Luchian, Razvan-Adrian, Stamatescu, Grigore, Stamatescu, Iulia, Fagarasan, Ioana, Popescu, Dan.
IIoT Decentralized System Monitoring for Smart Industry Applications. 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED). :1161–1166.
Convergence of operation technology (OT) and information technology (IT) in industrial automation is currently being adopted as an accelerating trend. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) consists of heterogeneous sensing, computing and actuation nodes that are meshed through a layer of communication protocols, and represents a key enabler for this convergence. Experimental test beds are required to validate complex system designs in terms of scalability, latency, real-time operation and security. We use the open source Coaty - distributed industrial systems framework to present a smart industry application integrating field devices and controllers over the OPCUA and MQTT protocols. The experimental evaluation, using both proprietary automation components and open software modules, serves as a reference tool for building robust systems and provides practical insights for interoperability.
Pasias, Achilleas, Kotsiopoulos, Thanasis, Lazaridis, Georgios, Drosou, Anastasios, Tzovaras, Dimitrios, Sarigiannidis, Panagiotis.
Enabling Cyber-attack Mitigation Techniques in a Software Defined Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :497–502.
Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an innovative technology, which can be applied in a plethora of applications and areas. Recently, SDN has been identified as one of the most promising solutions for industrial applications as well. The key features of SDN include the decoupling of the control plane from the data plane and the programmability of the network through application development. Researchers are looking at these features in order to enhance the Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning of modern network applications. To this end, the following work presents the development of an SDN application, capable of mitigating attacks and maximizing the network’s QoS, by implementing mixed integer linear programming but also using genetic algorithms. Furthermore, a low-cost, physical SDN testbed was developed in order to evaluate the aforementioned application in a more realistic environment other than only using simulation tools.
Janak, Jan, Retty, Hema, Chee, Dana, Baloian, Artiom, Schulzrinne, Henning.
Talking After Lights Out: An Ad Hoc Network for Electric Grid Recovery. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm). :181–187.
When the electrical grid in a region suffers a major outage, e.g., after a catastrophic cyber attack, a “black start” may be required, where the grid is slowly restarted, carefully and incrementally adding generating capacity and demand. To ensure safe and effective black start, the grid control center has to be able to communicate with field personnel and with supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems. Voice and text communication are particularly critical. As part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Rapid Attack Detection, Isolation, and Characterization Systems (RADICS) program, we designed, tested and evaluated a self-configuring mesh network prototype called the Phoenix Secure Emergency Network (PhoenixSEN). PhoenixSEN provides a secure drop-in replacement for grid's primary communication networks during black start recovery. The network combines existing and new technologies, can work with a variety of link-layer protocols, emphasizes manageability and auto-configuration, and provides services and applications for coordination of people and devices including voice, text, and SCADA communication. We discuss the architecture of PhoenixSEN and evaluate a prototype on realistic grid infrastructure through a series of DARPA-led exercises.
Xiong, Jiaqi, Zeng, Xin, Xue, Xiaoping, Ma, Jingxiao.
An Efficient Group Secret Key Generation Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network. 2021 International Conference on Wireless Communications and Smart Grid (ICWCSG). :302–308.
The Internet of Things technology is one of the important directions of Smart Grid research, involving many wireless sensors and communication facilities, and has high requirements for security. The physical layer security technology can effectively solve the security problems under wireless communication. As the most common application scenario of wireless communication is multi-node wireless network communication, group secret key (GSK) based on physical layer security and information theory security is gradually attracting investigator’s interest. In this paper, a novel physical layer GSK generation scheme based on code-domain exchange of channel information in mesh network is proposed. Instead of traditional side-information exchange in symbol-domain, error-correcting code is applied to finish information exchange and reconciliation simultaneously in code-domain. Each node processes the known channel bit sequence and then encodes it to generate a check sequence. After broadcasting the check bit sequence to other nodes, each node decodes the received check bit sequences to obtained the unknown channel information. The simulation results show that the scheme can effectively reduce the times of information exchanges while keeping a good performance including low bit error rate and low block error rate.
Mani, Santosh, Nene, Manisha J.
Preventing Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Software Defined Mesh Networks. 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT). :1–7.
Mesh topology networks provide Network security in the form of redundancy of communication links. But redundancy also contributes to complexity in configuration and subsequent troubleshooting. Mesh topology deployed in Critical networks like Backbone Networks (used in Cloud Computing) deploy the Mesh topology provides additional security in terms of redundancy to ensure availability of services. One amongst most prominent attacks is Distributed Denial of Service attacks which cause an immense amount of loss of data as well as monetary losses to service providers. This paper proposes a method by which using SDN capabilities and sFlow-RT application, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks is detected and consequently mitigated by using REST API to implement Policy Based Flow Management (PBFM) through the SDN Controller which will help in ensuring uninterrupted services in scenarios of such attacks and also further simply and enhance the management of Mesh architecture-based networks.
Jadhav, Krishna D, Balaji, Sripathy.
Analysis of Wireless Mesh Security to Minimize Privacy and Security Breach. 2021 IEEE 12th Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :0797–0804.
Due to its minimal price and expandable wireless open system interconnection options for the coming years, wireless mesh networking is appealing, developing, and novel medium of speech, which is why it is becoming a somewhat widely used communication field. In all network types, one of the essential factors for prevalent and trustworthy communication is cybersecurity. The IEEE 802.11 working gathering has created various correspondence guidelines. Yet, they are by and by focusing on the 802.11s standard because of its dynamic setup and geography learning abilities. Information, voice, and directions are steered between hubs employing remote lattice organising. WMNs incidentally give nearby 802.11g admittance to customers and connection neighbours utilising 802.11a "backhaul," but this isn’t generally the situation because of changing requirements, for example, top information rate and inclusion range. The small cross-sectional organisation emerged as a fundamental innovation to enable broadband system management in large regions. It benefits specialised organisations by reducing the cost of sending networks and end customers by providing ubiquitous Internet access anywhere, anytime. Given the idea of wireless mesh networking and the lack of integrated organisational technology, small grid networks are powerless against malicious attacks. In the meantime, the limit of multi-radio multi-channel correspondence, the need for heterogeneous organisation coordination, and the interest for multi-bounce remote equality often render conventional security strategies ineffectual or challenging to carry out. Thus, wireless mesh networking presents new issues that require more viable and relevant arrangements. WMNs have piqued the curiosity of both scholastics and industry because of their promising future. Numerous testbeds are built for research purposes, and business items for veritable WMNs are accessible. Anyway, a few concerns should be cleared up before they can very well become widespread. For example, the accessible MAC and routing conventions are not customisable; the throughput drops impressively with an increasing number of hubs or bounces in WMNs. Because of the weakness of WMNs against various malicious attacks, the security and protection of correspondence is a serious concern. For example, enemies can sniff long-distance correspondence to obtain sensitive data. Attackers can carry out DoS attacks and control the substance of the information sent through compromised hubs, thereby endangering the company’s secret, accessibility authenticity, and integrity. WMNs, like compact Impromptu Organisations (MANETs), share a typical medium, no traffic aggregate point, and incredible topography. Due to these restrictions, normal safety frameworks in wired associations can’t be quickly applied to WMNs. Also, the techniques utilised in MANETs are not viable with WMNs. This is because of the manner in which WMNs expand MANETs in different ways. Framework centres are generally outfitted with an assortment of radios. Then, at that point, many channels are doled out to every centre to work with concurrent data move and diversity.
Grabatin, Michael, Hommel, Wolfgang.
Self-sovereign Identity Management in Wireless Ad Hoc Mesh Networks. 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). :480–486.
Verifying the identity of nodes within a wireless ad hoc mesh network and the authenticity of their messages in sufficiently secure, yet power-efficient ways is a long-standing challenge. This paper shows how the more recent concepts of self-sovereign identity management can be applied to Internet-of-Things mesh networks, using LoRaWAN as an example and applying Sovrin's decentralized identifiers and verifiable credentials in combination with Schnorr signatures for securing the communication with a focus on simplex and broadcast connections. Besides the concept and system architecture, the paper discusses an ESP32-based implementation using SX1276/SX1278 LoRa chips, adaptations made to the lmic- and MbedTLS-based software stack, and practically evaluates performance aspects in terms of data overhead, time-on-air impact, and power consumption.
Singh, Sanjeev Kumar, Kumar, Chiranjeev, Nath, Prem.
Replication Scheme for Structured P2P System Applications in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs). 2021 Asian Conference on Innovation in Technology (ASIANCON). :1–7.
The popularity of P2P (Peer-To-Peer) systems is increased tremendously due to massive increase in the Internet based applications. Initially, P2P systems were mainly designed for wired networks but today people are using more wireless networks and therefore these systems are gaining popularity. There are many wireless networks available today and WMNs (Wireless Mess Networks) are gaining popularity due to hybrid structure. People are using structured P2P systems-based applications within perimeter of a WMN. Structured P2P WMNs will assist the community to fetch the relevant information to accomplish their activities. There are inherent challenges in the structured P2P network and increased in wireless environment like WMNs. Structured P2P systems suffer from many challenges like lack of content availability, malicious content distribution, poor search scalability, free riding behaviour, white washing, lack of a robust trust model etc. Whereas, WMNs have limitations like mobility management, bandwidth constraint, limited battery power of user's devices, security, maintenance etc. in remote/ forward areas. We exploit the better possibility of content availability and search scalability in this paper. We propose replication schemes based on the popularity of content for structured P2P system applications in community based WMNs. The analysis of the performance shows that proposed scheme performs better than the existing replication scheme in different conditions.
Lacava, Andrea, Giacomini, Emanuele, D'Alterio, Francesco, Cuomo, Francesca.
Intrusion Detection System for Bluetooth Mesh Networks: Data Gathering and Experimental Evaluations. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events (PerCom Workshops). :661–666.
Bluetooth Low Energy mesh networks are emerging as new standard of short burst communications. While security of the messages is guaranteed thought standard encryption techniques, little has been done in terms of actively protecting the overall network in case of attacks aiming to undermine its integrity. Although many network analysis and risk mitigation techniques are currently available, they require considerable amounts of data coming from both legitimate and attack scenarios to sufficiently discriminate among them, which often turns into the requirement of a complete description of the traffic flowing through the network. Furthermore, there are no publicly available datasets to this extent for BLE mesh networks, due most to the novelty of the standard and to the absence of specific implementation tools. To create a reliable mechanism of network analysis suited for BLE in this paper we propose a machine learning Intrusion Detection System (IDS) based on pattern classification and recognition of the most classical denial of service attacks affecting this kind of networks, working on a single internal node, thus requiring a small amount of information to operate. Moreover, in order to overcome the gap created by the absence of data, we present our data collection system based on ESP32 that allowed the collection of the packets from the Network and the Model layers of the BLE Mesh stack, together with a set of experiments conducted to get the necessary data to train the IDS. In the last part, we describe some preliminary results obtained by the experimental setups, focusing on its strengths, as well as on the aspects where further analysis is required, hence proposing some improvements of the classification model as future work. Index Terms-Bluetooth, BLE Mesh, Intrusion Detection System, IoT, network security.