional elements in either modality. Although our modeling paradigm is general, we explicitly focus on a tabletop building-blocks setting. To test our model, we have acquired a new bimodal dataset comprising images and spoken utterances of colored shapes (blocks) in the tabletop setting. Our experiments demonstrate the benefits of explicitly leveraging compositionality in both quantitative and human evaluation studies.

Prabhakar, Kashish, Dutta, Kaushik, Jain, Rachana, Sharma, Mayank, Khatri, Sunil Kumar.  2019.  Securing Virtual Machines on Cloud through Game Theory Approach. 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI). :859–863.

With the ever so growing boundaries for security in the cloud, it is necessary to develop ways to prevent from total cloud server failure. In this paper, we try to design a Game Strategy Block that sets up rules for security based on a tower defence game to secure the hypervisor from potential threats. We also try to define a utility function named the Virtual Machine Vitality Measure (VMVM) that could enlighten on the status of the virtual machines on the virtual environment.

Lopes, José, Robb, David A., Ahmad, Muneeb, Liu, Xingkun, Lohan, Katrin, Hastie, Helen.  2019.  Towards a Conversational Agent for Remote Robot-Human Teaming. 2019 14th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). :548–549.

There are many challenges when it comes to deploying robots remotely including lack of operator situation awareness and decreased trust. Here, we present a conversational agent embodied in a Furhat robot that can help with the deployment of such remote robots by facilitating teaming with varying levels of operator control.

Pradhan, A., Marimuthu, K., Niranchana, R., Vijayakumar, P..  2017.  Secure Protocol for Subscriber Identity Module. 2017 Second International Conference on Recent Trends and Challenges in Computational Models (ICRTCCM). :358–362.

Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) is the backbone of modern mobile communication. SIM can be used to store a number of user sensitive information such as user contacts, SMS, banking information (some banking applications store user credentials on the SIM) etc. Unfortunately, the current SIM model has a major weakness. When the mobile device is lost, an adversary can simply steal a user's SIM and use it. He/she can then extract the user's sensitive information stored on the SIM. Moreover, The adversary can then pose as the user and communicate with the contacts stored on the SIM. This opens up the avenue to a large number of social engineering techniques. Additionally, if the user has provided his/her number as a recovery option for some accounts, the adversary can get access to them. The current methodology to deal with a stolen SIM is to contact your particular service provider and report a theft. The service provider then blocks the services on your SIM, but the adversary still has access to the data which is stored on the SIM. Therefore, a secure scheme is required to ensure that only legal users are able to access and utilize their SIM.