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Title"On the Target Detection in OFDM Passive Radar Using MUSIC and Compressive Sensing"
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsW. Ketpan, S. Phonsri, R. Qian, M. Sellathurai
Conference Name2015 Sensor Signal Processing for Defence (SSPD)
Date PublishedSept. 2015
ISBN Number 978-1-4799-7444-3
Accession Number15490767
Keywords2D MUSIC algorithm, channel estimates, Channel estimation, communication signals, compressed sensing, delays, detection capability, direct signal component, direct signal leakage, Doppler effect, green radar, matched filter concept, Multiple signal classification, object detection, OFDM, OFDM modulation, OFDM passive radar, OFDM waveforms, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, passive radar, pubcrawl170104, radar detection, single time sample compressive sensing, sparse signals, target detection, target tracking, transmitted signals, two dimensional delay-Doppler detection problem

The passive radar also known as Green Radar exploits the available commercial communication signals and is useful for target tracking and detection in general. Recent communications standards frequently employ Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) waveforms and wideband for broadcasting. This paper focuses on the recent developments of the target detection algorithms in the OFDM passive radar framework where its channel estimates have been derived using the matched filter concept using the knowledge of the transmitted signals. The MUSIC algorithm, which has been modified to solve this two dimensional delay-Doppler detection problem, is first reviewed. As the target detection problem can be represented as sparse signals, this paper employs compressive sensing to compare with the detection capability of the 2-D MUSIC algorithm. It is found that the previously proposed single time sample compressive sensing cannot significantly reduce the leakage from the direct signal component. Furthermore, this paper proposes the compressive sensing method utilizing multiple time samples, namely l1-SVD, for the detection of multiple targets. In comparison between the MUSIC and compressive sensing, the results show that l1-SVD can decrease the direct signal leakage but its prerequisite of computational resources remains a major issue. This paper also presents the detection performance of these two algorithms for closely spaced targets.

Citation Key7288515