Visible to the public Parameter Setting of New Energy Sources Generator Rapid Frequency Response in Northwest Power Grid Based on Multi-Frequency Regulation Resources Coordinated Controlling

TitleParameter Setting of New Energy Sources Generator Rapid Frequency Response in Northwest Power Grid Based on Multi-Frequency Regulation Resources Coordinated Controlling
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsMa, X., Sun, X., Cheng, L., Guo, X., Liu, X., Wang, Z.
Conference Name2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP)
Keywordsactive power-frequency droop control, control level, conventional power supply units, coordinated rapid frequency regulation, energy fast frequency regulation model, energy generator, energy sources rapid frequency regulation, fast frequency control, frequency control, Frequency modulation, Frequency response, frequency security prevention, large-scale power grid stability simulation analysis, Metrics, multifrequency regulation resources coordinated controlling, new energy sources generator rapid frequency response, northwest power grid, parameter setting, photovoltaic adopting differential rapid frequency regulation parameters, Photovoltaic systems, power generation control, power grids, power sources, power system stability, PSASP power grid stability simulation program, pubcrawl, rapid frequency regulation, rapid frequency regulation capability, rapid frequency regulation research, Regulation, resilience, Resiliency, Scalability, security, sending end large power grid, stability simulation analysis, the Northwest Power Grid, Time Frequency Analysis, Time-frequency Analysis, wind power
AbstractSince 2016, the northwest power grid has organized new energy sources to participate in the rapid frequency regulation research and carried out pilot test work at the sending end large power grid. The experimental results show that new energy generator has the ability to participate in the grid's rapid frequency regulation, and its performance is better than that of conventional power supply units. This paper analyses the requirements for fast frequency control of the sending end large power grid in northwest China, and proposes the segmented participation indexes of photovoltaic and wind power in the frequency regulation of power grids. In accordance with the idea of "clear responsibilities, various types of unit coordination", the parameter setting of new energy sources rapid frequency regulation is completed based on the coordinated control based on multi-frequency regulation resources in northwest power grid. The new energy fast frequency regulation model was established, through the PSASP power grid stability simulation program and the large-scale power grid stability simulation analysis was completed. The simulation results show that the wind power and photovoltaic adopting differential rapid frequency regulation parameters can better utilize the rapid frequency regulation capability of various types of power sources, realize the coordinated rapid frequency regulation of all types of units, and effectively improve the frequency security prevention and control level of the sending end large power grid.
Citation Keyma_parameter_2019