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Li, Bing, Ma, Maode, Zhang, Yonghe, Lai, Feiyu.  2022.  Access Control Supported by Information Service Entity in Named Data Networking. 2022 5th International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :30–35.
Named Data Networking (NDN) has been viewed as a promising future Internet architecture. It requires a new access control scheme to prevent the injection of unauthorized data request. In this paper, an access control supported by information service entity (ACISE) is proposed for NDN networks. A trust entity, named the information service entity (ISE), is deployed in each domain for the registration of the consumer and the edge router. The identity-based cryptography (IBC) is used to generate a private key for the authorized consumer at the ISE and to calculate a signature encapsulated in the Interest packet at the consumer. Therefore, the edge router could support the access control by the signature verification of the Interest packets so that no Interest packet from unauthorized consumer could be forwarded or replied. Moreover, shared keys are negotiated between authorized consumers and their edge routers. The subsequent Interest packets would be verified by the message authentication code (MAC) instead of the signature. The simulation results have shown that the ACISE scheme would achieve a similar response delay to the original NDN scheme when the NDN is under no attacks. However, the ACISE scheme is immune to the cache pollution attacks so that it could maintain a much smaller response delay compared to the other schemes when the NDN network is under the attacks.
ISSN: 2831-4395
Ikesaka, Kazuma, Nanjo, Yuki, Kodera, Yuta, Kusaka, Takuya, Nogami, Yasuyuki.  2022.  Improvement of Final Exponentiation for a Pairing on FK12 Curve and its Implementation. 2022 37th International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC). :205—208.
Pairings on elliptic curves are used for innovative protocols such as ID-based encryption and zk-SNARKs. To make the pairings secure, it is important to consider the STNFS which is the special number field sieve algorithm for discrete logarithms in the finite field. The Fotiadis-Konstantinou curve with embedding degree 12(FK12), is known as one of the STNFS secure curves. To an efficient pairing on the FK12 curve, there are several previous works that focus on final exponentiation. The one is based on lattice-based method to decompose the hard part of final exponentiation and addition chain. However, there is a possibility to construct a more efficient calculation algorithm by using the relations appeared in the decomposition calculation algorithm than that of the previous work. In this manuscript, the authors propose a relation of the decomposition and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method from the execution time.
Li, Suozai, Huang, Ming, Wang, Qinghao, Zhang, Yongxin, Lu, Ning, Shi, Wenbo, Lei, Hong.  2022.  T-PPA: A Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Payment System with Efficient Auditability Based on TEE. 2022 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1255–1263.
Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum achieve decentralized payment by maintaining a globally distributed and append-only ledger. Recently, several researchers have sought to achieve privacy-preserving auditing, which is a crucial function for scenarios that require regulatory compliance, for decentralized payment systems. However, those proposed schemes usually cost much time for the cooperation between the auditor and the user due to leveraging complex cryptographic tools such as zero-knowledge proof. To tackle the problem, we present T-PPA, a privacy-preserving decentralized payment system, which provides customizable and efficient auditability by leveraging trusted execution environments (TEEs). T-PPA demands the auditor construct audit programs based on request and execute them in the TEE to protect the privacy of transactions. Then, identity-based encryption (IBE) is employed to construct the separation of power between the agency nodes and the auditor and to protect the privacy of transactions out of TEE. The experimental results show that T-PPA can achieve privacy-preserving audits with acceptable overhead.
Kirupanithi, D.Nancy, Antonidoss, A..  2021.  Self-Sovereign Identity creation on Blockchain using Identity based Encryption. 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :299–304.
The blockchain technology evolution in recent times has a hopefulness regarding the impression of self-sovereign identity that has a significant effect on the method of interacting with each other with security over the network. The existing system is not complete and procedural. There arises a different idea of self-sovereign identity methodology. To develop to the possibility, it is necessary to guarantee a better understanding in a proper way. This paper has an in-depth analysis of the attributes of the self-sovereign identity and it affects over the laws of identity that are being explored. The Identity management system(IMS) with no centralized authority is proposed in maintaining the secrecy of records, where as traditional systems are replaced by blockchains and identities are generated cryptographically. This study enables sharing of user data on permissioned blockchain which uses identity-based encryption to maintain access control and data security.
Nanjo, Yuki, Shirase, Masaaki, Kodera, Yuta, Kusaka, Takuya, Nogami, Yasuyuki.  2021.  Efficient Final Exponentiation for Pairings on Several Curves Resistant to Special TNFS. 2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). :48—55.
Pairings on elliptic curves are exploited for pairing-based cryptography, e.g., ID-based encryption and group signature authentication. For secure cryptography, it is important to choose the curves that have resistance to a special variant of the tower number field sieve (TNFS) that is an attack for the finite fields. However, for the pairings on several curves with embedding degree \$k=\10,11,13,14\\$ resistant to the special TNFS, efficient algorithms for computing the final exponentiation constructed by the lattice-based method have not been provided. For these curves, the authors present efficient algorithms with the calculation costs in this manuscript.
Nanjo, Yuki, Shirase, Masaaki, Kodera, Yuta, Kusaka, Takuya, Nogami, Yasuyuki.  2021.  A Construction Method of Final Exponentiation for a Specific Cyclotomic Family of Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves with Prime Embedding Degrees. 2021 Ninth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR). :148—154.
Pairings on elliptic curves which are carried out by the Miller loop and final exponentiation are used for innovative protocols such as ID-based encryption and group signature authentication. As the recent progress of attacks for finite fields in which pairings are defined, the importance of the use of the curves with prime embedding degrees \$k\$ has been increased. In this manuscript, the authors provide a method for providing efficient final exponentiation algorithms for a specific cyclotomic family of curves with arbitrary prime \$k\$ of \$k\textbackslashtextbackslashequiv 1(\textbackslashtextbackslashtextmod\textbackslashtextbackslash 6)\$. Applying the proposed method for several curves such as \$k=7\$, 13, and 19, it is found that the proposed method gives rise to the same algorithms as the previous state-of-the-art ones by the lattice-based method.
Vamshi, A, Rao, Gudeme Jaya, Pasupuleti, Syam Kumar, Eswari, R.  2021.  EPF-CLPA: An Efficient Pairing-Free Certificateless Public Auditing for Cloud-based CPS. 2021 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems (ICICCS). :48–54.
Cloud based cyber physical system (CPS) enables individuals to store and share data collected from both cyberspace and the physical world. This leads to the proliferation of massive data at a user's local site. Since local storage systems can't store and maintain huge data, it is a wise and practical way to outsource such huge data to the cloud. Cloud storage provides scalable storage space to manage data economically and flexibly. However, the integrity of outsourced data is a critical challenge because user's lose control of their data once it's transferred to cloud servers. Several auditing schemes have been put forward based on public key infrastructure (PKI) or identity-based cryptography to verify data integrity. However, “the PKI-based schemes suffer from certificate management problem and identity-based schemes face the key escrow” problem. Therefore, to address these problems, certificateless public auditing schemes have been introduced on the basis of bilinear pairing, which incur high computation overhead, and thus it is not suitable for CPS. To reduce the computation overhead, in this paper, Using elliptic curve cryptography, we propose an efficient pairing-free certificateless public auditing scheme for cloud-based CPS. The proposed scheme is more secure against type I/II/III adversaries and efficient compared to other certificateless based schemes.
Wang, Meng, Long, Yihong.  2020.  SM9 Digital Signature with Non-Repudiation. 2020 16th International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS). :356–361.
SM9 is an identity-based cryptography algorithm published by the State Cryptography Administration of China. With SM9, a user's private key for signing is generated by a central system called key generation center (KGC). When the owner of the private key wants to shirk responsibility by denying that the signature was generated by himself, he can claim that the operator of KGC forged the signature using the generated private key. To address this issue, in this paper, two schemes of SM9 digital signature with non-repudiation are proposed. With the proposed schemes, the user's private key for signing is collaboratively generated by two separate components, one of which is deployed in the private key service provider's site while the other is deployed in the user's site. The private key can only be calculated in the user's site with the help of homomorphic encryption. Therefore, only the user can obtain the private key and he cannot deny that the signature was generated by himself. The proposed schemes can achieve the non-repudiation of SM9 digital signature.
Susilo, Willy, Duong, Dung Hoang, Le, Huy Quoc.  2020.  Efficient Post-quantum Identity-based Encryption with Equality Test. 2020 IEEE 26th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS). :633—640.
Public key encryption with equality test (PKEET) enables the testing whether two ciphertexts encrypt the same message. Identity-based encryption with equality test (IBEET) simplify the certificate management of PKEET, which leads to many potential applications such as in smart city applications or Wireless Body Area Networks. Lee et al. (ePrint 2016) proposed a generic construction of IBEET scheme in the standard model utilising a 3-level hierachy IBE together with a one-time signature scheme, which can be instantiated in lattice setting. Duong et al. (ProvSec 2019) proposed the first direct construction of IBEET in standard model from lattices. However, their scheme achieve CPA security only. In this paper, we improve the Duong et al.'s construction by proposing an IBEET in standard model which achieves CCA2 security and with smaller ciphertext and public key size.
Deng, L., Luo, J., Zhou, J., Wang, J..  2020.  Identity-based Secret Sharing Access Control Framework for Information-Centric Networking. 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :507–511.
Information-centric networking (ICN) has played an increasingly important role in the next generation network design. However, to make better use of request-response communication mode in the ICN network, revoke user privileges more efficiently and protect user privacy more safely, an effective access control mechanism is needed. In this paper, we propose IBSS (identity-based secret sharing), which achieves efficient content distribution by using improved Shamir's secret sharing method. At the same time, collusion attacks are avoided by associating polynomials' degree with the number of users. When authenticating user identity and transmitting content, IBE and IBS are introduced to achieve more efficient and secure identity encryption. From the experimental results, the scheme only introduces an acceptable delay in file retrieval, and it can request follow-up content very efficiently.
Nguyen, V.-Q.-H., Ngo, D.-H..  2020.  Private Identity-Based Encryption For Key Management. 2020 7th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS). :416—420.

An Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) scheme uses public identities of entities for cryptographic purposes. Unlike that, we introduce a new scheme which is based on private identities, and we call it Private Identity-Based Encryption. A Private IBE scheme makes sure the adversaries cannot get the information that somebody uses for encryption in order to decrypt the data. Moreover, thanks to using identities as secret keys, an user-friendly system can be designed to support users in protecting data without storing any keys privately. This allows builds decentralized applications to manage keys that is often long and difficult to remember.

Zhao, Zhen, Lai, Jianchang, Susilo, Willy, Wang, Baocang, Hu, Yupu, Guo, Fuchun.  2019.  Efficient Construction for Full Black-Box Accountable Authority Identity-Based Encryption. IEEE Access. 7:25936—25947.

Accountable authority identity-based encryption (A-IBE), as an attractive way to guarantee the user privacy security, enables a malicious private key generator (PKG) to be traced if it generates and re-distributes a user private key. Particularly, an A-IBE scheme achieves full black-box security if it can further trace a decoder box and is secure against a malicious PKG who can access the user decryption results. In PKC'11, Sahai and Seyalioglu presented a generic construction for full black-box A-IBE from a primitive called dummy identity-based encryption, which is a hybrid between IBE and attribute-based encryption (ABE). However, as the complexity of ABE, their construction is inefficient and the size of private keys and ciphertexts in their instantiation is linear in the length of user identity. In this paper, we present a new efficient generic construction for full black-box A-IBE from a new primitive called token-based identity-based encryption (TB-IBE), without using ABE. We first formalize the definition and security model for TB-IBE. Subsequently, we show that a TB-IBE scheme satisfying some properties can be converted to a full black-box A-IBE scheme, which is as efficient as the underlying TB-IBE scheme in terms of computational complexity and parameter sizes. Finally, we give an instantiation with the computational complexity as O(1) and the constant size master key pair, private keys, and ciphertexts.

Fischer, Marten, Scheerhorn, Alfred, Tönjes, Ralf.  2019.  Using Attribute-Based Encryption on IoT Devices with instant Key Revocation. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :126–131.
The Internet of Things (IoT) relies on sensor devices to measure real-world phenomena in order to provide IoT services. The sensor readings are shared with multiple entities, such as IoT services, other IoT devices or other third parties. The collected data may be sensitive and include personal information. To protect the privacy of the users, the data needs to be protected through an encryption algorithm. For sharing cryptographic cipher-texts with a group of users Attribute-Based Encryption (ABE) is well suited, as it does not require to create group keys. However, the creation of ABE cipher-texts is slow when executed on resource constraint devices, such as IoT sensors. In this paper, we present a modification of an ABE scheme, which not only allows to encrypt data efficiently using ABE but also reduces the size of the cipher-text, that must be transmitted by the sensor. We also show how our modification can be used to realise an instantaneous key revocation mechanism.
Huo, Weiqian, Pei, Jisheng, Zhang, Ke, Ye, Xiaojun.  2014.  KP-ABE with Attribute Extension: Towards Functional Encryption Schemes Integration. 2014 Sixth International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Programming. :230—237.

To allow fine-grained access control of sensitive data, researchers have proposed various types of functional encryption schemes, such as identity-based encryption, searchable encryption and attribute-based encryption. We observe that it is difficult to define some complex access policies in certain application scenarios by using these schemes individually. In this paper, we attempt to address this problem by proposing a functional encryption approach named Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption with Attribute Extension (KP-ABE-AE). In this approach, we utilize extended attributes to integrate various encryption schemes that support different access policies under a common top-level KP-ABE scheme, thus expanding the scope of access policies that can be defined. Theoretical analysis and experimental studies are conducted to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed KP-ABE-AE. We also present an optimization for a special application of KP-ABE-AE where IPE schemes are integrated with a KP-ABE scheme. The optimization results in an integrated scheme with better efficiency when compared to the existing encryption schemes that support the same scope of access policies.

Güneysu, T., Oder, T..  2017.  Towards Lightweight Identity-Based Encryption for the Post-Quantum-Secure Internet of Things. 2017 18th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :319–324.

Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) was introduced as an elegant concept for secure data exchange due to its simplified key management by specifically addressing the asymmetric key distribution problems in multi-user scenarios. In the context of ad-hoc network connections that are of particular importance in the emerging Internet of Things, the simple key discovery procedures as provided by IBE are very beneficial in many situations. In this work we demonstrate for the first time that IBE has become practical even for a range of embedded devices that are populated with low-cost ARM Cortex-M microcontrollers or reconfigurable hardware components. More precisely, we adopt the IBE scheme proposed by Ducas et al. at ASIACRYPT 2014 based on the RLWE problem for which we provide implementation results for two security levels on the aforementioned embedded platforms. We give evidence that the implementations of the basic scheme are efficient, as for a security level of 80 bits it requires 103 ms and 36 ms for encryption and decryption, respectively, on the smallest ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller.

Pathare, K. G., Chouragade, P. M..  2017.  Reliable Data Sharing Using Revocable-Storage Identity-Based Encryption in Cloud Storage. 2017 International Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Computing Technologies (ICRTEECT). :173–176.

Security has always been concern when it comes to data sharing in cloud computing. Cloud computing provides high computation power and memory. Cloud computing is convenient way for data sharing. But users may sometime needs to outsourced the shared data to cloud server though it contains valuable and sensitive information. Thus it is necessary to provide cryptographically enhanced access control for data sharing system. This paper discuss about the promising access control for data sharing in cloud which is identity-based encryption. We introduce the efficient revocation scheme for the system which is revocable-storage identity-based encryption scheme. It provides both forward and backward security of ciphertext. Then we will have glance at the architecture and steps involved in identity-based encryption. Finally we propose system that provide secure file sharing system using identity-based encryption scheme.

Fotiou, Nikos, Polyzos, George C..  2016.  Securing Content Sharing over ICN. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking. :176–185.

The emerging Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm is expected to facilitate content sharing among users. ICN will make it easy for users to appoint storage nodes, in various network locations, perhaps owned or controlled by them, where shared content can be stored and disseminated from. These storage nodes should be (somewhat) trusted since not only they have (some level of) access to user shared content, but they should also properly enforce access control. Traditional forms of encryption introduce significant overhead when it comes to sharing content with large and dynamic groups of users. To this end, proxy re-encryption provides a convenient solution. In this paper, we use Identity-Based Proxy Re-Encryption (IB-PRE) to provide confidentiality and access control for content items shared over ICN, realizing secure content distribution among dynamic sets of users. In contrast to similar IB-PRE based solutions, our design allows each user to generate the system parameters and the secret keys required by the underlay encryption scheme using their own \textbackslashemph\Private Key Generator\, therefore, our approach does not suffer from the key escrow problem. Moreover, our design further relaxes the trust requirements on the storage nodes by preventing them from sharing usable content with unauthorized users. Finally, our scheme does not require out-of-band secret key distribution.

Baek, J., Vu, Q., Liu, J., Huang, X., Xiang, Y..  2014.  A secure cloud computing based framework for big data information management of smart grid. Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on. PP:1-1.

Smart grid is a technological innovation that improves efficiency, reliability, economics, and sustainability of electricity services. It plays a crucial role in modern energy infrastructure. The main challenges of smart grids, however, are how to manage different types of front-end intelligent devices such as power assets and smart meters efficiently; and how to process a huge amount of data received from these devices. Cloud computing, a technology that provides computational resources on demands, is a good candidate to address these challenges since it has several good properties such as energy saving, cost saving, agility, scalability, and flexibility. In this paper, we propose a secure cloud computing based framework for big data information management in smart grids, which we call “Smart-Frame.” The main idea of our framework is to build a hierarchical structure of cloud computing centers to provide different types of computing services for information management and big data analysis. In addition to this structural framework, we present a security solution based on identity-based encryption, signature and proxy re-encryption to address critical security issues of the proposed framework.