This article reports results about the development of the algorithm that allows to increase the information security of OFDM communication system based on the discrete-nonlinear Colpitts system with dynamic chaos. Proposed system works on two layers: information and transport. In the first one, Arnold Transform was applied. The second one, transport level security was provided by QAM constellation mixing. Correlation coefficients, Shannon's entropy and peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) were estimated.
In this work, the algorithm of increasing the information security of a communication system with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) was achieved by using a discrete-nonlinear Duffing system with dynamic chaos. The main idea of increasing information security is based on scrambling input information on three levels. The first one is mixing up data order, the second is scrambling data values and the final is mixing symbols at the Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) plot constellation. Each level's activities were made with the use of pseudorandom numbers set, generated by the discrete-nonlinear Duffing system with dynamic chaos.
Attacks by Jamming on wireless communication network can provoke Denial of Services. According to the communication system which is affected, the consequences can be more or less critical. In this paper, we propose to develop an algorithm which could be implemented at the reception stage of a communication terminal in order to detect the presence of jamming signals. The work is performed on Wi-Fi communication signals and demonstrates the necessity to have a specific signal processing at the reception stage to be able to detect the presence of jamming signals.
Wireless technology has seen a tremendous growth in the recent past. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation scheme has been utilized in almost all the advanced wireless techniques because of the advantages it offers. Hence in this aspect, SystemVue based OFDM transceiver has been developed with AWGN as the channel noise. To mitigate the channel noise Convolutional code with Viterbi decoder has been depicted. Further to protect the information from the malicious users the data is scrambled with the aid of gold codes. The performance of the transceiver is analysed through various Bit Error Rate (BER) versus Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) graphs.
With the improvement in technology and with the increase in the use of wireless devices there is deficiency of radio spectrum. Cognitive radio is considered as the solution for this problem. Cognitive radio is capable to detect which communication channels are in use and which are free, and immediately move into free channels while avoiding the used ones. This increases the usage of radio frequency spectrum. Any wireless system is prone to attack. Likewise, the main two attacks in the physical layer of cognitive radio are Primary User Emulation Attack (PUEA) and replay attack. This paper focusses on mitigating these two attacks with the aid of authentication tag and distance calculation. Mitigation of these attacks results in error free transmission which in turn fallouts in efficient dynamic spectrum access.
After being widely studied in theory, physical layer security schemes are getting closer to enter the consumer market. Still, a thorough practical analysis of their resilience against attacks is missing. In this work, we use software-defined radios to implement such a physical layer security scheme, namely, orthogonal blinding. To this end, we use orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) as a physical layer, similarly to WiFi. In orthogonal blinding, a multi-antenna transmitter overlays the data it transmits with noise in such a way that every node except the intended receiver is disturbed by the noise. Still, our known-plaintext attack can extract the data signal at an eavesdropper by means of an adaptive filter trained using a few known data symbols. Our demonstrator illustrates the iterative training process at the symbol level, thus showing the practicability of the attack.
The passive radar also known as Green Radar exploits the available commercial communication signals and is useful for target tracking and detection in general. Recent communications standards frequently employ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms and wideband for broadcasting. This paper focuses on the recent developments of the target detection algorithms in the OFDM passive radar framework where its channel estimates have been derived using the matched filter concept using the knowledge of the transmitted signals. The MUSIC algorithm, which has been modified to solve this two dimensional delay-Doppler detection problem, is first reviewed. As the target detection problem can be represented as sparse signals, this paper employs compressive sensing to compare with the detection capability of the 2-D MUSIC algorithm. It is found that the previously proposed single time sample compressive sensing cannot significantly reduce the leakage from the direct signal component. Furthermore, this paper proposes the compressive sensing method utilizing multiple time samples, namely l1-SVD, for the detection of multiple targets. In comparison between the MUSIC and compressive sensing, the results show that l1-SVD can decrease the direct signal leakage but its prerequisite of computational resources remains a major issue. This paper also presents the detection performance of these two algorithms for closely spaced targets.
A technical method regarding to the improvement of transmission capacity of an optical wireless orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) link based on a visible light emitting diode (LED) is proposed in this paper. An original OFDM signal, which is encoded by various multilevel digital modulations such as quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), is converted into a sparse one and then compressed using an adaptive sampling with inverse discrete cosine transform, while its error-free reconstruction is implemented using a L1-minimization based on a Bayesian compressive sensing (CS). In case of QPSK symbols, the transmission capacity of the optical wireless OFDM link was increased from 31.12 Mb/s to 51.87 Mb/s at the compression ratio of 40 %, while It was improved from 62.5 Mb/s to 78.13 Mb/s at the compression ratio of 20 % under the 16-QAM symbols in the error free wireless transmission (forward error correction limit: bit error rate of 10-3).
Secret key establishment is considered to be one of the main challenging issues in cryptography. Many security algorithms are implemented in practice using complicated mathematical methods to exchange secret keys, but those methods are not desirable in power limited terminals such as cellular and sensor networks. In this paper, we propose a physical layer method for exchanging secret key bits in precoding based multi-input multi-output (MIMO) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The proposed method uniquely relates the key bits to the indices of the precoding matrix used for MIMO channel precoding. The basic idea of the technique is to utilize a MIMO-OFDM precoding codebook. Comparative analysis with respect to the average number of mismatch bits, named key error rate (KER), shows an interesting lead for the new method relative to existing work. In addition, it will be shown that the proposed technique requires lower computation per byte per secret key.
Discrete fractional Fourier transform (DFRFT) is a generalization of discrete Fourier transform. There are a number of DFRFT proposals, which are useful for various signal processing applications. This paper investigates practical solutions toward the construction of unconditionally secure communication systems based on DFRFT via cross-layer approach. By introducing a distort signal parameter, the sender randomly flip-flops between the distort signal parameter and the general signal parameter to confuse the attacker. The advantages of the legitimate partners are guaranteed. We extend the advantages between legitimate partners via developing novel security codes on top of the proposed cross-layer DFRFT security communication model, aiming to achieve an error-free legitimate channel while preventing the eavesdropper from any useful information. Thus, a cross-layer strong mobile communication secure model is built.
Wireless information security generates shared secret keys from reciprocal channel dynamics. Current solutions are mostly based on temporal per-frame channel measurements of signal strength and suffer from low key generate rate (KGR), large budget in channel probing, and poor secrecy if a channel does not temporally vary significantly. This paper designs a cross-layer solution that measures noise-free per-symbol channel dynamics across both time and frequency domain and derives keys from the highly fine-grained per-symbol reciprocal channel measurements. This solution consists of merits that: (1) the persymbol granularity improves the volume of available uncorrelated channel measurements by orders of magnitude over per-frame granularity in conventional solutions and so does KGR; 2) the solution exploits subtle channel fluctuations in frequency domain that does not force users to move to incur enough temporal variations as conventional solutions require; and (3) it measures noise-free channel response that suppresses key bit disagreement between trusted users. As a result, in every aspect, the proposed solution improves the security performance by orders of magnitude over conventional solutions. The performance has been evaluated on both a GNU SDR testbed in practice and a local GNU Radio simulator. The cross-layer solution can generate a KGR of 24.07 bits per probing frame on testbed or 19 bits in simulation, although conventional optimal solutions only has a KGR of at most one or two bit per probing frame. It also has a low key bit disagreement ratio while maintaining a high entropy rate. The derived keys show strong independence with correlation coefficients mostly less than 0.05. Furthermore, it is empirically shown that any slight physical change, e.g. a small rotation of antenna, results in fundamentally different cross-layer frequency measurements, which implies the strong secrecy and high efficiency of the proposed solution.