The CPS standard can be more objective to evaluate the effect of control behavior in each control area on the interconnected power grid. The CPS standard is derived from statistical methods emphasizing the long-term control performance of AGC, which is beneficial to the frequency control of the power grid by mutual support between the various power grids in the case of an accident. Moreover, CPS standard reduces the wear of the equipment caused by the frequent adjustment of the AGC unit. The key is to adjust the AGC control strategy to meet the performance of CPS standard. This paper proposed a dynamic optimal CPS control methodology for interconnected power systems based on model predictive control which can achieve optimal control under the premise of meeting the CPS standard. The effectiveness of the control strategy is verified by simulation examples.
The three-phase grid-connected converter control strategy, which applies to the battery energy storage system, generally ignores the interference of harmonic components in the grid voltage. As a result, it is difficult to meet the practical application requirements. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to optimize and improve the traditional control strategy, taking harmonics into consideration. And its bases are analysis of the harmonic characteristics and study of its control mechanism in the grid-connected converter. This paper proposes a method of harmonic decomposition, classifies the grid voltage harmonics and explores the control mechanism in the grid-connected converter. With the help of the simulation model built by Matlab/Simulink, the comparative simulation of the energy storage control system carried out under the control of the ideal grid voltage input and the actual one, verifies the correctness of the analytical method proposed in the article.
This paper deals with the modeling and control of the NEREIDA wave generation power plant installed in Mutriku, Spain. This kind of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) plants usually employ a Wells turbine coupled to a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). The stalling behavior of the Wells turbine limits the generated power. In this context, a sliding mode rotational speed control is proposed to help avoiding this phenomenon. This will regulate the speed by means of the Rotor Side Converter (RSC) of the Back-to-Back converter governing the generator. The results of the comparative study show that the proposed control provides a higher generated power compared to the uncontrolled case.
The NEREIDA wave generation power plant installed in Mutriku, Spain is a multiple Oscillating Water Column (OWC) plant. The power takeoff consists of a Wells turbine coupled to a Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG). The stalling behavior present in the Wells turbine limits the generated power. This paper presents the modeling and a Harmony Search Algorithm-based airflow control of the OWC. The Harmony Search Algorithm (HSA) is proposed to help overcome the limitations of a traditionally tuned PID. An investigation between HSA-tuned controller and the traditionally tuned controller has been performed. Results of the controlled and uncontrolled plant prove the effectiveness of the airflow control and the superiority of the HSA-tuned controller.
During the last years, the Modular Multilevel Matrix Converter (M3C) has been investigated due to its capacity tooperate in high voltage and power levels. This converter is appropriate for Wind Energy Conversion Systems (WECSs), due to its advantages such as redundancy, high power quality, expandability and control flexibility. For Double-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) WECSs, the M3C has advantages additional benefits, for instance, high power density in the rotor, with a more compact modular converter, and control of bidirectional reactive power flow. Therefore, this paper presents a WECS composed of a DFIG and an M3C. The modelling and control of this WECS topology are described and analyzed in this paper. Additionally, simulation results are presented to validate the effectiveness of this proposal.
This paper presents a novel technique to quantify the operational resilience for power electronic-based components affected by High-Impact Low-Frequency (HILF) weather-related events such as high speed winds. In this study, the resilience quantification is utilized to investigate how prompt the system goes back to the pre-disturbance or another stable operational state. A complexity quantification metric is used to assess the system resilience. The test system is a Solid-State Transformer (SST) representing a complex, nonlinear interconnected system. Results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique for quantifying the operational resilience in systems affected by weather-related disturbances.
The eleven papers in this special section focus on power electronics-enabled autonomous systems. Power systems are going through a paradigm change from centralized generation to distributed generation and further onto smart grid. Millions of relatively small distributed energy resources (DER), including wind turbines, solar panels, electric vehicles and energy storage systems, and flexible loads are being integrated into power systems through power electronic converters. This imposes great challenges to the stability, scalability, reliability, security, and resiliency of future power systems. This section joins the forces of the communities of control/systems theory, power electronics, and power systems to address various emerging issues of power-electronics-enabled autonomous power systems, paving the way for large-scale deployment of DERs and flexible loads.