Anderegg, Alfred H. Andy, Ferrell, Uma D..
Assurance Case Along a Safety Continuum. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–10.
The FAA proposes Safety Continuum that recognizes the public expectation for safety outcomes vary with aviation sectors that have different missions, aircraft, and environments. The purpose is to align the rigor of oversight to the public expectations. An aircraft, its variants or derivatives may be used in operations with different expectations. The differences in mission might bring immutable risks for some applications that reuse or revise the original aircraft type design. The continuum enables a more agile design approval process for innovations in the context of a dynamic ecosystems, addressing the creation of variants for different sectors and needs. Since an aircraft type design can be reused in various operations under part 91 or 135 with different mission risks the assurance case will have many branches reflecting the variants and derivatives.This paper proposes a model for the holistic, performance-based, through-life safety assurance case that focuses applicant and oversight alike on achieving the safety outcomes. This paper describes the application of goal-based, technology-neutral features of performance-based assurance cases extending the philosophy of UL 4600, to the Safety Continuum. This paper specifically addresses component reuse including third-party vehicle modifications and changes to operational concept or eco-system. The performance-based assurance argument offers a way to combine the design approval more seamlessly with the oversight functions by focusing all aspects of the argument and practice together to manage the safety outcomes. The model provides the context to assure mitigated risk are consistent with an operation’s place on the safety continuum, while allowing the applicant to reuse parts of the assurance argument to innovate variants or derivatives. The focus on monitoring performance to constantly verify the safety argument complements compliance checking as a way to assure products are "fit-for-use". The paper explains how continued operational safety becomes a natural part of monitoring the assurance case for growing variety in a product line by accounting for the ecosystem changes. Such a model could be used with the Safety Continuum to promote applicant and operator accountability delivering the expected safety outcomes.
ISSN: 2155-7209
Inácio, João, Medeiros, Ibéria.
Effectiveness on C Flaws Checking and Removal. 2022 52nd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks - Supplemental Volume (DSN-S). :33–34.
The use of software daily has become inevitable nowadays. Almost all everyday tools and the most different areas (e.g., medicine or telecommunications) are dependent on software. The C programming language is one of the most used languages for software development, such as operating systems, drivers, embedded systems, and industrial products. Even with the appearance of new languages, it remains one of the most used [1] . At the same time, C lacks verification mechanisms, like array boundaries, leaving the entire responsibility to the developer for the correct management of memory and resources. These weaknesses are at the root of buffer overflows (BO) vulnerabilities, which range the first place in the CWE’s top 25 of the most dangerous weaknesses [2] . The exploitation of BO when existing in critical safety systems, such as railways and autonomous cars, can have catastrophic effects for manufacturers or endanger human lives.
Sikder, Md Nazmul Kabir, Batarseh, Feras A., Wang, Pei, Gorentala, Nitish.
Model-Agnostic Scoring Methods for Artificial Intelligence Assurance. 2022 IEEE 29th Annual Software Technology Conference (STC). :9–18.
State of the art Artificial Intelligence Assurance (AIA) methods validate AI systems based on predefined goals and standards, are applied within a given domain, and are designed for a specific AI algorithm. Existing works do not provide information on assuring subjective AI goals such as fairness and trustworthiness. Other assurance goals are frequently required in an intelligent deployment, including explainability, safety, and security. Accordingly, issues such as value loading, generalization, context, and scalability arise; however, achieving multiple assurance goals without major trade-offs is generally deemed an unattainable task. In this manuscript, we present two AIA pipelines that are model-agnostic, independent of the domain (such as: healthcare, energy, banking), and provide scores for AIA goals including explainability, safety, and security. The two pipelines: Adversarial Logging Scoring Pipeline (ALSP) and Requirements Feedback Scoring Pipeline (RFSP) are scalable and tested with multiple use cases, such as a water distribution network and a telecommunications network, to illustrate their benefits. ALSP optimizes models using a game theory approach and it also logs and scores the actions of an AI model to detect adversarial inputs, and assures the datasets used for training. RFSP identifies the best hyper-parameters using a Bayesian approach and provides assurance scores for subjective goals such as ethical AI using user inputs and statistical assurance measures. Each pipeline has three algorithms that enforce the final assurance scores and other outcomes. Unlike ALSP (which is a parallel process), RFSP is user-driven and its actions are sequential. Data are collected for experimentation; the results of both pipelines are presented and contrasted.
Headrick, William J.
Information Assurance in modern ATE. 2022 IEEE AUTOTESTCON. :1–3.
For modern Automatic Test Equipment (ATE), one of the most daunting tasks conducting Information Assurance (IA). In addition, there is a desire to Network ATE to allow for information sharing and deployment of software. This is complicated by the fact that typically ATE are “unmanaged” systems in that most are configured, deployed, and then mostly left alone. This results in systems that are not patched with the latest Operating System updates and in fact may be running on legacy Operating Systems which are no longer supported (like Windows XP or Windows 7 for instance). A lot of this has to do with the cost of keeping a system updated on a continuous basis and regression testing the Test Program Sets (TPS) that run on them. Given that an Automated Test System can have thousands of Test Programs running on it, the cost and time involved in doing complete regression testing on all the Test Programs can be extremely expensive. In addition to the Test Programs themselves some Test Programs rely on third party Software and / or custom developed software that is required for the Test Programs to run. Add to this the requirement to perform software steering through all the Test Program paths, the length of time required to validate a Test Program could be measured in months in some cases. If system updates are performed once a month like some Operating System updates this could consume all the available time of the Test Station or require a fleet of Test Stations to be dedicated just to do the required regression testing. On the other side of the coin, a Test System running an old unpatched Operating System is a prime target for any manner of virus or other IA issues. This paper will discuss some of the pro's and con's of a managed Test System and how it might be accomplished.
Ferrell, Uma D., Anderegg, Alfred H. Andy.
Holistic Assurance Case for System-of-Systems. 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). :1–9.
Aviation is a highly sophisticated and complex System-of-Systems (SoSs) with equally complex safety oversight. As novel products with autonomous functions and interactions between component systems are adopted, the number of interdependencies within and among the SoS grows. These interactions may not always be obvious. Understanding how proposed products (component systems) fit into the context of a larger SoS is essential to promote the safe use of new as well as conventional technology.UL 4600, is a Standard for Safety for the Evaluation of Autonomous Products specifically written for completely autonomous Load vehicles. The goal-based, technology-neutral features of this standard make it adaptable to other industries and applications.This paper, using the philosophy of UL 4600, gives guidance for creating an assurance case for products in an SoS context. An assurance argument is a cogent structured argument concluding that an autonomous aircraft system possesses all applicable through-life performance and safety properties. The assurance case process can be repeated at each level in the SoS: aircraft, aircraft system, unmodified components, and modified components. The original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) develops the assurance case for the whole aircraft envisioned in the type certification process. Assurance cases are continuously validated by collecting and analyzing Safety Performance Indicators (SPIs). SPIs provide predictive safety information, thus offering an opportunity to improve safety by preventing incidents and accidents. Continuous validation is essential for risk-based approval of autonomously evolving (dynamic) systems, learning systems, and new technology. System variants, derivatives, and components are captured in a subordinate assurance case by their developer. These variants of the assurance case inherently reflect the evolution of the vehicle-level derivatives and options in the context of their specific target ecosystem. These subordinate assurance cases are nested under the argument put forward by the OEM of components and aircraft, for certification credit.It has become a common practice in aviation to address design hazards through operational mitigations. It is also common for hazards noted in an aircraft component system to be mitigated within another component system. Where a component system depends on risk mitigation in another component of the SoS, organizational responsibilities must be stated explicitly in the assurance case. However, current practices do not formalize accounting for these dependencies by the parties responsible for design; consequently, subsequent modifications are made without the benefit of critical safety-related information from the OEMs. The resulting assurance cases, including 3rd party vehicle modifications, must be scrutinized as part of the holistic validation process.When changes are made to a product represented within the assurance case, their impact must be analyzed and reflected in an updated assurance case. An OEM can facilitate this by integrating affected assurance cases across their customer’s supply chains to ensure their validity. The OEM is expected to exercise the sphere-of-control over their product even if it includes outsourced components. Any organization that modifies a product (with or without assurance argumentation information from other suppliers) is accountable for validating the conditions for any dependent mitigations. For example, the OEM may manage the assurance argumentation by identifying requirements and supporting SPI that must be applied in all component assurance cases. For their part, component assurance cases must accommodate all spheres-of-control that mitigate the risks they present in their respective contexts. The assurance case must express how interdependent mitigations will collectively assure the outcome. These considerations are much more than interface requirements and include explicit hazard mitigation dependencies between SoS components. A properly integrated SoS assurance case reflects a set of interdependent systems that could be independently developed..Even in this extremely interconnected environment, stakeholders must make accommodations for the independent evolution of products in a manner that protects proprietary information, domain knowledge, and safety data. The collective safety outcome for the SoS is based on the interdependence of mitigations by each constituent component and could not be accomplished by any single component. This dependency must be explicit in the assurance case and should include operational mitigations predicated on people and processes.Assurance cases could be used to gain regulatory approval of conventional and new technology. They can also serve to demonstrate consistency with a desired level of safety, especially in SoSs whose existing standards may not be adequate. This paper also provides guidelines for preserving alignment between component assurance cases along a product supply chain, and the respective SoSs that they support. It shows how assurance is a continuous process that spans product evolution through the monitoring of interdependent requirements and SPI. The interdependency necessary for a successful assurance case encourages stakeholders to identify and formally accept critical interconnections between related organizations. The resulting coordination promotes accountability for safety through increased awareness and the cultivation of a positive safety culture.
ISSN: 2155-7209
Khan, Muhammad Maaz Ali, Ehabe, Enow Nkongho, Mailewa, Akalanka B..
Discovering the Need for Information Assurance to Assure the End Users: Methodologies and Best Practices. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT). :131–138.
The use of software to support the information infrastructure that governments, critical infrastructure providers and businesses worldwide rely on for their daily operations and business processes is gradually becoming unavoidable. Commercial off-the shelf software is widely and increasingly used by these organizations to automate processes with information technology. That notwithstanding, cyber-attacks are becoming stealthier and more sophisticated, which has led to a complex and dynamic risk environment for IT-based operations which users are working to better understand and manage. This has made users become increasingly concerned about the integrity, security and reliability of commercial software. To meet up with these concerns and meet customer requirements, vendors have undertaken significant efforts to reduce vulnerabilities, improve resistance to attack and protect the integrity of the products they sell. These efforts are often referred to as “software assurance.” Software assurance is becoming very important for organizations critical to public safety and economic and national security. These users require a high level of confidence that commercial software is as secure as possible, something only achieved when software is created using best practices for secure software development. Therefore, in this paper, we explore the need for information assurance and its importance for both organizations and end users, methodologies and best practices for software security and information assurance, and we also conducted a survey to understand end users’ opinions on the methodologies researched in this paper and their impact.
Cobos, Luis-Pedro, Miao, Tianlei, Sowka, Kacper, Madzudzo, Garikayi, Ruddle, Alastair R., El Amam, Ehab.
Application of an Automotive Assurance Case Approach to Autonomous Marine Vessel Security. 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). :1–9.
The increase of autonomy in autonomous surface vehicles development brings along modified and new risks and potential hazards, this in turn, introduces the need for processes and methods for ensuring that systems are acceptable for their intended use with respect to dependability and safety concerns. One approach for evaluating software requirements for claims of safety is to employ an assurance case. Much like a legal case, the assurance case lays out an argument and supporting evidence to provide assurance on the software requirements. This paper analyses safety and security requirements relating to autonomous vessels, and regulations in the automotive industry and the marine industry before proposing a generic cybersecurity and safety assurance case that takes a general graphical approach of Goal Structuring Notation (GSN).
Haider, Ammar, Bhatti, Wafa.
Importance of Cyber Security in Software Quality Assurance. 2022 17th International Conference on Emerging Technologies (ICET). :6–11.
The evolving and new age cybersecurity threats has set the information security industry on high alert. This modern age cyberattacks includes malware, phishing, artificial intelligence, machine learning and cryptocurrency. Our research highlights the importance and role of Software Quality Assurance for increasing the security standards that will not just protect the system but will handle the cyber-attacks better. With the series of cyber-attacks, we have concluded through our research that implementing code review and penetration testing will protect our data's integrity, availability, and confidentiality. We gathered user requirements of an application, gained a proper understanding of the functional as well as non-functional requirements. We implemented conventional software quality assurance techniques successfully but found that the application software was still vulnerable to potential issues. We proposed two additional stages in software quality assurance process to cater with this problem. After implementing this framework, we saw that maximum number of potential threats were already fixed before the first release of the software.
Mallouli, Wissam.
Security Testing as part of Software Quality Assurance: Principles and Challenges. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops (ICSTW). :29–29.
Software quality assurance (SQA) is a means and practice of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used in a project to ensure proper quality of the software. It encompasses the entire software development life-cycle, including requirements engineering, software design, coding, source code reviews, software configuration management, testing , release management, software deployment and software integration. It is organized into goals, commitments, abilities, activities, measurements, verification and validation. In this talk, we will mainly focus on the testing activity part of the software development life-cycle. Its main objective is checking that software is satisfying a set of quality properties that are identified by the "ISO/IEC 25010:2011 System and Software Quality Model" standard [1] .
ISSN: 2159-4848
Mohan, K Venkata Murali, Kodati, Sarangam, Krishna, V..
Securing SDN Enabled IoT Scenario Infrastructure of Fog Networks From Attacks. 2022 Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Energy (ICAIS). :1239–1243.
Nowadays, lives are very much easier with the help of IoT. Due to lack of protection and a greater number of connections, the management of IoT becomes more difficult To manage the network flow, a Software Defined Networking (SDN) has been introduced. The SDN has a great capability in automatic and dynamic distribution. For harmful attacks on the controller a centralized SDN architecture unlocks the scope. Therefore, to reduce these attacks in real-time, a securing SDN enabled IoT scenario infrastructure of Fog networks is preferred. The virtual switches have network enforcement authorized decisions and these are executed through the SDN network. Apart from this, SDN switches are generally powerful machines and simultaneously these are used as fog nodes. Therefore, SDN looks like a good selection for Fog networks of IoT. Moreover, dynamically distributing the necessary crypto keys are allowed by the centralized and software channel protection management solution, in order to establish the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTIS) tunnels between the IoT devices, when demanded by the cyber security framework. Through the extensive deployment of this combination, the usage of CPU is observed to be 30% between devices and the latencies are in milliseconds range, and thus it presents the system feasibility with less delay. Therefore, by comparing with the traditional SDN, it is observed that the energy consumption is reduced by more than 90%.
SAHBI, Amina, JAIDI, Faouzi, BOUHOULA, Adel.
Artificial Intelligence for SDN Security: Analysis, Challenges and Approach Proposal. 2022 15th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks (SIN). :01–07.
The dynamic state of networks presents a challenge for the deployment of distributed applications and protocols. Ad-hoc schedules in the updating phase might lead to a lot of ambiguity and issues. By separating the control and data planes and centralizing control, Software Defined Networking (SDN) offers novel opportunities and remedies for these issues. However, software-based centralized architecture for distributed environments introduces significant challenges. Security is a main and crucial issue in SDN. This paper presents a deep study of the state-of-the-art of security challenges and solutions for the SDN paradigm. The conducted study helped us to propose a dynamic approach to efficiently detect different security violations and incidents caused by network updates including forwarding loop, forwarding black hole, link congestion, network policy violation, etc. Our solution relies on an intelligent approach based on the use of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms.
Sharma, Pradeep Kumar, Kumar, Brijesh, Tyagi, S.S.
STADS: Security Threats Assessment and Diagnostic System in Software Defined Networking (SDN). 2022 International Conference on Machine Learning, Big Data, Cloud and Parallel Computing (COM-IT-CON). 1:744–751.
Since the advent of the Software Defined Networking (SDN) in 2011 and formation of Open Networking Foundation (ONF), SDN inspired projects have emerged in various fields of computer networks. Almost all the networking organizations are working on their products to be supported by SDN concept e.g. openflow. SDN has provided a great flexibility and agility in the networks by application specific control functions with centralized controller, but it does not provide security guarantees for security vulnerabilities inside applications, data plane and controller platform. As SDN can also use third party applications, an infected application can be distributed in the network and SDN based systems may be easily collapsed. In this paper, a security threats assessment model has been presented which highlights the critical areas with security requirements in SDN. Based on threat assessment model a proposed Security Threats Assessment and Diagnostic System (STADS) is presented for establishing a reliable SDN framework. The proposed STADS detects and diagnose various threats based on specified policy mechanism when different components of SDN communicate with controller to fulfil network requirements. Mininet network emulator with Ryu controller has been used for implementation and analysis.
Mohammadi, Ali Akbar, Hussain, Rasheed, Oracevic, Alma, Kazmi, Syed Muhammad Ahsan Raza, Hussain, Fatima, Aloqaily, Moayad, Son, Junggab.
A Novel TCP/IP Header Hijacking Attack on SDN. IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1–2.
Middlebox is primarily used in Software-Defined Network (SDN) to enhance operational performance, policy compliance, and security operations. Therefore, security of the middlebox itself is essential because incorrect use of the middlebox can cause severe cybersecurity problems for SDN. Existing attacks against middleboxes in SDN (for instance, middleboxbypass attack) use methods such as cloned tags from the previous packets to justify that the middlebox has processed the injected packet. Flowcloak as the latest solution to defeat such an attack creates a defence using a tag by computing the hash of certain parts of the packet header. However, the security mechanisms proposed to mitigate these attacks are compromise-able since all parts of the packet header can be imitated, leaving the middleboxes insecure. To demonstrate our claim, we introduce a novel attack against SDN middleboxes by hijacking TCP/IP headers. The attack uses crafted TCP/IP headers to receive the tags and signatures and successfully bypasses the middleboxes.
Rahman, Anichur, Hasan, Kamrul, Jeong, Seong–Ho.
An Enhanced Security Architecture for Industry 4.0 Applications based on Software-Defined Networking. 2022 13th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :2127–2130.
Software-Defined Networking (SDN) can be a good option to support Industry 4.0 (4IR) and 5G wireless networks. SDN can also be a secure networking solution that improves the security, capability, and programmability in the networks. In this paper, we present and analyze an SDN-based security architecture for 4IR with 5G. SDN is used for increasing the level of security and reliability of the network by suitably dividing the whole network into data, control, and applications planes. The SDN control layer plays a beneficial role in 4IR with 5G scenarios by managing the data flow properly. We also evaluate the performance of the proposed architecture in terms of key parameters such as data transmission rate and response time.
ISSN: 2162-1241
Jo, Hyeonjun, Kim, Kyungbaek.
Security Service-aware Reinforcement Learning for Efficient Network Service Provisioning. 2022 23rd Asia-Pacific Network Operations and Management Symposium (APNOMS). :1–4.
In case of deploying additional network security equipment in a new location, network service providers face difficulties such as precise management of large number of network security equipment and expensive network operation costs. Accordingly, there is a need for a method for security-aware network service provisioning using the existing network security equipment. In order to solve this problem, there is an existing reinforcement learning-based routing decision method fixed for each node. This method performs repeatedly until a routing decision satisfying end-to-end security constraints is achieved. This generates a disadvantage of longer network service provisioning time. In this paper, we propose security constraints reinforcement learning based routing (SCRR) algorithm that generates routing decisions, which satisfies end-to-end security constraints by giving conditional reward values according to the agent state-action pairs when performing reinforcement learning.
ISSN: 2576-8565
Jimenez, Maria B., Fernandez, David.
A Framework for SDN Forensic Readiness and Cybersecurity Incident Response. 2022 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). :112–116.
SDN represents a significant advance for the telecom world, since the decoupling of the control and data planes offers numerous advantages in terms of management dynamism and programmability, mainly due to its software-based centralized control. Unfortunately, these features can be exploited by malicious entities, who take advantage of the centralized control to extend the scope and consequences of their attacks. When this happens, both the legal and network technical fields are concerned with gathering information that will lead them to the root cause of the problem. Although forensics and incident response processes share their interest in the event information, both operate in isolation due to the conceptual and pragmatic challenges of integrating them into SDN environments, which impacts on the resources and time required for information analysis. Given these limitations, the current work focuses on proposing a framework for SDNs that combines the above approaches to optimize the resources to deliver evidence, incorporate incident response activation mechanisms, and generate assumptions about the possible origin of the security problem.
Tupakula, Uday, Karmakar, Kallol Krishna, Varadharajan, Vijay, Collins, Ben.
Implementation of Techniques for Enhancing Security of Southbound Infrastructure in SDN. 2022 13th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF). :1–5.
In this paper we present techniques for enhancing the security of south bound infrastructure in SDN which includes OpenFlow switches and end hosts. In particular, the proposed security techniques have three main goals: (i) validation and secure configuration of flow rules in the OpenFlow switches by trusted SDN controller in the domain; (ii) securing the flows from the end hosts; and (iii) detecting attacks on the switches by malicious entities in the SDN domain. We have implemented the proposed security techniques as an application for ONOS SDN controller. We have also validated our application by detecting various OpenFlow switch specific attacks such as malicious flow rule insertions and modifications in the switches over a mininet emulated network.
ISSN: 2833-0072
Sun, Zuntao.
Hierarchical and Complex Parallel Network Security Threat Situation Quantitative Assessment Method. 2022 6th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC). :276–279.
Network security is a problem that is of great concern to all countries at this stage. How to ensure that the network provides effective services to people without being exposed to potential security threats has become a major concern for network security researchers. In order to better understand the network security situation, researchers have studied a variety of quantitative assessment methods, and the most scientific and effective one is the hierarchical quantitative assessment method of the network security threat situation. This method allows the staff to have a very clear understanding of the security of the network system and make correct judgments. This article mainly analyzes the quantitative assessment of the hierarchical network security threat situation from the current situation and methods, which is only for reference.
Alam, Mahfooz, Shahid, Mohammad, Mustajab, Suhel.
Security Oriented Deadline Aware Workflow Allocation Strategy for Infrastructure as a Service Clouds. 2022 3rd International Conference on Computation, Automation and Knowledge Management (ICCAKM). :1–6.
Cloud computing is a model of service provisioning in heterogeneous distributed systems that encourages many researchers to explore its benefits and drawbacks in executing workflow applications. Recently, high-quality security protection has been a new challenge in workflow allocation. Different tasks may and may not have varied security demands, security overhead may vary for different virtual machines (VMs) at which the task is assigned. This paper proposes a Security Oriented Deadline-Aware workflow allocation (SODA) strategy in an IaaS cloud environment to minimize the risk probability of the workflow tasks while considering the deadline met in a deterministic environment. SODA picks out the task based on the highest security upward rank and assigns the selected task to the trustworthy VMs. SODA tries to simultaneously satisfy each task’s security demand and deadline at the maximum possible level. The simulation studies show that SODA outperforms the HEFT strategy on account of the risk probability of the cloud system on scientific workflow, namely CyberShake.