Nowadays, Microblog has become an important online social networking platform, and a large number of users share information through Microblog. Many malicious users have released various false news driven by various interests, which seriously affects the availability of Microblog platform. Therefore, the evaluation of Microblog user credibility has become an important research issue. This paper proposes a microblog user credibility evaluation algorithm based on trust propagation. In view of the high consumption and low precision caused by malicious users' attacking algorithms and manual selection of seed sets by establishing false social relationships, this paper proposes two optimization strategies: pruning algorithm based on social activity and similarity and based on The seed node selection algorithm of clustering. The pruning algorithm can trim off the attack edges established by malicious users and normal users. The seed node selection algorithm can efficiently select the highly available seed node set, and finally use the user social relationship graph to perform the two-way propagation trust scoring, so that the low trusted user has a lower trusted score and thus identifies the malicious user. The related experiments verify the effectiveness of the trustworthiness-based user credibility evaluation algorithm in the evaluation of Microblog user credibility.
Internet plays a crucial role in today's life, so the usage of online social network monotonically increasing. People can share multimedia information's fastly and keep in touch or communicate with friend's easily through online social network across the world. Security in authentication is a big challenge in online social network and authentication is a preliminary process for identifying legitimate user. Conventionally, we are using alphanumeric textbased password for authentication approach. But the main flaw points of text based password is highly vulnerable to attacks and difficulty of recalling password during authentication time due to the irregular use of passwords. To overcome the shortcoming of text passwords, we propose a Graphical Password authentication. An approach of Graphical Password is an authentication of amalgam of pictures. It is less vulnerable to attacks and human can easily recall pictures better than text. So the graphical password is a better alternative to text passwords. As the image uploads are increasing by users share through online site, privacy preserving has become a major problem. So we need a Caption Based Metadata Stratification of images for delivers an automatic suggestion of similar category already in database, it works by comparing the caption metadata of album with caption metadata already in database or extract the synonyms of caption metadata of new album for checking the similarity with caption metadata already in database. This stratification offers an enhanced automatic privacy prediction for uploaded images in online social network, privacy is an inevitable factor for uploaded images, and privacy violation is a major concern. So we propose an Automatic Policy Prediction for uploaded images that are classified by caption metadata. An automatic policy prediction is a hassle-free privacy setting proposed to the user.
Online Social Networks (OSNs) are continuously suffering from the negative impact of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. This paper describes a novel framework for mitigating XSS attack on OSN-based platforms. It is completely based on the request authentication and view isolation approach. It detects XSS attack through validating string value extracted from the vulnerable checkpoint present in the web page by implementing string examination algorithm with the help of XSS attack vector repository. Any similarity (i.e. string is not validated) indicates the presence of malicious code injected by the attacker and finally it removes the script code to mitigate XSS attack. To assess the defending ability of our designed model, we have tested it on OSN-based web application i.e. Humhub. The experimental results revealed that our model discovers the XSS attack vectors with low false negatives and false positive rate tolerable performance overhead.
Nowadays, Online Social Networks (OSNs) are very popular and have become an integral part of our life. People are dependent on Online Social Networks for various purposes. The activities of most of the users are normal, but a few of the users exhibit unusual and suspicious behavior. We term this suspicious and unusual behavior as malicious behavior. Malicious behavior in Online Social Networks includes a wide range of unethical activities and actions performed by individuals or communities to manipulate thought process of OSN users to fulfill their vested interest. Such malicious behavior needs to be checked and its effects should be minimized. To minimize effects of such malicious activities, we require proper detection and containment strategy. Such strategy will protect millions of users across the OSNs from misinformation and security threats. In this paper, we discuss the different studies performed in the area of malicious behavior analysis and propose a framework for detection of malicious behavior in OSNs.
Online Social Networks exploit a lightweight process to identify their users so as to facilitate their fast adoption. However, such convenience comes at the price of making legitimate users subject to different threats created by fake accounts. Therefore, there is a crucial need to empower users with tools helping them in assigning a level of trust to whomever they interact with. To cope with this issue, in this paper we introduce a novel model, DIVa, that leverages on mining techniques to find correlations among user profile attributes. These correlations are discovered not from user population as a whole, but from individual communities, where the correlations are more pronounced. DIVa exploits a decentralized learning approach and ensures privacy preservation as each node in the OSN independently processes its local data and is required to know only its direct neighbors. Extensive experiments using real-world OSN datasets show that DIVa is able to extract fine-grained community-aware correlations among profile attributes with average improvements up to 50% than the global approach.
Online social networks are attracting billions of nowadays, both on a global scale as well as in social enterprise networks. Using distributed hash tables and peer-to-peer technology allows online social networks to be operated securely and efficiently only by using the resources of the user devices, thus alleviating censorship or data misuse by a single network operator. In this paper, we address the challenges that arise in implementing reliably and conveniently to use distributed data structures, such as lists or sets, in such a distributed hash-table-based online social network. We present a secure, distributed list data structure that manages the list entries in several buckets in the distributed hash table. The list entries are authenticated, integrity is maintained and access control for single users and also groups is integrated. The approach for secure distributed lists is also applied for prefix trees and sets, and implemented and evaluated in a peer-to-peer framework for social networks. Evaluation shows that the distributed data structure is convenient and efficient to use and that the requirements on security hold.