Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) provide hardware support to isolate the execution of sensitive operations on mobile phones for improved security. However, they are not always available to use for application developers. To provide a consistent user experience to those who have and do not have a TEE-enabled device, we could get help from Open-TEE, an open-source GlobalPlatform (GP)-compliant software TEE emulator. However, Open-TEE does not offer any of the security properties hardware TEEs have. In this paper, we propose WhiteBox-TEE which integrates white-box cryptography with Open-TEE to provide better security while still remaining complaint with GP TEE specifications. We discuss the architecture, provisioning mechanism, implementation highlights, security properties and performance issues of WhiteBox-TEE and propose possible revisions to TEE specifications to have better use of white-box cryptography in software-only TEEs.
With all data services of cloud, it's not only stored the data, although shared the data among the multiple users or clients, which make doubt in its integrity due to the existence of software/hardware error along with human error too. There is an existence of several mechanisms to allow data holders and public verifiers to precisely, efficiently and effectively audit integrity of cloud data without accessing the whole data from server. After all, public auditing on the integrity of shared data with pervious extant mechanisms will somehow affirm the confidential information and its identity privacy to the public verifiers. In this paper, to achieve the privacy preserving public for auditing, we intended an explanation for TPA using three way handshaking protocol through the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) with liberated encryption standard. Appropriately, from the cloud, we use the VerifyProof execute by TPA to audit to certify. In addition to this mechanism, the identity of each segment in the shared data is kept private from the public verifiers. Moreover, rather than verifying the auditing task one by one, this will capable to perform, the various auditing tasks simultaneously.
Along with the growing popularisation of Cloud Computing. Cloud storage technology has been paid more and more attention as an emerging network storage technology which is extended and developed by cloud computing concepts. Cloud computing environment depends on user services such as high-speed storage and retrieval provided by cloud computing system. Meanwhile, data security is an important problem to solve urgently for cloud storage technology. In recent years, There are more and more malicious attacks on cloud storage systems, and cloud storage system of data leaking also frequently occurred. Cloud storage security concerns the user's data security. The purpose of this paper is to achieve data security of cloud storage and to formulate corresponding cloud storage security policy. Those were combined with the results of existing academic research by analyzing the security risks of user data in cloud storage and approach a subject of the relevant security technology, which based on the structural characteristics of cloud storage system.
Cloud storage can provide outsourcing data services for both organizations and individuals. However, cloud storage still faces many challenges, e.g., public integrity auditing, the support of dynamic data, and low computational audit cost. To solve the problems, a number of techniques have been proposed. Recently, Tian et al. proposed a novel public auditing scheme for secure cloud storage based on a new data structure DHT. The authors claimed that their scheme was proven to be secure. Unfortunately, through our security analysis, we find that the scheme suffers from one attack and one security shortage. The attack is that an adversary can forge the data to destroy the correctness of files without being detected. The shortage of the scheme is that the updating operations for data blocks is vulnerable and easy to be modified. Finally, we give our countermeasures to remedy the security problems.
We consider the problem of designing repair efficient distributed storage systems, which are information-theoretically secure against a passive eavesdropper that can gain access to a limited number of storage nodes. We present a framework that enables design of a broad range of secure storage codes through a joint construction of inner and outer codes. As case studies, we focus on two specific families of storage codes: (i) minimum storage regenerating (MSR) codes, and (ii) maximally recoverable (MR) codes, which are a class of locally repairable codes (LRCs). The main idea of this framework is to utilize the existing constructions of storage codes to jointly design an outer coset code and inner storage code. Finally, we present a construction of an outer coset code over small field size to secure locally repairable codes presented by Tamo and Barg for the special case of an eavesdropper that can observe any subset of nodes of maximum possible size.
Reliable and scalable storage systems are key to cloud-based applications. In cloud storage, users store their data on remote servers rather than their local computers. Secure storage is used to ensure the safety of data in clouds. As more and more users rely on third-party cloud vendors to store their data, concerns have arisen among users and cloud providers. Encryption-based approaches are commonly used in secure storage systems. Data are encrypted and stored on persistent storage like disks and flash memories. When data are needed by the users, they are decrypted and accessed by the users. This way of managing data hurts the scalability and throughput of cloud systems. In the meantime, cloud systems have to perform fault-tolerance strategies on data, which also brings performance deduction. The combination of these issues cause a high price for data security in cloud systems. Aware of such issues. we propose methods to reduce the overhead of secure storage while guaranteeing the safeness of data.
Cloud Computing is one of the large and essential environment now a days to work for the storage collection and privacy preserve to that data. Cloud data security is most important and major concern for the client while use of the cloud services provided by the different service providers. There can be some major security concern and conflicts between the client and the service provider. To get out from those issues, a third party auditor uses as an auditor for assurance of data in the environment. Storage systems for the cloud has many fundamental challenges still today. All basic as well critical challenges among which storage space and security is generally the top concern in the cloud environment. To give the appropriate security issues we have proposed third party authentication system. The cloud not only for the simplified data storage but also secure data acquisition in cloud environment. At last we have perform different security analysis as well performance analysis. It give the results that proposed scheme has significant increases in efficiency for maintaining highly secure data storage and acquisition. The proposed method also helps to minimize the cost in environment and also increases communication efficiency in the cloud environment.
Cloud computing emerges as a new computing paradigm that aims to provide reliable, customized and quality of service guaranteed computation environments for cloud users. Applications and databases are moved to the large centralized data centers, called cloud. Due to resource virtualization, global replication and migration, the physical absence of data and machine in the cloud, the stored data in the cloud and the computation results may not be well managed and fully trusted by the cloud users. Most of the previous work on the cloud security focuses on the storage security rather than taking the computation security into consideration together. In this paper, we propose a privacy cheating discouragement and secure computation auditing protocol, or SecCloud, which is a first protocol bridging secure storage and secure computation auditing in cloud and achieving privacy cheating discouragement by designated verifier signature, batch verification and probabilistic sampling techniques. The detailed analysis is given to obtain an optimal sampling size to minimize the cost. Another major contribution of this paper is that we build a practical secure-aware cloud computing experimental environment, or SecHDFS, as a test bed to implement SecCloud. Further experimental results have demonstrated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed SecCloud.