Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a fusion of industrial automation systems and IoT systems. It features comprehensive sensing, interconnected transmission, intelligent processing, self-organization and self-maintenance. Its applications span intelligent transportation, smart factories, and intelligence. Many areas such as power grid and intelligent environment detection. With the widespread application of IIoT technology, the cyber security threats to industrial IoT systems are increasing day by day, and information security issues have become a major challenge in the development process. In order to protect the industrial IoT system from network attacks, this paper aims to study the industrial IoT information security protection technology, and the typical architecture of industrial Internet of things system, and analyzes the network security threats faced by industrial Internet of things system according to the different levels of the architecture, and designs the security protection strategies applied to different levels of structures based on the specific means of network attack.
Methods for implementing integer arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication in the system of residual classes are considered. It is shown that their practical use in computer systems can significantly improve the performance of the implementation of arithmetic operations. A new method has been developed for raising numbers represented in the system of residual classes to an arbitrary power of a natural number, both in positive and in negative number ranges. An example of the implementation of the proposed method for the construction of numbers represented in the system of residual classes for the value of degree k = 2 is given.
Recently Vehicular Cloud Computing (VCC) has become an attractive solution that support vehicle's computing and storing service requests. This computing paradigm insures a reduced energy consumption and low traffic congestion. Additionally, VCC has emerged as a promising technology that provides a virtual platform for processing data using vehicles as infrastructures or centralized data servers. However, vehicles are deployed in open environments where they are vulnerable to various types of attacks. Furthermore, traditional cryptographic algorithms failed in insuring security once their keys compromised. In order to insure a secure vehicular platform, we introduce in this paper a new decoy technology DT and user behavior profiling (UBP) as an alternative solution to overcome data security, privacy and trust in vehicular cloud servers using a fog computing architecture. In the case of a malicious behavior, our mechanism shows a high efficiency by delivering decoy files in such a way making the intruder unable to differentiate between the original and decoy file.
Modern industrial control systems (ICS) act as victims of cyber attacks more often in last years. These attacks are hard to detect and their consequences can be catastrophic. Cyber attacks can cause anomalies in the work of the ICS and its technological equipment. The presence of mutual interference and noises in this equipment significantly complicates anomaly detection. Moreover, the traditional means of protection, which used in corporate solutions, require updating with each change in the structure of the industrial process. An approach based on the machine learning for anomaly detection was used to overcome these problems. It complements traditional methods and allows one to detect signal correlations and use them for anomaly detection. Additional Tennessee Eastman Process Simulation Data for Anomaly Detection Evaluation dataset was analyzed as example of industrial process. In the course of the research, correlations between the signals of the sensors were detected and preliminary data processing was carried out. Algorithms from the most common techniques of machine learning (decision trees, linear algorithms, support vector machines) and deep learning models (neural networks) were investigated for industrial process anomaly detection task. It's shown that linear algorithms are least demanding on computational resources, but they don't achieve an acceptable result and allow a significant number of errors. Decision tree-based algorithms provided an acceptable accuracy, but the amount of RAM, required for their operations, relates polynomially with the training sample volume. The deep neural networks provided the greatest accuracy, but they require considerable computing power for internal calculations.
Software agents represent an assured computing paradigm that tends to emerge to be an elegant technology to solve present day problems. The eminent Scientific Community has proved us with the usage or implementation of software agent's usage approach that simplifies the proposed solution in various types to solve the traditional computing problems arise. The proof of the same is implemented in several applications that exist based on this area of technology where the software agents have maximum benefits but on the same hand absence of the suitable security mechanisms that endures for systems that are based on representation of barriers exists in the paradigm with respect to present day industry. As the application proposing present security mechanisms is not a trivial one as the agent based system builders or developers who are not often security experts as they subsequently do not count on the area of expertise. This paper presents a novel approach for protecting the infrastructure for solving the issues considered to be malicious host in mobile agent system by implementing a secure protocol to migrate agents from host to host relying in various elements based on the enhanced Trusted Platforms Modules (TPM) for processing data. We use enhanced extension to the Java Agent Development framework (JADE) in our proposed system and a migrating protocol is used to validate the proposed framework (AVASPA).
Hadoop is developed as a distributed data processing platform for analyzing big data. Enterprises can analyze big data containing users' sensitive information by using Hadoop and utilize them for their marketing. Therefore, researches on data encryption have been widely done to protect the leakage of sensitive data stored in Hadoop. However, the existing researches support only the AES international standard data encryption algorithm. Meanwhile, the Korean government selected ARIA algorithm as a standard data encryption scheme for domestic usages. In this paper, we propose a HDFS data encryption scheme which supports both ARIA and AES algorithms on Hadoop. First, the proposed scheme provides a HDFS block-splitting component that performs ARIA/AES encryption and decryption under the Hadoop distributed computing environment. Second, the proposed scheme provides a variable-length data processing component that can perform encryption and decryption by adding dummy data, in case when the last data block does not contains 128-bit data. Finally, we show from performance analysis that our proposed scheme is efficient for various applications, such as word counting, sorting, k-Means, and hierarchical clustering.
The expeditious expansion of the networking technologies have remarkably driven the usage of the distributedcomputing as well as services, such as task offloading to the cloud. However, security and privacy concerns are restricting the implementations of cloud computing because of the threats from both outsiders and insiders. The primary alternative of protecting users' data is developing a Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) scheme, which can cover both data protections and data processing in the cloud. Despite many previous attempts addressing this approach, none of the proposed work can simultaneously satisfy two requirements that include the non-noise accuracy and an efficiency execution. This paper focuses on the issue of FHE design and proposes a novel FHE scheme, which is called Optimal Fully Homomorphic Encryption (O-FHE). Our approach utilizes the properties of the Kronecker Product (KP) and designs a mechanism of achieving FHE, which consider both accuracy and efficiency. We have assessed our scheme in both theoretical proofing and experimental evaluations with the confirmed and exceptional results.
This paper outlines the IoT Databox model as a means of making the Internet of Things (IoT) accountable to individuals. Accountability is a key to building consumer trust and mandated in data protection legislation. We briefly outline the `external' data subject accountability requirement specified in actual legislation in Europe and proposed legislation in the US, and how meeting requirement this turns on surfacing the invisible actions and interactions of connected devices and the social arrangements in which they are embedded. The IoT Databox model is proposed as an in principle means of enabling accountability and providing individuals with the mechanisms needed to build trust in the IoT.
In this paper, a distributed architecture for the implementation of smart city has been proposed to facilitate various smart features like solid waste management, efficient urban mobility and public transport, smart parking, robust IT connectivity, safety and security of citizens and a roadmap for achieving it. How massive volume of IoT data can be analyzed and a layered architecture of IoT is explained. Why data integration is important for analyzing and processing of data collected by the different smart devices like sensors, actuators and RFIDs is discussed. The wireless sensor network can be used to sense the data from various locations but there has to be more to it than stuffing sensors everywhere for everything. Why only the sensor is not sufficient for data collection and how human beings can be used to collect data is explained. There is some communication protocols between the volunteers engaged in collecting data to restrict the sharing of data and ensure that the target area is covered with minimum numbers of volunteers. Every volunteer should cover some predefined area to collect data. Then the proposed architecture model is having one central server to store all data in a centralized server. The data processing and the processing of query being made by the user is taking place in centralized server.
Analytics in big data is maturing and moving towards mass adoption. The emergence of analytics increases the need for innovative tools and methodologies to protect data against privacy violation. Many data anonymization methods were proposed to provide some degree of privacy protection by applying data suppression and other distortion techniques. However, currently available methods suffer from poor scalability, performance and lack of framework standardization. Current anonymization methods are unable to cope with the massive size of data processing. Some of these methods were especially proposed for MapReduce framework to operate in Big Data. However, they still operate in conventional data management approaches. Therefore, there were no remarkable gains in the performance. We introduce a framework that can operate in MapReduce environment to benefit from its advantages, as well as from those in Hadoop ecosystems. Our framework provides a granular user's access that can be tuned to different authorization levels. The proposed solution provides a fine-grained alteration based on the user's authorization level to access MapReduce domain for analytics. Using well-developed role-based access control approaches, this framework is capable of assigning roles to users and map them to relevant data attributes.
The increased number of cyber attacks makes the availability of services a major security concern. One common type of cyber threat is distributed denial of service (DDoS). A DDoS attack is aimed at disrupting the legitimate users from accessing the services. It is easier for an insider having legitimate access to the system to deceive any security controls resulting in insider attack. This paper proposes an Early Detection and Isolation Policy (EDIP)to mitigate insider-assisted DDoS attacks. EDIP detects insider among all legitimate clients present in the system at proxy level and isolate it from innocent clients by migrating it to attack proxy. Further an effective algorithm for detection and isolation of insider is developed with the aim of maximizing attack isolation while minimizing disruption to benign clients. In addition, concept of load balancing is used to prevent proxies from getting overloaded.
Honey pots and honey nets are popular tools in the area of network security and network forensics. The deployment and usage of these tools are influenced by a number of technical and legal issues, which need to be carefully considered together. In this paper, we outline privacy issues of honey pots and honey nets with respect to technical aspects. The paper discusses the legal framework of privacy, legal ground to data processing, and data collection. The analysis of legal issues is based on EU law and is supported by discussions on privacy and related issues. This paper is one of the first papers which discuss in detail privacy issues of honey pots and honey nets in accordance with EU law.
The Industrial Internet promises to radically change and improve many industry's daily business activities, from simple data collection and processing to context-driven, intelligent and pro-active support of workers' everyday tasks and life. The present paper first provides insight into a typical industrial internet application architecture, then it highlights one fundamental arising contradiction: “Who owns the data is often not capable of analyzing it”. This statement is explained by imaging a visionary data supply chain that would realize some of the Industrial Internet promises. To concretely implement such a system, recent standards published by The Open Group are presented, where we highlight the characteristics that make them suitable for Industrial Internet applications. Finally, we discuss comparable solutions and concludes with new business use cases.
Cyber-attacks have been evolved in a way to be more sophisticated by employing combinations of attack methodologies with greater impacts. For instance, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) employ a set of stealthy hacking processes running over a long period of time, making it much hard to detect. With this trend, the importance of big-data security analytics has taken greater attention since identifying such latest attacks requires large-scale data processing and analysis. In this paper, we present SEAS-MR (Security Event Aggregation System over MapReduce) that facilitates scalable security event aggregation for comprehensive situation analysis. The introduced system provides the following three core functions: (i) periodic aggregation, (ii) on-demand aggregation, and (iii) query support for effective analysis. We describe our design and implementation of the system over MapReduce and high-level query languages, and report our experimental results collected through extensive settings on a Hadoop cluster for performance evaluation and design impacts.
Cyber-physical systems combine data processing and physical interaction. Therefore, security in cyber-physical systems involves more than traditional information security. This paper surveys recent research on security in cloud-based cyber-physical systems. In addition, this paper especially analyzes the security issues in modern production devices and smart mobility services, which are examples of cyber-physical systems from different application domains.
Cyber-attacks have been evolved in a way to be more sophisticated by employing combinations of attack methodologies with greater impacts. For instance, Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) employ a set of stealthy hacking processes running over a long period of time, making it much hard to detect. With this trend, the importance of big-data security analytics has taken greater attention since identifying such latest attacks requires large-scale data processing and analysis. In this paper, we present SEAS-MR (Security Event Aggregation System over MapReduce) that facilitates scalable security event aggregation for comprehensive situation analysis. The introduced system provides the following three core functions: (i) periodic aggregation, (ii) on-demand aggregation, and (iii) query support for effective analysis. We describe our design and implementation of the system over MapReduce and high-level query languages, and report our experimental results collected through extensive settings on a Hadoop cluster for performance evaluation and design impacts.
Todays' era of internet-of-things, cloud computing and big data centers calls for more fresh graduates with expertise in digital data processing techniques such as compression, encryption and error correcting codes. This paper describes a project-based elective that covers these three main digital data processing techniques and can be offered to three different undergraduate majors electrical and computer engineering and computer science. The course has been offered successfully for three years. Registration statistics show equal interest from the three different majors. Assessment data show that students have successfully completed the different course outcomes. Students' feedback show that students appreciate the knowledge they attain from this elective and suggest that the workload for this course in relation to other courses of equal credit is as expected.
Hadoop has become increasingly popular as it rapidly processes data in parallel. Cloud computing gives reliability, flexibility, scalability, elasticity and cost saving to cloud users. Deploying Hadoop in cloud can benefit Hadoop users. Our evaluation exhibits that various internal cloud attacks can bypass current Hadoop security mechanisms, and compromised Hadoop components can be used to threaten overall Hadoop. It is urgent to improve compromise resilience, Hadoop can maintain a relative high security level when parts of Hadoop are compromised. Hadoop has two vulnerabilities that can dramatically impact its compromise resilience. The vulnerabilities are the overloaded authentication key, and the lack of fine-grained access control at the data access level. We developed a security enhancement for a public cloud-based Hadoop, named SEHadoop, to improve the compromise resilience through enhancing isolation among Hadoop components and enforcing least access privilege for Hadoop processes. We have implemented the SEHadoop model, and demonstrated that SEHadoop fixes the above vulnerabilities with minimal or no run-time overhead, and effectively resists related attacks.
IT industry loses tens of billions of dollars annually from security attacks such as tampering and malicious reverse engineering. Code obfuscation techniques counter such attacks by transforming code into patterns that resist the attacks. None of the current code obfuscation techniques satisfy all the obfuscation effectiveness criteria such as resistance to reverse engineering attacks and state space increase. To address this, we introduce new code patterns that we call nontrivial code clones and propose a new obfuscation scheme that combines nontrivial clones with existing obfuscation techniques to satisfy all the effectiveness criteria. The nontrivial code clones need to be constructed manually, thus adding to the development cost. This cost can be limited by cloning only the code fragments that need protection and by reusing the clones across projects. This makes it worthwhile considering the security risks. In this paper, we present our scheme and illustrate it with a toy example.