Kumar, Vipin, Malik, Navneet.
Dynamic Key Management Scheme for Clustered Sensor Networks with Node Addition Support. 2021 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management (ICIEM). :102–107.
A sensor network is wireless with tiny nodes and widely used in various applications. To track the event and collect the data from a remote area or a hostile area sensor network is used. A WSN collects wirelessly connected tiny sensors with minimal resources like the battery, computation power, and memory. When a sensor collects data, it must be transferred to the control center through the gateway (Sink), and it must be transferred safely. For secure transfer of data in the network, the routing protocol must be safe and can use the cryptography method for authentication and confidentiality. An essential issue in WSN structure is the key management. WSN relies on the strength of the communicating devices, battery power, and sensor nodes to communicate in the wireless environment over a limited region. Due to energy and memory limitations, the construction of a fully functional network needs to be well arranged. Several techniques are available in the current literature for such key management techniques. Among the distribution of key over the network, sharing private and public keys is the most important. Network security is not an easy problem because of its limited resources, and these networks are deployed in unattended areas where they work without any human intervention. These networks are used to monitor buildings and airports, so security is always a major issue for these networks. In this paper, we proposed a dynamic key management scheme for the clustered sensor network that also supports the addition of a new node in the network later. Keys are dynamically generated and securely distributed to communication parties with the help of a cluster head. We verify the immunity of the scheme against various attacks like replay attack and node captured attacker. A simulation study was also done on energy consumption for key setup and refreshed the keys. Security analysis of scheme shows batter resiliency against node capture attack.
Rodriguez, Daniel, Wang, Jing, Li, Changzhi.
Spoofing Attacks to Radar Motion Sensors with Portable RF Devices. 2021 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (RWS). :73–75.
Radar sensors have shown great potential for surveillance and security authentication applications. However, a thorough analysis of their vulnerability to spoofing or replay attacks has not been performed yet. In this paper, the feasibility of performing spoofing attacks to radar sensor is studied and experimentally verified. First, a simple binary phase-shift keying system was used to generate artificial spectral components in the radar's demodulated signal. Additionally, an analog phase shifter was driven by an arbitrary signal generator to mimic the human cardio-respiratory motion. Characteristic time and frequency domain cardio-respiratory human signatures were successfully generated, which opens possibilities to perform spoofing attacks to surveillance and security continuous authentication systems based on microwave radar sensors.
Alqarni, Hussain, Alnahari, Wael, Quasim, Mohammad Tabrez.
Internet of Things (IoT) Security Requirements: Issues Related to Sensors. 2021 National Computing Colleges Conference (NCCC). :1–6.
The last couple of years have seen IoT-enabled sensors continuing to experience massive growth. Sensors have enhanced the possibility of large-scale IoT deployments in grid systems, vehicles, homes, and so forth. A network that incorporates different embedded systems has the underlying capability of transmitting information and receiving instructions through distributed sensor networks. Sensors are especially essential in gathering different pieces of information that relate to different IoT devices. However, security has become a critical concern for sensor networks that are enabled by the IoT. This is partly because of their design limitations like limited memory, weak processing capability, weak processing ability, and exposure to entities that are malicious. Even more, some ad hoc wireless sensor networks that are enabled by IoT are to some extent also prone to frequent changes in topology. This dynamic aspect tends to aggravate the security issues that are associated with sensors, thus enhancing the need to find a lasting solution. This paper sheds light on the IoT security requirements with special attention to issues related to sensors.
Ammari, Habib M..
Achieving Physical Security through K-Barrier Coverage in Three-Dimensional Stealthy Lattice Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Smart Systems (MASS). :306–314.
Physical security is essential to safeguarding critical areas. Here, we focus on the physical security problem in three-dimensional (3D) stealthy lattice wireless sensor networks using a 3D sensor belt around a critical space. Specifically, we propose a theoretical framework to investigate the 3D k-barrier coverage problem, where any path crossing this belt intersects with the sensing range of at least k sensors. Precisely, we study this problem from a tiling viewpoint, where the sensing ranges of the sensors are touching (or kissing) each other. We analyze various 3D deterministic sensor deployment methods yielding simple cubic, body centered cubic, face centered cubic, and hexagonal close-packed lattice wireless sensor networks. First, using the concept of the unit cell covered volume ratio, we prove that none of these 3D lattices guarantee k-barrier coverage. Second, to remedy this problem, we consider the great rhombicuboctahedron (GR), a polyhedral space-filler. We introduce the concept of intruder's abstract paths along a 3D k-barrier covered belt, and compute their number. Also, we propose a polynomial representation for all abstract paths. In addition, we compute the number of sensors deployed over a 3D k-barrier covered belt using GR. Third, we corroborate our analysis with numerical and simulation results.
Wagle, S.K., Bazilraj, A.A, Ray, K.P..
Energy Efficient Security Solution for Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks. 2021 2nd International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication, Embedded and Secure Systems (ACCESS). :313–318.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are gaining popularity as being the backbone of Cyber physical systems, IOT and various data acquisition from sensors deployed in remote, inaccessible terrains have remote deployment. However due to remote deployment, WSN is an adhoc network of large number of sensors either heli-dropped in inaccessible terrain like volcanoes, Forests, border areas are highly energy deficient and available in large numbers. This makes it the right soup to become vulnerable to various kinds of Security attacks. The lack of energy and resources makes it deprived of developing a robust security code for mitigation of various kinds of attacks. Many attempts have been made to suggest a robust security Protocol. But these consume so much energy, bandwidth, processing power, memory and other resources that the sole purpose of data gathering from inaccessible terrain from energy deprived sensors gets defeated. This paper makes an attempt to study the types of attacks on different layers of WSN and the examine the recent trends in development of various security protocols to mitigate the attacks. Further, we have proposed a simple, lightweight but powerful security protocol known as Simple Sensor Security Protocol (SSSP), which captures the uniqueness of WSN and its isolation from internet to develop an energy efficient security solution.
Wu, Haiwei, Wu, Hanling.
Research on Computer Network Information Security Problems and Prevention Based on Wireless Sensor Network. 2021 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Image Processing, Electronics and Computers (IPEC). :1015–1018.
With the continuous improvement of China's scientific and technological level, computer network has become an indispensable part of people's daily life. It can not only effectively improve the efficiency of production and life, and shorten the distance between people, but also further promote the speed of China's social and economic development, which has a positive impact on the realization of China's modernization. Under the new information security demand environment at present, we should pay attention to the related information security work and formulate effective security measures and strategies. In order to effectively prevent these information security problems, people should actively adopt firewall technology, encryption technology, network access control technology and network virus prevention technology for effective protection. This paper analyzes the security problems in the application of wireless sensor networks and explores the mechanism of defending information security, hoping to strengthen the security and stability of wireless sensor networks through effective measures, so that people can better enjoy the convenience brought by the network age.