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Stefanova-Stoyanova, Varbinka, Danov, Petko.  2022.  Comparative Analysis of Specialized Standards and Methods on Increasing the Effectiveness and Role of PDCA for Risk Control in Management Systems. 2022 10th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science (COMSCI). :1–4.
This article analyzes Risk management (RM) activities against different ISO standards. The aim is to improve the coordination and interoperability of risk management activities in IT, IT services management, quality management, project management, and information security management. The ISO 31000: 2018 standard was chosen as a structured input for ISO 20000-1: 2018, ISO 21500: 2021, ISO 27000: 2018, ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO Annex SL standards relative to RM. The PDCA cycle has been chosen as one of the main methods for planning, implementing, and improving quality management systems and their processes. For a management system to be more effective, more reliable, and capable of preventing negative results, it must deal with the possible resulting risks.
Burgetová, Ivana, Matoušek, Petr, Ryšavý, Ondřej.  2021.  Anomaly Detection of ICS Communication Using Statistical Models. 2021 17th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM). :166–172.
Industrial Control System (ICS) transmits control and monitoring data between devices in an industrial environment that includes smart grids, water and gas distribution, or traffic control. Unlike traditional internet communication, ICS traffic is stable, periodical, and with regular communication patterns that can be described using statistical modeling. By observing selected features of ICS transmission, e.g., packet direction and inter-arrival times, we can create a statistical profile of the communication based on distribution of features learned from the normal ICS traffic. This paper demonstrates that using statistical modeling, we can detect various anomalies caused by irregular transmissions, device or link failures, and also cyber attacks like packet injection, scanning, or denial of service (DoS). The paper shows how a statistical model is automatically created from a training dataset. We present two types of statistical profiles: the master-oriented profile for one-to-many communication and the peer-to-peer profile that describes traffic between two ICS devices. The proposed approach is fast and easy to implement as a part of an intrusion detection system (IDS) or an anomaly detection (AD) module. The proof-of-concept is demonstrated on two industrial protocols: IEC 60870-5-104 (aka IEC 104) and IEC 61850 (Goose).
Lotz, Volkmar.  2020.  Cybersecurity Certification for Agile and Dynamic Software Systems – a Process-Based Approach. 2020 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). :85–88.
In this extended abstract, we outline an approach for security certification of products or services for modern commercial systems that are characterized by agile development, the integration of development and operations, and high dynamics of system features and structures. The proposed scheme rather evaluates the processes applied in development and operations than investigates into the validity of the product properties itself. We argue that the resulting claims are still suitable to increase the confidence in the security of products and services resulting from such processes.
Marchand-Niño, William-Rogelio, Samaniego, Hector Huamán.  2021.  Information Security Culture Model. A Case Study. 2021 XLVII Latin American Computing Conference (CLEI). :1–10.
This research covers the problem related to user behavior and its relationship with the protection of computer assets in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. The main objective was to evaluate the relationship between the dimensions of awareness, compliance and appropriation of the information security culture and the asset protection variable, the ISCA diagnostic instrument was applied, and social engineering techniques were incorporated for this process. The results show the levels of awareness, compliance and appropriation of the university that was considered as a case study, these oscillate between the second and third level of four levels. Similarly, the performance regarding asset protection ranges from low to medium. It was concluded that there is a significant relationship between the variables of the investigation, verifying that of the total types of incidents registered in the study case, approximately 69% are associated with human behavior. As a contribution, an information security culture model was formulated whose main characteristic is a complementary diagnostic process between surveys and social engineering techniques, the model also includes the information security management system, risk management and security incident handling as part of the information security culture ecosystem in an enterprise.
Hollerer, Siegfried, Kastner, Wolfgang, Sauter, Thilo.  2021.  Towards a Threat Modeling Approach Addressing Security and Safety in OT Environments. 2021 17th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS). :37–40.
In Industry 4.0, Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) tend to converge further with an increasing interdependence of safety and security issues to be considered. On one hand, cyber attacks are possible which can alter implemented safety functionality leading to situations where people are harmed, serious injuries may occur or the environment gets damaged. On the other side, safety can also impact security. For instance, the misuse of a Safety Instrumented System (SIS) may force a machine or a production line to shut down resulting in a denial of service. To prevent or mitigate risks from such scenarios, this paper proposes a threat modeling technique which addresses an integrated view on safety and security. The approach is tailored to the industrial automation domain considering plausible attacks and evaluating risks based on three different metrics. The metrics selected consist of Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) used as an international standard for rating cyber security vulnerabilities, Security Level (SL) from IEC 62443 to rate cyber security risks in OT environments w.r.t. the underlying architecture, and Safety Integrity Level (SIL) from IEC 61508 to rate safety risks. Due to the variety of use cases involving the chosen metrics, the approach is also feasible for followup analyses, such as integrated safety and security assessments or audits.
Claveria, Joevis J., Kalam, Akhtar.  2020.  Communication and Information Security Assessment of a Digital Substation. 2020 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC). :1–7.
The Internet of Things (IoT) has enabled the rapid pace of the use of communication technology and infiltration of technical systems in a digital world. In terms of power systems generation and operation, a reliable solution for substation automation and smart grid communication is the IEC 61850 standard. It has a robust modelling structure for monitoring, protection, and control and management systems in substations and across the grid. Modern communication technologies are destined for internet use for remote monitoring, settings, and data recovery. However, the communication network is exposed to cyber threats and evident risks in security defense of automated power systems. To tackle these vulnerabilities, the IEC 62351 standard aims to improve security in handling the communication and data transfers in power system automation. This paper discusses the different security measures in communication, information and cyber security solutions in power systems. To further illustrate the novel communication and security schemes of digital substations, a case study using the Victoria University Zone Substation (VUZS) simulator for cybersecurity assessment has been instigated.
Rajkumar, Vetrivel Subramaniam, Tealane, Marko, \c Stefanov, Alexandru, Presekal, Alfan, Palensky, Peter.  2020.  Cyber Attacks on Power System Automation and Protection and Impact Analysis. 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe). :247–254.
Power system automation and communication standards are spearheading the power system transition towards a smart grid. IEC 61850 is one such standard, which is widely used for substation automation and protection. It enables real-time communication and data exchange between critical substation automation and protection devices within digital substations. However, IEC 61850 is not cyber secure. In this paper, we demonstrate the dangerous implications of not securing IEC 61850 standard. Cyber attacks may exploit the vulnerabilities of the Sampled Values (SV) and Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) protocols of IEC 61850. The cyber attacks may be realised by injecting spoofed SV and GOOSE data frames into the substation communication network at the bay level. We demonstrate that such cyber attacks may lead to obstruction or tripping of multiple protective relays. Coordinated cyber attacks against the protection system in digital substations may cause generation and line disconnections, triggering cascading failures in the power grid. This may eventually result in a partial or complete blackout. The attack model, impact on system dynamics and cascading failures are veri ed experimentally through a proposed cyber-physical experimental framework that closely resembles real-world conditions within a digital substation, including Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) and protection schemes. It is implemented through Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulations of commercial relays with a Real-Time Digital Simulator (RTDS).
Hastings, John C., Laverty, David M., Jahic, Admir, Morrow, D John, Brogan, Paul.  2020.  Cyber-security considerations for domestic-level automated demand-response systems utilizing public-key infrastructure and ISO/IEC 20922. 2020 31st Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC). :1–6.
In this paper, the Authors present MQTT (ISO/IEC 20922), coupled with Public-key Infrastructure (PKI) as being highly suited to the secure and timely delivery of the command and control messages required in a low-latency Automated Demand Response (ADR) system which makes use of domestic-level electrical loads connected to the Internet. Several use cases for ADR are introduced, and relevant security considerations are discussed; further emphasizing the suitability of the proposed infrastructure. The authors then describe their testbed platform for testing ADR functionality, and finally discuss the next steps towards getting these kinds of technologies to the next stage.
Nweke, L. O., Weldehawaryat, G. Kahsay, Wolthusen, S. D..  2020.  Adversary Model for Attacks Against IEC 61850 Real-Time Communication Protocols. 2020 16th International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks DRCN 2020. :1—8.

Adversarial models are well-established for cryptographic protocols, but distributed real-time protocols have requirements that these abstractions are not intended to cover. The IEEE/IEC 61850 standard for communication networks and systems for power utility automation in particular not only requires distributed processing, but in case of the generic object oriented substation events and sampled value (GOOSE/SV) protocols also hard real-time characteristics. This motivates the desire to include both quality of service (QoS) and explicit network topology in an adversary model based on a π-calculus process algebraic formalism based on earlier work. This allows reasoning over process states, placement of adversarial entities and communication behaviour. We demonstrate the use of our model for the simple case of a replay attack against the publish/subscribe GOOSE/SV subprotocol, showing bounds for non-detectability of such an attack.

Whitefield, J., Chen, L., Sasse, R., Schneider, S., Treharne, H., Wesemeyer, S..  2019.  A Symbolic Analysis of ECC-Based Direct Anonymous Attestation. 2019 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS P). :127–141.
Direct Anonymous Attestation (DAA) is a cryptographic scheme that provides Trusted Platform Module TPM-backed anonymous credentials. We develop Tamarin modelling of the ECC-based version of the protocol as it is standardised and provide the first mechanised analysis of this standard. Our analysis confirms that the scheme is secure when all TPMs are assumed honest, but reveals a break in the protocol's expected authentication and secrecy properties for all TPMs even if only one is compromised. We propose and formally verify a minimal fix to the standard. In addition to developing the first formal analysis of ECC-DAA, the paper contributes to the growing body of work demonstrating the use of formal tools in supporting standardisation processes for cryptographic protocols.
Mailloux, L. O., Span, M., Mills, R. F., Young, W..  2019.  A Top Down Approach for Eliciting Systems Security Requirements for a Notional Autonomous Space System. 2019 IEEE International Systems Conference (SysCon). :1–7.
Today's highly interconnected and technology reliant environment places great emphasis on the need for secure cyber-physical systems. This work addresses this need by detailing a top down systems security requirements analysis approach for understanding and eliciting security requirements for a notional space system. More specifically, the System-Theoretic Process Analysis approach for Security (STPA-Sec) is used to understand and elicit systems security requirements during the conceptual stage of development. This work employs STPA-Sec in a notional space system to detail the development of functional-level security requirements, design-level engineering considerations, and architectural-level security specifications early in the system life cycle when the solution trade-space is largest rather than merely examining components and adding protections during system operation, maintenance, or sustainment. Lastly, this approach employs a holistic viewpoint which aligns with the systems and software engineering processes as detailed in ISO/IEC/IEEE 152SS and NIST SP SOO-160 Volume 1. This work seeks to advance the science of systems security by providing insight into a viable systems security requirements analysis approach which results in traceable security, safety, and resiliency requirements that can be designed-for, built-to, and verified with confidence.
Eckhart, Matthias, Ekelhart, Andreas, Lüder, Arndt, Biffl, Stefan, Weippl, Edgar.  2019.  Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems. IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. 1:3004–3011.

As the connectivity within manufacturing processes increases in light of Industry 4.0, information security becomes a pressing issue for product suppliers, systems integrators, and asset owners. Reaching new heights in digitizing the manufacturing industry also provides more targets for cyber attacks, hence, cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs) must be adequately secured to prevent malicious acts. To achieve a sufficient level of security, proper defense mechanisms must be integrated already early on in the systems' lifecycle and not just eventually in the operation phase. Although standardization efforts exist with the objective of guiding involved stakeholders toward the establishment of a holistic industrial security concept (e.g., IEC 62443), a dedicated security development lifecycle for systems integrators is missing. This represents a major challenge for engineers who lack sufficient information security knowledge, as they may not be able to identify security-related activities that can be performed along the production systems engineering (PSE) process. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology named Security Development Lifecycle for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SDL-CPPS) that aims to foster security by design for CPPSs, i.e., the engineering of smart production systems with security in mind. More specifically, we derive security-related activities based on (i) security standards and guidelines, and (ii) relevant literature, leading to a security-improved PSE process that can be implemented by systems integrators. Furthermore, this paper informs domain experts on how they can conduct these security-enhancing activities and provides pointers to relevant works that may fill the potential knowledge gap. Finally, we review the proposed approach by means of discussions in a workshop setting with technical managers of an Austrian-based systems integrator to identify barriers to adopting the SDL-CPPS.

Nuqui, Reynaldo, Hong, Junho, Kondabathini, Anil, Ishchenko, Dmitry, Coats, David.  2018.  A Collaborative Defense for Securing Protective Relay Settings in Electrical Cyber Physical Systems. 2018 Resilience Week (RWS). :49—54.
Modern power systems today are protected and controlled increasingly by embedded systems of computing technologies with a great degree of collaboration enabled by communication. Energy cyber-physical systems such as power systems infrastructures are increasingly vulnerable to cyber-attacks on the protection and control layer. We present a method of securing protective relays from malicious change in protective relay settings via collaboration of devices. Each device checks the proposed setting changes of its neighboring devices for consistency and coordination with its own settings using setting rules based on relay coordination principles. The method is enabled via peer-to-peer communication between IEDs. It is validated in a cyber-physical test bed containing a real time digital simulator and actual relays that communicate via IEC 61850 GOOSE messages. Test results showed improvement in cyber physical security by using domain based rules to block malicious changes in protection settings caused by simulated cyber-attacks. The method promotes the use of defense systems that are aware of the physical systems which they are designed to secure.
Ravikumar, Gelli, Hyder, Burhan, Govindarasu, Manimaran.  2019.  Efficient Modeling of HIL Multi-Grid System for Scalability Concurrency in CPS Security Testbed. 2019 North American Power Symposium (NAPS). :1—6.
Cyber-event-triggered power grid blackout compels utility operators to intensify cyber-aware and physics-constrained recovery and restoration process. Recently, coordinated cyber attacks on the Ukrainian grid witnessed such a cyber-event-triggered power system blackout. Various cyber-physical system (CPS) testbeds have attempted with multitude designs to analyze such interdependent events and evaluate remedy measures. However, resource constraints and modular integration designs have been significant barriers while modeling large-scale grid models (scalability) and multi-grid isolated models (concurrency) under a single real-time execution environment for the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) CPS security testbeds. This paper proposes a meticulous design and effective modeling for simulating large-scale grid models and multi-grid isolated models in a HIL realtime digital simulator environment integrated with industry-grade hardware and software systems. We have used our existing HIL CPS security testbed to demonstrate scalability by the realtime performance of a Texas-2000 bus US synthetic grid model and concurrency by the real-time performance of simultaneous ten IEEE-39 bus grid models and an IEEE-118 bus grid model. The experiments demonstrated significant results by 100% realtime performance with zero overruns, low latency while receiving and executing control signals from SEL Relays via IEC-61850 protocol and low latency while computing and transmitting grid data streams including stability measures via IEEE C37.118 synchrophasor data protocol to SEL Phasor Data Concentrators.
Homoliak, Ivan, Venugopalan, Sarad, Hum, Qingze, Szalachowski, Pawel.  2019.  A Security Reference Architecture for Blockchains. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain). :390–397.
Due to their specific features, blockchains have become popular in recent years. Blockchains are layered systems where security is a critical factor for their success. The main focus of this work is to systematize knowledge about security and privacy issues of blockchains. To this end, we propose a security reference architecture based on models that demonstrate the stacked hierarchy of various threats as well as threat-risk assessment using ISO/IEC 15408. In contrast to the previous surveys [23], [88], [11], we focus on the categorization of security vulnerabilities based on their origins and using the proposed architecture we present existing prevention and mitigation techniques. The scope of our work mainly covers aspects related to the nature of blockchains, while we mention operational security issues and countermeasures only tangentially.
Dilmaghani, Saharnaz, Brust, Matthias R., Danoy, Grégoire, Cassagnes, Natalia, Pecero, Johnatan, Bouvry, Pascal.  2019.  Privacy and Security of Big Data in AI Systems: A Research and Standards Perspective. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :5737—5743.

The huge volume, variety, and velocity of big data have empowered Machine Learning (ML) techniques and Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. However, the vast portion of data used to train AI systems is sensitive information. Hence, any vulnerability has a potentially disastrous impact on privacy aspects and security issues. Nevertheless, the increased demands for high-quality AI from governments and companies require the utilization of big data in the systems. Several studies have highlighted the threats of big data on different platforms and the countermeasures to reduce the risks caused by attacks. In this paper, we provide an overview of the existing threats which violate privacy aspects and security issues inflicted by big data as a primary driving force within the AI/ML workflow. We define an adversarial model to investigate the attacks. Additionally, we analyze and summarize the defense strategies and countermeasures of these attacks. Furthermore, due to the impact of AI systems in the market and the vast majority of business sectors, we also investigate Standards Developing Organizations (SDOs) that are actively involved in providing guidelines to protect the privacy and ensure the security of big data and AI systems. Our far-reaching goal is to bridge the research and standardization frame to increase the consistency and efficiency of AI systems developments guaranteeing customer satisfaction while transferring a high degree of trustworthiness.

Si, Wen-Rong, Fu, Chen-Zhao, Gao, Kai, Zhang, Jia-Min, He, Lin, Bao, Hai-Long, Wu, Xin-Ye.  2019.  Research on a General Fast Analysis Algorithm Model for Pd Acoustic Detection System: The Algorithm Model Design and Its Application. 2019 International Conference on Smart Grid and Electrical Automation (ICSGEA). :22–26.
Nowadays, the detection of acoustical emission is widely used for fault diagnosis of gas insulated substations (GIS) in normal operation and factory tests, which is called 'non-conventional' method recommended in the standard IEC TS 62478-2016 and GIGRE D1.33 444. In this paper, to develop a data analyzer for acoustic detection (AD) system to make an assistant diagnosis for technical personnel or equipment operation and maintenance personnel, based on the previous research on the experimental research, pattern identification with phase compensation and the software development, the algorithm model design and its application is given in detail. For the acoustical emission signals (n, ti, qi), the BP artificial neural network optimized by genetic algorithm (GA-BP) is used as a classifier based on the fingerprint consisting of several statistic operators, which are derivate form typical 2D histograms of PRPD with identification with phase compensation (IPC). Experimental results show that the comprehensive algorithm model designed for identification is practical and effective.
Boakye-Boateng, Kwasi, Lashkari, Arash Habibi.  2019.  Securing GOOSE: The Return of One-Time Pads. 2019 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST). :1—8.

IEC 61850 is an international standard that is widely used in substation automation systems (SAS) in smart grids. During its development, security was not considered thus leaving SAS vulnerable to attacks from adversaries. IEC 62351 was developed to provide security recommendations for SAS against (distributed) denial-of-service, replay, alteration, spoofing and detection of devices attacks. However, real-time communications, which require protocols such as Generic Object-Oriented Substation Event (GOOSE) to function efficiently, cannot implement these recommendations due to latency constraints. There has been researching that sought to improve the security of GOOSE messages, however, some cannot be practically implemented due to hardware requirements while others are theoretical, even though latency requirements were met. This research investigates the possibility of encrypting GOOSE messages with One- Time Pads (OTP), leveraging the fact that encryption/decryption processes require the random generation of OTPs and modulo addition (XOR), which could be a realistic approach to secure GOOSE while maintaining latency requirements. Results show that GOOSE messages can be encrypted with some future work required.

Kearney, Paul, Asal, Rasool.  2019.  ERAMIS: A Reference Architecture-Based Methodology for IoT Systems. 2019 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). 2642-939X:366—367.

Opportunities arising from IoT-enabled applications are significant, but market growth is inhibited by concerns over security and complexity. To address these issues, we propose the ERAMIS methodology, which is based on instantiation of a reference architecture that captures common design features, embodies best practice, incorporates good security properties by design, and makes explicit provision for operational security services and processes.

Radoglou-Grammatikis, Panagiotis, Sarigiannidis, Panagiotis, Giannoulakis, Ioannis, Kafetzakis, Emmanouil, Panaousis, Emmanouil.  2019.  Attacking IEC-60870-5-104 SCADA Systems. 2019 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES). 2642-939X:41–46.
The rapid evolution of the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services transforms the conventional electrical grid into a new paradigm called Smart Grid (SG). Even though SG brings significant improvements, such as increased reliability and better energy management, it also introduces multiple security challenges. One of the main reasons for this is that SG combines a wide range of heterogeneous technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT) devices as well as Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. The latter are responsible for monitoring and controlling the automatic procedures of energy transmission and distribution. Nevertheless, the presence of these systems introduces multiple vulnerabilities because their protocols do not implement essential security mechanisms such as authentication and access control. In this paper, we focus our attention on the security issues of the IEC 60870-5-104 (IEC-104) protocol, which is widely utilized in the European energy sector. In particular, we provide a SCADA threat model based on a Coloured Petri Net (CPN) and emulate four different types of cyber attacks against IEC-104. Last, we used AlienVault's risk assessment model to evaluate the risk level that each of these cyber attacks introduces to our system to confirm our intuition about their severity.
PONGSRISOMCHAI, Sutthinee, Ngamsuriyaroj, Sudsanguan.  2019.  Automated IT Audit of Windows Server Access Control. 2019 21st International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :539–544.

To protect sensitive information of an organization, we need to have proper access controls since several data breach incidents were happened because of broken access controls. Normally, the IT auditing process would be used to identify security weaknesses and should be able to detect any potential access control violations in advance. However, most auditing processes are done manually and not performed consistently since lots of resources are required; thus, the auditing is performed for quality assurance purposes only. This paper proposes an automated process to audit the access controls on the Windows server operating system. We define the audit checklist and use the controls defined in ISO/IEC 27002:2013 as a guideline for identifying audit objectives. In addition, an automated audit tool is developed for checking security controls against defined security policies. The results of auditing are the list of automatically generated passed and failed policies. If the auditing is done consistently and automatically, the intrusion incidents could be detected earlier and essential damages could be prevented. Eventually, it would help increase the reliability of the system.

Livshitz, Ilva I., Lontsikh, Pawel A., Lontsiklr, Natalia P., Karascv, Sergey, Golovina, Elena.  2019.  The Actual Problems of IT-Security Process Assurance. 2019 International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies" (IT QM IS). :140–144.

The article deals with the aspects of IT-security of business processes, using a variety of methodological tools, including Integrated Management Systems. Currently, all IMS consist of at least 2 management systems, including the IT-Security Management System. Typically, these IMS cover biggest part of the company business processes, but in practice, there are examples of different scales, even within a single facility. However, it should be recognized that the total number of such projects both in the Russian Federation and in the World is small. The security of business processes will be considered on the example of the incident of Norsk Hydro. In the article the main conclusions are given to confirm the possibility of security, continuity and recovery of critical business processes on the example of this incident.

Byun, Minjae, Lee, Yongjun, Choi, Jin-Young.  2019.  Risk and avoidance strategy for blocking mechanism of SDN-based security service. 2019 21st International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT). :187–190.

Software-Defined Network (SDN) is the dynamic network technology to address the issues of traditional networks. It provides centralized view of the whole network through decoupling the control planes and data planes of a network. Most SDN-based security services globally detect and block a malicious host based on IP address. However, the IP address is not verified during the forwarding process in most cases and SDN-based security service may block a normal host with forged IP address in the whole network, which means false-positive. In this paper, we introduce an attack scenario that uses forged packets to make the security service consider a victim host as an attacker so that block the victim. We also introduce cost-effective risk avoidance strategy.

Muka, Romina, Haugli, Fredrik Bakkevig, Vefsnmo, Hanne, Heegaard, Poul E..  2019.  Information Inconsistencies in Smart Distribution Grids under Different Failure Causes modelled by Stochastic Activity Networks. 2019 AEIT International Annual Conference (AEIT). :1–6.
The ongoing digitalization of the power distribution grid will improve the operational support and automation which is believed to increase the system reliability. However, in an integrated and interdependent cyber-physical system, new threats appear which must be understood and dealt with. Of particular concern, in this paper, is the causes of an inconsistent view between the physical system (here power grid) and the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) system (here Distribution Management System). In this paper we align the taxonomy used in International Electrotechnical Commission (power eng.) and International Federation for Information Processing (ICT community), define a metric for inconsistencies, and present a modelling approach using Stochastic Activity Networks to assess the consequences of inconsistencies. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated in a simple use case.
Fujdiak, Radek, Blazek, Petr, Mlynek, Petr, Misurec, Jiri.  2019.  Developing Battery of Vulnerability Tests for Industrial Control Systems. 2019 10th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS). :1–5.

Nowadays, the industrial control systems (ICS) face many challenges, where security is becoming one of the most crucial. This fact is caused by new connected environment, which brings among new possibilities also new vulnerabilities, threats, or possible attacks. The criminal acts in the ICS area increased over the past years exponentially, which caused the loss of billions of dollars. This also caused classical Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems to evolve in order to protect among IT also ICS networks. However, these systems need sufficient data such as traffic logs, protocol information, attack patterns, anomaly behavior marks and many others. To provide such data, the requirements for the test environment are summarized in this paper. Moreover, we also introduce more than twenty common vulnerabilities across the ICS together with information about possible risk, attack vector (point), possible detection methods and communication layer occurrence. Therefore, the paper might be used as a base-ground for building sufficient data generator for machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms often used in ICS/IDS systems.